1,679 research outputs found

    Exclusión social en las sociedades multiculturales: comparación entre la situación actual en México y la República Checa

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    El día 1 de marzo de 2012 se conmemoró en la ciudad de Praga el nonagésimo aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas checo-mexicanas, en donde se destacó la creciente cooperación entre ambos países. En el ámbito académico, esta realidad se refleja en el presente libro titulado Exclusión social en las sociedades multiculturales. Comparación entre la situación actual en México y la República Checa. En Olomouc, República Checa, en julio de 2012 se reunieron investigadores del Departamento de la Sociología y Andragogía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Palacký (up) y de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (uaem). El producto de esa reunión fue el acuerdo sobre la cooperación académica y de investigación con el objetivo de establecer condiciones para un intercambio académico y profesional a través de una publicación conjunta dedicada a una serie de temas abordados desde la perspectiva comparativa y contribuir al debate sobre la teoría y metodología en los temas sociales y económicos de México y la República Checa. El primer resultado de dicho compromiso fue realizar una monografía colectiva elaborada en dos mutaciones lingüísticas (español y checo) con la participación de investigadores de ambas universidades, la cual consistió en presentar una serie de estudios comparativos. En esta publicación, conformada por ocho capítulos se establecieron dos propósitos: en primer lugar, se buscó compartir los procedimientos metodológicos dentro del análisis de los temas seleccionados y, en segundo, se pretendió generar una aportación a la comprensión de la problemática social y económica checa y mexicana. México y la República Checa son países con una historia diametralmente distinta y, por lo tanto, los procesos de desarrollo tienen carácter diferente. A pesar de ello, ambos países comparten en buena medida una serie de problemas sociales y económicos, aunque su magnitud, forma de percepción y medidas implementadas difieren debido al contexto específico de cada país. En esta comparación de ambo

    Sistemas Complejos y Desarrollo Territorial: Una Propuesta para el Análisis de la Sustentabilidad en México

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    La presente tesis ha sido elaborada en el marco del programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Autónoma del estado de México, dentro de la línea de investigación estudios socio-territoriales, y lleva como principal propuesta la idea de que mediante la teoría de los sistemas y las ciencias de la complejidad, como componentes epistemológicos, es posible encontrar elementos para el análisis acerca de los factores que explican el desarrollo territorial. La propuesta que se presenta pretende fundamentar la idea de que la dimensión territorial del desarrollo otorga especial relevancia a los rasgos locales y regionales en los que éste se desenvuelve. De manera que, el presente trabajo pretende reconocer la existencia de cierto tipo de sistemas que desde las ciencias sociales se denominan de sentido, tal es el caso de un sistema socio-territorial, el cual al asumir la categoría de sistema complejo permite ampliar las posibilidades de explicación en su acontecer a partir de un conjunto de propiedades inherentes a sí mismo, las cuales surgen como producto de las interacciones entre sus componentes o subsistemas; la finalidad es interpretar al desarrollo como una propiedad desde la emergencia sistémica.La propuesta que se presenta pretende fundamentar la idea de que la dimensión territorial del desarrollo otorga especial relevancia a los rasgos locales y regionales en los que éste se desenvuelve. De manera que, el presente trabajo pretende reconocer la existencia de cierto tipo de sistemas que desde las Ciencias Sociales se denominan de sentido, tal es el caso de un sistema socio-territorial, el cual al asumir la categoría de sistema complejo permite ampliar las posibilidades de explicación en su acontecer a partir de un conjunto de propiedades inherentes a sí mismo, las cuales surgen como producto de las interacciones entre sus componentes o subsistemas; la finalidad es interpretar al desarrollo como una propiedad desde la emergencia sistémica

    Design and analysis of efficient synthesis algorithms for EDAC functions in FPGAs

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    Error Detection and Correction (EDAC) functions have been widely used for protecting memories from single event upsets (SEU), which occur in environments with high levels of radiation or in deep submicron manufacturing technologies. This paper presents three novel synthesis algorithms that obtain areaefficient implementations for a given EDAC function, with the ultimate aim of reducing the number of sensitive configuration bits in SRAM-based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). Having less sensitive bits results in a lower chance of suffering a SEU in the EDAC circuitry, thus improving the overall reliability of the whole system. Besides minimizing area, the proposed algorithms also focus on improving other figures of merit like circuit speed and power consumption. The executed benchmarks show that, when compared to other modern synthesis tools, the proposed algorithms can reduce the number of utilized look-up tables (LUTs) up to a 34.48%. Such large reductions in area usage ultimately result in reliability improvements over 10% for the implemented EDAC cores, measured as MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures). On the other hand, maximum path delays and power consumptions can be reduced up to a 17.72% and 34.37% respectively on the placed and routed designs.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Educacion, Cultura y Deporte under the grant FPU12/05573, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economıa project ESP2013-48362-C2-2-P, in the frame of the activities of the Instrument Control Unit of the Infrarred Instrument of the ESA Euclid Mission carried out by the Dept. of Electronics and Computer Technology of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    IMM-Based lane-change prediction in highways with low-cost GPS/INS

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    The prediction of lane changes has been proven to be useful for collision avoidance support in road vehicles. This paper proposes an interactive multiple model (IMM)-based method for predicting lane changes in highways. The sensor unit consists of a set of low-cost Global Positioning System/inertial measurement unit (GPS/IMU) sensors and an odometry captor for collecting velocity measurements. Extended Kalman filters (EKFs) running in parallel and integrated by an IMM-based algorithm provide positioning and maneuver predictions to the user. The maneuver states Change Lane (CL) and Keep Lane (KL) are defined by two models that describe different dynamics. Different model sets have been studied to meet the needs of the IMM-based algorithm. Real trials in highway scenarios show the capability of the system to predict lane changes in straight and curved road stretches with very short latency times.Ministerio de Fomento: FOM/2454/200

    Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Chapter 40: Hemiurata Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954 (Suborder)

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    Chapter 40 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology on the suborder Hemiurata Skrjabin & Guschanskaja, 1954 by Lucrecia Acosta Soto, Bernard Fried, and Rafael Toledo. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap04

    Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Chapter 34: Introduction to Diplostomida Olson et al., 2003 (Order)

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    Chapter 34 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology, an introduction to the order Diplostomida Olson et al., 2003 by Lucrecia Acosta Soto, Bernard Fried, and Rafael Toledo. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap03

    Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Chapter 36: Introduction to Plagiorchiida La Rue, 1957 (Order)

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    Chapter 36 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology, an introduction to the order Plagiorchiida La Rue, 1957 by Rafael Toledo, Bernard Fried, and Lucrecia Acosta Soto. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap03

    Concepts in Animal Parasitology, Chapter 38: Echinostomata La Rue, 1926 (Suborder)

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    Chapter 38 in Concepts in Animal Parasitology on the suborder Echinostomata La Rue, 1926 by Rafael Toledo, Bernard Fried, and Lucrecia Acosta Soto. 2024. S. L. Gardner and S. A. Gardner, editors. Zea Books, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States. doi: 10.32873/unl.dc.ciap03

    Food Insecurity and the Behavioral and Intellectual Development of Children: A Review of the Evidence

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    Background: Given that an alarming 1 in 5 children in the USA are at risk of hunger (1 in 3 among black and Latino children), and that 3.9 million households with children are food insecure, it is crucial to understand how household food insecurity (HFI) affects the present and future well-being of our children. Purpose: The objectives of this review article are to: (i) examine the association between HFI and child intellectual, behavioral and psycho-emotional development, controlling for socio-economic indicators; (ii) review the hypothesis that HFI is indeed a mediator of the relationship between poverty and poor child development outcomes; (iii) examine if the potential impact of HFI on caregivers’ mental health well-being mediates the relationship between HFI and child development outcomes. Methods: Pubmed search using the key words “food insecurity children.” For articles to be included they had to: (i) be based on studies measuring HFI using an experience-based scale, (ii) be peer reviewed, and (iii) include child intellectual, behavioral and/or socio-emotional development outcomes. Studies were also selected based on backward and forward Pubmed searches, and from the authors’ files. After reviewing the abstracts based on inclusion criteria a total of 26 studies were selected. Results: HFI represents not only a biological but also a psycho-emotional and developmental challenge to children exposed to it. Children exposed to HFI are more likely to internalize or externalize problems, as compared to children not exposed to HFI. This in turn is likely to translate into poor academic/cognitive performance and intellectual achievement later on in life. A pathway through which HFI may affect child development is possibly mediated by caregivers’ mental health status, especially parental stress and depression. Thus, HFI is likely to foster dysfunctional family environments. Conclusion: Findings indicate that food insecure households may require continued food assistance and psycho-emotional support until they transition to a “stable” food secure situation. This approach will require a much better integration of social policies and access to programs offering food assistance and mental health services to those in need. Findings also fully justify increased access of vulnerable children to programs that promote early in life improved nutrition as well as early psycho-social and cognitive stimulation opportunities

    Energy Dissipation of Highly Convergent Chutes in Stilling Basins of Concrete Dams

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    This article presents the results of a combination of experimental and numerical research on the performance of stilling basins of spillways with highly convergent chutes (HCC). The comparison between the energy dissipation of the stilling basins with flat slab and baffle blocks shows that the latest are more efficient. Because of that, the cost savings of using such blocks can be significant. The results obtained could be applied in different cases such as increasing the capacity of existing spillways and protecting dams against overtopping. The application of HCC spillways in new dams could lead to a reduction in the cost of the stilling basin compared to conventional hydraulic jump energy dissipators