313 research outputs found

    Isomorphic and isometric structure of the optimal domains for Hardy-type operators

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    We investigate structure of the optimal domains for the Hardy-type operators including, for example, the classical Ces\`aro, Copson and Volterra operators as well as for some of their generalizations. We prove that, in some sense, the abstract Ces\`aro and Copson function spaces are closely related to the space L1L^1, namely, they contain "in the middle" a complemented copy of L1[0,1]L^1[0,1], asymptotically isometric copy of 1\ell^1 and also can be renormed to contain an isometric copy of L1[0,1]L^1[0,1]. Moreover, the generalized Tandori function spaces are quite similar to LL^\infty because they contain an isometric copy of \ell^\infty and can be renormed to contain an isometric copy of L[0,1]L^\infty[0,1]. Several applications to the metric fixed point theory will be given. Next, we prove that the Ces\`aro construction XCXX \mapsto CX does not commutate with the truncation operation of the measure space support. We also study whether a given property transfers between a Banach function space XX and the space TXTX, where TT is the Ces\`aro or the Copson operator. In particular, we find a large class of properties which do not lift from TXTX into XX and prove that the abstract Ces\`aro and Copson function spaces are never reflexive, are not isomorphic to a dual space and do not have the Radon--Nikodym property in general.Comment: 34 pages; we changed the title and added some corrections compared to the first versio

    Influence of the Trp53 gene on the quality of male mice gametes

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    Budowa jak i pełnione funkcję czynią plemniki bardzo skomplikowanymi komórkami ssaków, a produkcja prawidłowych gamet męskich zależy od wielu czynników i jest kontrolowana przez dużą liczbę genów. Rola genu Trp53 (p53) w spermatogenezie nie jest do końca wyjaśniona, a w literaturze możemy znaleźć wiele rozbieżnych informacji. Dlatego też niniejsza praca miała na celu pokazanie funkcji Trp53 w procesie powstawania, dojrzewania i w funkcjonowaniu gamet męskich. Czynnikiem mającym ogromny wpływ na przebieg spermatogenezy i powstanie funkcjonalnych gamet jest również chromosom Y, a ściślej geny w nim zlokalizowane. Aby w pełni zrozumieć złożony proces spermatogenezy oraz mechanizmy powodujące niepłodność nieodzowne jest wykorzystanie modeli zwierzęcych. Dlatego w niniejszej pracy wykorzystano mysie modele umożliwiające sprawdzenie wpływu nokautu genu Trp53 oraz obecności dużej mutacji w postaci delecji w chromosomie Y na jakość gamet męskich, a tym samym płodność samców myszy. Analizie poddano sześć głównych parametrów jakości nasienia: koncentracja, ruchliwość plemników, procent morfologicznie nieprawidłowych gamet, żywotność, stopień dojrzałości plemników oraz procent plemników z prawidłową integralnością błony cytoplazmatycznej witek plemników. Wykonano ocenę obrazu histologicznego jąder oraz oszacowano liczbę spermatocytów pachytenowyvh w jądrach dorosłych samców. Przeprowadzono także analizę poziomu apoptozy w jądrach dorosłych samców oraz samców 19sto dniowych oraz sprawdzono poziom ekspresji 29 genów zaangażowanych w proces apoptotozy. Dodatkowo sprawdzono wpływ nokautu genu Trp53 na rozwój zarodkowy myszy. W toku badań wykazano, iż gen Trp53 ma wpływ na niektóre parametry jakości nasienia, między innymi na koncentrację plemników, procent morfologicznie nienormalnych gamet czy też ich żywotność, jednak jego wpływ jest silnie powiązany z tłem genetycznym. Opisano również wpływ genu Trp53 na masę jąder, liczbę spermatocytów pachytenowych oraz poziom apoptozy w jądrach samców. Wykazano także zwiększone zamieranie osobników z nokautem genu Trp53 w okresie zarodkowym, a preferencyjnie zamierały osobniki płci żeńskiej. W niniejszej pracy potwierdzono również wpływ delecji w chromosomie Y na parametry jakości plemników, takie jak procent morfologicznie nieprawidłowych gamet czy dojrzałość plemników. Opisano także wpływ delecji w chromosomie Y na spadek liczby spermatocytów pachytenowych, zmiany w histologii jąder, zasugerowano również obecność w chromosomie Y genów zaangażowanych w regulację apoptozy w jądrach.One of the most differentiated mammalian cells are spermatozoa. Their normal production is controlled by several factors including many genes. The role of Trp53 gene in spermatogenesis is not fully understood, and some literature data are contradictory. This work was designed to show what is the function of Trp53 in controlling male gametes' quality. One of the factor strongly affecting spermatogenesis course and normal sperm production is Y chromosome and genes located on it. To understand complex spermatogenesis process and infertility mechanisms, animal models are very useful. Due to that two mouse models were studied in this work to see the impact of mutated Trp53 and broad internal deletion in Y chromosome on male mice gametes quality. Six major semen quality parameters were analyzed: concentration, motility, abnormal morphology, alive sperm percentage, as well as sperm maturity and tail membrane integrity. Testes histology was prepared. From the sections of adult males’ testes spermatocyte and apoptotic cells were counted. In testes of young, 19-days males not only apoptotic cells were counted, but also the expression level of 29 genes controlling apoptosis was analyzed. Additionally, Trp53 impact on mice embryo development was tested. We showed that Trp53 controls sperm concentration, alive sperm percentage, sperm motility and head morphology. It is also important that the genetic background of used animal models strongly affects above mentioned parameters. Also testes weight, primary spermatocyte count and apoptosis level in adult and young males were affected by Trp53. Moreover, preferential mortality among female embryos with mutated Trp53 was shown. Sperm head morphology and sperm maturity are controlled by the genes on Y chromosome. Deletion on that chromosome is correlated with decreased primary spermatocyte count and abnormalities in testes histology. We also demonstrated that Y chromosome contains genes regulating apoptosis in mouse testes

    Artificial Neural Network-Based Gain-Scheduled State Feedback Speed Controller for Synchronous Reluctance Motor

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    This paper focuses on designing a gain-scheduled (G-S) state feedback controller (SFC) for synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) speed control with non-linear inductance characteristics. The augmented model of the drive with additional state variables is introduced to assure precise control of selected state variables (i.e. angular speed and d-axis current). Optimal, non-constant coefficients of the controller are calculated using a linear-quadratic optimisation method. Non-constant coefficients are approximated using an artificial neural network (ANN) to assure superior accuracy and relatively low usage of resources during implementation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time when ANN-based gain-scheduled state feedback controller (G-S SFC) is applied for speed control of SynRM. Based on numerous simulation tests, including a comparison with a signum-based SFC, it is shown that the proposed solution assures good dynamical behaviour of SynRM drive and robustness against q-axis inductance, the moment of inertia and viscous friction fluctuations

    Nickel content in human internal organs

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    Chromium in postmortem material

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    The occurrence of, and economic losses caused by Armillaria in the Western Carpathian Mts

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    An investigation carried out in the Western Carpathian Mountains (Ujsoły, Węgierska Górka, Ustroń and Wisła Forest Districts) demonstrated a strong relationship between dieback in Norway spruce stands and the intensity of occurrence of Armillaria ostoyae. For the most endangered site types – mountain deciduous forest (LG) and mountain mixed forest (LMG), analyses of losses of annual volume increment and of stand productivity were performed, and their financial dimensions determined. The greatest losses – of about 8 m3/ha/year for tree stands of the age of 100 years, and 400 m3/ha for the rotation period – were found for LG (Mountain broadleaved forest) site type

    Potencjalna rola żelaza w etiopatogenezie choroby wieńcowej

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    Wiele obserwacji klinicznych oraz badań epidemiologicznych i doświadczalnych wskazuje na potencjalny udział żelaza w procesie miażdżycowym. W 1981 roku Sullivan zaproponował hipotezę, w myśl której żelazo odgrywa istotną rolę w etiologii choroby wieńcowej. Hipoteza ta pozwala połączyć doświadczenia kliniczne i powszechnie znane czynniki ryzyka choroby wieńcowej w jedną logiczną całość. Silną przesłanką, która mogłaby potwierdzać słuszność powyższej hipotezy, jest udowodniona rola żelaza jako katalizatora reakcji, w wyniku której powstaje wolny rodnik wodorotlenowy, co z kolei sprzyja utlenianiu lipidów o małej gęstości do oxy- LDL - czynnika o uznanym działaniu aterogennym. W badaniu The Iron and Atherosclerosis Study (FeAST) potwierdzono potencjalne korzyści z łagodnego obniżenia zawartości żelaza w prewencji chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego, konieczne jest jednak przeprowadzenie nowych badań, które pozwolą wytyczyć nowe kierunki w profilaktyce choroby wieńcowej

    The use of neural networks for modeling the movement of surface water masses in enclosed sea areas

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    PURPOSE: The article presents the use of neural networks to predict the parameters of the movement of surface water masses in enclosed sea areas.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The input data were meteorological parameters recorded at the stations Trzebież and Świnoujscie. The output data were the parameters of moving drifters, obtained because of an experiment in 2018 in the waters of the Szczecin Lagoon. The model uses Multi-Layer Perceptron networks with different activation functions. As a criterion for selecting the best networks, the highest correlation statistics for the test and validation sample were used.FINDINGS: As a result of the research, predictions of the speed and direction of surface water masses were obtained based on the meteorological conditions recorded on the outskirts of the studied reservoir.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented research is a new application of artificial neural networks in security in restricted waters. The results obtained in the study may be beneficial for the maritime administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation in the studied water area. The model can be used to design a survivor's route or a contamination route.This research outcome has been achieved under research projects No 1/S/INM/18 and 1/S/IMFiCH/21 financed with a subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for statutory activities.peer-reviewe

    Time shift of wind influence on the movement of surface water masses in the Szczecin lagoon

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    PURPOSE: The study's specific objectives were to analyze the interaction between the prevailing hydrometeorological conditions and the trajectory of water layer movement in the Szczecin Lagoon (southern Baltic, Poland).DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: Research experiments verifying the drift movement trajectory under various hydrometeorological conditions were carried out in the Szczecin Lagoon. In the presented analysis, 17 fragments from ten drift trajectories were selected, in which there was a clear time shift in the influence of the wind direction on the change of the drifting direction. Statistical analysis of directional and linear data allowed us to link the directions and speeds of drifters moving with the wind parameters recorded in two places, Świnoujście and Trzebież, with an appropriate time shift.FINDINGS: As a result of the research, it was found that the change of the wind direction influences the direction change of the flow of surface waters in the Szczecinski Lagoon with an unavoidable delay. A significant correlation was found between the speed of changes in the wind direction and the initial wind direction. A relationship was also shown between the distance of the test site from the weather station and the registered wind direction change.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The presented relationships between some fundamental processes in the energy transfer between wind and water surface may be beneficial for the maritime administration, which is responsible for the safety of navigation in the studied water area. The analysis results can be used in SAR actions and to project the track of water pollutants.This research outcome has been achieved under research projects No 1/S/INM/18 and 1/S/RN/22, financed with a subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education for statutory activities.peer-reviewe

    Chmura obliczeniowa

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    Cloud computing is an approach to computing that leverages the efficient pooling of on- demand, self-managed virtual infrastructure that is consumed as a service. The launch of this model of data processing requires the appropriate hardware and software infrastructure, which currently are very expensive. Another problem is the law that is not adapted to modern IT solutions. Nevertheless, cloud computing is the fastest growing part of the IT market. This article provides information about benefits and limitations of public and private cloud computing. It focuses on definition of cloud computing, describing proposed solutions for private cloud computing offered by leading software manufacturers and financial and law factors that can decide about successful migration to the cloud