61 research outputs found

    Optimal Pedestrian Path Planning in Evacuation Scenario

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    Simulation of evacuation plans is a relatively complex problem. It is necessary to simulate a number of separate processes which interact in the result. Namely, they are pedestrian-pedestrian interactions, pedestrian-static object (e.g. wall) interactions and pedestrian-environment (fire, smoke, etc.) interactions. In this case, the evacuation simulation is controled on the microscopic level. Microscopic level considers each individual separately and pedestrian is planning his/her path to the exit with regard to the above-mentioned interactions. In this article we focus on path planning during evacuation and describe algorithms applied in this area. At the end we propose a method of the space evaluation with linear time complexity and planned path compared with commercial software tools

    Pyrosequencing analysis of fungal assemblages and the effect of ITS rDNA intragenomic variation on diversity estimates

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    ITS region jaderné ribozomální DNA je dnes jeden z nejčastějších houbových barcode markerů. Používá se v environmentálních metagenomických analýzách, při determinaci hub, ale i při studiu jejich fylogeneze. V genomu se rDNA vyskytuje ve formě multikopiových tandemových repetic. Běžným Sangerovým sekvenováním získáme vždy pouze konsenzus repetic, zakrývající většinu možných intragenomových variancí. Stále častěji používané 454 pyrosekvenování odhaluje sekvence jednotlivých kopií. Většina mutací se během jevu zvaného concerted evolution vytrácí. Částečná variabilita v kopiích však zůstává zachována, včetně možných pseudogenů. Vzhledem k častému používání 454 sekvenování u environmentálních studií nejsme schopni tuto variabilitu odlišit od reálné diverzity. Tím pravděpodobně dochází k nadhodnocování skutečné diverzity a mylnému vyhodnocování dalších studií. Práce shrnuje studie zabývající se zjišťováním diverzity hub pomocí 454 sekvenování a zároveň předkládá rešerši současných poznatků o intragenomové variabilitě rDNA coby potenciálním zdroji nepravé diverzity. Doposud chybí experimentální práce, která by se komplexním propojením těchto problematik zabývala.The ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA has recently become a frequently studied region for its use as a barcode marker. It is employed in environmental metagenomic analyses, the determination of fungi and in studies of fungal phylogenetics. In genomes, rDNA occurs in the form of large multicopy tandem arrays. Thus common Sanger sequencing leads to a consensus of many copies which in fact conceals most of the potential intragenomic variation. However 454 pyrosequencing reveals the sequence of single copies. Although it is believed that most of the variation among copies is reduced during a process called concerted evolution, some variation might still be conserved, including variation of non-functional pseudogenes. As a consequence, when using 454 pyrosequencing, we are not able to discriminate between this variation and real diversity. This could have a huge impact on the estimation of real diversity as well as on the correct assessment of pyrosequence studies. This thesis reviews current knowledge of intragenomic variation among fungi and summarizes some papers applying pyrosequencing in the research of fungal diversity. At the same time it indicates intragenomic variation as a potential cause of untrue diversity in diversity studies. Up until now there hasn't existed any experimental survey covering...Katedra botanikyDepartment of BotanyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Dwelling house Kociánka

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh bytového domu s osmi bytovými jednotkami stojícího samostatně na pozemku, který je situovaný v městské části Brno-Sadová. Objekt je pětipodlažní, přičemž je navrženo jedno podzemní podlaží s garážemi a čtyři nadzemní podlaží. Svislé nosné konstrukce tvoří vápenopískové zdivo opatřené kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Objekt je založen na CFA pilotech a základové desce vzhledem k typu podloží. Zastřešení je poté řešeno dvouplášťovou plochou střechou s větranou vzduchovou mezerou.The subject of the bachelor thesis is the design of an apartment house with eight flats standing alone on the plot, which is situated in the brno-sadová district. The building is five-storey, with one underground floor with garages and four above-ground floors. The vertical load-bearing structures are sand-lime masonry fitted with a contact heating system. The object is based on CFA piled and base plate relative to the subsoil type. Roofing is then solved by a double-skinned flat roof with a ventilated air gap

    Porovnání ITS nrDNA a alternativních markerů pro metabarcoding hub v environmentálních vzorcích

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    Studium diverzity hub může ve výsledku vést k mnoha významným objevům a závěrům. Molekulární genetika a konkrétně metody masivně paralelního sekvenování se používají ke studiu ekologie a diverzity hub čím dál tím častěji. Využívá se k tomu krátkých úseků DNA označovaných jako barcode markery. Nejčastěji používaným markerem je úsek jaderné ribozomální DNA zvaný ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer). Vyskytuje se v genomu ve formě rozsáhlých repetic až 200 kopií, což značně zjednodušuje jeho namnožení z environmentálních vzorků. Zároveň to ale vzbuzuje také určité obavy kvůli výskytu vnitrodruhové a vnitrogenomové variability. Obě tyto variability mohou být zdrojem silného nadhodnocování odhadů diverzity. Použití alternativních, nízko-kopiových markerů, může zmíněný problém částečně vyřešit. V této studii byly porovnány tradičně používané markery ITS1 a ITS2 s protein-kódujícími geny EF-1α a RPB2. Smícháním genomových DNA druhů z různých fylogenetických skupin bylo vytvořeno in vitro umělé společenstvo. To bylo následně sekvenováno pro všechny zmíněné markery a data byla vyhodnocena dle postupů běžně používaných v environmentálních studiích. Výsledky jednoznačně vyzdvihují ITS2 jako nejvhodnější marker pro studium environmentálních vzorků. Průměrný koeficient nadhodnocení lze očekávat kolem dvou pro ITS1, ITS2,...The study of fungal diversity may lead to many fundamental discoveries and conclusions. Molecular genetics, and particularly high throughput sequencing methods using short DNA fragments as barcodes, has recently experienced a boom. The most frequently used marker for fungal research is the partial region of nuclear ribosomal DNA called ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer). It occurs in the form of tandem repetitions of up to 200 copies. This fact greatly simplifies its amplification from the environment but also introduces some negatives. One of them can be an existence of intragenomic and intraspecific variability which confounds diversity estimates by exaggerating the real number of species. Using alternative low-copy markers can easily prevent these problems. In this study EF-1α and RPB2 protein- coding genes were compared with traditionally used ITS1 and ITS2 markers. An artificial mock community was created by blending genomic DNA of different fungal lineages. The community was sequenced for all markers and the data were processed according to guidelines commonly used in environmental studies. The results show that ITS2 is unequivocally a more suitable marker for environmental studies than other compared markers. The average coefficient of overestimation was deemed to be approximately two for ITS1, ITS2,...Department of Genetics and MicrobiologyKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Energy passive kindergarten

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    Předmětem diplomové práce je návrh mateřské školy v pasivním standardu stojící samostatně na pozemku, který je situovaný v centru města Fulneku. Objekt je dvoupodlažní, přičemž je první podlaží zapuštěno do terénu. Svislé nosné konstrukce tvoří vápenopískové zdivo opatřené kontaktním zateplovacím systémem. Objekt je založen na základových pasech vzhledem k typu podloží. Zastřešení je poté řešeno jednoplášťovou plochou střechou s vegetační vrstvou.The subject of the diploma thesis is a design of a kindergarten in a passive standard standing on a plot situated in the center of Fulnek. The building has two floors and the first floor is embedded in the terrain. The vertical load-bearing structures consist of sand-lime masonry with a contact thermal insulation system. The building is based on foundation strips due to the type of subsoil. The roofing is then solved by a single-layer flat roof with a vegetation layer.

    Paralympic Sport As Asocial Phenomenon

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    Sport osob se zdravotním postižením začal být v současné době chápán jako reálně existující, rychle a přitom zcela přirozeně se rozvíjející fenomén. Tento fakt je po celém světě dokumentován řadou důkazů. Jedním z nich je současné postavení a popularita Paralympijských her. Potvrzuje to také dynamický nárůst počtu hendikepovaných sportovců, rostoucí nabídka aplikovaných sportů, sportovních programů a různých sportovních soutěží. Paralelně dochází i k rozvoji relevantních národních a mezinárodních organizací a institucí. V některých případech lze fenomén dokumentovat i propojením či splynutím sportovních platforem zdravých sportovců a sportovců s postižením. V jedné rovině se sport v kontextu sportovců se zdravotním postižením stal extraverzním nástrojem ukázky jejich atletických schopností. V druhé rovině pak intraverzním prostředkem majícím bezesporu pozitivní vliv na biologickou, psychologickou a sociologickou podstatu člověka. Bohužel zapojení osob se zdravotním postižením do sportovních aktivit je na velmi nízké úrovni.Sport for persons with a disability is quickly and naturally evolving as social phenomenon. This fact is documented worldwide in a variety of evidence. It is not only about the status and popularity of the Paralympic Games, but a dynamically growing number of disabled athletes and an expanding range of adaptive sports. In addition, there are programs at various levels of competitions along with the development of relevant national and international organisations, institutions, and in some cases the linking or merging of sports platforms of able bodied and handicapped athletes. Sport in the context of disabled athletes becomes a parallel extroverted device demonstrating their athletic abilities and also introverted medium which has a positive influence on the biological, psychological and sociological human nature. On the other-hand disabled people in a sporting activity is unfortunately very low

    Artificial Intelligence Aggregating Opinions of a Group of People

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    This study deals with the problems of aggregating the opinions of a group of people in such a way that the quality of the group decision surpasses the quality of the decision of the most experienced individual within the group. The methods we have studied fall in the research domain of the so called collective intelligence. We provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in the collective intelligence. We describe the method based on adaptive boosting we have proposed aggregatig the opinions of a group of people. We have implemented a web application to gather opinions of people and used the application to collect data for the experimental analysis. The model problem was to identify whether there is or there is not a tumor present in the series of X-ray images of human lungs. We have compared our proposed method to conventional methods such as majority voting. We have concluded that our proposed method can be successfully used to aggregate opinions of a group of people to increase their collective intelligence above the level of the most successful individual within the group in many cases. We have observed that the highest increase in the collective intelligence may be achieved for intelligence wise homogeneous groups what confirms the results of previous studies

    On the Low-Pressure Hysteresis (LPH) in Gas Sorption Isotherms of Porous Carbons

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    This study investigates the origin of low-pressure hysteresis (LPH) in the adsorption and desorption of three different probe molecules: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and argon, across various adsorption temperatures (from cryogenic to room temperature), and within five different carbon materials: synthetic carbons (pristine and one post-synthetically oxidized) and natural coal. Significant attention is dedicated to elucidating LPH in oxidized samples outgassed at various temperatures (120–350 °C). Experimental results show that insufficient outgassing temperature can lead to unreliable data due to artificial LPH and significantly underestimated textural properties, primarily caused by porosity blockage from substances like moisture. Conversely, in samples where heteroatoms have a stabilizing effect on texture, such as natural coal, careful consideration of outgassing temperature is crucial due to the risk of thermal degradation. Other factors contributing to LPH are adsorption temperature, and especially, kinetic limitations at cryogenic temperatures for cellulose-based carbons. Minor factors responsible for LPH are the physical state of the sample (monolith vs powder) and the flexibility of the porous system, both studied by carbon dioxide sorption. This study constitutes an important piece in the evaluation of LPH, providing practical recommendations and underlining the importance of experimental design, with implications for further research in this complex field.This work was supported by the projects: LUASK22049 (INTER-EXCELLENCE II, MŠMT), APVV SK-CZ-RD-21–0068, and SGS16/PřF/2022. The Czech team (V.S.) was supported by the European Union under the LERCO project number CZ.10.03.01/00/22_003/0000003. J.S.A. would like to acknowledge financial support from MINECO (PID2022-142960OB-C21) and MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and EU “NextGeneration/PRTR” (Project PCI2020-111968/ERANET-M/3D-Photocat), EU MSCA project CLEANWATER (Grant Agreement: 101131382), and Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital (Project CIPROM/2021/022). Open access publishing facilitated by Ostravska univerzita, as part of the Wiley - CzechELib agreement

    Swarming magnetic microrobots for pathogen isolation from milk

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    Bovine mastitis produced by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) causes major problems in milk production due to the staphylococcal enterotoxins produced by this bacterium. These enterotoxins are stable and cannot be eradicated easily by common hygienic procedures once they are formed in dairy products. Here, magnetic microrobots (MagRobots) are developed based on paramagnetic hybrid microstructures loaded with IgG from rabbit serum that can bind and isolate S. aureus from milk in a concentration of 3.42 10(4) CFU g(-1) (allowable minimum level established by the United States Food and Drug Administration, FDA). Protein A, which is present on the cell wall of S. aureus, selectively binds IgG from rabbit serum and loads the bacteria onto the surface of the MagRobots. The selective isolation of S. aureus is confirmed using a mixed suspension of S. aureus and Escherichia coli (E. coli). Moreover, this fuel-free system based on magnetic robots does not affect the natural milk microbiota or add any toxic compound resulting from fuel catalysis. This system can be used to isolate and transport efficiently S. aureus and discriminate it from nontarget bacteria for subsequent identification. Finally, this system can be scaled up for industrial use in food production.Web of Scienc

    Multimodal-driven magnetic microrobots with enhanced bactericidal activity for biofilm eradication and removal from titanium mesh

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    Modern micro/nanorobots can perform multiple tasks for biomedical and environmental applications. Particularly, magnetic microrobots can be completely controlled by a rotating magnetic field and their motion powered and controlled without the use of toxic fuels, which makes them most promising for biomedical application. Moreover, they are able to form swarms, allowing them to perform specific tasks at a larger scale than a single microrobot. In this work, they developed magnetic microrobots composed of halloysite nanotubes as backbone and iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles as magnetic material allowing magnetic propulsion and covered these with polyethylenimine to load ampicillin and prevent the microrobots from disassembling. These microrobots exhibit multimodal motion as single robots as well as in swarms. In addition, they can transform from tumbling to spinning motion and vice-versa, and when in swarm mode they can change their motion from vortex to ribbon and back again. Finally, the vortex motion mode is used to penetrate and disrupt the extracellular matrix of Staphylococcus aureus biofilm colonized on titanium mesh used for bone restoration, which improves the effect of the antibiotic’s activity. Such magnetic microrobots for biofilm removal from medical implants could reduce implant rejection and improve patients’ well-being.Web of Science352