111 research outputs found

    Exercise Can Potentially Cure Parkinson’s Disease: A Comprehensive Review

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    Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease that negatively affects many American lives. It is characterized by the degeneration of dopamine-secreting neurons in the Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta (SNpc). Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease lack motor coordination and experience severe motor impairments. Unfortunately, there is currently no treatment method available that can successfully cure the disease. In fact, all of the mainstream available treatments only eliminate some PD symptoms, and they cause many negative side effects. Although nontraditional, exercise is a side effect free treatment method that can potentially slow the progression of the disease and alleviate some symptoms. This paper first gives a comprehensive overview of the pathology and current treatments of Parkinson’s disease. Then this paper reviews the benefits of exercise therapy for PD patients and the potential biological mechanisms that drive the success of exercise therapy

    Пространственная структура поселений европейского степного сурка (Marmota bobak bobak Müller, 1776) в Ростовской области

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    The data on spatial structure of European marmot’s settlements in Chertkovsk district, Rostov region are presented. During field studies in 2007 it was established, that in comparison with 1990, when the conclusion was drawn about regular distribution of marmots with the density 0,8 families/hectare in the virgin lands and 0,08 families/hectare in the fields at the most part in Chertkovsk district, changes in the spatial structure of marmots population occurred. In 2007 the density of their settlements was 0,6 families/hectare.Представлены данные по пространственной структуре поселений европейского степного сурка в Чертковском р-не Ростовской обл. В результате полевых исследований 2007 года было установлено, что по сравнению с 1990 г., когда был сделан вывод о равномерном размещении сурка с плотностью 0,8 сем./га на целине и 0,08 сем./га на полях на большей части Чертковского района, произошли изменения в пространственной структуре популяции степного сурка. Плотность его поселений в 2007 г. составила 0,6 сем./га

    Diffuse Reflection Diameter in Simple Polygons

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    We prove a conjecture of Aanjaneya, Bishnu, and Pal that the minimum number of diffuse reflections sufficient to illuminate the interior of any simple polygon with nn walls from any interior point light source is n/21\lfloor n/2 \rfloor - 1. Light reflecting diffusely leaves a surface in all directions, rather than at an identical angle as with specular reflections.Comment: To appear in Discrete Applied Mathematic

    Современное состояние популяции степного сурка (Marmota bоbаk bоbаk Мull., 1776) в Белгородской обл.

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    To Belgorod region steppe marmot comes from two Ukrainian populations remained – Lugansk and Kharkiv ones. By the beginning of the XXI century steppe marmot inhabits 18 of the 21 districts of the region. Current state of the population of the steppe marmot on the example of colonies, located in the Kazinski state reserve of Valuisk district of Belgorod region, as well as in the whole region has been analyzed. Against the background of a slight change in the population number throughout the region over the past 5 years significant decrease in the number is observed in the areas of natural habitat of marmot. The number of steppe marmot in Kazinski state reserve in the period from 2003 to 2008 decreased by 474 individuals, representing 19,2%. The main limiting factor for marmot number growth in Belgorod region is decreasing pasture load. In the future we can predict the decrease of marmot number.В Белгородскую область степной сурок проникает из сохранившихся в Украине двух популяций – Луганской и Харьковской. К началу ХХІ ст. степной сурок обитает в 18 из 21 района области. Проведен анализ современного состояния популяции степного сурка на примере колоний, расположенных на территории Казинского государственного заказника Валуйского района Белгородской области, а также в целом по области. На фоне незначительного изменения численности по всей области за последние 5 лет весомое снижение численности наблюдается в районах естественного ареала сурка. Численность степного сурка на территории Казинского госзаказника в период с 2003 по 2008 гг. уменьшилась на 474 особи, что составляет 19,2%. Основным лимитирующим фактором роста численности сурка в Белгородской области является уменьшение пастбищной нагрузки. В дальнейшем можно прогнозировать падение численности сурка

    Marmots from space: assessing population size and habitat use of a burrowing mammal using publicly available satellite images

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    Social, burrowing mammals such as prairie dogs, ground squirrels or marmots are keystone species in grassland ecosystems. Grasslands have been converted into cropland or pastures globally, yet it remains virtually unknown how this has affected the biogeography of burrowing mammals, as efficient, broad-scale survey methods are lacking. We aimed to test whether structures created by burrowing rodents can be reliably detected on publicly available, very-high-resolution satellite images, in order to assess rodent distribution and abundance. We identified burrows of Bobak marmot (Marmota bobak), a keystone burrowing steppe rodent, on 1300 randomly selected plots of 1 km diameter (78.53 ha) across the species’ range (~950 000 km²) in Kazakhstan and southern Russia using Google Earth and Bing images. We then used burrow occurrences and species distribution models to map marmot distribution. We assessed how marmot occurrence and density vary across land-use types. We also combined satellite-based burrow densities and ground-survey data to derive a new population estimate for the species across Kazakhstan. We mapped a total of 7425 burrows from the satellite imagery. Field visits at a subsample of burrows suggested that burrow occurrence was detected reliably. Broad-scale marmot distribution was mainly determined by summer rainfall, land use and elevation. Occurrence probability was highest on arable croplands, followed by abandoned croplands and grazed steppe. The current Bobak marmot population size for Kazakhstan was estimated at 6.1 (±2.4) million individuals. Our results demonstrate that publicly available, very-high-resolution images can be used to reliably map the distribution of burrowing mammals across large geographic scales. The observed and predicted distributions indicate that the Bobak's range has remained almost unchanged in Kazakhstan since the 1950s, despite several drastic episode of land-use change. This suggests that burrowing mammals can be remarkably resilient to land-use pressure, questioning prevailing narratives of population collapse in these species following agricultural expansion.Volkswagen Foundation http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001663Peer Reviewe

    Metal clad aramid fibers for aerospace wire and cable

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    High strength light weight metal clad aramid fibers can provide significant weight savings when used to replace conventional metal wire in aerospace cable. An overview of metal clad aramid fiber materials and information on performance and use in braided electrical shielding and signal conductors is provided

    Renewal of beaver (Castor fiber L.) population in Left-Bank Ukraine

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    RU: На основе литературных источников, официальных документов, анкетных данных и результатов многолетних оригинальных исследований показаны особенности распространения и динамика численности бобра речного (Castor fiber L.) на территории Левобережной Украины с начала ХХ века – со 100 особей в 1930 г. до почти 43000 особей в 2010 г. Рассмотрена история реакклиматизации бобров на указанной территории. Для ряда участков приведены таблицы и схемы с указанием мест выпуска животных и их количества. Значительная антропогенизация Левобережной Украины и интенсивное хозяйственное использование подавляющей части внутренних водоёмов не явились препятствием для экспансии этого полуводного грызуна – благодаря высокой толерантности бобрами успешно освоены водно-болотные угодья основных рек Харьковской, Луганской, Сумской и Полтавской областей. Таким образом, можно говорить о восстановлении исторического ареала этого вида в пределах Украины. EN: Based on the literature, official documents, questionnaires and the results of many years of original research there have been shown the features of distribution and population dynamics of the river beaver (Castor fiber L.) in Left-Bank Ukraine since the beginning of ХХ century – from 100 individuals in 1930 to nearly 43,000 individuals in 2010. The history of reacclimatization of beavers at this territory has been considered. For a number of areas tables and schemes showing locations of animals release and their quantity have been given. Essential antropogenization of Left-bank Ukraine and intensive economic use of the vast majority of inland water bodies were not an obstacle to the expansion of this semi-aquatic rodent – due to high tolerance beavers have successfully settled wetlands of main rivers of Kharkiv, Luhansk, Sumy and Poltava regions. Thus, we can say about renewal of historic range of this species in Ukraine