68 research outputs found

    Musikaalisuus ja arviointi

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän kanditaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia, kuinka yksilön musikaalisuus voidaan huomioida koulun arviointikäytänteissä, ja millainen arviointi voisi tukea lapsen ja nuoren musikaalisuuden kehittymistä. Tutkielma on toteutettu integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuskysymykseksi muodostui ”Millaisella arvioinnilla voidaan tukea lapsen ja nuoren musikaalisuuden kehittymistä?”. Tutkielmassa tarkastelen musikaalisuuden erilaisia määritelmiä, sekä arviointia, arvioinnin tehtävää ja musiikinarviointia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tuoda näkökulmia musiikkikasvattajille arvioinnin toteuttamiseen. Yleiskielessä musikaalisuus sanaa käytetään usein, mutta silti on vaikeaa selittää ainakaan yhdellä sanalla, mitä se tarkoittaa. Tämä johtuu siitä, että jokaisen musikaalisuus on erilaista, ja jokaisen musikaalisuus sisältää yhdistelmän erilaisia kykyjä yksilöllisesti. Musikaalisuus ei ole poikkeuskyky, jota yksilöllä joko on tai ei ole, vaan sen katsotaan esiintyvän eriasteisena eri yksilöillä. Musikaalisuus voidaan käsittää periytyvänä ominaisuutena, opittuna ja ympäristön vaikutuksesta kehittyneenä ominaisuutena, tai näiden kahden yhteisvaikutuksesta kehittyneenä. Arviointi koulussa kuuluu kiinteästi osaksi opetusta ja oppimista. Peruskoulun valtakunnallisessa opetussuunnitelmassa arviointi jaetaan päättöarviointiin, ja arviointiin opintojen aikana. Lisäksi palautteen antaminen on keskeinen osa opintojen aikaista arviointia. Arviointi on suuri osa opettajan työtä, ja sitä voidaan pitää merkittävänä elementtinä, jolla voidaan vaikuttaa oppijoiden työprosesseihin ja oppimistuloksiin joko suoraan, tai välillisesti. Musiikissa arviointi on ollut perinteisesti suorituskeskeistä ja opettajalle on annettu suhteellisen vapaat kädet määritellä arvioinnin kriteerit, kuitenkin opetussuunnitelmaan perustuen. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että jokaisen ihmisen musikaalisuus näyttäytyy erilaisena, sillä musikaalisuus sisältää yhdistelmän erilaisia kykyjä yksilöllisesti, ja voidaan katsoa, että musiikillinen tietämys ja taidot omaksutaan vähitellen, jolloin musikaalisuus on opittavissa oleva taito. Tuloksissa nousi esiin, että musiikin oppiaineessa opintojen aikainen formatiivinen arviointi, sekä palautteen anto korostuvat. Kannustava ja rakentava palaute tukee oppilaiden motivaation rakentumista, sekä auttaa jokaista löytämään omat vahvuutensa. Palautteella voi olla vaikutusta oppilaan kognitiivisiin prosesseihin, motivaatioon, sekä oppilaan minäkäsitykseen. Palautetta antamalla, sekä itse- ja vertaisarvioinnin, ja jatkuvan arvioinnin menetelmiä käyttämällä opettaja voi ohjata oppilasta tarkastelemaan omaa yksilöllistä musikaalisuutta ja musikaalisuuteen liittyvien kykyjen osa-alueita

    All-Optical Production of Chromium Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We report on the production of ^52Cr Bose Einstein Condensates (BEC) with an all-optical method. We first load 5.10^6 metastable chromium atoms in a 1D far-off-resonance optical trap (FORT) from a Magneto Optical Trap (MOT), by combining the use of Radio Frequency (RF) frequency sweeps and depumping towards the ^5S_2 state. The atoms are then pumped to the absolute ground state, and transferred into a crossed FORT in which they are evaporated. The fast loading of the 1D FORT (35 ms 1/e time), and the use of relatively fast evaporative ramps allow us to obtain in 20 s about 15000 atoms in an almost pure condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Accumulation and thermalization of cold atoms in a finite-depth magnetic trap

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    We experimentally and theoretically study the continuous accumulation of cold atoms from a magneto-optical trap (MOT) into a finite depth trap, consisting in a magnetic quadrupole trap dressed by a radiofrequency (RF) field. Chromium atoms (52 isotope) in a MOT are continuously optically pumped by the MOT lasers to metastable dark states. In presence of a RF field, the temperature of the metastable atoms that remain magnetically trapped can be as low as 25 microK, with a density of 10^17 atoms.m-3, resulting in an increase of the phase-space density, still limited to 7.10^-6 by inelastic collisions. To investigate the thermalization issues in the truncated trap, we measure the free evaporation rate in the RF-truncated magnetic trap, and deduce the average elastic cross section for atoms in the 5D4 metastable states, equal to 7.0 10^-16m2.Comment: 9 pages, 10 Figure

    Efficient production of polar molecular Bose-Einstein condensates via an all-optical R-type atom-molecule adiabatic passage

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    We propose a scheme of "RR-type" photoassociative adiabatic passage (PAP) to create polar molecular condensates from two different species of ultracold atoms. Due to the presence of a quasi-coherent population trapping state in the scheme, it is possible to associate atoms into molecules with a \textit{low-power} photoassociation (PA) laser. One remarkable advantage of our scheme is that a tunable atom-molecule coupling strength can be achieved by using a time-dependent PA field, which exhibits larger flexibility than using a tunable magnetic field. In addition, our results show that the PA intensity required in the "RR-type" PAP could be greatly reduced compared to that in a conventional "Λ\Lambda -type" one.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Averaging out magnetic forces with fast rf-sweeps in an optical trap for metastable chromium atoms

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    We introduce a novel type of time-averaged trap, in which the internal state of the atoms is rapidly modulated to modify magnetic trapping potentials. In our experiment, fast radiofrequency (rf) linear sweeps flip the spin of atoms at a fast rate, which averages out magnetic forces. We use this procedure to optimize the accumulation of metastable chomium atoms into an optical dipole trap from a magneto-optical trap. The potential experienced by the metastable atoms is identical to the bare optical dipole potential, so that this procedure allows for trapping all magnetic sublevels, hence increasing by up to 80 percent the final number of accumulated atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Differential physiological responses of portuguese bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes under aluminium stress

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    Open Access JournalThe major limitation of cereal production in acidic soils is aluminium (Al) phytotoxicity which inhibits root growth. Recent evidence indicates that different genotypes within the same species have evolved different mechanisms to cope with this stress. With these facts in mind, root responses of two highly Al tolerant Portuguese bread wheat genotypes—Barbela 7/72/92 and Viloso mole—were investigated along with check genotype Anahuac (Al sensitive), using different physiological and histochemical assays. All the assays confirmed that Barbela 7/72/92 is much more tolerant to Al phytotoxicity than Viloso Mole. Our results demonstrate that the greater tolerance to Al phytotoxicity in Barbela 7/72/92 than in Viloso Mole relies on numerous factors, including higher levels of organic acid (OAs) efflux, particularly citrate efflux. This might be associated with the lower accumulation of Al in the root tips, restricting the Al-induced lipid peroxidation and the consequent plasma membrane integrity loss, thus allowing better root regrowth under Al stress conditions. Furthermore, the presence of root hairs in Barbela 7/72/92 might also help to circumvent Al toxicity by facilitating a more efficient uptake of water and nutrients, particularly under Al stress on acid soils. In conclusion, our findings confirmed that Portuguese bread wheat genotype Barbela 7/72/92 represents an alternative source of Al tolerance in bread wheat and could potentially be used to improve the wheat productivity in acidic soils

    Realization of an Excited, Strongly-Correlated Quantum Gas Phase

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    Ultracold atomic physics offers myriad possibilities to study strongly correlated many-body systems in lower dimensions. Typically, only ground state phases are accessible. Using a tunable quantum gas of bosonic cesium atoms, we realize and control in one dimensional geometry a highly excited quantum phase that is stabilized in the presence of attractive interactions by maintaining and strengthening quantum correlations across a confinement-induced resonance. We diagnose the crossover from repulsive to attractive interactions in terms of the stiffness and the energy of the system. Our results open up the experimental study of metastable excited many-body phases with strong correlations and their dynamical properties

    Accumulation of chromium metastable atoms into an Optical Trap

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    We report the fast accumulation of a large number of metastable 52Cr atoms in a mixed trap, formed by the superposition of a strongly confining optical trap and a quadrupolar magnetic trap. The steady state is reached after about 400 ms, providing a cloud of more than one million metastable atoms at a temperature of about 100 microK, with a peak density of 10^{18} atoms.m^{-3}. We have optimized the loading procedure, and measured the light shift of the 5D4 state by analyzing how the trapped atoms respond to a parametric excitation. We compare this result to a theoretical evaluation based on the available spectroscopic data for chromium atoms.Comment: 7 pages, 5 Figure

    Radio-frequency induced ground state degeneracy in a Chromium Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the effect of strong radio-frequency (rf) fields on a chromium Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), in a regime where the rf frequency is much larger than the Larmor frequency. We use the modification of the Land\'{e} factor by the rf field to bring all Zeeman states to degeneracy, despite the presence of a static magnetic field of up to 100 mG. This is demonstrated by analyzing the trajectories of the atoms under the influence of dressed magnetic potentials in the strong field regime. We investigate the problem of adiabaticity of the rf dressing process, and relate it to how close the dressed states are to degeneracy. Finally, we measure the lifetime of the rf dressed BECs, and identify a new rf-assisted two-body loss process induced by dipole-dipole interactions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Autler-Townes splitting in two-color photoassociation of 6Li

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    We report on high-resolution two-color photoassociation spectroscopy in the triplet system of magneto-optically trapped 6Li. The absolute transition frequencies have been measured. Strong optical coupling of the bound molecular states has been observed as Autler-Townes splitting in the photoassociation signal. The spontaneous bound-bound transition rate is determined and the molecule formation rate is estimated. The observed lineshapes are in good agreement with the theoretical model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication