1,253 research outputs found

    Procurement, Operation, and Relocation of the 16 Foot Millimeter Wavelength Antenna System Final Report, 13 Nov. 1961 - 13 Nov. 1966

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    Radiometer instrumentation of 16-foot millimeter wavelength antenna syste

    Microstructure of nanocrystalline diamond powders studied by powder diffractometry

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    High resolution x-ray diffraction peaks of diamond nanosize powders of nominal sizes ranging from 5 to 250 nm were analyzed and provided information on grain structure, average size of crystallites, and concentration of dislocations. Selected samples were heat treated at 1670 K at pressures 2.0 and 5.5 GPa or had surface modified by outgassing, heat treatment at vacuum conditions, and by controlled adsorption of gases. The apparent lattice parameter method was applied to characterize the structure of a shell-core model of nanosize particles. The multiple whole profile fitting provided information on crystallite sizes and density of dislocations. Population of dislocations increased with applied pressure, while strain and interplanar distances in the surface layers decreased. Adsorption of foreign gases on the grain surface modified the structure of the surface layers but did not affect dislocations near the center of the grains

    Multiport Bidirectional SRM Drives for Solar-Assisted Hybrid Electric Bus Powertrain With Flexible Driving and Self-Charging Functions

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    The hybrid electric bus (HEB) presents an emerging solution to exhaust gas emissions in urban transport. This paper proposes a multiport bidirectional switched reluctance motor (SRM) drive for solar-assisted HEB (SHEB) powertrain, which not only improves the motoring performance, but also achieves flexible charging functions. To extend the driving miles and achieve self-charging ability, photovoltaic (PV) panels are installed on the bus to decrease the reliance on fuelsbatteries and charging stations. A bidirectional front-end circuit with a PV-fed circuit is designed to integrate electrical components into one converter. Six driving and five charging modes are achieved. The dc voltage is boosted by the battery in generator control unit (GCU) driving mode and by the charge capacitor in battery driving mode, where the torque capability is improved. Usually, an extra converter is needed to achieve battery charging. In this paper, the battery can be directly charged by the demagnetization current in GCU or PV driving mode, and can be quickly charged by the PV panels and GCUAC grids at SHEB standstill conditions, by utilizing the traction motor windings and integrated converter circuit, without external charging converters. Experiments on a three-phase 128 SRM confirm the effectiveness of the proposed drive and control scheme

    The Role of a Hot Gas Environment on the Evolution of Galaxies

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    Most spiral galaxies are found in galaxy groups with low velocity dispersions; most E/S0 galaxies are found in galaxy groups with relatively high velocity dispersions. The mass of the hot gas we can observe in the E/S0 groups via their thermal X-ray emission is, on average, as much as the baryonic mass of the galaxies in these groups. By comparison, galaxy clusters have as much or more hot gas than stellar mass. Hot gas in S-rich groups, however, is of low enough temperature for its X-ray emission to suffer heavy absorption due to Galactic HI and related observational effects, and hence is hard to detect. We postulate that such lower temperature hot gas does exist in low velocity dispersion, S-rich groups, and explore the consequences of this assumption. For a wide range of metallicity and density, hot gas in S-rich groups can cool in far less than a Hubble time. If such gas exists and can cool, especially when interacting with HI in existing galaxies, then it can help link together a number of disparate observations, both Galactic and extragalactic, that are otherwise difficult to understand.Comment: 16 pages with one figure. ApJ Letters, in pres

    Photorespiration: metabolic pathways and their role in stress protection

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    Photorespiration results from the oxygenase reaction catalysed by ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/ oxygenase. In this reaction glycollate-2-phosphate is produced and subsequently metabolized in the photorespiratory pathway to form the Calvin cycle intermediate glycerate-3-phosphate. During this metabolic process, CO2 and NH3 are produced and ATP and reducing equivalents are consumed, thus making photorespiration a wasteful process. However, precisely because of this ine¤ciency, photorespiration could serve as an energy sink preventing the overreduction of the photosynthetic electron transport chain and photoinhibition, especially under stress conditions that lead to reduced rates of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation. Furthermore, photorespiration provides metabolites for other metabolic processes, e.g. glycine for the synthesis of glutathione, which is also involved in stress protection. In this review, we describe the use of photorespiratory mutants to study the control and regulation of photorespiratory pathways. In addition, we discuss the possible role of photorespiration under stress conditions, such as drought, high salt concentrations and high light intensities encountered by alpine plants

    Long Duration Venus Probes and Landers

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    Planetary probes have long been a tool used by scientists to gain early clues on environments and systems of new planetary targets. This not only fueled the scientific process but also helped prepare for future missions, such as landers, and helped ensure their success. Venus, Earth's sister planet, has been the target of more probes and landers than any other body in our solar system except for Earth and yet many fundamental questions are unanswered. Challenge for Venus Surface Science: This lack of knowledge is a result of the challenging Venus environments. Remote sensing of the surface and portions of the atmosphere is difficult at best due to the thick layers of sulfuric acid clouds and the high pressure supercritical CO2 atmosphere below those clouds. This has hampered the ability of orbiting missions to provide us insight into surface features and processes and thus hides potential clues on interior process from our view. Surface probes and landers face an even more daunting challenge, which is the extreme temperature, pressure and unfriendly chemical composition of the near surface atmosphere. Over 10 assets have landed on the surface yet the longest surviving asset Venera-13 lasted only 127 minutes before succumbing to the extreme temperature. While this and other landers provided valuable new data, the short life impacted ability to understand any temporal processes, for example meteorology, seismic active, and therefore very little is known about the interior and surface atmosphere interactions. New Capability Offering Potential Solutions: Re-cent developments by NASA are offering hope of overcoming the technical challenges of surface operations and life with the use of high temperature electronics and systems. Wide band gap, SiC based electronics have been demonstrated to function successfully for extended periods of time both at 500C, Venus surface temperatures as well as when temperature is combined with the reactive chemistry of the surface atmosphere and the high pressures (over 90 bar pressure at the surface). In addition to electronics a number of other subsystems are in development including power in the form of high temperature batteries and power management devices, communications including antennas, transmitters and other components, materials, and structures and mechanisms. These are all activities under NASA's Long Lived In situ Solar System Exploration (LLISSE) project. Other activities are also funded under NASA's HOTTech program

    Brown Carbon Production by Aqueous-Phase Interactions of Glyoxal and SO2

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    Oxalic acid and sulfate salts are major components of aerosol particles. Here, we explore the potential for their respective precursor species, glyoxal and SO2, to form atmospheric brown carbon via aqueous-phase reactions in a series of bulk aqueous and flow chamber aerosol experiments. In bulk aqueous solutions, UV- and visible-light-absorbing products are observed at pH 3–4 and 5–6, respectively, with small but detectable yields of hydroxyquinone and polyketone products formed, especially at pH 6. Hydroxymethanesulfonate (HMS), C2, and C3 sulfonates are major products detected by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) at pH 5. Past studies have assumed that the reaction of formaldehyde and sulfite was the only atmospheric source of HMS. In flow chamber experiments involving sulfite aerosol and gas-phase glyoxal with only 1 min residence times, significant aerosol growth is observed. Rapid brown carbon formation is seen with aqueous aerosol particles at \u3e80% relative humidity (RH). Brown carbon formation slows at 50–60% RH and when the aerosol particles are acidified with sulfuric acid but stops entirely only under dry conditions. This chemistry may therefore contribute to brown carbon production in cloud-processed pollution plumes as oxidizing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) interact with SO2 and water

    Drinking water turbidity and emergency department visits for gastrointestinal illness in Atlanta, 1993–2004

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    The extent to which drinking water turbidity measurements indicate the risk of gastrointestinal illness is not well-understood. Despite major advances in drinking water treatment and delivery, infectious disease can still be transmitted through drinking water in the U.S., and it is important to have reliable indicators of microbial water quality to inform public health decisions. The objective of our study was to assess the relationship between gastrointestinal illness, quantified through emergency department visits, and drinking water quality, quantified as raw water and filtered water turbidity measured at the treatment plant

    Drinking water residence time in distribution networks and emergency department visits for gastrointestinal illness in Metro Atlanta, Georgia

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    We examined whether the average water residence time, the time it takes water to travel from the treatment plant to the user, for a zip code was related to the proportion of emergency department (ED) visits for gastrointestinal (GI) illness among residents of that zip code. Individual-level ED data were collected from all hospitals located in the five-county metro Atlanta area from 1993 to 2004. Two of the largest water utilities in the area, together serving 1.7 million people, were considered. People served by these utilities had almost three million total ED visits, 164,937 of them for GI illness. The relationship between water residence time and risk for GI illness was assessed using logistic regression, controlling for potential confounding factors, including patient age and markers of socioeconomic status (SES). We observed a modestly increased risk for GI illness for residents of zip codes with the longest water residence times compared to intermediate residence times (odds ratio (OR) for Utility 1 = 1.07, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.03, 1.10; OR for Utility 2 = 1.05, 95% CI = 1.02, 1.08). The results suggest that drinking water contamination in the distribution system may contribute to the burden of endemic GI illness
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