306 research outputs found

    Estimación del nivel socio-económico asociado a los logros académicos

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    En la investigación se propone asociar los logros académicos con un índice del nivel socioeconómico de los hogares (en adelante NSE) basada en métodos de georreferenciación. Éstos consisten básicamente en la identificación de puntos del espacio (en este caso: hogares) y vincularlos con información espacial proveniente de distintas fuentes. Es importante resaltar que la utilización de información cartográfica que relacione cada zona de la Provincia de Mendoza con su NSE, permitirá contar con una herramienta útil para identificar fácilmente las áreas con menor desarrollo socioeconómico, lo cual podría afectar los logros académicos.Fil: Toledo, Melisa Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas

    Amputación y reorganización familiar

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    Tesis (Magíster en Terapia Ocupacional, Mención Salud Física)La siguiente investigación busca realizar un levantamiento de información de los sistemas familiares a partir del conocimiento acerca de la reorganización que éste presenta posterior a que se generare una discapacidad física en uno de sus miembros, quien asume un rol relevante dentro de la dinámica familiar. Y posteriormente, con este conocimiento, se busca generar un cuestionamiento en las prácticas de intervención que se realiza actualmente desde la Terapia Ocupacional en el área de salud física en atención con personas con amputación. En cuanto a las características de este estudio, presenta un diseño metodológico de tipo cualitativo, con un alcance de investigación exploratorio. Se utilizará además el estudio de caso como método de investigación científica. La investigación está sostenida bajo un Paradigma Constructivista. La muestra está constituida por tres familias nucleares con hijos, pertenecientes a las ciudades de Temuco y Santiago. La producción de información es a través de la entrevista semi-estructurada, y posteriormente se realiza el análisis desde una aproximación a la Teoría Fundamentada

    Biogeochemistry of the Amazonian Floodplains: Insights from Six End-Member Mixing Models

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    International audienceThe influence of Amazonian floodplains on the hydrological, sedimentary, and biogeochemical river budget was investigated along the Vargem Grande–Óbidos reach, by applying six mixing models based on variable regional and/or variable hydrological sources. By comparing the output of many different models designed for different purposes, the nature and the magnitude of processes linking water and biogeochemical budgets of the Amazonian floodplains were clarified. This study reveals that most of the chemical baseline of the Amazon River basin is acquired before the studied 2000-km Amazonian reach. However, the tight connection between the hydrograph stage of the river and the chemical signals provides insightful information on the dynamics of its floodplains. The chemical expression of biotic and abiotic processes occurring in the Amazonian floodplains can be particularly perceived during falling waters. It appears delayed in time compared to the maximum extension of submerged area, because the alternating water circulation polarity (filling versus emptying) between the main channel and the adjacent floodplains determines delayed emptying of floodplains during falling waters. It results also in a longer time of residence in the hydrograph network, which strengthens the rate of transformation of transiting materials and solutes. Biotic and biologically mediated processes tend to accentuate changes in river water chemistry initiated upstream, in each subbasin, along river corridors, indicating that processes operating downstream prolong those from upstream (e.g., floodplains of the large tributaries). Conversely, the flood wave propagation tends to lessen the seasonal variability as a result of the water storage in the floodplains, which admixes waters of distinct origins (in time and space). The morphology of floodplains, determining the deposition and the diagenesis of the sediments as well as the variable extension of submerged areas or the chronology of floodplains storage/emptying, appears to be the main factor controlling the floodplains biogeodynamics. By coupling classical end-member mixing models (providing insight on hydrological source) with a variable regional contribution scheme, relevant information on the biogeochemical budget of the Amazonian floodplains can be achieved

    Resolución cinética enzimática eco-compatible de R/S-ketoprofeno

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    En este trabajo de tesis doctoral se presentan los resultados obtenidos en la aplicación de la lipasa B de Candida antarctica en la esterificación enantioselectiva de R/S-ketoprofeno. Este fármaco, perteneciente a la familia de los AINEs (AntiInflamatorios No Esterideos), está formado por dos isómeros ópticos. El enantiómero S(+) es farmacológicamente activo, mientras que el isómero R(-) es biológicamente inactivo y puede presentar efectos perjudiciales. La lipasa B de Candida antarctica cataliza la esterificación enantioselectiva del enantiómero R(-) inactivo, dejando el isómero deseado S(+) sin reaccionar. En la presente investigación se emplea la enzima inmovilizada en una matriz macroporosa (Novozym® 435), en un sistema eco-compatible y económico. Las reacciones se llevan a cabo sin el agregado de co-solvente orgánico, siendo el alcohol empleado en la esterificación, el reactivo y solvente de las mismas.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Implantación de ORCID en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

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    Se hace una descripción del plan y posterior proceso de implantación en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid del sistema de identificadores de autor Open Researcher and ContributorID (ORCID). Esta iniciativa trata de identificar correctamente a los investigadores (autores y colaboradores) creando un identificador único. Se analizan con detalle las características técnicas y los aspectos esenciales para su puesta en marcha en la Universidad Carlos III. El propósito de este documento es mostrar nuestra experiencia a otras instituciones que quieran desarrollar un proyecto similar.In this work we describe the initial plan and subsequent implementation process of the Authorities control system Open Researcher & author ContributorID (ORCID) at the Carlos III University of Madrid. The ORCID project tries to identify correctly the researchers (authors and contributors) by creating a single indentificator. We analyze in detail the technical characteristics and the essential project aspects carried out at Carlos III University. The purpose of this paper is to share our experience with other institutions that want to develop a similar task

    Xeno-free expansion of late-adherent human olfactory mucosa cells: Towards an allogeneic therapy for neural regeneration

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    Human olfactory mucosa cells (hOMCs) are anchorage dependent cells that have potential for treatment of spinal cord injury. However, current hOMC therapies relied on autologous transplantation and it is not feasible to prepare and characterize sufficient quantities of cells (in the order of 107 - 108 cells) within a timeframe to treat acute injury. Thus an allogeneic (universal) off-the-shelf approach would offer an alternative for this case. We incorporated the regulator-approved c-MycERTAM gene (ReNeuron) into primary late-adherent hOMCs to extend their ex vivo proliferation in the presence of the synthetic drug 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT). Polyclonal populations of hOMCs were generated and characterized, with an ultimate goal of developing a potential cell therapy product for application in spinal cord injury. Due to the lack of scalability, the availability of labour intensive manual processes and fetal bovine serum (FBS) supplementation, we aimed to develop a xeno-free process for the expansion of a these cells. An initial issue for the manufacture of hOMCs is that key bioprocess parameters have not been established. In this work, we performed cell growth characterization to provide information about their growth i.e. effect of initial cell seeding density, long-term culture, and metabolite profiles to ultimately define the expansion process window. Although widely used, FBS is a finite resource that raises concerns about the presence of adventitious agents. Alternative human-derived (xeno-free) or chemically-defined (serum-free) supplements were assessed for their ability to sustain cell growth. From these studies, human platelet lysate supplementation at 2-5% (% v/v) was found to be a viable xeno-free option to sustain growth of hOMCs with no adverse effects on their phenotype. Finally, we sought to replace the current manually intensive monolayer expansion process with a more flexible and scalable platform such as suspension culture on animal-free microcarriers. Successful expansion of c- MycERTAM-derived late-adherent hOMCs on plastic microcarriers at 80-mL scale was achieved to establish a suspension culture expansion platform for the translation of a potential candidate cell therapy for neural regeneration. In summary, we show a systematic approach to address main hOMC bioprocessing challenges for an allogeneic therapy to treat patients suffering from spinal cord injury

    Research as a principle of conceptualization for design

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    Designing a formal speech, an idea or structure of ideas that give origin, demands a concept. This activity is seen as a process that articulates a coherent concept; its formal synthesis, the expression or conceptual projection in an object shape is never the same under question from various backgrounds. As it can be seen, the project proposal begins with the investigation of a topic in relation to the context and the potential consumer. Later this information is used to represent a mental idea –colors, lines, dots, shapes, as language–, and then it is written or represent it as a sketch, in order to create the final concept of the design object. Once this is done, the graphical representation of the concept is initiated by the elements of visual alphabet, usually in specialized computer software. Then, in a sustainable way, production is manufactured and distribution programmed –implantation–. Finally, an evaluation of the work is perform from its substance, emphasizing the importance of systematic and methodological research to its conceptualization in order to represent the argumentative way, besides observing the topic of Social Responsibility.Scientific research is an extremely important issue not only for general and particular knowledge of sciences and disciplines, but also it supports the reflection of the investigated issue with the purpose of expanding the known. At the same time, deliberation about what it has been investigated represents a fertile field of development possibilities of understanding the current reality; theoretical and methodological positions from which research problems are addressed, ensure that the resulting arguments observe a systemic, useful, truthful and suitable course of which the content started out. This knowledge is focused on general or individual problems that require to be updating or prospecting, either to extend or deepen the epistemic frame of disciplines and sciences –basic research– or to solve specific problems of precise necessity –applied research–, even a branch of this second is known as technological development in Mexico1. In disciplines such as design, research becomes essential to structure appropriately society processes on the current existing hyper technique and mediated civilization. Once the designer lives and recognizes through systemic perception or experience –it means that designer must hold diverse research skills–, therefore it is possible to create a concept from reflection. The deeper or wider this experience is, vaster the concept will be in richness and depth. In other words, a greater amount of conceptualization referents will be developed in terms of objects poiesis and user’s identity references, when the designer has a larger amount of knowledge of life, or particular lives’ contexts

    Natural materials to absorb water from environment

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    The culture of water conservation should not only be for the benefit of humans but also for nature, which modifies its structures everyday trying to help humanity. At some point man will pay his stubbornness trying to improve his lifestyle at the expense of the planet. While the water is still contaminated, we must care about its importance not only for men have a sustainable life, but also for other living beings. That is why we should think of efficient use of proper water consumption, through new materials that emulate naturals systems and structures, which make them sustainable, and avoid mixing it with difficult pollutants to remove such as oils, soaps or chemicals pharmaceutical industries (although these ones are due to the lack of importance and seriousness to follow the policies of care and preservation of water). Future generations depend on new ways to obtain and manage water as a resource, but more importantly, it is necessary to reestablish the natural balance with our planet and its resources.In nature, there are a large number of materials to be discovered, all with different characteristics and for certain functions. In the case of plants, they are responsible for collecting, taking care and protect water naturally. In Mexico there are different plants of the cactus family, which catch and retain water for their existence, so some plants collect more volume of body water than they have. It is very important for this investigation. In Mexico and throughout the continent there is a common cactus or prickly pear that easily adapts to the environment and very rampant in this country, so that its study and analysis makes it one of the most important natural systems for this research, because 95% of it is water and the other 5% is organic material. Later, the common Maguey or agave plant is analyzed, which is important for the history of ancient Mexico, this long before the Spaniards arrived in America. The agave juice and whole plant were an important part of Mexican culture [1], even today is used in many regions and is an important part of the economy in this country. Last but not least is the barrel cactus plant, which surprisingly lets us see how natural systems build structural and formal elements in order to the creation and configuration of new materials that can significantly help to collect water

    Factors driving the biogeochemical budget of the Amazon River and its statistical modelling Facteurs denext term contrôle du bilan biogéochimique previous termdenext term l'Amazone et modélisation statistique associée

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    International audienceThe seasonal and interannual fluctuations of the biogeochemical budget (solutes, suspended matter, isotopes) of the Amazon River basin were analyzed, with a special focus on 44 physicochemical parameters monitored over the period 1982-1984 during the Carbon in the AMazon River Experiment (CAMREX) project. The relevant factors driving this variability were identified and sorted through the implementation of a statistical-regressive model coupled to variance analysis. Basically, the compositional fluctuations in the Amazon River are related (1) to the variable contribution of major tributaries (variable regional source) to the river flow but also (2) to the variable contribution of hydrological sources, (3) to river processes, i.e. in-stream diagenesis and sediment dynamics and (4) to the hydrological budget of the floodplains. Their respective contributions to the variability of chemical signals observed in the stream waters depend on which parameter was investigated but their combination explains on average 85% of the observed variability. The variability related to regional sources was captured by the compared measures of flow discharge and biogeochemical fluxes at the outlet of the major tributaries. The variability of hydrological sources was described by the variable contribution of three runoffs of distinct but constant composition: forwarded direct runoff, delayed floodplain runoff and baseflow. Several methods were tested to depict the seasonal and interannual variations of their individual discharges. Biologically-mediated processes were related to a hydrobiological index IBIO = [O2]-[CO2] which allows tracking the nature of the dominant ecological regime (autotrophy vs. heterotrophy). The alteration of chemical signals related to the intermittent discharge of the floodplains (where specific processes occur such as: gas exchanges at the air-water interface, sorption of dissolved organic matter, chemical weathering, deposition vs. remobilization of sediments, etc.) was simulated by taking into account the default of hydrological balance between inflows and outflows, used as a marker of floodplains discharge. This analysis shows that the chemical baseline observed in the waters of the Amazon River is mostly acquired upstream from the junction of major tributaries with the Amazon main reach. Les fluctuations saisonnières et interannuelles du bilan biogéochimique (solutés, matière particulaire, isotopes) du fleuve Amazone ont été analysées, avec une attention particulière apportée à 44 paramètres physicochimiques mesurés entre 1982 et 1984 dans le cadre du programme CAMREX. Les facteurs exerçant une influence significative sur cette variabilité ont été identifiés et hiérarchisés par le biais d'un modèle statistique couplé à une analyse previous termdenext term variance. Les variations previous termdenext term composition des eaux previous termdenext term l'Amazone sont fondamentalement associées (1) à previous termlanext term contribution variable previous termdenext term ses affluents majeurs (source régionale variable) au débit total, mais aussi (2) à previous termlanext term contribution variable des pôles previous termdenext term mélange hydrologiques, (3) à des processus fluviaux correspondant au régime hydrobiologique et à previous termlanext term dynamique sédimentaire et (4) au bilan hydrologique des plaines d'inondation. Leurs contributions respectives à previous termlanext term variabilité des signaux chimiques observés dans les eaux du fleuve dépendent du paramètre considéré, mais leur combinaison explique en moyenne 85 % previous termde lanext term variabilité observée. previous termLanext term variabilité associée aux contributions régionales variables est appréhendée en procédant aux bilans entrées-sorties des débits et flux biogéochimiques. previous termLanext term variabilité previous termdenext term contribution des pôles previous termdenext term mélange est décrite par previous termlanext term contribution variable previous termdenext term trois écoulements previous termdenext term compositions distinctes mais constantes : l'écoulement direct à expression précoce, l'écoulement local previous termdenext term vidange alluviale à expression différée et l'écoulement previous termdenext term base. Douze méthodes ont été testées afin previous termdenext term décrire les variations saisonnières et interannuelles des débits individuels previous termdenext term chaque pôle previous termdenext term mélange. Les processus contrôlés par le vivant sont appréhendés à partir d'un indice hydrobiologique IBIO = [O2]-[CO2] qui permet previous termdenext term déterminer previous termlanext term nature du régime hydro-écologique dominant (autotrophe vs. hétérotrophe). L'altération des signaux chimiques générée par previous termlanext term vidange intermittente des plaines d'inondation (au niveau desquelles ont lieu des processus spécifiques : échanges gazeux, sorption previous termdenext term matière organique dissoute, érosion chimique, dépôt vs. remise en suspension previous termdenext term sédiments, etc.) est simulée en prenant en compte le défaut previous termdenext term bilan hydrologique entrées-sorties utilisé comme marqueur previous termdenext term débit des plaines d'inondation. Cette analyse montre que le bruit previous termdenext term fond chimique observé dans les eaux du fleuve Amazone est principalement acquis en amont des confluences entre le tronçon fluvial étudié et les principaux affluents qui l'alimentent