186 research outputs found
Occupational sex-segregation, specialized human capital and wages: evidence from Britain
Female-dominated occupations are poorly paid, but there is disagreement about why. Sociological explanations argue that pay in such occupations is low because society undervalues 'women's work', while economic theory argues that this is due to scant requirements for specialized skills. This article sheds light over these debates by examining the impact of occupational feminization on wages in Britain and exploring the mechanisms that produce it, using innovative statistical models that account for both observable and unobservable skill. Results confirm that occupational sex-segregation explains a sizeable portion of the gender wage gap and that wages in female-dominated occupations are lower than wages in other occupations. Inconsistent with human capital theory, low pay in female-dominated occupations cannot be explained fully by low skill specialization or by observable or unobservable characteristics of their workers. Remaining wage penalties in such occupations are consequently taken as evidence of institutional devaluation of 'women's work'
Why is low waist-to-chest ratio attractive in males? The mediating roles of perceived dominance, fitness, and protection ability
Past research suggests that a lower waist-to-chest ratio (WCR) in men (i.e., narrower waist and broader chest) is viewed as attractive by women. However, little work has directly examined why low WCRs are preferred. The current work merged insights from theory and past research to develop a model examining perceived dominance, fitness, and protection ability as mediators of to WCR-attractiveness relationship. These mediators and their link to both short-term (sexual) and long-term (relational) attractiveness were simultaneously tested by having 151 women rate one of 15 avatars, created from 3D body scans. Men with lower WCR were perceived as more physically dominant, physically fit, and better able to protect loved ones; these characteristics differentially mediated the effect of WCR on short-term, long-term, and general attractiveness ratings. Greater understanding of the judgments women form regarding WCR may yield insights into motivations by men to manipulate their body image
Enduring Legacy? Charles Tilly and Durable Inequality
This article assesses Charles Tilly’s Durable Inequality and traces its influence. In writing Durable Inequality, Tilly sought to shift the research agenda of stratification scholars. But the book’s initial impact was disappointing. In recent years, however, its influence has grown, suggesting a more enduring legacy
The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries
Analyzing linked employer-employee panel administrative databases, we study the evolving isolation of higher earners from other employees in eleven countries: Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Spain, South Korea, and Sweden. We find in almost all countries a growing workplace isolation of top earners and dramatically declining exposure of top earners to bottom earners. We compare these trends to segregation based on occupational class, education, age, gender, and nativity, finding that the rise in top earner isolation is much more dramatic and general across countries. We find that residential segregation is also growing, although more slowly than segregation at work, with top earners and bottom earners increasingly living in different distinct municipalities. While work and residential segregation are correlated, statistical modeling suggests that the primary causal effect is from work to residential segregation. These findings open up a future research program on the causes and consequences of top earner segregation.En nous appuyant sur des données administratives longitudinales employeur–employés, nous analysons l’évolution de la ségrégation sociale des salariés à hauts salaires dans onze pays: Allemagne, Canada, Corée du Sud, Danemark, Espagne, France, Hongrie, Japon, Norvège, République tchèque et Suède. Nous constatons dans presque tous les pays une forte augmentation de l’entre soi des salariés bien payés sur le lieu de travail et une diminution spectaculaire de leur exposition aux bas salaires. Nous comparons ces tendances à l’évolution de la ségrégation fondée sur la catégorie sociale, l’éducation, l’âge, le sexe et le statut migratoire, et nous constatons que l’augmentation de l’entre soi des hauts salaires est celle qui est la plus prononcée et la plus générale. Nous montrons que la ségrégation résidentielle se développe aussi, bien que plus lentement que la ségrégation au travail, avec les hauts et les bas salaires vivant de plus en plus dans des municipalités distinctes. Ségrégation au travail et ségrégation résidentielle sont corrélées. Mais nos modèles statistiques suggèrent aussi que la principale relation de causalité va de la ségrégation au travail vers la ségrégation résidentielle. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à un futur programme de recherche sur les causes et les conséquences de la ségrégation des hauts salaires.1 Introduction 2 From ethnic residential segregation to earnings segregation at work 3 Administrative data for estimating exposure measures 4 A strong increase in earnings segregation at work 5 A robust trend 17 French robustness tests 6 A specific trend 7 The link between work and residential segregation 8 Elements for a research program on the causes and consequences of increasing segregation at work The roots of growing earnings segregation at work The consequences of growing earnings segregation at work Appendices A1 Data sources and sample definition A2 Demonstration of the symmetry of relative exposure gRh = hRg A3 Figure construction A4 French robustness checks Supplementary figures and tables Reference
Unveiling Participant Level Determinants of Unit Non-Response in Business Tendency Surveys
Business Tendency Surveys (BTS) continue to be an important source of timely information on business cycles in many countries. We address quality of economic survey data by uncovering the relation between unit non-response and participant characteristics on company respectively respondent level. We use a unique, matched dataset that merges rich business tendency survey panel data with data from an exclusively conducted meta survey. Our meta information enhances the set of firm characteristics by information such as valuation of business tendency surveys or perceived response burden. We use different count data models to explain non-response count. Our models include weighted count data regressions as well as a two part hurdle model. We find that response burden, a company's survey track record, timeliness and participation mode are the strongest and most robust predictors of unit non-response. We also find a weaker negative effect of the business situation on unit response. Remarkably we do not find a significant influence of neither company size nor valuation of BTS on the propensity to respond to periodical qualitative BTS
The New Urban Revival in the United States
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/68657/2/10.1080_00420989320081901.pd
Convergence or Divergence? Immigrant Wage Assimilation Patterns in Germany
Using a rich German panel data set, I estimate wage assimilation patterns for immigrants in Germany. This study contributes to the literature by performing separate estimations by skill groups and controlling for a wide range of socio-economic background variables. It aims to answer the question whether Germany can be considered an attractive host country from an immigrant's perspective. Comparisons with similar natives reveal that immigrants' experience earnings profiles are flatter on average, although clear differences show up among skill groups. The effect of time spent in the host country is significantly positive for all skill groups and thus partly offsetting the diverging trend in the experience earnings profiles. Still, wage differences between natives and immigrants remain. They are particularly noticeable for highly skilled immigrants, the group needed most in Germany's skill intensive labor market. Separate estimations for immigrant subgroups confirm the general validity of the results
Missing Links: Referrer Behavior and Job Segregation
How does referral recruitment contribute to job segregation, and what can organizations do about it?
Current theory on network effects in the labor market emphasizes the job-seeker perspective, focusing on the
segregated nature of job-seekers’ information and contact networks, and leaves little role for organizational
influence. But employee referrals are necessarily initiated from within a firm by referrers. We argue that
referrer behavior is the missing link that can help organizations manage the segregating effects of referring.
Adopting the referrer’s perspective of the process, we develop a computational model which integrates a set
of empirically documented referrer behavior mechanisms gleaned from extant organizational case studies.
Using this model, we compare the segregating effects of referring when these behaviors are inactive to the
effects when the behaviors are active. We show that referrer behaviors substantially boost the segregating
effects of referring. This impact of referrer behavior presents an opportunity for organizations. Contrary to
popular wisdom, we show that organizational policies designed to influence referrer behaviors can mitigate
most if not all of the segregating effects of referring
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