1,453 research outputs found

    Utjecaj dodataka začinskog bilja na kvalitetu mozzarele

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    In this study, 3 different spice mixes were added just after blanching to mozzarella cheese produced by high moisture production method. The dough was kneaded and filled into to fibrous cases. After filling process, cheeses were stored for 28 days at 4 °C and 85 % of relative humidity. The following characteristics were measured: color parameters, milk acidity, total dry matter, maturation index, total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, coliform bacteria, coagulase positive staphylococci, lactic acid bacteria, species of Lactococcus bacteria, proteolytic bacteria, lipolytic bacteria and mold /yeast count were examined on 0, 5, 15,21 and 28 days after storage. Although L* (lightness) and a* (redness) values decreased during storage period, while moreover b* (yellowness) values increased. In addition acidity, dry matter and maturation index values increased during storage. Total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria, Lactococcus spp., lipolytic bacteria and mold/ yeast counts decreased, but proteolytic bacteria count increased.U ovom radu istražen je utjecaj 3 različite mješavine začinskog bilja u proizvodnji mozzarella sira. Sirno tijesto gnječeno je i punjeno u sirne marame, i uskladišteno 28 dana na 4 °C i relativnu vlagu 85 %. Istraženi su parametri boje, kiselosti mlijeka, ukupne suhe tvari i indeks zrenja. Također je istražen ukupan broj aerobno mezofilnih bakterija, te broj koliformnih bakterija, koagulaza pozitivnih stafilokoka, bakterija mliječne kiseline, proteolitičkih i lipolitičkih bakterija, te kvasaca i plijesni. Mikrobiološke analize su provedene 0., 5.,15., 21., i 28. dana skladištenja. Intenzitet žute boje povećao se tijekom skladištenja sira, dok se intenzitet bijele i crvene boje smanjivao. Parametri kiselosti, suhe tvari i indeksa zrenja povećani su tijekom zrenja. Utvrđeno je smanjenje ukupnog broj aerobno mezofilnih bakterija, bakterija mliječne kiseline, Lactococcus spp., lipolitičkih bakterija te broja kvasaca i plijesni tijekom skladištenja, dok je broj proteolitičkih bakterija porastao

    Controlling the Error on Target Motion through Real-time Mesh Adaptation: Applications to Deep Brain Stimulation

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    We present an error-controlled mesh refinement procedure for needle insertion simulation and apply it to the simulation of electrode implantation for deep brain stimulation, including brain shift. Our approach enables to control the error in the computation of the displacement and stress fields around the needle tip and needle shaft by suitably refining the mesh, whilst maintaining a coarser mesh in other parts of the domain. We demonstrate through academic and practical examples that our approach increases the accuracy of the displacement and stress fields around the needle without increasing the computational expense. This enables real-time simulations. The proposed methodology has direct implications to increase the accuracy and control the computational expense of the simulation of percutaneous procedures such as biopsy, brachytherapy, regional anesthesia, or cryotherapy and can be essential to the development of robotic guidance.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure

    A Review on Advancements in Optical Communication System

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    Communication systems are revolutionized by the tremendous research being done in this direction. The need is the mother of the invention. The need of data transfer in increasing every day. There is the big demand for the fast optical communication systems. The optical fibers have the big potential of carrying the different channels which can transmit the data at amazing speed. In this work we have studied the research done in the field of technological development taking place in fiber communication system. The focus is on the use of fiber link as a modern medium of communication in the optical range.Communication system, Optical data transfer, Channel, Fiber link, Optical range

    Numerical simulation of bubble growth in film boiling using a coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method

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    A coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method is presented for modeling incompressible two-phase flows with surface tension. The coupled algorithm conserves mass and captures the complicated interfaces very accurately. A planar simulation of bubble growth is performed in water at near critical pressure for different degrees of superheat. The effect of superheat on the frequency of bubble formation has been analyzed. In addition, simulation of film boiling and bubble formation is performed in refrigerant R134a at near critical and far critical pressures. The effect of saturation pressure on the frequency of bubble formation has also been studied. A deviation from the periodic bubble release is observed in the case of superheat beyond 15 K in water. The effect of heat flux on the instability has also been analyzed. It is found that for water at near critical condition, a decrease in superheat from 15 to 10 K leads to oscillations with subharmonics influencing the time period of the ebullition cycle

    Laparoscopic Surgeries during Pregnancy - Related Anaesthetic Concerns

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    Pregnancy is no longer considered a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery. The advantages include less exposure of the fetus to possibly toxic agents, smaller incisions, decreased pain, less need for analgesics, more rapid recovery and mobilization. By understanding the physiological and pharmacological changes during pregnancy, surgery and related anesthesia risk can be minimized on mother and fetus. Appendicitis, cholecystitis, ovarian torsion and trauma are among the more common indications for surgical intervention. Less commonly, cardiac and neurological procedures are undertaken during pregnancy

    Hybrid Transformer Based Feature Fusion for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

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    With an unprecedented increase in the number of agents and systems that aim to navigate the real world using visual cues and the rising impetus for 3D Vision Models, the importance of depth estimation is hard to understate. While supervised methods remain the gold standard in the domain, the copious amount of paired stereo data required to train such models makes them impractical. Most State of the Art (SOTA) works in the self-supervised and unsupervised domain employ a ResNet-based encoder architecture to predict disparity maps from a given input image which are eventually used alongside a camera pose estimator to predict depth without direct supervision. The fully convolutional nature of ResNets makes them susceptible to capturing per-pixel local information only, which is suboptimal for depth prediction. Our key insight for doing away with this bottleneck is to use Vision Transformers, which employ self-attention to capture the global contextual information present in an input image. Our model fuses per-pixel local information learned using two fully convolutional depth encoders with global contextual information learned by a transformer encoder at different scales. It does so using a mask-guided multi-stream convolution in the feature space to achieve state-of-the-art performance on most standard benchmarks.Comment: Presented at the Advances in Image Manipulation Workshop at ECCV 202

    Comparison of safety and efficacy of tamsulosin, tadalafil, combinations and deflazacort in lower ureteric orifice negotiation by large size uretero- scope (8/9.8 Fr) prior to intracorporeal lithotripsy

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    Objective: To compare the safety and efficacy of tamsulosin, tadalafil, deflazacort and combination of tamsulosin with tadalafil in lower ureteric orifice negotiation by large size ureteroscope (8/9.8 Fr) prior to intracorporeal lithotripsy.Patients and methods: In this prospective study, 180 patients presented with ureteric stone of size 8–15 mm were randomly assigned to 5 groups: tamsulosin (group A), tadalafil (group B), deflazacort (group C), combination of tamsulosin with tadalafil (group D) and placebo (group E). After 10 days of drug therapy 168 patients were underwent ureteroscopy and findings like endoscopic configuration of ureteric orifice, need for ureteric dilatation, ureteroscope negotiation, operating time, drug related side effect and procedural complication were noted in each group.Results: All four groups (A, B, C, D) were significantly better than group E in terms of ureteric orifice appearance (wide) during endoscopy. Negotiation of ureteric orifice was easy in group A (70.59%), B (58.82%) and D (78.13%) as compare to group E (31.43%) which was statistically significant. Group A (32.35%) and D (34.38%) were statistically better with group E (62.86%) in terms of ureteral dilatation. Operative time was less in all four groups as compared to group E. All patients well tolerated the drugs with no serious side effects.Conclusion: Both tamsulosin and tamsulosin with tadalafil helps in forward propagation of large sizeureteroscope as compared to other groups with less operative time without any significant complications.So, we can conclude that tamsulosin alone can be helpful for lower ureteric orifice negotiation duringintracorporeal lithotripsy with minimal side effects.Keywords: Hematuria; Negotiation; Ureteroscop

    Anomalous change in leakage and displacement currents after electrical poling on lead-free ferroelectric ceramics

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    We report the polarization, displacement current and leakage current behavior of a trivalent nonpolar cation Al cation substituted lead free ferroelectric NBT-BT electroceramics with tetragonal phase and P4mm space group symmetry. Nearly three orders of magnitude decrease in leakage current were observed under electrical poling, which significantly improves microstructure, polarization, and displacement current. Effective poling neutralizes the domain pinning, traps charges at grain boundaries and fills oxygen vacancies with free charge carriers in matrix, thus saturated macroscopic polarization in contrast to that in upoled samples. E-poling changes bananas type polarization loops to real ferroelectric loops.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of rainwater harvesting and afforestation on soil properties and growth of Emblica officinalis while restoring degraded hills in western India

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    Effect of rainwater harvesting (RWH) structures like Contour trench (CT), gradonie (GD), box trench (BT), V-ditch (VD) and afforestation with Emblica officinalis Gaertn (planted in August, 2005) were studied in <10%, 10-20% and >20% slopes with a view to improve soil status, plant growth, sequester carbon and rehabilitate hills for local benefits. Soil pH and EC decreased and percent soil, SOC, NO3-N and PO4-P increased in June 2010 over 2005. Enhanced soil water and nutrients in <10% slopefacilitated height and collar diameter growth of E. officinalis. Soil water was 14.0 and 51.4% greater in >20% and <10% slopes, respectively than in 10-20% slope, whereas it was 17.8, 16.1, 24.2 and 14.0% greater in CT, GD, BT and VD treatments, respectively over control. The highest plant growth was in CT plots in all slopes. Second best treatment was BT in <10% slope and VD in other slopes. Conclusively, RWH and afforestation facilitated soil improvement but CT/BT treatments were more efficient inconserving soil and water facilitating plant growth and helped restore the degraded hill. However, further research is required on soil water use and its partitioning in different vegetation component and the benefits accrued from it for the local people