62 research outputs found

    The properties of the D-meson in dense matter

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    We study the D-meson spectral density in dense matter within the framework of a coupled-channel self-consistent calculation taking, as bare meson-baryon interaction, a separable potential. Our coupled-channel model generates dynamically the Λc(2593)\Lambda_c(2593) resonance. The medium modifications of the D-meson properties due to Pauli blocking and the dressing of D-mesons, nucleons and pions are also discussed. We found that the coupled-channel effects in the self-consistent process reduce the in-medium effects on the D-meson compared to previous works.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of Strangeness in Quark Matter 2004 (SQM2004), Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September 200

    K/K+K^-/K^+ ratio in heavy-ion collisions at GSI with an antikaon self-energy in hot and dense matter

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    The K/K+K^-/K^+ ratio produced in heavy-ion collisions at GSI energies is studied. The in-medium properties at finite temperature of the hadrons involved are included, paying a special attention to the in-medium properties of antikaons. Using a statistical approach, it is found that the determination of the temperature and chemical potential at freeze-out conditions compatible with the ratio K/K+K^-/K^+ is very delicate, and depends very strongly on the approximation adopted for the antikaon self-energy. The use of an energy dependent Kˉ\bar{K} spectral density, including both s and p-wave components of the KˉN\bar{K}N interaction, lowers substantially the freeze-out temperature compared to the standard simplified mean-field treatment and gives rise to an overabundance of KK^- production in the dense and hot medium. Even a moderately attractive antikaon-nucleus potential obtained from our self-consistent many-body calculation does reproduce the ``broad-band equilibration'' advocated by Brown, Rho and Song due to the additional strength of the spectral function of the KK^- at low energies.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, sent to Phys. Rev.

    Finite temperature effects on the antikaon optical potential

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    By solving the Bethe-Goldstone equation, we have obtained the Kˉ\bar{K} optical potential from the KˉN\bar{K}N effective interaction in nuclear matter at T=0. We have extended the model by incorporating finite temperature effects in order to adapt our calculations to the experimental conditions in heavy-ion collisions. In the rank of densities (02ρ00-2\rho_0), the finite temperature Kˉ\bar{K} optical potential shows a smooth behaviour if we compare it to the T=0 outcome. Our model has also been applied to the study of the ratio between K+K^+ and KK^- produced at GSI with TT around 70 MeV. Our results point at the necessity of introducing an attractive Kˉ\bar{K} optical potential.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of Mesons & Light Nuclei '01 (2-6th July, Prague

    Open-charm mesons in nuclear matter at finite temperature beyond the zero-range approximation

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    The properties of open charm mesons, D, D, D{sub s}, and D{sub s} in nuclear matter at finite temperature are studied within a self-consistent coupled-channel approach. The interaction of the low-lying pseudoscalar mesons with the ground-state baryons in the charm sector is derived from a t-channel vector-exchange model. The in-medium scattering amplitudes are obtained by solving the Lippmann-Schwinger equation at finite temperature including Pauli blocking effects, baryon dressing, as well as D, D, D{sub s}, and D{sub s} self-energies taking their mutual influence into account. We find that the in-medium properties of the D meson are affected by the D{sub s}-meson self-energy through the intermediate D{sub s}Y loops coupled to DN states. Similarly, dressing the D meson in the DY loops has an influence over the properties of the D{sub s} meson

    The equation of state for the nucleonic and hyperonic core of neutron stars

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    We re-examine the equation of state for the nucleonic and hyperonic inner core of neutron stars that satisfies the 2M⊙ observations as well as the recent determinations of stellar radii below 13 km, while fulfilling the saturation properties of nuclear matter and finite nuclei together with the constraints on the high-density nuclear pressure coming from heavy-ion collisions. The recent nucleonic FSU2R and hyperonic FSU2H models are updated in order to improve the behaviour of pure neutron matter at subsaturation densities. The corresponding nuclear matter properties at saturation, the symmetry energy, and its slope turn out to be compatible with recent experimental and theoretical determinations. We obtain the mass, radius, and composition of neutron stars for the two updated models and study the impact on these properties of the uncertainties in the hyperon-nucleon couplings estimated from hypernuclear data. We find that the onset of appearance of each hyperon strongly depends on the hyperon-nuclear uncertainties, whereas the maximum masses for neutron stars differ by at most 0.1M⊙, although a larger deviation should be expected tied to the lack of knowledge of the hyperon potentials at the high densities present in the centre of 2M⊙ stars. For easier use, we provide tables with the results from the FSU2R and FSU2H models for the equation of state and the neutron star mass-radius relation

    Equation of state for nucleonic and hyperonic neutron stars with mass and radius constraints

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    We obtain a new equation of state for the nucleonic and hyperonic inner core of neutron stars that fulfils the 2 M⊙ observations as well as the recent determinations of stellar radii below 13 km. The nucleonic equation of state is obtained from a new parameterization of the FSU2 relativistic mean-field functional that satisfies these latest astrophysical constraints and, at the same time, reproduces the properties of nuclear matter and finite nuclei while fulfilling the restrictions on high-density matter deduced from heavy-ion collisions. On the one hand, the equation of state of neutron star matter is softened around saturation density, which increases the compactness of canonical neutron stars leading to stellar radii below 13 km. On the other hand, the equation of state is stiff enough at higher densities to fulfil the 2 M⊙ limit. By a slight modification of the parameterization, we also find that the constraints of 2 M⊙ neutron stars with radii around 13 km are satisfied when hyperons are considered. The inclusion of the high magnetic fields present in magnetars further stiffens the equation of state. Hyperonic magnetars with magnetic fields in the surface of ~1015 G and with values of ~1018 G in the interior can reach maximum masses of 2 M⊙ with radii in the 12-13 km range

    Impact of a thermal medium on D mesons and their chiral partners

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    We study D and Ds mesons at finite temperature using an effective field theory based on chiral and heavy-quark spin-flavor symmetries within the imaginary-time formalism. Interactions with the light degrees of freedom are unitarized via a Bethe-Salpeter approach, and the D and Ds self-energies are calculated self-consistently. We generate dynamically the D*0(2300) and Ds*(2317) states, and study their possible identification as the chiral partners of the D and Ds ground states, respectively. We show the evolution of their masses and decay widths as functions of temperature, and provide an analysis of the chiral-symmetry restoration in the heavy-flavor sector below the transition temperature. In particular, we analyse the very special case of the D-meson, for which the chiral partner is associated to the double-pole structure of the D*0(2300)

    Charm and Hidden Charm Scalar Resonances in Nuclear Matter

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    We study the properties of the scalar charm resonances Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) and D0(2400)D_0(2400), and the theoretical hidden charm state X(3700) in nuclear matter. We find that for the Ds0(2317)D_{s0}(2317) and X(3700) resonances, with negligible and small width at zero density, respectively, the width becomes about 100MeV100 {\rm MeV} and 200MeV200 {\rm MeV} at normal nuclear matter density, accordingly. For D0(2400)D_0(2400) the change in width is relatively less important. We discuss the origin of this new width and trace it to reactions occurring in the nucleus. We also propose a possible experimental test for those modifications in nuclear matter, which will bring valuable information on the nature of those scalar resonances and the interaction of DD mesons with nucleons.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the International Conference on Particles And Nuclei (PANIC08), Eilat, Israel, November 9-14, 200

    Partial wave contributions to the antikaon potential at finite momentum

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    The momentum dependence of the antikaon optical potential in nuclear matter is obtained from a microscopic and self-consistent calculation using the meson-exchange J\"ulich KˉN\bar{K}N interaction. Two self-consistent schemes are discussed, which would lead to substantially different predictions for the width of Kˉ{\bar K} nuclear bound states. The effect of higher partial waves of the KˉN\bar{K}N interaction, beyond the L=0 component, is studied and found to have moderate but non-negligible effects on the Kˉ{\bar K} nuclear potential at zero momentum. At momenta as large as 500 MeV/c, relevant in the analysis of heavy-ion collisions, the higher partial partial waves modify the Kˉ{\bar K} optical potential by nearly a factor of two.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Strange and charm mesons at fair

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    We study the properties of strange and charm mesons in hot and dense matter within a self-consistent coupled-channel approach for the experimental conditions of density and temperature expected for the CBM experiment at FAIR/GSI. The in-medium solution at finite temperature accounts for Pauli blocking effects, mean-field binding of all the baryons involved, and meson self-energies. We analyse the behaviour in this hot and dense environment of dynamically-generated baryonic resonances together with the evolution with density and temperature of the strange and open-charm meson spectral functions. We test the spectral functions for strange mesons using energy-weighted sum rules and finally discuss the implications of the properties of charm mesons on the Ds0(2317) and the predicted X(3700) scalar resonances.Molina Peralta, Raquel, [email protected] ; Nieves Pamplona, Juan Miguel, [email protected] ; Oset Báguena, Eulogio, [email protected]