10 research outputs found

    Pessary w leczeniu dolegliwo艣ci uroginekologicznych

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    Do najcz臋stszych schorze艅 kobiecych na ca艂ym 艣wiecie zalicza si臋 dolegliwo艣ci uroginekologiczne, w tym nie- trzymanie moczu i wypadania narz膮du p艂ciowego. Leczenie wprowadza si臋 stopniowo zaczynaj膮c od leczenia zachowawczego, a w dalszej kolejno艣ci zabiegowego. Pessary dopochwowe s膮 jednym z najcz臋艣ciej stosowanych sposob贸w w leczeniu zachowawczym, daj膮ce znaczn膮 popraw臋 dolegliwo艣ci. W pracy przedstawiono zalety i wady stosowania terapii zachowawczej w postaci pessar贸w oraz tampon贸w dopochwowych, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnie- niem rodzaj贸w pessar贸w, wskaza艅 do stosowania, korzy艣ci ze stosowania, jako艣ci 偶ycia i satysfakcji pacjentek oraz potencjalnych powik艂a艅. Analiza pi艣miennictwa dostarcza dowod贸w, 偶e pessary dopochwowe stanowi膮 efektywn膮, niezabiegow膮 alternatyw臋 dla leczenia dolegliwo艣ci uroginekologicznych. Wska藕nik satysfakcji ze stosowania pessar贸w jest wysoki a powik艂ania zdarzaj膮 si臋 rzadko, je艣li w og贸le. Badania dowodz膮, i偶 pessaroterapia dopo- chwowa pozwala na kontrol臋 nietrzymania moczu oraz zapobiega wypadaniu narz膮du p艂ciowego, je艣li s膮 prawid艂o- wo dopasowane do pacjentki i podlegaj膮 regularnym badaniom kontrolnym. Powinno si臋 rozwa偶y膰 ich stosowanie jako leczenie pierwszego rzutu dolegliwo艣ci uroginekologicznych [1].


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    In biogas plants, almost any type of organic matter can be used as a substrate to produce biogas. To make the process of methane fermentation more effective, these materials are pretreated. This applies in particular to a group of difficult substrates. Straw, due to its hemicellulose structure and saturation, is hardly fermented by biogas reactor microorganisms. The methods of post-harvest residue preparation for anaerobic digestion being applied so far are expensive, while their application has a negative effect on methanoegenic bacteria. Therefore, the microorganisms being able to degrade straw hemicellulose structure, utilisation of which could precede the proper fermentation process, have been searched for. This paper presents the results of microbial biodiversity analysis in the environmental samples being lupin, cereal, rape and maize straw as well as hay and haylage at different degradation stages. The analysis of biodiversity will help at a further stage of study to isolate active microbial strains showing cellulolytic, hemicellulolytic or ligninolytic activity which are desirable in the process of straw biodegradation. Analysis of the microbial count was performed by the method of deep inoculation on different microbiological culture media. The conducted tests include determination of the number of fungi, bacteria and actinomycetes. The results obtained confirm聽the usefulness of the analysed samples for isolation of microbial strains capable of converting straw preceding the biogas production

    Energy and economic effectiveness of winter rape and winter wheat cultivation for liquid biofuel production

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    Aim of this study was an analysis and assessment of the economy and energy effectiveness of winter wheat and winter rape cultivation for liquid biofuel production. The cost of production and economical effect index is more profitable in case of winter rape. Also the final balance of energy effectiveness has shown better values if the biodiesel had been produced from winter rape as compared with bioethanol from winter wheat. Calculation of the obtained products and their comparison with an energy unit has shown that the netto energy from biodiesel was positive while that from bioethanol was negative, which means that in the latter case expenditure is greater than that gained in the produced biofuel

    Synergy factors in the analysis of lamb survival

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    Survival is one of the most important traits in genetic improvement programmes in livestock. The objective of this study is to determine sex, inbreeding, and birth type effects as well as their interactions on birth survival in lambs of two breeds. Records of 6356 Polish Merino (PM) breed and 9143 Wielkopolska sheep (WS) were taken into the analysis. Relationships between survival and three binary variables (sex, inbreeding, type of birth) were estimated by the use of logistic regression. Interactions among these variables were also included in the model. Thus, the odds ratios and synergy coefficients were estimated. Lowest birth mortality was registered for inbred females from single birth. Differences in survival between the studied breeds were observed. Negligible single effects of sex, inbreeding and birth type for PM were estimated, whereas for WS these effects were significant (P<0.01). Opposite dependencies were obtained for interactions among these variables. In the case of PM, synergy between birth survival and joint effects of sex-inbreeding, sex-birth type, sex-inbreeding-birth type were highly significant, but for WS only inbreeding-birth type interaction was considerable. Hence, a generalisation of the obtained results seems to be difficult: they exhibit a very complex background of lamb survival

    Modelling bladder cancer in mice: opportunities and challenges

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