242 research outputs found

    Performing el cuerpo femenino como menú gastronómico: Stuff de Fusco y Bustamente

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    In the midst of the political and economical disenchantment suffered by most Cubans during the “Special Period,” sexual tourism became a means of survival for many, particularly for women. It is precisely within this framework that Coco Fusco and Nao Bustamante write the performance Stuff, where, as examined in this essay, women become gastronomical menus who satisfy the appetite of the “other.” While searching for a means to obtain food, these female entities must create “alternative bodies” to indulge tourists’ sexual needs. They openly portray the woman’s body as the cultural myths that most foreigners tend to associate with women, food, and sex in Latin America. (PT, Article in Spanish

    La contingencia intelectual y gastronómica según Alberto Pedro Torriente: Manteca y otras necesidades alimenticias en la Cuba de los noventa

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    This article examines how Manteca by Alberto Pedro Torriente —considered the most popular and polemic Cuban dramatist of his time— conveys the idea that during Cuba’s “Special Period” literary workmanship was homologous to culinary struggles, in part due to the artistic, social, and economic circumstances of the period. The passivity set on stage by the protagonists —three middle-aged siblings forced to coexist with a pig inside a deteriorated apartment— is echoed by the shortages in foodstuffs, electricity, and gas on the island. In the midst of a forced fast, the youngest brother attempts to create an alternative self through literary writing, thus laying the foundation of an alternative reality where he can satisfy his starvation. The author argues that such artistic creations, as seen on stage, simulate a theatrical, culinary künstlerroman, wherein personal distress and famine are merged with stagnant creativity during a time of social apathy and perpetual subsistence

    Cuba celebra su Mayo Teatral

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    Multifunctional metal-organic frameworks : from academia to industrial applications

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    After three decades of intense and fundamental research on metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is there anything left to say or to explain? The synthesis and properties of MOFs have already been comprehensively described elsewhere. It is time, however, to prove the nature of their true usability: technological applications based on these extended materials require development and implementation as a natural consequence of the up-to-known intensive research focused on their design and preparation. The current large number of reviews on MOFs emphasizes practical strategies to develop novel networks with varied crystal size, shape and topology, being mainly devoted to academic concerns. The present survey intends to push the boundaries and summarise the state-of-the-art on the preparation of promising (multi) functional MOFs in worldwide laboratories and their use as materials for industrial implementation. This review starts, on the one hand, to describe several tools and striking examples of remarkable and recent (multi) functional MOFs exhibiting outstanding properties (e.g., in gas adsorption and separation, selective sorption of harmful compounds, heterogeneous catalysis, luminescent and corrosion protectants). On the other hand, and in a second part, it intends to use these examples of MOFs to incite scientists to move towards the transference of knowledge from the laboratories to the industry. Within this context, we exhaustively review the many efforts of several worldwide commercial companies to bring functional MOFs towards the daily use, analysing the various patents and applications reported to date. Overall, this review goes from the very basic concepts of functional MOF engineering and preparation ending up in their industrial production on a large scale and direct applications in society

    Cuba celebra su Mayo Teatral

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    Plan de comunicación 360º para la empresa vallisoletana Ramos y Epi

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    En este trabajo se propone un plan de comunicación 360º para la microempresa vallisoletana, Ramos y Epi, dedicada a la distribución de productos de peluquería, cosméticos y mobiliario para centros de estética. Este plan no se va a ejecutar. Sin embargo, se aproxima lo máximo posible a la realidad. Hasta el momento, la empresa únicamente empleaba las redes sociales para realizar su comunicación y de manera muy deficiente. Por lo que en este trabajo se van a plantear varias mejoras en su comunicación considerando medios propios y medios pagados. Además, este TFG puede servir de ejemplo para otras empresas tanto dentro del sector de la peluquería y belleza, como de fuera, para crear o mejorar su propio plan de comunicación.Grado en Marketing e Investigación de Mercado

    Progetto cluster. Sottoprogetto bioinformatica

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    2006-10-04Sardegna Ricerche, Edificio 2, Località Piscinamanna 09010 Pula (CA) - ItaliaPresentazione Progetto cluster biomedicina e tecnologie per la salute. Sottoprogetto bioinformatic

    QTREDS: a Ruby on Rails-based platform for omics laboratories

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    Background In recent years, the experimental aspects of the laboratory activities have been growing in complexity in terms of amount and diversity of data produced, equipment used, of computer-based workflows needed to process and analyze the raw data generated. To enhance the level of quality control over the laboratory activities and efficiently handle the large amounts of data produced, a Laboratory Management Information System (LIMS) is highly-recommended. A LIMS is a complex software platform that helps researchers to have a complete knowledge of the laboratory activities at each step encouraging them to adopt good laboratory practices. Results We have designed and implemented Quality and TRacEability Data System - QTREDS, a software platform born to address the specific needs of the CRS4 Sequencing and Genotyping Platform (CSGP). The system written in the Ruby programming language and developed using the Rails framework is based on four main functional blocks: a sample handler, a workflow generator, an inventory management system and a user management system. The wizard-based sample handler allows to manage one or multiple samples at a time, tracking the path of each sample and providing a full chain of custody. The workflow generator encapsulates a user-friendly JavaScript-based visual tool that allows users to design customized workflows even for those without a technical background. With the inventory management system, reagents, laboratory glassware and consumables can be easily added through their barcodes and minimum stock levels can be controlled to avoid shortages of essential laboratory supplies. QTREDS provides a system for privileges management and authorizations to create different user roles, each with a well-defined access profile. Conclusions Tracking and monitoring all the phases of the laboratory activities can help to identify and troubleshoot problems more quickly, reducing the risk of process failures and their related costs. QTREDS was designed to address the specific needs of the CSGP laboratory, where it has been successfully used for over a year, but thanks to its flexibility it can be easily adapted to other "omics" laboratories. The software is freely available for academic users from http://qtreds.crs4.it webcite.Pubblicat

    Trabalhando para a reintegração social : o contributo do trabalho prisional para a reintegração social

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    presente investigação tem como questão principal o trabalho prisional e o seu impacto na reintegração social dos reclusos. Uma das finalidades das penas criminais e, portanto, da pena de prisão, consiste na reintegração do agente na sociedade. No entanto, a pena privativa da liberdade isola o cidadão da sociedade, dificulta o contacto deste com os seus amigos e familiares, ao mesmo tempo que promove a convivência com outros reclusos que lhes instruem novas técnicas criminosas e valores contrários aos vigentes na sociedade. Impossibilita a liberdade de movimentos e retira toda a responsabilidade e autonomia ao indivíduo. A prisão necessita de instrumentos que não a limitem a um mero depósito de cidadãos que cometeram crimes, com vista à realização da sua finalidade de reintegração social do indivíduo. Porém, questionam-se quais serão os fatores que contribuirão mais eficazmente para essa reintegração social. São desenvolvidas diversas atividades no interior do estabelecimento prisional, como o ensino, o desporto e o trabalho prisional. Com este trabalho pretendemos perceber se o trabalho prisional constitui um mecanismo que diminui os efeitos negativos da pena de prisão e, por conseguinte, se propicia a reintegração social