251 research outputs found

    Absorption of sunlight in the atmosphere of Venus

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    The profiles of upward, downward and net solar flux on Venus were measured at altitudes from about 62 km to the surface in three spectral bands at a vertical resolution of a few hundred meters. These data measured the penetration and absorption of solar energy in Venus' lower atmosphere quantities that are essential in evaluating the role of the greenhouse mechanism in supporting Venus' remarkably high surface temperature. In addition, the data constrained the vertical structure and optical properties of the Venus clouds

    The single scattering phase functions of Jupiter's clouds

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    The determination of the single scattering phase functions of Jupiter's clouds and a thin upper haze by Tomasko et al. was refined and extended to seven latitudes in blue and red light. The phase function is well-constrained by the Pioneer 10 and 11 photometric data sets. Multiple scattering models were computed to match the limb darkening at each latitude at up to 15 phase angles from 12 deg to 151 deg. Ground-based observations were used for absolute calibration and to extend the data to lower phase angles. The phase functions were parameterized using the double Henyey-Greenstein function. The three Henyey-Greenstein parameters and the single scattering albedo were determined using a non-linear least squares method for the haze and the clouds below. The phase functions derived for the northen zone and belt are remarkably similar to the phase functions of the corresponding regions in the south, with most of the differences in brightness of the northern and southern features resulting from minor differences in single scattering albedo. Analysis of the Equatorial Region is complicated by the presence of numerous small features, but the phase function required is generally similar to that seen in the more homogeneous regions. Details of the phase functions of the haze and clouds are presented, and the differences between the cloud phase functions at low and high latitudes in red and blue light are discussed

    Study of spin-scan imaging for outer planets missions

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    The constraints that are imposed on the Outer Planet Missions (OPM) imager design are of critical importance. Imager system modeling analyses define important parameters and systematic means for trade-offs applied to specific Jupiter orbiter missions. Possible image sequence plans for Jupiter missions are discussed in detail. Considered is a series of orbits that allow repeated near encounters with three of the Jovian satellites. The data handling involved in the image processing is discussed, and it is shown that only minimal processing is required for the majority of images for a Jupiter orbiter mission

    Study of spin-scan imaging for outer planets missions: Executive summary

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    The development and characteristics of spin-scan imagers for interplanetary exploration are discussed. The spin-scan imaging photopolarimeter instruments of Pioneer 10 and 11 are described. In addition to the imaging function, the instruments are also used in a faint-light mode to take sky maps in both radiance and polarization. The performance of a visible-infrared spin-scan radiometer (VISSR), which operates in both visible and infrared wavelengths, is reported

    Albedo and Reflection Spectra of Extrasolar Giant Planets

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    We generate theoretical albedo and reflection spectra for a full range of extrasolar giant planet (EGP) models, from Jovian to 51-Pegasi class objects. Our albedo modeling utilizes the latest atomic and molecular cross sections, a Mie theory treatment of extinction by condensates, a variety of particle size distributions, and an extension of the Feautrier radiative transfer method which allows for a general treatment of the scattering phase function. We find that due to qualitative similarities in the compositions and spectra of objects within each of five broad effective temperature ranges, it is natural to establish five representative EGP albedo classes: a ``Jovian'' class (Teff150_{\rm eff} \lesssim 150 K; Class I) with tropospheric ammonia clouds, a ``water cloud'' class (Teff250_{\rm eff} \sim 250 K; Class II) primarily affected by condensed H2_2O, a ``clear'' class (Teff350_{\rm eff} \gtrsim 350 K; Class III) which lacks clouds, and two high-temperature classes: Class IV (900 K \lesssim Teff_{\rm{eff}} \lesssim 1500 K) for which alkali metal absorption predominates, and Class V (Teff_{\rm{eff}} \gtrsim 1500 K and/or low surface gravity (\lesssim 103^3 cm s2^{-2})) for which a high silicate layer shields a significant fraction of the incident radiation from alkali metal and molecular absorption. The resonance lines of sodium and potassium are expected to be salient features in the reflection spectra of Class III, IV, and V objects. We derive Bond albedos and effective temperatures for the full set of known EGPs and explore the possible effects of non-equilibrium condensed products of photolysis above or within principal cloud decks. As in Jupiter, such species can lower the UV/blue albedo substantially, even if present in relatively small mixing ratios.Comment: revised LaTeX manuscript accepted to Ap.J.; also available at http://jupiter.as.arizona.edu/~burrows/paper

    Zonal winds at high latitudes on Venus: An improved application of cyclostrophic balance to Venus Express observations

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    Recent retrievals of zonal thermal winds obtained in a cyclostrophic regime on Venus are generally consistent with cloud tracking measurements at mid-latitudes, but become unphysical in polar regions where the values obtained above the clouds are often less than or close to zero. Using a global atmospheric model, we show that the main source of errors that appear in the polar regions when retrieving the zonal thermal winds is most likely due to uncertainties in the zonal wind intensity in the choice of the lower boundary condition. Here we suggest a new and robust method to better estimate the lower boundary condition for high latitudes, thereby improving the retrieved zonal thermal winds throughout the high latitudes middle atmosphere. This new method is applied to temperature fields derived from Visible and Infrared Thermal Imaging Spectrometer (VIRTIS) data on board the Venus Express spacecraft. We obtain a zonal thermal wind field that is in better agreement with other, more direct methods based on either retrieving the zonal winds from cloud tracking or from direct measurements of the meridional slope of pressure surfaces

    Dust Devil Tracks

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    Dust devils that leave dark- or light-toned tracks are common on Mars and they can also be found on the Earth’s surface. Dust devil tracks (hereinafter DDTs) are ephemeral surface features with mostly sub-annual lifetimes. Regarding their size, DDT widths can range between ∼1 m and ∼1 km, depending on the diameter of dust devil that created the track, and DDT lengths range from a few tens of meters to several kilometers, limited by the duration and horizontal ground speed of dust devils. DDTs can be classified into three main types based on their morphology and albedo in contrast to their surroundings; all are found on both planets: (a) dark continuous DDTs, (b) dark cycloidal DDTs, and (c) bright DDTs. Dark continuous DDTs are the most common type on Mars. They are characterized by their relatively homogenous and continuous low albedo surface tracks. Based on terrestrial and martian in situ studies, these DDTs most likely form when surficial dust layers are removed to expose larger-grained substrate material (coarse sands of ≥500 μm in diameter). The exposure of larger-grained materials changes the photometric properties of the surface; hence leading to lower albedo tracks because grain size is photometrically inversely proportional to the surface reflectance. However, although not observed so far, compositional differences (i.e., color differences) might also lead to albedo contrasts when dust is removed to expose substrate materials with mineralogical differences. For dark continuous DDTs, albedo drop measurements are around 2.5 % in the wavelength range of 550–850 nm on Mars and around 0.5 % in the wavelength range from 300–1100 nm on Earth. The removal of an equivalent layer thickness around 1 μm is sufficient for the formation of visible dark continuous DDTs on Mars and Earth. The next type of DDTs, dark cycloidal DDTs, are characterized by their low albedo pattern of overlapping scallops. Terrestrial in situ studies imply that they are formed when sand-sized material that is eroded from the outer vortex area of a dust devil is redeposited in annular patterns in the central vortex region. This type of DDT can also be found in on Mars in orbital image data, and although in situ studies are lacking, terrestrial analog studies, laboratory work, and numerical modeling suggest they have the same formation mechanism as those on Earth. Finally, bright DDTs are characterized by their continuous track pattern and high albedo compared to their undisturbed surroundings. They are found on both planets, but to date they have only been analyzed in situ on Earth. Here, the destruction of aggregates of dust, silt and sand by dust devils leads to smooth surfaces in contrast to the undisturbed rough surfaces surrounding the track. The resulting change in photometric properties occurs because the smoother surfaces have a higher reflectance compared to the surrounding rough surface, leading to bright DDTs. On Mars, the destruction of surficial dust-aggregates may also lead to bright DDTs. However, higher reflective surfaces may be produced by other formation mechanisms, such as dust compaction by passing dust devils, as this may also cause changes in photometric properties. On Mars, DDTs in general are found at all elevations and on a global scale, except on the permanent polar caps. DDT maximum areal densities occur during spring and summer in both hemispheres produced by an increase in dust devil activity caused by maximum insolation. Regionally, dust devil densities vary spatially likely controlled by changes in dust cover thicknesses and substrate materials. This variability makes it difficult to infer dust devil activity from DDT frequencies. Furthermore, only a fraction of dust devils leave tracks. However, DDTs can be used as proxies for dust devil lifetimes and wind directions and speeds, and they can also be used to predict lander or rover solar panel clearing events. Overall, the high DDT frequency in many areas on Mars leads to drastic albedo changes that affect large-scale weather patterns