1,075 research outputs found

    Revisão e atualização da listagem de espécies de aves registradas na planície do Pantanal.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo atualizar a listagem das espécies de aves já registradas no Pantanal. Uma lista preliminar baseada em informações de literatura foi complementada com comunicações pessoais de ornitólogos que visitaram a região. Somente localidades situadas na planície inundável (de acordo com cartas do DSG em escala 1:100 000) foram consideradas. Um total de 470 espécies já foi registrado na planície, representando um aumento de cerca de 34% à riqueza de espécies anteriormente creditada a esse bioma. Deste total, 379 espécies tiveram exemplares coletados e depositados em coleções do Brasil e do exterior. Das 91 espécies restantes (registradas por observação direta, captura e/ou vocalização), 46 estão presentes em duas ou mais publicações, 26 em apenas uma e dezenove espécies resultaram de comunicações pessoais. O Pantanal não apresenta endemismos. Inventários são realizados nessa região desde o século XIX e localizam-se em pontos mais acessíveis, próximos a cidades, grandes rios ou rodovias. Grandes lacunas são evidentes no centro, em toda porção leste, no sul e na porção noroeste. Novos inventários e pesquisas em coleções de museus poderão resultar em acréscimos a esta listagem, além de confirmar ou desconsiderar registros de ocorrência duvidosa.bitstream/item/37413/1/BP39.pd

    Capital Natural: fontes de bens e serviços - o caso do Pantanal.

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    Retrotransposons represent the most labile fraction for genomic rearrangements in polyploid plant species

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    Understanding how increased genome size and diversity within polyploid genomes impacts plant evolution and breeding continues to be challenging. Although historical studies by McClintock suggested the importance of transposable elements mediated by polyploidisation on genomic changes, data from plant crosses remain scarce. Despite the absence of a conclusive proof regarding autonomous retrotransposon movement in synthetic allopolyploids, the transposition of retrotransposons and their ubiquitous dispersion in all plant species might explain the positive correlation between the genome size of plants and the prevalence of retrotransposons. Here, we address polyploidisationmediated rearrangements of retrotransposon-associated sequences and discuss a tendency for a preferential restructuring of large ancestral genomes after polyploidisation. A comparative analysis of the frequency of modifications of retrotransposon-associated sequences in synthetic polyploids with marked differences in genome sizes is presented. Such analyses suggest the absence of a significant difference in the rates of rearrangements despite vast dissimilarities in the retrotransposon copy number between species, which emphasises the high plasticity of this genomic feature. See also the sister article focusing on animals by Arkhipova and Rodriguez in this themed issu

    Unravelling genome dynamics in Arabidopsis synthetic auto and allopolyploid species

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    Polyploidization is a major genome modification that results in plant species with multiple chromosome sets. Parental genome adjustment to co-habit a new nuclear environment results in additional innovation outcomes. We intended to assess genomic changes in polyploid model species with small genomes using inter retrotransposons amplified polymorphism (IRAP) and retrotransposon microsatellite amplified polymorphism (REMAP). Comparative analysis among diploid and autotetraploid A. thaliana and A. suecica lines with their parental lines revealed a marginal fraction of novel bands in both polyploids, and a vast loss of parental bands in allopolyploids. Sequence analysis of some remodelled bands shows that A. suecica parental band losses resulted mainly from sequence changes restricted to primer domains. Moreover, in A. suecica, both parental genomes presented rearrangement frequencies proportional to their sizes. Overall rates of genomic remodelling events detected in A. suecica were similar to those observed in species with a large genome supporting the role of retrotransposons and microsatellite sequences in the evolution of most allopolyploidsAcknowledgements: M. Bento was funded by a FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/80550/2011), Diana Tomás was funded by a FCT doctoral scholarship (SFRH/BD/93156/2013), Manuela Silva by the FCT Investigator Programme (IF/00834/2014), and the research work was financed by FCT LEAF Unit (UID/AGR/04129/2013)

    X-ray spectra reveal the reawakening of the repeat changing-look AGN NGC 1566

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    We present simultaneous XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations of the repeat changing-look AGN NGC 1566, which dramatically increased in brightness in the IR to X-ray bands in 2018. The broad-band X-ray spectrum was taken at the peak of the outburst and is typical of Seyfert 1 AGN. The spectrum shows a soft excess, Compton hump, warm absorption and reflection, ruling out tidal disruption as the cause of the outburst and demonstrating that a 'standard' accretion disk can develop very rapidly. The high resolution grating spectrum reveals that the outburst has launched a ~ 500 km/s outflow, and shows photoionised emission lines from rest-frame gas. We discuss possible mechanisms for the outburst, and conclude that it is most likely caused by a disk instability.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to MNRAS letter

    Differential effects of high-temperature stress on nuclear topology and transcription of repetitive noncoding and coding rye sequences

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    The plant stress response has been extensively characterized at the biochemical and physiological levels. However, knowledge concerning repetitive sequence genome fraction modulation during extreme temperature conditions is scarce. We studied high-temperature effects on subtelomeric repetitive sequences (pSc200) and 45S rDNA in rye seedlings submitted to 40 ° C during 4 h. Chromatin organization patterns were evaluated through fluorescent in situ hybridization and transcription levels were assessed using quantitative real-time PCR. Additionally, the nucleolar dynamics were evaluated through fibrillarin immunodetection in interphase nuclei. The results obtained clearly demonstrated that the pSc200 sequence organization is not affected by high-temperature stress (HTS) and proved for the first time that this noncoding subtelomeric sequence is stably transcribed. Conversely, it was demonstrated that HTS treatment induces marked rDNA chromatin decondensation along with nucleolar enlargement and a significant increase in ribosomal gene transcription. The role of noncoding and coding repetitive rye sequences in the plant stress response that are suggested by their clearly distinct behaviors is discussed. While the hetero-chromatic conformation of pSc200 sequences seems to be involved in the stabilization of the interphase chromatin architecture under stress conditions, the dynamic modulation of nucleolar and rDNA topology and transcription suggest their role in plant stress response pathway

    Probabilidade de ocupação e separação espacial entre onça parda (Puma concolor) e onça pintada (Phantera onca) na borda oeste do Pantanal.

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    Populações de grandes felinos são sensíveis à intervenções antrópicas nas paisagens, habitats e populações de espécies-presa. O Pantanal constitui uma das mais importantes regiões para a conservação onças exatamente pelo seu grau de conservação até os dias atuais. O objetivo desse estudo foi estimar a probabilidade de ocupação de onça parda (Puma concolor) e onça pintada (Panthera onca), além de analisar o grau de sobreposição espacial das áreas ocupadas pelas duas espécies. Large cat populations are sensible to human intervention in the landscape, habitats and prey-species population. The Pantanal is one of the most important regions for the conservation of jaguar and puma, given its conservation status to date. The objective of this study was to estimate the occupancy by jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor), as well as to analyze the degree of spatial overlap of the areas occupied by the two species

    Aves ameaçadas ocorrentes no Pantanal.

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    O Pantanal é um ecossistema extraordinário e importante para muitas espécies de aves, principalmente as aquáticas, que ocorrem em abundância, e as migrantes em larga escala que utilizam a planície de inundação como sítio de forrageio e descanso, durante seus deslocamentos entre o Sul do continente Americano e o Hemisfério Norte (Sick, 1997; Nunes e Tomas, 2004b; Nunes e Tomas, no prelo). Brown Jr. (1986) relaciona cerca de 657 espécies de aves para a planície e áreas limítrofes e Mittermeier et al. (2003) 463 espécies. No entanto Tubelis e Tomas (2003), listam 465 espécies de aves na planície, e citam outras 50 que podem ocorrer. Publicações mais recentes revelam a ocorrência de 17 novas espécies para a planície do Pantanal (Antas e Palo Jr., 2004; Cestari, 2006). Tubelis e Tomas (2003) ressaltam a necessidade de inventários mais consistentes, especialmente em áreas pouco ou nunca amostradas. Este trabalho objetivou apresentar uma listagem das espécies de aves ameaçadas ocorrentes no Pantanal.bitstream/CPAP/55964/1/DOC83.pdfFormato Eletrônic

    Massless Black Holes as Black Diholes and Quadruholes

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    Massless black holes can be understood as bound states of a (positive mass) extreme a=\sqrt{3} black hole and a singular object with opposite (i.e. negative) mass with vanishing ADM (total) mass but non-vanishing gravitational field. Supersymmetric balance of forces is crucial for the existence of this kind of bound states and explains why the system does not move at the speed of light. We also explain how supersymmetry allows for negative mass as long as it is never isolated but in bound states of total non-negative mass.Comment: Version to be published in Physical Review Letters. Latex2e fil

    Assessment of Fear of COVID-19 in Older Adults: Validation of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale

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    There is no information in Peru on the prevalence of mental health problems associated with COVID-19 in older adults. In this sense, the aim of the study was to gather evidence on the factor structure, criterion-related validity, and reliability of the Spanish version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale (FCV-19S) in this population. The participants were 400 older adults (mean age = 68.04, SD = 6.41), who were administered the Fear of COVID-19 Scale, Revised Mental Health Inventory-5, Patient Health Questionnaire-2 items, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale 2 items. Structural equation models were estimated, specifically confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), bifactor CFA, and structural models with latent variables (SEM). Internal consistency was estimated with composite reliability indexes (CRI) and omega coefficients. A bifactor model with both a general factor underlying all items plus a specific factor underlying items 1, 2, 4, and 5 representing the emotional response to COVID better represents the factor structure of the scale. This structure had adequate fit and good reliability, and additionally fear of COVID had a large effect on mental health. In general, women had more fear than men, having more information on COVID was associated to more fear, while having family or friends affected by COVID did not related to fear of the virus. The Spanish version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale presents evidence of validity and reliability to assess fear of COVID-19 in the Peruvian older adult population