15 research outputs found

    Exact Domain Integration in the Boundary Element Method for 2D Poisson Equation

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    Boundary value problems for Poisson equation often appear in electrical engineering applications, such as magnetic and electric field modeling and so on. In such context, effective techniques of solving such equations are subject of continuous development. This article reports an exact formula for domain integral in boundary-integral form of 2D Poisson Equation. This formula is derived for rectangle domain element

    Direct measurement of the current and power in the load loop of high -frequency electrotechnological devices using the Rogovsky coil

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    The article describes the power supply system of induction furnace based on a semiconductor converter, in which it is possible to work simultaneously in the exciting mode of low-frequency currents and frequencies three times higher when switching the compensation circuit of the furnace inductor at different stages of metal melting. Calculations of electromagnetic processes have shown the advisability of operating the power supply system in the mode of tripling the current frequency at the stage of heating and melting of the metal, but in the mode of low frequency - at the stage of technological processing of the melt. The ratio between the parameters of the furnace power supply in various operating modes are established. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd


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    The work described the pneumatic system flow control of ozone-oxygen mixtures of medical ozone generator. For flow adjustment used method of the pulse-width modulation, which is implemented by a microprocessor control system. The flow-diagram of the algorithm of the system operation and graphs of process to automatically flow control are stated. References 6, figures 4.В работе рассмотрена пневматическая система регулирования расхода озоно-кислородной смеси медицинского озонатора. Для регулирования расхода использован метод широтно-импульсной модуляции, который реализуется микропроцессорной системой управления. Приведена блок-схема алгоритма работы этой системы и графики, демонстрирующие процесс автоматического регулирования расхода. Библ. 6, рис. 4.У роботі розглянута пневматична система регулювання витрати озоно-кисневої суміші медичного озонатора. Для регулювання витрати використано метод широтно-імпульсної модуляції, який реалізується мікропроцесорною системою керування. Наведена блок-схема алгоритму роботи цієї системи та графіки, що демонструють процес автоматичного регулювання витрати. Бібл.6, рис. 4

    Агентна архітектура розподіленої дискретно-подійної системи імітаційного моделювання OpenGPSS

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    The use of program agents for the development of the distributed discrete-event simulation system OpenGPSS on the basic of the DBMS Oracle servers with the TimeWrap Jefferson algorithm of model time synchronization is considered. Also the problems of simulation system reliability assurance via replication and load distribution using method of system reconfiguration when one of the servers is down have been investigated.Рассматриваются вопросы применения программных агентов для проектирования распределенной дискретно-событийной системы имитационного моделирования OpenGPSS, построенной на основе серверов СУБД Oracle с применением оптимистического алгоритма Джефферсона синхронизации модельного времени. Исследуются проблемы обеспечения отказоустойчивости системы моделирования путем репликации и распределения нагрузки методом переконфигурации системы в случае отказа одного из серверов.Розглянуто питання використання програмних агентів для проектування розподіленої дискретно-подійної системи імітаційного моделювання OpenGPSS, яку побудовано на основі серверів СУБД Oracle з використанням оптимістичного алгоритму Джефферсона синхронізації модельного часу. Досліджуються проблеми забезпечення відмовостійкості системи моделювання через реплікацію і розподіл навантаження методом переконфігурації системи у випадку відмови одного із серверів

    Exact Domain Integration in the Boundary Element Method for 2D Poisson Equation

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    Boundary value problems for Poisson equation often appear in electrical engineering applications, such as magnetic and electric field modeling and so on. In such context, effective techniques of solving such equations are subject of continuous development. This article reports an exact formula for domain integral in boundary-integral form of 2D Poisson Equation. This formula is derived for rectangle domain element

    The Results of the Genetic Predisposition to Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (Mitochondrial Diabetes) Determination Among Population of Prykarpattya Region According to the Indices of Carbohydrate Metabolism Evaluation

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    Introduction. Considering the urgent need to optimize the methods for preventing diabetes mellitus, it is important to find the methods of early diagnosis of carbohydrate metabolism disorders that precede the manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus and to promote the method of self-monitoring of carbohydrate metabolism available in Ukraine and abroad for each family. In connection with the peculiarities of energy metabolism, the expediency of studying the pyruvate dehydrogenase activity of blood for the purpose of early diagnosis of diabetes mellitus is obvious. Aim. To identify the persons with a hereditary predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus (with mitochondrial diabetes) in the population of the Prykarpattya region using the assessment of carbohydrate metabolism. To recommend the use of a bloodless visual method of studying the total content of α-ketoacids in the urine. Materials and methods. Into the study there were involved 292 practically healthy residents of the Prykarpattya region (166 men and 126 women aged 6 to 80 years) in which the blood glucose level did not exceed 5.6 mmol (100.8 mg%). The state of carbohydrate metabolism was evaluated using pyruvate dehydrogenase and α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase tests. The monitoring was performed by indicators of pyruvate dehydrogenase activity in blood of healthy persons in the range of 8.01-16.30 μcat/l, as well as the 2-hour α-ketoneuria (6.4-11.4 mg, p <0.01), which was accepted as normal. Results Hereditary predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus (mitochondrial diabetes) was detected in 40.76% of the subjects. Of these, 7.88% is due to pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency and 32.88% of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase deficiency. It let us determine a genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes mellitus (mitochondrial diabetes) in 40.76 % of the patients, in particular, in 7.88 % – due to pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency and in 32.88 % – due to α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase deficiency. Conclusions. So, it is recommended to use at home a bloodless visual research method of α-keto acids total amount detection in the urine available to every family, as an effective way of self-control of carbohydrate metabolism, which will facilitate the identification of the individuals with inherited predisposition to the disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (mitochondrial diabetes), followed by the manifestation of type 2 diabetes mellitus and will allow to take the necessary measures to prevent its occurrence