Prilaz optimizaciji algoritma upravljanja sistemom kogeneracije na osnovi OIE


CHP – Combined Heat and Power, Cogeneration or Trigeneration (when cooling is needed in addition to heating) of heat and power systems normally make effective use of both electric power and heat energy from a generator, by a method that obtains two available forms of energy from a single fuel source. Consequently, in addition to being a promising counter measure to environmental problems by virtue of its available use of energy, CHP is also effective in dealing with the problem of peak power loads as it can be used as a distributed source of electric power. In this paper, the key issue in the CHP Microturbine system design and control optimization has been analyzed and investigated. It is the issue of the determination of the dynamics of system and the machine’s loads and capacity, having the excellent economic and environmental characteristics on the electric power and the heat demand. In general, the ratio of electric power demand to heat demand in general buildings varies daily over the course of the year. Demand Loads and System Performance Dynamics predicted through numerical Simulations and related Algorithm are sound basis for designing and operation of the intelligent EMS - Energy Management System. EMS intelligence reliability is crucial to achieve the expected optimal control performance and related benefits.KPTS - Kombinovanom proizvodnjom toplote i snage - kogeneracijom ili trigeneracijom (kada je potrebno i hlađenje pored grejanja) se efektivno koristi električna i toplotna energija generatora proizvedena iz određenog energetskog izvora. Tako, uz prednost doprinosa povećanju energetske efikasnosti korišćenja primarne energije izvora i time smanjenja ekoloških problema, KPTS je jednovremeno efektivno sredstvo za smanjenje vršnih opterećenja kada se koristi kao distribuirani system proizvodnje električne energije. U radu se analizira i dinamičkim simulacijama ispituje ključni faktor optimalnog projektovanja i kontrole KPTS, a to je određivanje dinamike potrebe električne i toplotne snage potrošača, odnosno potrošnje. Generalno odnos potreba električne i potreba toplotne snage (za hlađenje se koristi takođe toplota absorbcionim sistemom) je tokom godine promenljiv. Opterećenje sa strane potrošnje i dinamika osobina sistema određeni putem numeričkih simulacija i odgovarajućeg algoritma su dobra osnova za projektovanje i funkcionisanje inteligentnog EMS - sistema za upravljanje energijom. Pouzdanost inteligencije EMS-a je ključna da se dostignu očekivane prednosti optimalne kontrole

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