254 research outputs found

    Marketing concept stimulates economic development of our country

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    This research work outlines importance, factors of marketing concept and shows how the later escalates economic development of the country.Дане дослідження визначає роль, фактори маркетингової концепції та показує вплив на подальший економічний розвиток країни.Данное исследование определяет роль, факторы маркетинговой концепции и показывает влияние на дальнейшее экономическое развитие страны

    Formation of media competence of future teachers using media texts

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    The article is devoted to the problem of forming the media competence of future teachers, where the authors propose to use media texts of different types as the main tool. It provides detailed analysis of the views of scientists on the essence and content of the definition of “media competence of the individual”, which is interpreted today in line with the psychological, pedagogical, and technological approaches. As a result of the ascertaining section, a predominantly low level of the formation of the media competence of future teachers was determined, which necessitated the theoretical substantiation and implementation of a number of pedagogical conditions. These include: the formation of a positive motivation among future specialists for the use of media in the educational process; organization of an educational media environment in higher education institutions aimed at developing media competence among future teachers; attraction of future specialists to purposeful, creative media activity and the creation of their own media product. The research introduced the testing of such conditions which provided for the systematic work of students with media texts of various types (posts on social networks and comments to them, movies, cartoons, videos of classes, lessons, and other forms of work with students, webinars, scientific, educational, and other texts in the open access, audio recordings (music, songs, audio books), iconic signs (photos, drawings, infographics)). A number of effective media texts have been identified and introduced into the educational process from the point of view of the formation of media competence of future teachers

    Methods of Transfection with Messenger RNA Gene Vectors

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    Non-viral gene delivery vectors with messenger RNA (mRNA) as a carrier of genetic information are among the staple gene transfer vectors for research in gene therapy, gene vaccination and cell fate reprogramming. As no passage of genetic cargo in and out of the nucleus is required, mRNA-based vectors typically offer the following five advantages: 1) fast start of transgene expression; 2) ability to express genes in non-dividing cells with an intact nuclear envelope; 3) insensitivity to the major gene silencing mechanisms, which operate in the nucleus; 4) absence of potentially mutagenic genomic insertions; 5) high cell survival rate after transfection procedures, which do not need to disturb nuclear envelope. In addition, mRNA-based vectors offer a simple combination of various transgenes through mixing of several mRNAs in a single multi-gene cocktail or expression of a number of proteins from a single mRNA molecule using internal ribosome entry sites (IRESes), ribosome skipping sequences and proteolytic signals. However, on the downside, uncontrolled extracellular and intracellular decay of mRNA can be a substantial hurdle for mRNA-mediated gene transfer. Procedures for mRNA delivery are analogous to DNA transfer methods, which are well-established. In general, there are three actors in the gene delivery play, namely, the vector, the cell and the transfer environment. The desired outcome, that is, the efficient delivery of a gene to a target cell population, depends on the efficient interaction of all three parties. Thus, the vector should be customised for the target cell population and presented in a form that is resistant to the aggressive factors in the delivery milieu. At the same time, the delivery environment should be adjusted to be more vector-friendly and more cell-friendly. The recipient cells should be subjected to a specific regimen or artificially modified to become receptive to gene transfer with a particular vector and resistant to the environment. As a rule, barriers outside tissues (e.g. mucus) and an aggressive intercellular environment complicate gene delivery in vivo, which, therefore, requires more complex gene transfer procedures than transfection of tissue culture cells. This review is focused on transfection methods for mRNA vectors, which rely either on the forceful propulsion of mRNA inside the target cells (e.g. by electroporation or gene gun) or on the complexing of mRNA with other substances (e.g. polycationic transfection reagents) for delivery via endocytic pathways

    Designing lentiviral gene vectors

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    Lentiviral gene vectors are an important tool in gene therapy and basic biomedical research. They are transducing viral particles, normally replication defective, which are generated using the packaging machinery of lentiviruses. These vectors are used to deliver the encapsidated payload genes to the nuclei of the target cells, offering stable transgene expression in many settings in vitro and in vivo. Successful generation of high-titre lentiviral vectors capable of efficiently expressing transgenes over long period of time is governed by a number of vector design rules, some of which are common to all gene vectors while others are specific to lentiviral vectors. Construction of lentiviral vectors with the cargo genes driven by tissue-specific promoters is a particular challenge. This review focuses both on the guiding principles and the technical know-how of the lentiviral gene vector design.Published versio

    CollabGraph: A graph-based collaborative search summary visualisation

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    Currently, the search history in search engines is presented in a list view of some combination of enumerated results by title, URL, or search query. However, this classical list view is not ideal in collaborative search environments as it does not always assist users in understanding collaborators' search history results and the project's status. We present CollabGraph, a system for graph-based summary visualization in collaborative search learning environments. Our system differentiates from existing solutions by visualizing the summary of the collaboration results in a graph and having its core personal knowledge graphs (PKGs) for each user. Our research questions concentrate around the CollabGraph's usefulness, preference, and enhancement of participation of student's and teacher's feedback compared to the list view of search history results. We evaluate our approach with an online questionnaire in six different project-based searching as learning (SaL) scenarios (LSs). The evaluation of users' experience indicates that the CollabGraph is useful, highly likeable, and could benefit users' participation and teacher's feedback by providing more precise insights into the project status. Our approach helps users better perceive about everyone's work, and it is a highly preferable feature alongside the list view. In addition, the results demonstrate that graph summary visualizations, such as the CollabGraph, are more suitable for closed-end scenarios and collaborative projects with many participants

    Характеристика діяльнісного компоненту у структурі медіа-компетентності майбутніх фахівців початкової освіти

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    The article deals with the active component in the structure of media competence of future teachers of the primary level. It is determined that a modern teacher should be able to motivate students to study through a set of media tools, to realize their educational opportunities at the lesson. That is why the process of professional training in higher education institutions should help to master the complex of theoretical knowledge and practical skills and skills in applying media to meet the educational needs of junior pupils.The article outlines the structure of media competence of future primary school teachers, focusing on the activity component. It is emphasized that the creation of a suitable media environment in higher education institutions will help to develop media competence, improve the skills of working with software that will result from the creation of author's media products.The article deals with the educational possibilities of media: the ability to present information in a qualitative way, to create media products in order to improve the educational process, to diversify the forms, methods, methods of teaching, the interest of younger students to join the project activity, to diversify the discipline, which will allow to go beyond educational process. In view of this, the future specialist should implement them at a high level, creating their own media products.It is determined that the process of creating media products during professional training forms certain professional qualities in future primary school teachers, in particular: activity, responsibility, ability to reflect, etc. It has been established that multimedia presentations are on the one hand a media product, on the other hand, a universal approach for the representation of educational information: a user-friendly interface will allow to quickly get acquainted with learning information. Media products also include: video materials, audio materials, electronic manuals, catalogs, books that allow diversifying the educational process, effectively implements the educational goal of the lesson.Thus, the activity component in the media competence structure reflects the skills of working with media, facilitates the creation of media products as an effective means of training and upbringing the modern generation, aimed at creating a professional position in terms of media innovationВ статье говорится о деятельностной составляющей в структуре медиа-компетентности будущих учителей начальной школы. Определено, современный учитель должен уметь мотивировать учащихся к обучению через комплекс медиа-средств, реализовывать их образовательные возможности на уроке. Именно поэтому, процесс профессиональной подготовки в учреждениях высшего образования должен способствовать овладению комплексом теоретических знаний, практических умений и навыков по применению медиа-средств для удовлетворения образовательных потребностей младших школьников.В статье раскрыта структура медиа-компетентности будущих учителей начальных классов, акцентируя внимание на деятельностном компоненте. Подчеркнуто, что создание соответствующей медиа-среды в учреждениях высшего образования будет способствовать формированию медиа-компетентности, усовершенствует навыки работы с программным обеспечением, станет результатом создания авторских медиа-продуктов.В статье говорится об образовательных возможностях медиа-средств: возможность качественно представить информацию, создавать медиа-продукты с целью усовершенствования образовательного процесса, разнообразие форм, методов, приемов обучения, заинтересовывать младших школьников приобщаться к проектной деятельности, разносторонне изучать дисциплины, что позволит выйти за рамки образовательного процесса. Учитывая это, будущий специалист должен на высоком уровне реализовывать их, создавая собственные медиа-продукты.Определено, что процесс создания медиа-продуктов во время профессиональной подготовки формирует определенные профессиональные качества у будущих учителей начальной школы, в частности: активность, ответственность, способность к рефлексии и тому подобное. Установлено, что мультимедиа презентации являются, с одной стороны, медиа-продуктом, с другой – универсальным подходом для репрезентации образовательной информации: удобный интерфейс позволит быстро ознакомиться с учебной информацией. К медиа-продуктам также относятся: видеоматериалы, аудиоматериалы, электронные пособия, каталоги, книги, позволяющие разнообразить образовательный процесс, эффективно реализовывать образовательную цель урока.Итак, деятельностный компонент в структуре медиа-компетентности отражает навыки работы с медиа-средствами, способствует созданию медиа-продуктов как эффективного средства обучения и воспитания современного поколения, нацеленный на формирование профессиональной позиции с точки зрения инноваций в области медиаУ статті йдеться про діяльнісну складову у структурі медіа-компетентності майбутніх учителів початкової школи. Визначено, сучасний учитель має уміти мотивувати учнів до навчання через комплекс медіа-засобів, реалізовувати їхні освітні можливості на уроці. Саме тому, процес професійної підготовки в закладах вищої освіти повинен сприяти оволодінню комплексом теоретичних знань й практичних умінь й навичок щодо застосування медіа-засобів для задоволення освітніх потреб молодших школярів.У статті розкрито структуру медіа-компетентності майбутніх вчителів початкових класів, акцентуючи увагу на діяльнісному компоненті. Підкреслено, що створення відповідного медіа-середовища в закладах вищої освіти сприятиме формуванню медіа-компетентності, удосконалить навички роботи з програмовим забезпеченням, що стане результатом створення авторських медіа-продуктів.У статті йдеться про освітні можливості медіа-засобів: можливість якісно презентувати інформацію, створювати медіа-продукти з метою удосконалення освітнього процесу, урізноманітнення форм, методів, прийомів навчання, зацікавлення молодших школярів долучатись до проектної діяльності, різносторонньо вивчати дисципліни, що дозволить вийти за рамки освітнього процесу. З огляду на це, майбутній фахівець має на високому рівні реалізовувати їх, створюючи власні медіа-продукти.Визначено, що процес створення медіа-продуктів під час професійної підготовки формує певні професійні якості у майбутніх вчителів початкової школи, зокрема: активність, відповідальність, здатність до рефлексії тощо. Встановлено, що мультимедіа презентації є з одного боку медіа-продуктом, з іншого ‒ універсальним підходом для репрезентації освітньої інформації: зручний інтерфейс дозволить швидко ознайомитись з навчальною інформацією. До медіа-продуктів також відносяться: відео-матеріали, аудіо-матеріали, електронні посібники, каталоги, книги, що дозволяють урізноманітнити освітній процес, ефективно реалізовувати освітню мету уроку.Отже, діяльнісний компонент у структурі медіа-компетентності віддзеркалює навички роботи з медіа-засобами, сприяє створенню медіа-продуктів як ефективного засобу навчання й виховання сучасного покоління, націлений на формування професійної позиції з точки зору інновацій у галузі меді

    Experimental study of the influence of a neogalenical phytocomplex from the shoots of Ledum palustre on the course of acute bronchitis disease in rats

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    The aim of the experiment was to study the anti-inflammatory effect of the novogalene agent Ledum 50, obtained from Ledum palustre shoots, in a rat model of acute bronchitis. Materials and methods. Acute bronchitis was initiated by endotracheal administration of 1 % formalin solution. The effectiveness of Ledum 50 was investigated by the number of leukocytes and cell composition in isotonic BAL solution after 24 hours and after 8 days of the experiment. Serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and CIC were determined. Histological examination of the lungs was carried out. Results. Endotracheal injection of formalin caused irritation of the trachea and bronchi, excessive formation of bronchial secretions (heavy breathing, wheezing) in all the studied groups. The lethality of animals in the OB group on the 3rd day of the experiment (1 rat) was recorded, in the studied groups there was no death. The level of leukocytes in BAL after 24 hours exceeded the index of the IC group by 9.63 times (p<0.05), after 8 days – by 3.0 times (p<0.05). In the cellular composition of BAL, there was a significant increase in granulocytes (rod- ​​and segmented neutrophils, eosinophils), monocytes and a decrease in the lymphocyte population against the IC group. Such changes were verified in the long term (8 days of the experiment), which indicates an inflammatory process. In the group of rats that received Ledum 50, leukocytes in the BAL significantly decreased, the number of monocytes and lymphocytes in the BAL decreased, the amount of CIC in the blood serum, CRP and AP normalized. In terms of effectiveness, Ledum 50 significantly exceeded the BAL values ​​of the reference drug. The effectiveness of experimental therapy for acute bronchitis was also verified by studying the histostructure of the airways and the respiratory part of the lungs. Conclusions. Studies confirm the favorable course of acute bronchitis with Ledum 50 monotherapy. This fact is confirmed by the results of normalization of hematological parameters, leukocytes and BAL cell composition after 7 days of treatment with the claimed agent. This is the basis for further preclinical and clinical studies with the aim of creating an oral drug for the treatment of acute bronchitis

    Chronically shortened rod outer segments accompany photoreceptor cell death in Choroideremia

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    X-linked choroideremia (CHM) is a disease characterized by gradual retinal degeneration caused by loss of the Rab Escort Protein, REP1. Despite partial compensation by REP2 the disease is characterized by prenylation defects in multiple members of the Rab protein family that are master regulators of membrane traffic. Remarkably, the eye is the only organ affected in CHM patients, possibly because of the huge membrane traffic burden of the post mitotic photoreceptors, which synthesise outer segments, and the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium that degrades the spent portions each day. In this study, we aimed to identify defects in membrane traffic that might lead to photoreceptor cell death in CHM. In a heterozygous null female mouse model of CHM (Chmnull/WT), degeneration of the photoreceptor layer was clearly evident from increased numbers of TUNEL positive cells compared to age matched controls, small numbers of cells exhibiting signs of mitochondrial stress and greatly increased microglial infiltration. However, most rod photoreceptors exhibited remarkably normal morphology with well-formed outer segments and no discernible accumulation of transport vesicles in the inner segment. The major evidence of membrane trafficking defects was a shortening of rod outer segments that was evident at 2 months of age but remained constant over the period during which the cells die. A decrease in rhodopsin density found in the outer segment may underlie the outer segment shortening but does not lead to rhodopsin accumulation in the inner segment. Our data argue against defects in rhodopsin transport or outer segment renewal as triggers of cell death in CHM

    Chronically shortened rod outer segments accompany photoreceptor cell death in Choroideremia

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    X-linked choroideremia (CHM) is a disease characterized by gradual retinal degeneration caused by loss of the Rab Escort Protein, REP1. Despite partial compensation by REP2 the disease is characterized by prenylation defects in multiple members of the Rab protein family that are master regulators of membrane traffic. Remarkably, the eye is the only organ affected in CHM patients, possibly because of the huge membrane traffic burden of the post mitotic photoreceptors, which synthesise outer segments, and the adjacent retinal pigment epithelium that degrades the spent portions each day. In this study, we aimed to identify defects in membrane traffic that might lead to photoreceptor cell death in CHM. In a heterozygous null female mouse model of CHM (Chmnull/WT), degeneration of the photoreceptor layer was clearly evident from increased numbers of TUNEL positive cells compared to age matched controls, small numbers of cells exhibiting signs of mitochondrial stress and greatly increased microglial infiltration. However, most rod photoreceptors exhibited remarkably normal morphology with well-formed outer segments and no discernible accumulation of transport vesicles in the inner segment. The major evidence of membrane trafficking defects was a shortening of rod outer segments that was evident at 2 months of age but remained constant over the period during which the cells die. A decrease in rhodopsin density found in the outer segment may underlie the outer segment shortening but does not lead to rhodopsin accumulation in the inner segment. Our data argue against defects in rhodopsin transport or outer segment renewal as triggers of cell death in CHM.publishersversionpublishe

    Properties of Coatings Deposited from Filtered Vacuum Arc Plasma with HEA Cathode

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    Ti-V-Zr-Nb-Hf metallic and nitride films were deposited by filtered vacuum arc plasma from a single equiatomic HEA cathode. The composition, microstructure, mechanical properties, thermal stability and corrosion properties were investigated. The deposited metallic film has a two-phase structure with bcc and hcp-lattice. The nitride films were found to have only an fcc structure. All coatings have nano-grained structures, with grain sizes 5 nm for metallic and 36 nm for nitride. The nitride coatings have a compressive stress of around – 12,5 GPa, high hardness ~ 40 GPa and elastic modulus ~ 450 GPa. After annealing in vacuum in range 400-1200 °C, 3 h for every temperature, hardness decreased to 25 GPa. It was found that both the metallic and nitride coatings exhibited their best corrosion resistance than steel samples in a 3,5 wt. % NaCl solution. The metallic coatings showed better corrosion resistance than the nitride coatings. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3532