1,113 research outputs found

    Dairy cattle breeding effectiveness analysis under the conditions of import substitution

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    The relevance of the research problem is inspired by the strategic importance of dairy farming to the national economy, which is especially evident in the context of the EU economic sanctions against the Russian Federation and carrying out the import substitution policy. First and foremost, this policy applies to food commodities, including milk. The goal of the article is to study statistical productivity analysis of dairy cattle breeding as one of the major indicators to show its effectiveness (Privolzhsky Federal district in Russia is taken as the example). The main methods, used to study this problem are the index method, time series analysis, and correlation and regression analysis. As the study result there were identified the factors affecting the dairy cattle productivity, the prognosis and the conclusion about the positive aspects in solving problems of import substitution in the field of milk production. The article can be useful to regional governments in the development and adjustment programs for socio-economic development of subjects dealing with agriculture in the Volga Federal district of Russia. © 2016 Tokarev et al

    Thymosin β4 as basis for creation of a reparation preparation of new generation

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    On the basis of its multipurpose activities during regeneration of fabrics in various experiments on animals, Thymosin β4 has the potential for new researches, in kidneys and a liver, and also recovery of a spinal cord, bones and injury of ligaments. Besides, it can be useful in case of treatment of a wide range of other diseases, including concerning consequences of old bacterial damages and viral infection

    Preliminary results of determination of chemical element concentrations in the aerosol of Venus clouds

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    An X-ray radiometeric experiment is described along with the results of measurements of the elemental composition of aerosols in Venusian clouds. A preliminary analysis of the data showed that sulfur is present in the range of heights 63 to 47 km with mean content of 5.8 mg/cu m and that chlorine is present in the height range 61 t0 52 km with a mean content of 4.1 mg/cu m. The results of measurements in the range 52 to 47 km may come to an agreement if phosphorus is present in the aerosol with a mean concentration of 7.7 mg/cu m

    Полевые исследования культиватора­удобрителя с системой дифференцированного внесения минеральных удобрений

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    The authors carried out field tests of differentiated fertilization system "Agronavigator-Dozator" installed on a cultivator-fertilizer for intra-soil application of granular mineral fertilizers in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. (Research purpose) To determine the effect of differentiated fertilization system on agrotechnical, energy, operational and technological and economic indexes of the cultivator-fertilizer in field conditions. (Materials and methods) The authors carried out agrochemical soil survey according to the officially approved method. They made an electronic task map. They used the methodology for determining the conditions of field tests, agrotechnical, energy, operational and technological and energy assessments that met the current regulatory documentation requirements. Field tests of differentiated fertilization system were carried out during the second flat-cut processing of the steam field with simultaneous intra-soil granular mineral fertilizers application. (Results and discussion) The authors found out that the use of differentiated fertilization system "Agronavigator-Dozator" reduced the actual dose of application from 95 to 40 kilograms per hectare. It was determined that the presence of a parallel driving mode in the system under study reduced the amount of overlap of adjacent aisles, thereby increasing shift productivity - from 4.25 to 4.32 hectares per hour, unit energy consumption decreased from 88.1 to 86.6 megajoules per hectare, and the specific fuel consumption decreased from 14.41 to 14.16 kilograms per hectare. The economic effect of the use of differentiated fertilization system "Agronavigator- Dozator " amounted to 630.6 thousand rubles per year. (Conclusions) The authors proved that differential fertilization system "Agronavigator-Dozator" effect the actual dose of fertilization, which decreased by 57.6 percent. It was found that a decrease in the overlap of adjacent aisles increased shift productivity, reduced specific fuel consumption and specific energy consumption by 1.7 percent. It was calculated that the total sum of money was reduced by 36 percent due to the use of differentiated fertilization system "Agronavigator- Dozator".Провели полевые исследования системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений «Агронавигатор-дозатор», установленной на культиватор-удобритель для внутрипочвенного внесения гранулированных минеральных удобрений в условиях Северного Казахстана.  (Цель исследований) Определить влияние системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений на агротехнические, энергетические, эксплуатационно-технологические и экономические показатели работы культиватора-удобрителя в производственных условиях. (Материалы и методы) Выполнили агрохимическое обследование почвы по официально утвержденной методике. Составили электронную карту-задание. Использовали методику определения условий производственных испытаний, агротехнической, энергетической, эксплуатационно-технологичекой и энергетической оценок, соответствующую требованиям действующей нормативной документации. Производственные испытания системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений проводили в ходе второй плоскорезной обработки парового поля с одновременным внутрипочвенным внесением гранулированных минеральных удобрений. (Результаты и обсуждение) Выявили, что применение системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений «Агронавигатор-дозатор» сократило фактическую дозу внесения с 95 до 40 килограммов на гектар. Определили, что наличие в исследуемой системе режима параллельного вождения уменьшило величину перекрытия смежных проходов, благодаря чему повысилась сменная производительность – с 4,25 до 4,32 гектара в час, удельные затраты энергии сократились с 88,1 до 86,6 мегаджоуля на гектар, а удельный расход топлива снизился с 14,41 до 14,16 килограмма на гектар. Экономический эффект от применения системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений «Агронавигатор-дозатор» составил 630,6 тысячи рублей в год. (Выводы) Доказали, что основное влияние система дифференцированного внесения удобрений «Агронавигатор-дозатор» оказала на фактическую дозу внесения удобрений, которая уменьшилась на 57,6 процента. Установили, что снижение величины перекрытия смежных проходов повысило сменную производительность, снизило удельный расход топлива и удельные затраты энергии на 1,7 процента. Рассчитали, что совокупные затраты денежных средств благодаря применению системы дифференцированного внесения удобрений «Агронавигатор-дозатор» сократились на 36 процентов

    Математическая модель для определения конструктивной массы почвообрабатывающего орудия

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    The authors have shown that the tillage specific constructive weight affects the working width and penetration ability. In order to increase the working width of the tillage implement, and therefore its performance and economic efficiency as well as its penetration ability, it is preferable to minimize the value of this indicator. It is taken into account that the implement specific structural weight will depend on the actual number of working tools and frame elements per unit of the working width. (Research purpose) The aim of the work is to develop a mathematical model to determine the minimum allowable and actual specific structural weight depending on the tillage implement operating conditions and its structural design and technological scheme. (Materials and methods) The research methodology is based on mathematical modeling, abstraction, analysis, synthesis, and principles of classical mechanics. (Results and discussion) The proposed mathematical model for determining the minimum allowable and actual specific structural weight was developed. The model takes into account the physical and mechanical characteristics of the cultivated soil, the number of working bodies and frame elements per unit of the tillage implement working width. It was found out that an increase in the working width makes it possible to reduce the implement actual specific structural weight, all other things being equal. It was proposed to use the mathematical model for designing tillage tools, carrying out force calculations and comparative assessment of metal consumption, depending on the installation and location of working bodies with different working widths. (Conclusions) It was found out that with the soil ultimate compressive strength of 100,000 pascal, the implement minimum allowable structural weight should be 334 kilograms per meter to ensure the tillage tool penetration to a given depth. Under the considered conditions, the implement actual specific structural weight will have a minimum value at the working width of 0.7 and 0.8 meters – 375 kilograms per meter and 335 kilograms per meter, respectively.Показали, что удельная конструктивная масса почвообрабатывающего орудия влияет на ширину захвата и заглубляющую способность. Отметили, что для улучшения производительности и экономической эффективности предпочтительно минимизировать этот показатель до определенной величины, чтобы обеспечить заглубляющую способность. Приняли во внимание зависимость от фактического количества рабочих органов и рамных элементов, приходящихся на единицу ширины захвата. (Цель исследований) Разработать математическую модель для определения минимально допустимой и фактической удельной конструктивной массы в зависимости от условий эксплуатации почвообрабатывающего орудия и его конструктивно-технологической схемы. (Материалы и методы) Использовали математическое моделирование, абстрагирование, анализ, синтез, положения классической механики. (Результаты и обсуждение) Разработали математическую модель для нахождения минимально допустимой и фактической удельной конструктивной массы, которая учитывает физико-механические характеристики обрабатываемой почвы, количество рабочих органов и рамных элементов, приходящихся на единицу ширины захвата почвообрабатывающего орудия. Установили, что увеличение ширины захвата рабочего органа позволяет уменьшить фактическую удельную конструктивную массу орудия при прочих равных условиях. Предложили использовать математическую модель при проектировании почвообрабатывающих орудий, проведении силовых расчетов и сравнительной оценки металлоемкости в зависимости от установки и расположения рабочих органов различной ширины захвата. (Выводы) Установили, что при пределе прочности почвы сжатию 100 000 паскалей для обеспечения заглубления плоскорежущего орудия на заданную глубину минимально допустимая конструктивная масса орудия должна составлять 334 килограмма на метр. Фактическая удельная конструктивная масса орудия в рассматриваемых условиях будет иметь минимальное значение при ширине захвата рабочего органа 0,7 и 0,8 метра – 375 и 335 килограмма на метр соответственно

    Photon Physics in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC

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    Various pion and photon production mechanisms in high-energy nuclear collisions at RHIC and LHC are discussed. Comparison with RHIC data is done whenever possible. The prospect of using electromagnetic probes to characterize quark-gluon plasma formation is assessed.Comment: Writeup of the working group "Photon Physics" for the CERN Yellow Report on "Hard Probes in Heavy Ion Collisions at the LHC", 134 pages. One figure added in chapter 5 (comparison with PHENIX data). Some figures and correponding text corrected in chapter 6 (off-chemical equilibrium thermal photon rates). Some figures modified in chapter 7 (off-chemical equilibrium photon rates) and comparison with PHENIX data adde


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    The technical specifications and test data in 2012-2014 of a new fixed-mobile seed extractor of pumpkin and squash seeds (varieties of different ripeness, size and shape of fruit and seeds) are presented.Приведена  техническая  характеристика  и  данные  испытаний  в  2012,2014 годах  нового   стационарно-передвижного  выделителя  семян  на  тыкве  и  кабачке  (сорта различной спелости,  размера и формы плода и семян)

    Determination of temperature dependences of Young's modulus and internal friction of fuel cladding by resonance method

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    We study elastic characteristics and internal friction of fuel claddings to improve computer codes for VVER-1000 fuel rods. We analytically described elastic characteristics of cladding material and obtained coefficient of the form of the first longitudinal frequency numerically. We described new measuring module for automatic acquisition data. We’ve established temperature dependences of Young’s modulus and internal friction via high-temperature facility and developed electronic module and noted maximum of these characteristics at the temperature 1160 K. It can be explained by the destruction of the texture in the material of claddings

    Thomson scattering diagnostics at the Globus M2 tokamak

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    The paper is devoted to the Thomson scattering (TS) diagnostics recently developed for the Globus-M2 spherical tokamak and prototyping the ITER divertor TS diagnostics. The distinctive features of the system are the use of spectrometers, acquisition system and lasers that meet the base requirements for ITER TS diagnostics. The paper describes the diagnostic system that allows precise measurements of TS signals, as well as the results of the first measurements of electron temperature and density in both central region of the plasma column and scrape-off layer. The system provides measurements of electron temperature TeT_{e} in the range of 5 eV to 5 keV and density nen_{e} in the range of 51017÷3.251020m35{\cdot}10^{17}{\div}3.25{\cdot}10^{20} m^{-3}. The use of two ITER-grade probing lasers of different wavelengths (Nd:YAG 1064.5 nm and Nd:YLF 1047.3 nm) allows reliable measurement of TeT_{e} in multi-colour mode, i.e., assuming that spectral calibration is unknown

    Analysis of the dynamics and structure of morbidity of athletes of the national teams of Moscow based on the results of medical examination

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the structure and dynamics of morbidity of athletes, members of sports teams of the city of Moscow based on the results of an in-depth medical examination in the period 2017–2021.Materials and methods: The data of the medical examination of athletes, which took place at the Moscow scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine, including instrumental, functional and laboratory studies from 2017 to 2021, were analyzed. In 2017, 15176 athletes were examined, in 2018 and 2019, 11200, in 2020, 10080 people and in 2021–11922 athletes.Results: The results of the study showed an increase in the proportion of amenorrhea within the triad of athletes, an increase in general therapeutic morbidity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, among which the proportion of secondary hyperbilirubinemia in 2021 increased 3 times compared to 2020, which, in our opinion, is also due to the impact of the pandemic and quarantine restrictions.The high prevalence of ophthalmological morbidity of athletes and changes in the cardiovascular system is shown. During 2017–2021, a change in the structure of cardiac morbidity was revealed in the form of an increase in the proportion of cardiac arrhythmias and hypertensive response to stress.An increase in the endocrine morbidity of athletes in 2021 was revealed due to an increase in the proportion of hypothyroidism and more frequent detection of hyperthyroidism, possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires further research.There was also an increase in diseases of the skin and genitourinary system in athletes. Psychological problems of athletes increased during the observation period from 2017 to 2021. There was no significant dynamics of surgical and traumatological diseases, otolaryngological pathologу.Conclusion: The results of the study indicate the importance of regular full-fledged examination of athletes, identification of various functional disorders and diseases for their timely prevention and treatment in order to preserve the health of athletes and improve athletic performance