72 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the research is to determine the causes of failure of information systems development projects. We came to the hypothesis that rewarding can improve the success of information systems development projects. For this reason, it is suggested that employment contracts be tied to business results. Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards are a good motivator that affects the improvement of employee performance, i.e. increases productivity, business results and job satisfaction and contributes to increasing the success of information systems development projects. Designers and managers of information systems development projects who participated in the research, gave their views on the impact of rewards on the success of the information systems development project in response to survey questions. The attitudes were evaluated on a five-point Likert scales. We obtained additional data based on conversations with managers and designers who deal with the development of information systems. Through the research design, we determined an independent variable related to the employment contract based on business results, which is the basis for the application of various forms of remuneration, and a dependent variable related to the success of the information systems development project. The main findings of the research are related to the definition of the contract between the owner on the one hand and managers and designers on the other hand, which solves the problems of opportunistic behavior of managers and designers of information systems development project. In addition, the factors of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards that are most often used to motivate managers and designers of information systems development are defined. The practical implications of the research refer to the benefits that the company owner, managers and designers of the information systems development will have. They will receive the best model of employment contract for employees working on the development of an information systems project. In addition, they will receive information about the views of designers and project managers related to reward factors that improve the success of the information systems development project. The originality of the research refers to the creation of a model that links the work contract based on business results with reward factors that help to increase the success of the information systems development project

    Tehnološki park Radmilovac – demonstracija energetske efikasnosti, obnovljivih izvora energije i metoda/modela integralnog planiranja trajnog razvoja

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    This paper presents a Sustainability Vision of the Technology Park - Radmilovac development, describing the significance of a scientific research centre in agricultural sector for the Serbian economical development as the agriculture and food industry are the two of the most prospective strategic activities of Serbian society. It demonstrates importance of implementation of the energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and integrated sustainable development planning methodologies and models or “Green Buildings and Environmental Technologies Approach” in further Technology Park Radmilovac planning and design development. In addition elucidated are the Technology Park Radmilovac’s possible numerous roles, programmes - projects, R&D&D&E (Research & Development & Demonstration & Education) activities, as well as its unique/exclusive features as a Park-Site for national and international events promoting a series of certain and reliable technologies for sustainable local, regional and global development.U radu je data Vizija Održivosti razvoja Tehnološkog parka - Radmilovac opisom značaja naučno istraživačkog centra u sektoru poljoprivrede za ekonomski razvoj Srbije, jer su poljoprivreda i prehrambena industrija dve od najizglednijih strateških aktivnosti Srbije. Istaknut je značaj primene energetske efikasnosti, obnovljivih izvora energije i metoda i modela integralnog planiranja trajnog razvoja, odnosno primene prilaza “Zelenih zgrada i ekoloških tehnologija” u daljem planiranju i razvoju projekta Tehnološkog Parka Radmilovac. Pored toga, osvetljene su moguće brojne uloge, programi – projekti, I&R&D&O (Istraživačko & Razvojno & Demonstracione & Obrazovne) aktivnosti, kao i izuzetne i jedinstvene osobine Tehnološkog Parka kao mesta za nacionalne i međunarodne događaje za promociju niza novorazvijenih, pouzdanih tehnologija za trajan lokalni, regionalni i globalni razvoj

    Prilaz optimizaciji algoritma upravljanja sistemom kogeneracije na osnovi OIE

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    CHP – Combined Heat and Power, Cogeneration or Trigeneration (when cooling is needed in addition to heating) of heat and power systems normally make effective use of both electric power and heat energy from a generator, by a method that obtains two available forms of energy from a single fuel source. Consequently, in addition to being a promising counter measure to environmental problems by virtue of its available use of energy, CHP is also effective in dealing with the problem of peak power loads as it can be used as a distributed source of electric power. In this paper, the key issue in the CHP Microturbine system design and control optimization has been analyzed and investigated. It is the issue of the determination of the dynamics of system and the machine’s loads and capacity, having the excellent economic and environmental characteristics on the electric power and the heat demand. In general, the ratio of electric power demand to heat demand in general buildings varies daily over the course of the year. Demand Loads and System Performance Dynamics predicted through numerical Simulations and related Algorithm are sound basis for designing and operation of the intelligent EMS - Energy Management System. EMS intelligence reliability is crucial to achieve the expected optimal control performance and related benefits.KPTS - Kombinovanom proizvodnjom toplote i snage - kogeneracijom ili trigeneracijom (kada je potrebno i hlađenje pored grejanja) se efektivno koristi električna i toplotna energija generatora proizvedena iz određenog energetskog izvora. Tako, uz prednost doprinosa povećanju energetske efikasnosti korišćenja primarne energije izvora i time smanjenja ekoloških problema, KPTS je jednovremeno efektivno sredstvo za smanjenje vršnih opterećenja kada se koristi kao distribuirani system proizvodnje električne energije. U radu se analizira i dinamičkim simulacijama ispituje ključni faktor optimalnog projektovanja i kontrole KPTS, a to je određivanje dinamike potrebe električne i toplotne snage potrošača, odnosno potrošnje. Generalno odnos potreba električne i potreba toplotne snage (za hlađenje se koristi takođe toplota absorbcionim sistemom) je tokom godine promenljiv. Opterećenje sa strane potrošnje i dinamika osobina sistema određeni putem numeričkih simulacija i odgovarajućeg algoritma su dobra osnova za projektovanje i funkcionisanje inteligentnog EMS - sistema za upravljanje energijom. Pouzdanost inteligencije EMS-a je ključna da se dostignu očekivane prednosti optimalne kontrole

    Optimizacija prirodne ventilacije poljoprivrednih objekata numeričkim simulacijama

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    Numerical simulations and computational fluid dynamics can be usefully integrated with architectural modeling, providing designers with a powerful single CFD based architectural modeling and design framework. This framework can be interfaced with the building thermal performance modeling, integrating further fully thermal and flow domains within the architectural modeling. CFD analysis is generally restricted to the building’s environment flows or indoor single rooms and spaces flows study, and the designer must supply boundary conditions in the form of external and internal building’s envelope/wall surface conditions. In the case of natural and mixed ventilation, this presents a fundamental problem as the outdoor and indoor boundary conditions are dynamic, inter-related and interactive via building’s architecture and in addition are dependent on external weather conditions and indoor environment control/related heat gains. Therefore, in this study both sides’ boundary conditions are dynamically described, and integrated CFD, BPS and architectural modeling, as a unique framework – new design method, are developed, leading to natural and mixed ventilation energy efficiency optimization. In addition to the presented method, paper gives results of its implementation in designing the building complex in Belgrade. Finally, needs for further research and engineering development are outlined.U radu je dat metod optimizacije prirodne ventilacije u cilju smanjenja potrošnje energije i povećanja energetske efikasnosti, odnosno poboljšanja uslova ugodnosti u objektu. Metod optimizacije uključuje ispitivanje trodimenzionog strujnog i temperaturnog polja numeričkim simulacijama. Ispitivanja simulacijama se sprovode za definisan referentni model okolnih objekata u širem kompleksu posmatranog objekta obuhvatajući sve merodavne prepreke strujanju iz pojedinih pravaca ruže vetrova, i definisan referentni model samog objekta. Na osnovu ovako dobijene strujne slike i definisane prepreke vazdušnoj struji za različite orijentacije pravca vetra, se potom definišu unapređeni modeli i korigovani ulazni podaci za preciznije određivanje i složenije strujne slike oko i unutar objekta

    Физикален третман на пострауматски контрактури на лакот кај деца – наше искуство

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    The most common complications of elbow trauma are contractures and neurovascular injuries. The complications can be a result of the initial injury, but they can also be a result of a surgical treatment. In addition to orthopedic treatment of elbow fractures, physical therapy and rehabilitation play a significant role in treatment of posttraumatic contractures. To determine the effects of physical therapy and rehabilitation of posttraumatic elbow contractures in children. This was a retrospective cross-sectional study conducted in the University Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Skopje in the period 01.01.2021 – 01.07.2022. A total of 52 children were included, at the age between 2 and 13 years who had a posttraumatic elbow contracture, limited range of motion, pain and/or limitations in accomplishing daily activities. Depending on the clinical finding, children underwent a relevant physical therapy (kinesitherapy, functional therapy, electrotherapy, thermotherapy, hydrotherapy and magnetotherapy) in duration of three weeks. For assessing the effects of the rehabilitation therapy, the range of motion of the elbow and forearm was examined along with the Flynn’s scale in all children, prior to and after completion of the physical treatment. Applied physical treatment resulted in a significant improvement in all analyzed movements such as: elbow flexion (p=0.00001), elbow extension (p=0.00001), forearm pronation (p=0.00001), forearm supination (p=0.0000) and Flynn’s scale (p=0.0000). After completion of the rehabilitation treatment, excellent results were registered in 41 (85%) children, moderate in 10 (19.23%) and favorable in 1 (1.92%). Timely and adequate application of physical therapy and rehabilitation can significantly improve the final outcome in treatment of posttraumatic elbow contractures in children. A combination of different physical procedures adequately applied and personalized can significantly improve the range of motion of the elbow.  Најчестите компликации на траумата на лактот се контрактури и невроваскуларни повреди. Компликациите може да бидат резултат на иницијална повреда, но може да бидат и резултат на хируршки третман. Покрај ортопедскиот третман на фрактури на лактот, физикална терапија и рехабилитација играат значајна улога во третманот на посттрауматски контрактури. Целта на оваа студија беше да се утврдат ефектите од физикална терапија и рехабилитација на посттрауматски контрактури на лактот кај децата. Материјали и методи: Ова беше ретроспективна студија на пресек спроведена на Универзитетската клиника за физикална медицина и рехабилитација, Скопје во периодот 01.01.2021 – 01.07.2022 година. Вклучени се вкупно 52 деца, на возраст меѓу 2 и 13 години кои имале посттрауматска контрактура на лактот, ограничен опсег на движења, болка и/или ограничувања во извршувањето на секојдневните активности. Во зависност од клиничкиот наод, на децата им беше извршена соодветна физикална терапија (кинезитерапија, функционална терапија, електротерапија, термотерапија, хидротерапија и магнетотерапија) во времетраење од три недели. За проценка на ефектите од терапијата за рехабилитација, опсегот на движење на лактот и подлактицата беше испитувана и Флиновата скала кај сите деца, пред и по завршувањето на физичкиот третман. Резултати: Применетиот физикален третман резултираше со значително подобрување на сите анализирани движења како што се: флексија на лактот (p=0,00001), екстензија на лактот (p=0,00001), пронација на подлактицата (p=0,00001), супинацција на подлактицата (p=0,0000's) и Флинова скала (p=0,0000). По завршувањето на рехабилитациониот третман, одлични резултати се забележани кај 41 (85%) дете, умерени кај 10 (19,23%) и поволни кај 1 (1,92%). Заклучок: Навремената и адекватна примена на физикална терапија и рехабилитација може значително да го подобри крајниот исход во третманот на посттрауматски контрактури на лактот кај децата. Комбинацијата на различни физички процедури соодветно применети и персонализирани може значително да го подобри опсегот на движење на лактот

    Traditional use of plants in Kuršumlija

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    Plants as a source of active phytochemistry are the basis of nutrition. However, man uses them in traditional medicine and veterinary medicine, but also as raw materials in many branches of industry (textile, construction…). The need and role of traditional medicines in the health care system havе been growing in recent decades. The aim of the research is to determine the list of plants that are traditionally used by the local population on the territory of the municipality of Kuršumlija, and the way of their application in folk medicine, veterinary medicine, customs. Data on knowledge of plants and their use were collected through interviews in the period from May to September 2020. A total of 49 people were interviewed (37.5% men and 62.5% women), aged between 21 and 81, mostly from urban areas (79.2% of respondents are from the city and 20.8% from rural areas). Respondents have different education: 6.3% have a primary school, 58.3% have a secondary school and 35.4% have higher education. During the research, it was stated that the largest number of plant species used for therapeutic purposes belongs to families: Lamiaceae (20.5%), Asteraceae (12.8%), Rosaceae (5.1%) and the most commonly used species are: Mentha piperita (47.9% of respondents), Matricaria chamomilla (37.5% of respondents); Urtica dioica (31.2% of respondents); Hypericum perforatum (27% of respondents), Salvia officinalis (22.9% of respondents); Achillea millefolium (14.5% of respondents); Ocimum basilicum (12.5% ​​of respondents). For therapeutic purposes, teas (infusion, decoction), tinctures, and oils are prepared for oral use, and for external use, compresses and ointments. The largest number of respondents reported the use of herbal medicines for the treatment of gastrointestinal and respiratory organs. In the customs related to religious holidays, the largest number of respondents use oak.Publishe

    Focus of infection and microbiological etiology in community-acquired infections in hospitalized adult patients in the Faroe Islands

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    Abstract Background The aim of the present study was to gain national data on the clinical and microbiological characteristics of community-acquired infections in the Faroe Islands and to compare these data with data from other geographical areas. Methods A prospective, observational study involving all patients > = 16 years admitted at the Department of Medicine at the National Hospital, Torshavn, Faroe Islands from October 2013 until April 2015. Results Of 5279 admissions, 1054 cases were with community-acquired infection and were included in the study. Out of these 1054 cases, 471 did not meet the criteria for SIRS (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome), while the remaining 583 cases had sepsis. Mean age was 68 years. At least one comorbidity was found in 80% of all cases. Documented infections were present in 75%, and a plausible pathogen was identified in 29% of all cases. The most common gram-positive pathogen was Staphylococcus aureus, and the most frequent gram-negative pathogen was Escherichia coli. The most common focus of infection was lower respiratory tract, followed by urinary tract, and skin-soft tissue/bone-joint. Bacteremia was found in 10% of the cases. Conclusion In community-acquired infections in hospitalized patients in the Faroe Islands the lower respiratory tract and the urinary tract were the most frequent foci of infection. Gram-negative pathogens and Escherichia coli were the most frequent pathogens in infection without Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, in sepsis and in bacteremia. Our data on clinical characteristics and microbiological etiology provide new information which may be used to develop local guidelines for the managing of patients admitted with community-acquired infections