318 research outputs found

    Quality of the formation: contemporary approaches to the determination and the estimation

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    In the article are examined contemporary approaches to the determination of the quality of formation on the basis of normative documents, and also questions of its estimationРассмотрены современные подходы к определению качества образования на основе нормативных документов, а также вопросы его оценк


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    В статье рассматриваются перспективы развития системы образования в условиях перехода в систему экономических отношений, в частности, с внедрением профессионального стандарта педагогаThe article deals with prospects in the implementation of changeover in the economical system which is connected with the schoolmaster occupational standar

    Particular features of interrelation of motivation, values and sense of life’s meaning as subjective factors of individualizing trajectory in the system of continuous education

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    The relevance of the problem under study is based on the fact that, as regards methodological and theoretical aspects, the problem of value and motivational sphere is poorly elaborated regarding the interrelation between professional education and professional activity and on the empirical level there is no clear understanding of how the sense of purpose of life and own professional values is related to the professional motivation. The aim of the article is to identify the specific features of the interrelation and effects of meaning of life to the professional values and motivation. The leading method of research is questionnaire method which makes it possible to identify the following: level of sense of life’s purpose – method of life-meaning orientations, specific features of professional motivation – method “Motivation of professional activity” and method “Level of correlation between value and availability of value”. The article presents and discusses the results of empirical study of the interrelation between professional values, professional motivation and life-meaning orientations, as well as the effects of the level of life’s meaning on professional motivation. The practical value is the possibility to use the results of the research in developing programs for correcting and increasing professional motivation, as well as for developing technologies of psychology-pedagogical assistance to sense-making and professional self-identification in projecting and implementing individual educational trajectories in the continuous vocational education system. The article can be useful for specialists in professiology, teachers of technical subjects and professional consultants for forecasting professional development of a person. © 2016 Zavodchikov et al

    Willingness to university teachers to training of disabled persons and persons with disabilities

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    The article raises the question of the availability of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions for learning disabled people and people with disabilities, and provides recommendations for the development of specific competenciesВ статье ставится вопрос о готовности профессорско-преподавательского состава высших учебных заведений к обучению инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья, и даются рекомендации для развития специальных компетенци

    Study of Defensive and Coping Behaviour of Teachers of Inclusive Professional Education

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    The specificity of defensive and coping behavior of teachers in inclusive education is discussed. In the theoretical analysis, particular attention is paid to the requirements of inclusive practice to the personality and work of the teacher. A review of studies on the problem of the correlation of constructs “psychological defence,” “coping,” “defensive coping behaviour” is made. The empirical study confirmed the hypothesis of the existence of differences in the structure of defensive and coping behaviour of teachers of vocational education with varying degrees of inclusion in inclusive practice. It is found that differences relate primarily to the nature of the relationship of components of defensive and coping behaviour. Non-inclusive college teachers demonstrate more continuous and coherent structure, while teachers who are actively involved in inclusive professional education demonstrate the independent functioning of individual psychological protection. Comparative analysis showed significantly higher values according to the mechanisms of “distraction,” “search of social support” and “escape from a stressful situation” of teachers not included in the field of inclusive education. It is concluded that teachers working with the disabled, use unconscious mechanisms of defence, while teachers who do not work with them use conscious strategies of escape from the problem situation. The results of the study are characterized by novelty, since to date the empirical research on the activities of the teacher in inclusive education is insufficient and there are no studies of the specificity of defensive and coping behaviour

    Innovational methods of development of intellectual labor for economy’s security

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    The notion “development of intellectual labor for the purpose of economy’s security” is viewed as development of society’s intellectual potential that includes the protected socio-economic information, developed by a person or a group of persons. The social factors that reduce economic security and their consequences in economy are given, namely: negative dynamics of implementing new progressive technologies into production, insufficient coordination of work in the sphere of innovational development, etc. The forms of intellectual development of human resources (intellectual development of personality, control over intellectual information) are offered, which bring the country’s economy to competitiveness and security. The traditional and innovational methods of intellectual labor development are studied (studying in universities and colleges, increase of personnel’s qualification in view of academic degrees (Ph.D., doctor of economics), as well as receipt of economic information through Internet resources, scientific publication, statistical information, etc.), as well as the methods of development of IT services and methods of prevention of intellectual diversions and violation of information confidentiality. It is offered to implement the program of equal initial possibilities for intellectual development of human resources in view of access to higher education, creative activities, as well as legal protection for everyone, etc. Analysis of implementation of innovational methods of intellectual labor development supposes planning activities in view of development of intellectual labor for the purpose of the region’s economy’s security.peer-reviewe

    Використання вимог сучасної стандартизації на харчових підприємствах

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    The paper investigates the implementation of the HACCP system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) in the restaurant business. Restaurant facilities produce not only culinary products, but also a variety of bakery, flour confectionery and confectionery products, which leads to an increase in the used raw materials and, accordingly, an increase in a variety of technological processes for processing these raw materials. Restaurant business establishments include restaurants, pastry shops, cafes, bars, snack bars, canteens, buffets, kiosks and other fast food and drink establishments. Until September 20, 2019, all Ukrainian food industry enterprises providing food services, as well as food suppliers and carriers, were required to implement the HACCP food safety management system. The implementation of the HACCP system in restaurant business establishments is a difficult process that concerns all services and all personnel, because it is necessary not only to create an appropriate service, develop documentation and an algorithm for performing all procedures, review technological processes, equipment, raw material suppliers, but also train personnel comply with the new operating rules. The paper analyzes the factors of potential pollution: physical, chemical and biological and their influence on the quality of the final product. Each of these three factors are monitored at all stages of production, that is, manufacturers comply with fundamentally new rules in food production. For each stage, its own critical control point is defined and recommended, at which the products are tested to ensure product quality. The paper presents a list of basic and operational documentation of the HACCP system, which must be used in restaurants. All enterprises whose activities are related to food products are trying to implement the HACCP system, not only because it will allow domestic producers to comply with the requirements of domestic legislation, but also because it will give consumers confidence that the products they real high qualityand absolutely safe for health.У роботі досліджується впровадження системи НАССР (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) у закладах ресторанного бізнесу. В закладах ресторанного господарства виробляють не тільки кулінарну продукцію, а й різноманітні хлібобулочні, борошняні кондитерські та кондитерські вироби, що веде до збільшення сировини, яка використовується та відповідно до збільшення різноманітних технологічних процесів з переробки цієї сировини. До закладів ресторанного бізнесу можна зарахувати ресторани, кондитерські, кафе, бари, закусочні, їдальні, буфети, кіоски та інші заклади швидкого приготування їжі та напоїв. До 20 вересня 2019 року всі українські підприємства харчової галузі, які надають послуги з харчування, а також постачальники та перевізники харчових продуктів мали впровадити систему управління безпечністю харчування НАССР. Впровадження системи НАССР у закладах ресторанного бізнесу – важкий процес, який стосується всіх служб і всього персоналу, тому що необхідно не тільки створити відповідну службу, розробити документацію та алгоритм виконання всіх процедур, провести перегляд технологічних процесів, устаткування, постачальників сировини, а й навчити персонал дотримуватися нових правил роботи. проведено аналіз факторів потенційного забруднення: фізичного, хімічного і біологічного та їхнього впливу на якість кінцевого продукту харчування. Кожен з цих трьох факторів відстежується на всіх етапах виробництва, тобто виробники дотримуються принципово нових правил у виробництві продуктів харчування. Для кожного етапу визначена та рекомендована своя критична точка контролю, на якій продукція проходить контроль для забезпечення відповідної якості продукції. В роботі представлений перелік базової та оперативної документації системи НАССР, яку потрібно використовувати у закладах ресторанного господарства. Всі підприємства, діяльність яких пов’язана із продуктами харчування, намагаються впровадити систему HACCP не тільки тому, що це дозволить вітчизняним виробникам виконати вимоги вітчизняного законодавства а й тому, що це додасть впевненості споживачам, що продукція, яку вони купують, дійсно високої якості і абсолютно безпечна для здоров’я

    Effects of a moving X-line in a time-dependent reconnection model

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    In the frame of magnetized plasmas, reconnection appears as an essential process for the description of plasma acceleration and changing magnetic field topology. Under the variety of reconnection regions in our solar system, we focus our research onto the Earth's magnetotail. Under certain conditions a Near Earth Neutral Line (NENL) is free to evolve in the current sheet of the magnetotail. Reconnection in this region leads to the formation of Earth- and tailward propagating plasma bulges, which can be detected by the Cluster or Geotail spacecraft. Observations give rise to the assumption that the evolved reconnection line does not provide a steady state behavior, but is propagating towards the tail (e.g., Baker et al., 2002). Based on a time-dependent variant of the Petschek model of magnetic reconnection, we present a method that includes an X-line motion and discuss the effects of such a motion. We focus our main interest on the shock structure and the magnetic field behavior, both for the switch-on and the switch-off phase


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    Often local inflammation develops into systemic one with total inflammatory response of endotheliocytes, plasma and cellular blood factors, connective tissue, and at the final stages it is manifested through microcirculatory disorders in vital organs and tissues. At present two aspects are being investigated related to systemic inflammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Firstly, it is the evaluation of inflammatory load through testing the level of inflammation markers in blood. Secondly, now it is generally recognized that a number of typical extrapulmonary disorders and concurrent diseases develops in COPD patients. Regardless of these general pathogenic mechanisms, the one thing is clear: cardiovascular diseases, body weight loss, osteoporosis and a number of other extrapulmonary manifestations of COPD are related to systematic inflammatory response