217 research outputs found

    Synthetic renewable fuels potential, combustion and emissions

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    reFuels show the potential for a fast GHG reduction in mobility and corresponding applications all over europe

    Alguns Apontamentos sobre Resistência em Giorgio Agamben

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    O estado de exceção figura-se como a forma legal daquilo que não pode ter forma legal,ou seja, como liame entre o político e o jurídico, entre o direito e o vivente. Giorgio Agamben propõeresponder à pergunta sobre o que significaria agir politicamente a partir da análise do estado de exceção.O autor em sua pesquisa analisa com densidade o estado de exceção, contudo trata de maneiradispersa em suas obras a resistência da vida nua ao arbítrio do soberano, que detém o monopólio dadecisão quanto ao estado de exceção. Assim, o que se pretende a seguir é delinear algumas consideraçõesreferentes à localização para este autor da resistência ao estado de exceção

    Renewable Fuels as necessary component for a GHG-neutral mobility

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    reFuels as Necessary Building Block of a GHG-neutral Mobility

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    Talking to politicians, the future will be 100% electric. A rough overview of the development of vehicle sales, the size of the fleet and its rates of change shows that additional technologies are needed to achieve the climate targets demanded by the countries in Paris.Syntetic fuels from renewable sources (reFuels) enable a much faster greenhouse gas reduction than any fleet conversion. The paper provides an overview of the current situation with a special focus on the European situation

    Optical Analysis of Ignition Sparks and Inflammation Using Background-Oriented Schlieren Technique

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    To determine the timing of inflammation in gas and gasoline combustion engines, the point of 10% mass fraction conversion of fuel (MFB10) is commonly used. The MFB10 can be determined from the heating curve, which in turn is calculated from the in-cylinder pressure curve. However, the cylinder pressure is an indirect parameter with regard to inflammation, as it is the result of the combustion that follows the inflammation. An attempt is made to derive a new, direct parameter of inflammation based on optical measurements in order to detect inflammation more rapidly and accurately. The background-oriented Schlieren technique (BOS) in combination with high-magnification optics and a high-speed camera is used to detect local density changes coming from the particle wave around the ignition kernel of a hydrogen combustion inside a combustion chamber. Via BOS and regular high-magnification high-speed imaging, the influence of ignition coil dwell time and in-cylinder pressure on the spark phases and the inflammation itself are evaluated. As a potential direct parameter for inflammation, the size of the particle wave resulting from the expanding ignition kernel is evaluated. It was found that a higher coil energy supports a faster propagation of the particle wave at ambient pressure. At higher pressures, general combustion effects override the effect of the influence of the coil energy on the propagation speed of the particle wave. In addition, the presence of successful inflammation was found to influence the spark phases. A directly measurable parameter for ignition could be found at a basic level, which will serve as a starting point for further detailed investigations

    Spatial and time resolved determination of the vibrational temperature in ignition sparks by variation of the dwell time

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    The ignition process initiates the combustion in spark-ignition engines. Therefore, understanding the ignition process is an important aspect in developing more efficient combustion engines. In this thesis, the vibrational temperature of an ignition spark in air under atmospheric pressure and room temperature is observed in spatial and temporal resolution. The temperature is determined by comparing simulated spectra with the measured spectra of the second positive system of N2 between 360 and 381 nm. Changing the dwell time had no significant effect on the vibrational temperature of the three spark phases. In the breakdown the vibrational temperature is about 3300 K. The vibrational temperature of the following arc discharge is in the range of 3750 K to 4350 K. The glow discharge is divided into the negative glow and the positive column. Both show similar vibration temperatures in the range of 3500 K to 3900 K

    Measurement of temporal and spatial resolved rotational temperature in ignition sparks at atmospheric pressure

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    In this work, the temporal and spatial rotational temperature, as an indicator of spark temperature in the gas, of an ignition spark at ambient pressure is determined. With optical emission spectroscopy, the rotational bands of the nitrogen C3Πu → B3Πg transition at a wavelength of 337 nm are for determination. In addition, the electrical values of the current and the voltage are measured with a digital storage oscilloscope. All measurements are performed with a common nickel spark plug and a commercial 90 mJ ignition coil. The dwell time of the coil is varied in four steps from 100 to 25% and the influence on the rotational temperature is measured. The results are split into the three spark phases: breakdown, arc discharge, and glow discharge. The results show a cold breakdown, which is independent from the dwell time. On average, arc discharge is the hottest discharge phase, while the glow discharge has a medium rotational temperature

    Biopolítica e resistência

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    The Foucault’s studies of biopolitics show us the entry of life in the sphere of technology and power calculations. This is the passage of right to die and let live to make live and let die. It happens that in spite of biopolitics be ground on the concept of life, we observe a technology of power that is primarily engaged in favor of death. Because of that, this paper aims to reconstruct briefly the theoretical path which led Foucault formulate the notion of biopolitics, and then assess the ramifications of this concept for authors such as Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze, Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt. In the end, it is intended, as these authors pointed out ways and means of resistance against this technology of power.Os estudos foucaultianos sobre a biopolítica destacam o ingresso da vida na esfera das tecnologias e dos cálculos do poder. Trata-se da passagem do direito de fazer morrer e deixar viver para o de fazer viver e deixar morrer. Ocorre que apesar da biopolítica se alicerçar na concepção da vida, o que se observa é uma tecnologia de poder que atua preponderantemente em favor da morte. Assim, o presente trabalho visa reconstruir brevemente o caminho teórico foucaultiano que ensejou a formulação da noção de biopolítica, para então aferir os desdobramentos deste conceito para autores como Giorgio Agamben, Gilles Deleuze, Antonio Negri e Michael Hardt. Ao final, pretende-se, a partir destes autores, ressaltarem formas e meios de resistências a esta tecnologia de poder

    Life Cycle Assessment as Engineers Tool

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    Biopolítica e resistência

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    Orientador : Renato Monseff PerissinottoMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Especialização em Sociologia Polític