19 research outputs found

    Short- and long-term effects of transfers on football clubs' sport performance

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    One of the important elements of football club quality management is the sale and purchase of player’s cards. These activities have important implications for the financial and sport performance of football clubs. The purpose of this paper is to determine how players transfers affect football teams’ sport performance. Data on transfers and sport performance came from available databases. They covered the period from 2004/05 to 2018/19 (before the pandemic). For data analysis, a series of hierarchical analysis of regression were conducted. The results show that there is an effect of transfers on football teams’ sport performance but it explains a relatively small amount of football club’s sport performance. The impact from a transfer in a given year affects sport performance not only in the same year, but also in subsequent years. However, the effect of transfer disappears when control variables are introduced.  Thus, the general conclusion from the study is that there is no overall effect of transfers on teams’ sport performance. The analyses were conducted only on clubs from the 5 major European leagues and football clubs that were continuously present in the top division. Due to the fact that it included mainly the strongest clubs, the results are relevant for clubs wishing to build up their sporting position on the European market. It is less relevant for weaker clubs. The study consisted of using data over a period of several years, which provides an opportunity to trace the dynamics of change and long-term effects, which is rarely analyzed in the sports literature

    The present state of knowledge of the insect fauna o f the Bolimów Landscape Park, with particular reference to the river Rawka’s valley

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    During the study, 653 species of insects have been found in the Bolimów Landscape Park, including 62 rare and interesting species. Among them the beetle Aderus peniaiomus is a new species for the Polish fauna. Many species occurring here are new for the Mazovia region.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Selected mesoeconomic indicators of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the study was to identify the mesoeconomic determinants of regional development in Poland based on intermunicipal cooperation.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The research used analytical methods, including the local development index, determined for Polish local government units (municipalities) in 2008- 2014, subsequently evaluated in 2015-2019. Moreover, in programming the inter-municipal cooperation model, the method of diagnostic survey, comparative and descriptive analysis was applied.FINDINGS: There is need for a way of regional development modeling based not only on competitiveness indicators (such as the aggregate Local Development Index), but also on a paradigm of partnership and differentiated cooperation conditions in functional areas.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The Local Development Index can provide a starting point for programming alternative developments in the functional areas. At least two local development roadmaps can be used in practice. First, the idea of homogeneous areas development, programming the growth of socio-economic cohesion at territorial meso-level. Second, the idea for areas with natural spatial and settlement diversity, conscious maintenance of diversity.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: In this study, on the case of Polish municipalities, selected quantitative and qualitative factors of local development were assessed. It was confirmed that the influence of "traditional" competitiveness factors is decreasing. However, the development potential of municipalities and functional areas increases when the important role of intermunicipal cooperation factors and the partnership paradigm is recognized. The partnership model has a specific format, unique for each functional area or municipality, therefore it needs to be programmed, applied and evaluated.peer-reviewe

    LC-QTOF-MS Analysis and Activity Profiles of Popular Antioxidant Dietary Supplements in Terms of Quality Control

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    The dietary supplements with claimed antioxidant activity constitute a substantial part of the dietary supplement market. In this study, we performed the LC-QTOF-MS analysis and investigated the activity profiles of popular antioxidant dietary supplements from different chemical groups in terms of quality control. The commonly used antioxidant tests and statistical analysis revealed that substantial part of the results was comparable if 1 g sample was considered, but while comparing single and daily doses, significant differences in antioxidant values were noticed in all assays. The best antioxidant activity was obtained in ORAC assay (from 142 to 13814 μM of Trolox equivalents per 1 g of sample), and the strongest correlation occurred between TPC and ORAC. The LC-QTOF-MS analysis revealed that catechins were present in samples having the best antioxidant activity and that dietary supplements showing the weakest activity contained very small amount of any chemical constituents

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Psychographic segmentation as a method of marketing research

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    The article presents the results of research on market segmentation. Their essence consisted in the use of psychographic criteria, i.e. criteria relating to psychological properties affecting conconsumer behaviour. A sample of 300 inhabitants of Poznań were used in the research. Data collected with the use of questionna ires were first processed with factor analysis allowing to limit the number of variables, and then clustering analysis allowing to create certain groups. 6 such groups, called segments were distinguished: t he active, conservatives, townspeople, t he passive, aspiration- holders, and traditionalists. Each of the segments is characterized by a different lifestyle, and consequently, a different approach to shopping.Digitalizacja i deponowanie archiwalnych zeszytów RPEiS sfinansowane przez MNiSW w ramach realizacji umowy nr 541/P-DUN/201

    Одобрение автоматической идентификации лица покупателей в розничной торговле

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    Celem rozważań było zbadanie postaw konsumentów dotyczących rozpoznawania twarzy w handlu detalicznym. Na podstawie badania ankietowego obejmującego 129 respondentów wykazano, że postawy nabywców względem rozpoznawania twarzy są słabo ugruntowane. Marginalnie większą skłonnością do akceptacji rozpoznawania twarzy w jednostkach handlowych charakteryzowały się osoby o większej skłonności do akceptacji nowości technologicznych oraz kobiety. Otrzymane wyniki wskazują, że wprowadzenie rozpoznawania twarzy w handlu może zależeć od jasnego przedstawienia korzyści nabywcom przy jednoczesnym zapewnieniu właściwego poziomu prywatności. Artykuł ma charakter badawczy.An aim of considerations was to examine the consumers’ attitudes towards face recognition in retail trade. Based on the questionnaire survey covering 129 respondents, the author showed that the purchasers’ attitudes towards facial recognition are poorly grounded. The marginally higher propensity to accept facial recognition at commercial outlets demonstrated individuals with a greater propensity to accept technological innovations and women. The obtained results indicate that the introduction of face recognition in trade may depend on a clear presentation of benefits to purchasers with ensuring them the proper level of privacy. The article is of the research nature.Цель рассуждений – изучить отношение потребителей к идентификации лица в розничной торговле. На основе опроса с участием 129 респондентов выявили, что отношение покупателей к распознаванию личности не имеет прочной основы. Чуть большей склонностью одобрить идентификацию личности в торговых заведениях характеризовались лица с большей склонностью к одобрению технологических новинок и женщины. Полученные результаты указывают, что ввод идентификации лица в торговле может зависеть от четкого представления покупателям выгод при одновременном обеспечении надлежащего уровня неприкосновенности их личной жизни. Статья имеет ис- следовательский характер


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    Press articles are sometimes divided in two parts: the introductory one (the lead) and the main one. The paper is an attempt to determine the impact of the lead on the perception of information contained in the main part of a press article. The analysis of the order effect i.e. primacy, recency and the anchoring and adjustment heuristic constituted a theoretical basis. Hypotheses made on that basis were subsequently verified in the course of an experiment. It has been found that the division of a text into the lead and the main body does indeed influence the way in which the text is perceived. Despite identical content, the same text was perceived and evaluated differently, depending on the form of its presentation (divided or undivided). The sequencing of argumentation in the text has also proved to influence the way in which it is perceived. However, a positive (or negative) attitude formed initially, does not always lead, contrary to what was assumed, to a positive (or negative) assessment of the whole text and its message

    Ethics and Efficiency as Prerequisites in Evaluation of Managers

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    This article is devoted to the relationship that arises between efficiency and ethics in the personnel policy. The article seeks to be demonstrated that the efficiency criterion should dominate the ethical criterion for the selection of managers. Such an approach is not fully respected. The results of an experiment showed that people give more importance to the ethical criterion of than to efficiency criterion