473 research outputs found

    2003 Multilingual Survey of California Voters

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    Provides an analysis of the views of California's major racial and ethnic groups on the gubernatorial recall, Governor Gray Davis' performance in office, the candidates seeking to replace him, and the racial classification initiative

    Plan para la dirección del proyecto: Diseño y construcción de un minicomplejo deportivo

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    La empresa C&I Contratistas Generales E.I.R.L, respecto a su madurez de proceso de dirección de proyecto, determinó la necesidad de contar con un plan para la dirección de proyectos, lo cual le permita influir de manera positiva en los actuales resultados de las obras que ejecuta la empresa, lo cual le dará la oportunidad de aumentar sus beneficios al ejecutar proyectos exitosos. Esta investigación se fundamenta en el uso de los procesos de la dirección de proyectos de la Guía PMBOK® Sexta edición, específicamente se trabajó con los 02 primeros grupos de procesos (inicio y planificación); esto para que se tuviera un incremento en la probabilidad de éxito del proyecto. Los grupos de proceso que forman parte del plan de dirección de proyectos están justificados de acuerdo a las características y naturaleza del proyecto “Plan para la Dirección del Proyecto: Diseño y Construcción de un Minicomplejo Deportivo”. El caso de negocio en su análisis de inversión en 07 meses, determino que dicho proyecto es viable de forma financiera considerando un VAN de S/. 79,211.89; un WACC del 8% y un TIR anual de 10.16%. La presente investigación servirá como referencia para próximos proyectos que tenga la organización para incrementar las posibilidades de éxitos de proyectos futuros similares.The maturity process of the project management at C&I Contratistas Generales E.I.R.L company determines the need to have a plan for the need to have a plan for project management that allows to influence in a positive way the current results of the works that are executed by the company, taking advantage of the opportunity to increase its benefits through successfully executed projects. This research is based on the application of the project management processes from the Sixth Edition PMBOL® Guide, specifically 02 process group (initiation and planning) were worked on; this so that an increase in the probability of the project success. The processes groups that are part of the project management plan are justified according to characteristics and natura of the project: "Project Management Plan: Design and Construction of a Mini Sports Complex". The business case in its investment analysis in 07 months, determined said project is financially viable considering an NPV of S/. 79,211.89; a WACC of 8% and an annual IRR of 10.16%. The research will serve as a reference for future projects of the organization may have to increase the chances of success of similar future projects.Trabajo de investigació

    Bioaccessibility of polyphenols and antioxidant capacity of fresh or minimally processed modern or traditional lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) varieties

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    Modern city lifestyle is characterized by an increased demand for fresh or minimally processed foods. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), mainly iceberg lettuce, is the main vegetable used during the manufacture of fresh-cut salads. The current study evaluated the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of ten fresh and minimally processed lettuce varieties. The phenolic content of selected lettuce samples varied significantly among varieties. Although a higher phenolic content was observed in modern lettuce varieties, when compared to the traditional ones (except for the landrace Francès 219/855), the antioxidant capacity of modern and traditional lettuce varieties was similar. Minimal processing followed by storage for a 7-day period led to an increased phenolic content in varieties Rutilaï RZ, Abago RZ, Maravilla LS044, Francès 219/855, Negre borratger 386/935, and D’hivern LS008, supporting the hypothesis that wounding can induce the accumulation of phenolic compounds in lettuce leaves. For example, the total phenolic content of Francès 219/855 after processing and storage increased from 8.3 to 11.3 mg/100 g (p < 0.05). Accumulation of phenolic compounds after minimal processing was not observed in all the studied samples, suggesting that this effect could be matrix-dependant. The amount of bioaccessible polyphenols was higher after minimal processing and storage. Indeed, the amount of bioaccessible polyphenols after a simulated gastrointestinal digestion of fresh or minimally processed Pelikan lettuce was calculated as 32.6 or 43.3 mg/100 g respectively (p < 0.05), suggesting that the increased amount of polyphenols caused by processing and storage can also lead to a higher amount of bioaccessible phenolic compounds.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Management o an exposed fracture in Primary Health Attention. A propos of a case.

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    Se presenta un caso de fractura expuesta de tibia, asistido inicialmente en su área de salud y remitido a la atención secundaria por evolución tórpida. Se realiza valoración adecuada tomándose conducta consecuente y se establecen pautas en el tratamiento. Se llega a la conclusión que la atención inmediata con enfoque multidisciplinario garantiza una adecuada evolución del paciente, lográndose así una pronta recuperación e incorporación a la vida social y demostrándose la importancia del adecuado manejo de  esta lesión traumática en la atención primaria.It is presented a case of an exposed tibial fracture first assisted in a Primary Health Attention and then transferred to Secondary Health Attention because of torpid evolution. It was made an adequate valoration taking consequent conduct, and there were established standard treatment. It was concluded that immediate attention with multidisciplinary approach guarantees an adequate patient evolution, obtaining a fast recuperation, and incorporation to social life, demonstrating the importance of an adequate management in this traumatic lesion in Primary Health Attention

    Fractura de tobillo tratado con placa Sherman modificada. A propósito de un caso

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    There were presented the results in the surgical treatment of a patient with left bimalleolar and ankle´s fracture, to whom there was applied a modified Sherman plate, used as stability plates for the forearms fractures, completely useless now days. But it was reduced  and, was very useful for that kind of fracture, because its holes allowed the application of cortical screws of 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm It was obtained a good result and there were also shown the postoperatives radiologiesSe presentan los resultados en el tratamiento quirúrgico de un paciente portador de una fractura de tobillo bimaleolar izquierdo, al cual se le colocó placa Sherman modificada. Utilizada como placa de estabilización para fracturas del antebrazo  y hoy día en completo desuso. La misma se redujo por corte y fue muy útil para este tipo de fractura, pues sus orificios permiten la utilización de tornillos corticales de 3,5 mm y 4,5 mm respectivamente. Se obtuvo buen resultado y se  muestran en este trabajo radiologías postoperatorias del mismo

    Healthcare professionals’ use of augmentative and alternative communication in an intensive care unit : a survey study

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    INTRODUCTION : Successful communication between staff and patients plays a key role in the well-being of critically ill patients within an intensive care unit. The use of augmentative and alternative communication strategies could contribute to better pain management, medical outcomes and shorter hospital stays for patients in critical care units. OBJECTIVE : To describe healthcare professionals’ use of augmentative and alternative communication strategies to communicate with critically ill patients regarding pain in an intensive care unit. RESEARCH METHOD : A quantitative approach was used, and 83 healthcare professionals of different professions responded to a survey consisting of 16 items that focused on their knowledge of and access to augmentative and alternative communication strategies. The results are presented as descriptive and comparative non-parametric statistics. SETTING : The setting of the study was an intensive care unit in a Swedish hospital. RESULTS : All participants had experience of working in intensive care units with patients with communication challenges. Knowledge of augmentative and alternative communication tools differed between the professions, and less experienced healthcare professionals tended to administer sedative drugs more often than more experienced healthcare professionals. CONCLUSION : Healthcare professionals work with vulnerable patients on a daily basis. Their knowledge of communication tools and clinical experience may influence how they communicate and treat pain in patients in intensive care units.The writing of this article has been supported by the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation.http://www.elsevier.com/iccnhj2019Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (CAAC