1,608 research outputs found

    Discovery of an overdensity of faint red galaxies in the vicinity of the z=1.786 radio galaxy 3C 294

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    We report the discovery of an overdensity of faint red galaxies in the vicinity of the z=1.786 radio galaxy 3C 294. The overdensity, discovered in a 84 min Ks-band ISAAC/VLT image is significant at the 2.4 sigma level (compared to the local field density), and overlaps with the extended X-ray emission around 3C 294 detected with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The near-infrared colours of the galaxies making up the overdensity show a large scatter and the galaxies do not follow a red sequence in the colour magnitude diagram. If the galaxies are in a cluster at z=1.786 they must be dominated by young stellar populations with different star-formation histories.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Quasicontinuum γ\gamma-decay of 91,92^{91,92}Zr: benchmarking indirect (n,γn,\gamma) cross section measurements for the ss-process

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    Nuclear level densities (NLDs) and γ\gamma-ray strength functions (γ\gammaSFs) have been extracted from particle-γ\gamma coincidences of the 92^{92}Zr(p,pγp,p' \gamma)92^{92}Zr and 92^{92}Zr(p,dγp,d \gamma)91^{91}Zr reactions using the Oslo method. The new 91,92^{91,92}Zr γ\gammaSF data, combined with photonuclear cross sections, cover the whole energy range from Eγ1.5E_{\gamma} \approx 1.5~MeV up to the giant dipole resonance at Eγ17E_{\gamma} \approx 17~MeV. The wide-range γ\gammaSF data display structures at Eγ9.5E_{\gamma} \approx 9.5~MeV, compatible with a superposition of the spin-flip M1M1 resonance and a pygmy E1E1 resonance. Furthermore, the γ\gammaSF shows a minimum at Eγ23E_{\gamma} \approx 2-3~MeV and an increase at lower γ\gamma-ray energies. The experimentally constrained NLDs and γ\gammaSFs are shown to reproduce known (n,γn, \gamma) and Maxwellian-averaged cross sections for 91,92^{91,92}Zr using the {\sf TALYS} reaction code, thus serving as a benchmark for this indirect method of estimating (n,γn, \gamma) cross sections for Zr isotopes.Comment: 10 pages and 9 figure

    Multiplication and Composition in Weighted Modulation Spaces

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    We study the existence of the product of two weighted modulation spaces. For this purpose we discuss two different strategies. The more simple one allows transparent proofs in various situations. However, our second method allows a closer look onto associated norm inequalities under restrictions in the Fourier image. This will give us the opportunity to treat the boundedness of composition operators.Comment: 49 page

    Network analysis of pig movements: Loyalty patterns and contact chains of different holding types in Denmark

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    Understanding animal movements is an important factor for the development of meaningful surveillance and control programs, but also for the development of disease spread models. We analysed the Danish pig movement network using static and temporal network analysis tools to provide deeper insight in the connection between holdings dealing with pigs, such as breeding and multiplier herds, production herds, slaughterhouses or traders. Pig movements, which occurred between 1st January 2006 and 31st December 2015 in Denmark, were summarized to investigate temporal trends such as the number of active holdings, the number of registered movements and the number of pigs moved. To identify holdings and holding types with potentially higher risk for introduction or spread of diseases via pig movements, we determined loyalty patterns, annual network components and contact chains for the 24 registered holding types. The total number of active holdings as well as the number of pig movements decreased during the study period while the holding sizes increased. Around 60-90% of connections between two pig holdings were present in two consecutive years and around one third of the connections persisted within the considered time period. Weaner herds showed the highest level of in-loyalty, whereas we observed an intermediate level of in-loyalty for all breeding sites and for production herds. Boar stations, production herds and trade herds showed a high level of out-loyalty. Production herds constituted the highest proportion of holdings in the largest strongly connected component. All production sites showed low levels of in-going contact chains and we observed a high level of out-going contact chain for breeding and multiplier herds. Except for livestock auctions, all transit sites also showed low levels of out-going contact chains. Our results reflect the pyramidal structure of the underlying network. Based on the considered disease, the time frame for the calculation of network measurements needs to be adapted. Using these adapted values for loyalty and contact chains might help to identify holdings with high potential of spreading diseases and thus limit the outbreak size or support control or eradication of the considered pathogen

    Phonon-induced quadrupolar ordering of the magnetic superconductor TmNi2_2B2_2C

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    We present synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies revealing that the lattice of thulium borocarbide is distorted below T_Q = 13.5 K at zero field. T_Q increases and the amplitude of the displacements is drastically enhanced, by a factor of 10 at 60 kOe, when a magnetic field is applied along [100]. The distortion occurs at the same wave vector as the antiferromagnetic ordering induced by the a-axis field. A model is presented that accounts for the properties of the quadrupolar phase and explains the peculiar behavior of the antiferromagnetic ordering previously observed in this compound.Comment: submitted to PR

    Sub-millimeter galaxies as progenitors of compact quiescent galaxies

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    Three billion years after the big bang (at redshift z=2), half of the most massive galaxies were already old, quiescent systems with little to no residual star formation and extremely compact with stellar mass densities at least an order of magnitude larger than in low redshift ellipticals, their descendants. Little is known about how they formed, but their evolved, dense stellar populations suggest formation within intense, compact starbursts 1-2 Gyr earlier (at 3<z<6). Simulations show that gas-rich major mergers can give rise to such starbursts which produce dense remnants. Sub-millimeter selected galaxies (SMGs) are prime examples of intense, gas-rich, starbursts. With a new, representative spectroscopic sample of compact quiescent galaxies at z=2 and a statistically well-understood sample of SMGs, we show that z=3-6 SMGs are consistent with being the progenitors of z=2 quiescent galaxies, matching their formation redshifts and their distributions of sizes, stellar masses and internal velocities. Assuming an evolutionary connection, their space densities also match if the mean duty cycle of SMG starbursts is 42 (+40/-29) Myr (consistent with independent estimates), which indicates that the bulk of stars in these massive galaxies were formed in a major, early surge of star-formation. These results suggests a coherent picture of the formation history of the most massive galaxies in the universe, from their initial burst of violent star-formation through their appearance as high stellar-density galaxy cores and to their ultimate fate as giant ellipticals.Comment: ApJ (in press

    Distinct nature of static and dynamic magnetic stripes in cuprate superconductors

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    We present detailed neutron scattering studies of the static and dynamic stripes in an optimally doped high-temperature superconductor, La2_2CuO4+y_{4+y}. We find that the dynamic stripes do not disperse towards the static stripes in the limit of vanishing energy transfer. We conclude that the dynamic stripes observed in neutron scattering experiments are not the Goldstone modes associated with the broken symmetry of the simultaneously observed static stripes, but rather that the signals originate from different domains in the sample. These domains may be related by structural twinning, or may be entirely different phases, where the static stripes in one phase are pinned versions of the dynamic stripes in the other. Our results explain earlier observations of unusual dispersions in underdoped La2x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_{4} (x=0.07x=0.07) and La2x_{2-x}Bax_xCuO4_{4} (x=0.095x=0.095). Our findings are relevant for all compounds exhibiting magnetic stripes, and may thus be a vital part in unveiling the nature of high temperature superconductivity

    The Fine Line Between Normal and Starburst Galaxies

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    Recent literature suggests that there are two modes through which galaxies grow their stellar mass - a normal mode characterized by quasi-steady star formation, and a highly efficient starburst mode possibly triggered by stochastic events such as galaxy mergers. While these differences are established for extreme cases, the population of galaxies in-between these two regimes is poorly studied and it is not clear where the transition between these two modes of star formation occurs. We utilize ALMA observations of the CO J=3-2 line luminosity in a sample of 20 infrared luminous galaxies that lie in the intermediate range between normal and starburst galaxies at z ~ 0.25-0.6 in the COSMOS field to examine the gas content and star formation efficiency of these galaxies. We compare these quantities to the galaxies' deviation from the well-studied "main sequence" correlation between star formation rate and stellar mass (MS) and find that at log(SFR/SFRMSSFR/SFR_{MS}) < 0.6, a galaxy's distance to the main sequence is mostly driven by increased gas content, and not a more efficient star formation process.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure