13 research outputs found

    Job satisfaction and social identification among paramedics in southern Poland

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    IntroductionJob satisfaction, based on professional and non-professional factors and individual characteristics of employees, is an important element influencing both the quality of care provided and employee turnover.Material and methodThe study included 137 paramedics employed in field teams and hospital emergency departments. The Job Satisfaction Scale (SSP), the Minnesota Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), and the Three Dimensional Strength of Group Identification Scale (TSIG) were used to collect the data.ResultsThe average job satisfaction score measured with SSP in the studied group of paramedics was 24.50 and the average job satisfaction score measured with MSQ was 74.16. The average value of the group identification in the study sample was 61.15. Of the three subscales, the highest scores were obtained in the affect toward the group subscale −22.44, and the lowest in the cognitive centrality subscale −18.78. The analysis showed that job satisfaction positively correlated with social identification (r = 0.43) and the ingroup ties (r = 0.43), cognitive centrality (r = 0.34) and ingroup affect (r = 0.37).ConclusionsThe studied group of paramedics showed moderate job satisfaction (measured with SSP) and work engagement, with a simultaneous high level of job satisfaction (measured with MSQ) and social identification with the professional group. Social identification of studied paramedics varied depending on gender. Women showed higher levels of cognitive centrality, which might mean that they might have had greater need to categorize themselves as paramedics

    Differences in Perceived Occupational Stress by Demographic Characteristics, of European Emergency Medical Services Personnel during the COVID-19 Virus Pandemic-An International Study

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    Objectives: The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought commercial, social, and economic consequences in every country that has experienced substantial SARS-CoV-2 infection rates. The complete change in the environment that took place due to the outbreak of the pandemic can lead to stressful situations, especially among healthcare personnel. Material and methods: The research were conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic between the 27 March 2020 and the 20 April 2020. The research included 1984 employees of emergency medical systems in seven European countries. An internet-based questionnaire format was adopted for the study (ΩMc-Donald > 0.7). Results: The highest level of stress was experienced by personnel in the United Kingdom M = 4.03, and the lowest by Norwegian employees M = 2.89. High levels of stress were also experienced by nurses from Spain and Poland. Women actively working in the healthcare system during the pandemic experienced higher stress levels than men. Conclusions: Women working in European emergency medical systems are more vulnerable to work-related stress, while carrying out emergency medical procedures during the pandemic. Differences in the level of stress experienced while carrying out duties in pre-hospital conditions were only found among Spanish emergency medical system personnel

    Student paramedic exposure to workplace violence: a scoping review

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    INTRODUCTION: Workplace violence (WPV) against healthcare professionals (HCPs), including student paramedics, is a global concern, with reported incidents ranging from physical to psychological abuse. The prehospital environment, characterised by its high-risk nature, presents unique challenges for student paramedics during clinical placements. To explore the extent and nature of WPV experienced by student paramedics during clinical placements, assess the impact of WPV on their training and psychological well-being, and identify existing support mechanisms and training provisions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Included were research or review articles specifically exploring WPV experienced by student paramedics during clinical placements. Exclusions were applied to articles not focusing on student paramedics, those not in English, and publications outside the specified time frame. A comprehensive search strategy was used across the databases CINAHL, Medline, EMBASE, EMCARE, and PubMed, supplemented by grey literature searches via Google Scholar and citation searching. Data extraction was facilitated through a synthesis matrix and themes were identified and analysed. RESULTS: From 417 records identified, six articles were included, all conducted in Australia, revealing themes such as the risk and effects of WPV, lack of reporting, the role of the practice educator (PEds), and preparedness for WPV. Freedom of Information (FoI) requests to English Ambulance Services highlighted inconsistencies in recording WPV incidents and variability in support provided to student paramedics. CONCLUSIONS: WPV significantly impacts student paramedics' educational experience and psychological health. There is a crucial need for improved education on WPV, standardised reporting mechanisms, and enhanced support systems. Collaborative efforts between ambulance services and higher educational institutions (HEIs) are essential to address these challenges and ensure a safer learning environment for student paramedics

    SGLT-2 Inhibitors in Cancer Treatment—Mechanisms of Action and Emerging New Perspectives

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    A new group of antidiabetic drugs, sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT-2 inhibitors), have recently been shown to have anticancer effects and their expression has been confirmed in many cancer cell lines. Given the metabolic reprogramming of these cells in a glucose-based model, the ability of SGLT-2 inhibitors to block the glucose uptake by cancer cells appears to be an attractive therapeutic approach. In addition to tumour cells, SGLT-2s are only found in the proximal tubules in the kidneys. Furthermore, as numerous clinical trials have shown, the use of SGLT-2 inhibitors is well-tolerated and safe in patients with diabetes and/or heart failure. In vitro cell culture studies and preclinical in vivo studies have confirmed that SGLT-2 inhibitors exhibit antiproliferative effects on certain types of cancer. However, the mechanisms of this action remain unclear. Even in those tumour cell types in which SGLT-2 is present, there is sometimes an SGLT-2-independent mechanism of anticancer action of this group of drugs. This article presents the current state of knowledge of the potential mechanisms of the anticancer action of SGLT-2 inhibitors and their possible future application in clinical oncology

    YouTube as a source of information on carbon monoxide poisoning: a content-quality analysis

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    ObjectivesThe variety of clinical presentation on the topic of carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication ranges from slight headache to coma or death. YouTube allows patients to search not only for entertainment but also medical advice. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the content and quality of YouTube videos concerning CO poisoning as a source of knowledge for non-medical audience.Material and MethodsOn the December 8, 2020 a YouTube search was conducted for the following phrases: “carbon monoxide poisoning,” “carbon monoxide symptoms,” “CO poisoning,” “carbon monoxide asphyxiation,” “carbon monoxide intoxication” using the “incognito mode” and without attachment to Google Account. The search results were set as: “default” in the YouTube browser. The first 50 results were taken into consideration. Two raters, a specialist in emergency medicine and a specialist in clinical toxicology rated videos with Quality Criteria for Consumer Health Information (DISCERN), Global Quality Score (GQS) and Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). “VidIQ Vision for YouTube” plug-in was used.ResultsNinety-five videos were included. The interclass coefficient for DISCERN, GQS and JAMA scores were: 0.8, 0.74 and 0.62 reaching good and moderate reliability. The mean DISCERN/GQS/JAMA was 28.1 (SD 7.9), 2.5 (SD 0.8) and 1.1 (SD 0.7) respectively. Higher DISCERN/GQS/JAMA had videos providing information on: exposure time, treatment options, hyperbaric chamber indications as well as physician speaker (p < 0.05). Video Power Index was higher when the video contained animations and presented patients own history of CO exposure but not influenced the DISCERN/GQS/JAMA scores. Videos providing misleading information had a higher like ratio.ConclusionsThe overall video quality was poor indicating inappropriate educational and informative value for patients who search information about carbon monoxide poisoning

    Blood transmitted infections — the problems of modern blood donation

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    Leczenie krwią znane jest ludzkości od starożytności, chociaż zastosowanie tej metody we względnie bezpieczny sposób jest możliwe dopiero od kilkudziesięciu lat dzięki biologii molekularnej. Poprzez transfuzję krwi można uratować wiele ludzkich istnień, w przypadku kiedy byłoby to niemożliwe do osiągnięcia innymi metodami. Dodatkowo dzięki wytworzonym z krwi preparatom można leczyć szerokie spektrum schorzeń układu krwionośnego. Do dnia dzisiejszego nie udało się sztucznie wytworzyć krwi ani jej składników. Z tego powodu każda kropla krwi jest na wagę złota, a propagowanie honorowego krwiodawstwa jest niezwykle ważne.Celem pracy była analiza dostępnych publikacji w celu utworzenia koherentnego źródła informacji o problematyce bezpiecznego przetaczania krwi.Mimo rozwoju i innowacji technicznych w dziedzinie biologii nadal nie udało się rozwiązać wszystkich problemów związanych z bezpieczeństwem krwi. Stosowane metody i procedury pozwalają na ciągłą minimalizację ryzyka związanego z przechowywaniem, przetwarzaniem, dystrybucją oraz transfuzją krwi i jej składników. W krajach wysokorozwiniętych szansa na przeniesienie zakażenia poprzez przetoczenie krwi jest marginalna. Niestety w krajach niskorozwiniętych ze względów ekonomicznych wiele podstawowych testów nie jest wykonywanych, stąd ryzyko związane z transfuzjami jest proporcjonalne. Czynników zakaźnych będzie przybywać w związku z mutacjami wirusów i bakterii, które wytwarzają oporność na obecnie stosowane środki odkażające i lecznicze. Problemy Pielęgniarstwa 2014; 22 (2): 228–233Treatment with blood has been known to humankind since ancient times, although using this method in a relatively safe manner has been possible for only several dozen years thanks to molecular biology. Blood transfusion enables saving many human beings, in situations where other methods would not be effective. Apart from that, blood preparations are used to treat a wide range of cardiovascular system diseases. Until today, we have not been able to create artificial blood or its components. Therefore every drop of blood is worth its weight in gold, and popularization of voluntary blood donation is extremely important.The purpose of this work is analysis of available publications to create a coherent source of information about the problematic aspects of safe blood transfusion. Despite the development of technological innovations in biology, we have still not managed to solve all the problems related to blood transfusion safety. Used methods and procedures allow for constant reduction of risks related to storage, processing, distribution and transfusion of blood and its components. In developed countries, the risk of infection by blood transfusion is marginal. Unfortunately, many of the basic tests used in European countries and in North America are for financial reasons not performed in developing countries; hence the risk related to blood transfusions is proportionally higher in these regions and is additionally related to serious endemic pathogenic factors, porównaoccurring normally on the area of a given country. There will be more and more of such factors, due to virus and bacteria mutations, which become resistant to used disinfectants and treatments; they can also adopt a more virulent form. The nature can also surprise us with totally new infecting factors, therefore it is so important to constantly perform research.Nursing Topics 2014; 22 (2): 228–23

    Predictors of stress among emergency medical personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    ObjectivesThe COVID-19 pandemic has forced emergency services to implement new standards of practice around the world. The dynamic and unpredictable nature of many clinical situations has placed emergency service personnel in direct danger of contracting the disease. This work uses a validated survey developed for the study to assess the predictors of stress that paramedics, nurses and doctors experience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.Material and MethodsThe study group included 955 medical staff, and the level of significance adopted for statistical analysis was p = 0.05. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used to analyze the qualitative variables divided into groups. The selection of tests was carried out based on the distribution of variables, verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test. In order to determine the predictors that caused the feelings of stress, it was necessary to use the linear regression model.ResultsDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, stress among emergency medical personnel has increased considerably due to new factors that did not previously exist. The predictors of stress in the professional environment include the fear of contracting COVID-19, a decrease in the level of safety while conducting emergency medical procedures, and the marginalization of treatment for patients not suffering from COVID-19. Additional socio-demographic factors that increase stress among emergency medical personnel are being female and working in the nursing profession. Appropriate training, the supply of personal protective equipment and opinions on the preparedness of the system to deal with the outbreak of the pandemic did not affect the level of stress among health service personnel.ConclusionsThe factors that can be considered to act as predictors of occupational stress include the fear of contracting COVID-19, a decrease in the level of safety and security while conducting emergency medical procedures, and the marginalization of patients not suffering from COVID-19