Spatial and time resolved determination of the vibrational temperature in ignition sparks by variation of the dwell time


The ignition process initiates the combustion in spark-ignition engines. Therefore, understanding the ignition process is an important aspect in developing more efficient combustion engines. In this thesis, the vibrational temperature of an ignition spark in air under atmospheric pressure and room temperature is observed in spatial and temporal resolution. The temperature is determined by comparing simulated spectra with the measured spectra of the second positive system of N2 between 360 and 381 nm. Changing the dwell time had no significant effect on the vibrational temperature of the three spark phases. In the breakdown the vibrational temperature is about 3300 K. The vibrational temperature of the following arc discharge is in the range of 3750 K to 4350 K. The glow discharge is divided into the negative glow and the positive column. Both show similar vibration temperatures in the range of 3500 K to 3900 K

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