175 research outputs found

    Los dos humos

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    Poly-Harmonic Distortion Model Extraction in Charge-Controlled One-Port Devices

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    A charge-controlled, one-port device is used to describe and discuss the extraction procedure of a Poly-Harmonic Distortion (PHD) model in detail. For this case, both voltage and current waveforms are shown to be enough to fully characterize the PHD model. It is also shown that all the information specifically required for this PHD model definition can be stored in the Fourier coefficients of the incremental conductance and capacitance. The results are validated by comparing them with those obtained using a commercial circuit simulation tool.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Crescimento vegetativo de sorgo granífero em resposta à nutrição fosfatada

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    Morphological variables such as phytomass, plant height, leaf area, number of leaves, have been used to express the influence of mineral nutrients on plant growth patterns, since the vegetative development responds, in general, favorably to fertilizer applications. This work evaluates the effect of P on both, some morphological characteristics and total [P] in the shoot of eight grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) genotypes. Genetic materials were grown in nutrient solution under three concentrations of P (0; 0.5 and 1.0 mmol L-1). Plants were harvested 41 days after sowing, and leaf area per plant (LA), number of leaves (NL) per plant, root volume (RV), plant height (PH), root dry matter (RDM), shoot dry matter (SDM), total dry matter (TDM), RDM/SDM ratio, and total P concentration in shoot were determined. RDM/SDM was high for treatment P(0) and diminished about twice when P was added. Lack of applied P decreased the final NL and LA. Shoot [P] was positively correlated with solution [P], but the increase in P concentration in the nutrient solution from 0.5 to 1.0 mmol L-1 had a negative effect on growth. Both under deficiency and sufficiency conditions of P, Himeca-101 showed the best behavior in terms of RDM, SDM, TDM, RV, LA and NL. LA and PH were identified as the best indicators to predict dry matter yield of sorghum plants under P supply conditions.Peso da matéria (fresca e/ou seca), altura de planta, área foliar e número de folhas por planta são variáveis usadas para estudar o efeito dos nutrientes minerais sobre o crescimento das plantas ou de alguns de seus órgãos. Assim, é indicado que o crescimento vegetativo responde favoravelmente a aplicações de P. Avaliou-se o efeito do P em oito genótipos de sorgo granífero (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench). Os materiais genéticos foram crescidos em solução nutritiva sob condições de casa de vegetação, com três concentrações de P (0, 0,5 e 1,0 mmol L-1). Plantas foram colhidas 41 dias após a semeadura e o número de folhas por planta (NL), área foliar por planta (LA), volume de raízes (RV), altura de planta (PH), matéria seca de raízes (RDM), matéria seca da parte aérea (SDM), matéria seca total (TDM), razão raiz/parte aérea (RDM/SDM) e o teor de P total na parte aérea foram usados para avaliar o crescimento vegetativo. RDM/SDM foi alta no tratamento deficiente em P e diminuiu perto de duas vezes nos tratamentos que receberam o nutriente. [P] na parte aérea foi positivamente correlacionada à [P] na solução nutritiva. Observou-se diminuição do crescimento quando os genotipos passaram de 0,5 a 1,0 mmol L-1. Sob condições de carência e suprimento de P, Himeca-101 mostrou o melhor comportamento em termos de RDM, SDM, TDM, RV, LA e NL. LA e PH foram os melhores indicadores para predizer o rendimento da matéria seca sob condições de suprimento de P

    Use of half-generation PAMAM dendrimers (G0. 5–G3. 5) with carboxylate end-groups to improve the DACHPtCl2 and 5-FU efficacy as anticancer drugs

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    The DACHPtCl2 compound (trans-(R,R)-1,2-diaminocyclohexanedichloroplatinum(II)) is a potent anticancer drug with a broad spectrum of activity and is less toxic than oxaliplatin (trans-l-diaminocyclohexane oxalate platinum II), with which it shares the active metal fragment DACHPt. Nevertheless, due to poor water solubility, its use as a chemotherapeutic drug is limited. Here, DACHPtCl2 was conjugated, in a bidentate form, with half-generation PAMAM dendrimers (G0.5–G3.5) with carboxylate end-groups, and the resulting conjugates were evaluated against various types of cancer cell lines. In this way, we aimed at increasing the solubility and availability at the target site of DACHPt while potentially reducing the adverse side effects. DNA binding assays showed a hyperchromic effect compatible with DNA helix’s disruption upon the interaction of the metallodendrimers and/or the released active metallic fragments with DNA. Furthermore, the prepared DACHPt metallodendrimers presented cytotoxicity in a wide set of cancer cell lines used (the relative potency regarding oxaliplatin was in general high) and were not hemotoxic. Importantly, their selectivity for A2780 and CACO-2 cancer cells with respect to non-cancer cells was particularly high. Subsequently, the anticancer drug 5-FU was loaded in a selected metallodendrimer (the G2.5COO(DACHPt)16) to investigate a possible synergistic effect between the two drugs carried by the same dendrimer scaffold and tested for cytotoxicity in A2780cisR and CACO-2 cancer cell lines. This combination resulted in IC50 values much lower than the IC50 for 5-FU but higher than those found for the metallodendrimers without 5-FU. It seems, thus, that the metallic fragment-induced cytotoxicity dominates over the cytotoxicity of 5-FU in the set of considered cell lines.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The relationship between organizational structure and market orientation: An empirical aproach

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    This study analyzes different antecedents of market orientation and goes deeply into the analysis of the relationship between organizational structure and market orientation. The data for the empirical research comes from a sample of small firms belonging to the industrial sector in the geographical area of an economy of the south of Europe - the Andalusian economy. The study includes 85 correctly-completed questionnaires. The results confirm the effect of formalization, integration and centralization on the firms' marketing orientation, but they do not allow it to be stated that there is a relationship between firms' marketing orientation and complexity. The implication for management is the need to check the organizational structures in order for them not to slow down the introduction of market orientation

    Caracterización no-lineal de dispositivos de un puerto basada en el principio de distorsión poli-armónica

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    In this contribution the computation of a nonlinear diode model based on the Poly-Harmonic Distortion principle is described. The diode is composed of a non-linear conductance shunt connected to a non-linear capacitance, both of them quasistatic. The procedure used to extract these parameters only requires port-voltage and -current waveforms. The computed parameters of the model at different frequencies and power levels are presented and have been validated by comparing them with those obtained using a commercial circuit simulation tool (specifically with X-parameters). Unlike commercial CAD tools or conventional measurement set-ups the proposed technique can easily provide all the sensitivities related to DC components.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Perifollicular erythema as a trichoscopy sign of progression in frontal fibrosing alopecia

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    Frontal fibrosing alopecia (FFA) in an entity characterized by the recession of the frontotemporal hairline (FTHL) with alopecic scarring change. In recent years there are numerous articles discussing the usefulness of dermoscopy for the clinical diagnosis of different types of scarring alopecia

    New insights into the blue intrinsic fluorescence of oxidized PAMAM dendrimers considering their use as bionanomaterials

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    Like other bionanomaterials, dendrimers are usually labelled with fluorescent compounds in order to be optically detected within cells. However, this process can interfere with their biological properties, so it is crucial to find other solutions for their traceability. Here, the blue intrinsic fluorescence of amine terminated poly(amidoamine) (PAMAM) dendrimers was enhanced using oxidative treatment with ammonium persulfate (APS). The effects of dendrimer generation (G3, G4, and G5) and pH on the spectroscopic behavior of both pristine and APS-treated PAMAM dendrimers were studied in aqueous solution. Overall, the results pointed out that there are at least two types of emitting electron-rich hetero-atomic sub-luminophores (HASLs) confined within the dendrimer scaffold that have very close maximum emission wavelengths and whose emission properties strongly depend on pH. The APS treatment significantly enhanced the fluorescence intensity by leading to the protonation of the interior of the dendrimer. However, fluorescence intensity was not only dependent on the number of HASLs in the dendrimer scaffold (i.e., on dendrimer generation), but also on the rigidification suffered by the dendrimer due to the acidic environment (at low pH values, APS-treated G4 was indeed the most emissive species). Moreover, photoluminescence studies with lyophilized samples were also conducted, which confirmed the coexistence of more than one type of HASLs emitting in the dendrimer structure. The APS treatment affected these HASLs to a different extent. Time-resolved fluorescence experiments always showed higher average lifetimes of HASLs for APS-treated dendrimers than for pristine ones, in accordance with the fluorescence intensity results. On the other hand, the fraction and lifetimes of HASLs in APS-treated dendrimers were similar in solution and the lyophilized form. This behaviour was different for the pristine dendrimers that presented increased luminescence upon aggregation. Finally, the highly emissive oxidized dendrimers were shown not only to be much less cytotoxic and hemotoxic than pristine dendrimers but also to be detectable inside cells upon excitation with UV light.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Los factores que determinan el destino por región, de la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en el Perú: 2009-2016”

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    El objetivo general en este trabajo de investigación, es determinar los factores que determinan la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en las diferentes regiones del Perú. Los objetivos específicos de esta investigación fueron investigar si el Valor Agregado Bruto (VAB) regional, la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en infraestructura vial, y la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional como variable rezagada, inciden en la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en cada región. La metodología consiste en una investigación de tipo descriptiva, correlacional, explicativa y causal, de diseño no experimental. Se utilizaron datos estadísticos para las 25 regiones del Perú, y el período de estudio fue 2009-2016. Las estadísticas se recopilaron de fuentes oficiales, como el INEI y el MEF. Se utilizó un modelo econométrico lineal en logaritmos, tipo panel, y luego de una evaluación de los métodos para datos tipo panel, se eligió el método de efectos fijos. Se concluye que los factores que determinan la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional hacia las regiones, a un nivel estadísticamente significativo del 5%, son: el Valor Agregado Bruto regional; la inversión pública en infraestructura vial en cada región; y la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en cada región, rezagada un período. El aumento del Valor Agregado Bruto en las regiones causa un mayor nivel de actividad económica, y por tanto, un aumento en la inversión pública; el aumento de la actividad económica, demanda mayores servicios públicos en infraestructura vial, incrementando la inversión pública en las regiones; y la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional rezagada un período, también aumenta la inversión pública del Gobierno Nacional en cada región, por la inercia en la decisión del gasto público, y porque el período de ejecución de una inversión pública puede durar más de un períodoTesi

    Influence of nutritional and environmental factors on ethanol and endopolygalacturonase co-production by Kluyveromyces marxianus CCEBI 2011

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    Ethanol and endopolygalacturonase (endoPG) are simultaneously produced by the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianusCCEBI 2011. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal combination of seven environmental and nutritional variables, as well as the influence of each one, with respect to the fermentation process in yeast cultures in which sugarcanejuice was the substrate. Simplex sequential optimization showed that after 15 runs the optimal conditions were: pH, 4.6; temperature, 31ºC; total reducing sugars (TRS), 125 g/l; (NH4)2SO4, 2.48 g/l; (NH4)2HPO4, 2.73 g/l; CaCl2, 0.33 g/l andMgSO4·7H2O, 0.54 g/l. Under these conditions, the ethanol concentration was 47.6 g/l and endoPG concentration was 9.8 U/ml, which represented increases of 22% and 10%, respectively, over the concentrations obtained under suboptimal conditions. Temperature and (NH4)2SO4 supplementation were the most significant factors influencing the co-production process. [Int Microbiol 2011; 14(1):41-49