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    This article provides a comparative analysis of PR-tools traditional format with their modern counterparts online. The author reveals the problems of the modern paradigm shift communications business in the digital environment. Particular attention is paid to the transition from a monologue in the traditional format of corporate communications for dialogue in innovative digital PR-tools. Innovative PR-tools greatly expands the range of possibilities for the presentation of their company values. The background extends media owner that determines what content to provide the target audience. Increasing the range of options and the impact of social communications. Expanding palette of expression. Innovative PR-tools strengthen the loyalty of existing employees, customers and partners. Despite the popularity of social networking, traditional PR-tools such as printed corporate publications - magazines and newspapers continue to exist. This is due to the specifics of the target audience, which does not have access to digital means of communication. However, the future of social communications business in the next decade will be largely shifted to digital communications. This is confirmed by the fact that some companies are shifting their internal corporate magazines in electronic format. Therefore, innovative PR-tools requires further reflection and formalizing best practices, research and scientific analysis. The author distinguishes and identifies the distinctive characteristics of innovative PR-tools, analyzed the case of vectors in magazines and corporate publications, posts on the social network Facebook, considered the most characteristic examples of the integration of online and offline communications activities of transnational companies.У даній статті проведено порівняльний аналіз PR-інструментів традиційного формату з їх сучасними Інтернет-аналогами. Автор розкриває проблеми зміни парадигми комунікацій сучасного бізнесу в цифровому середовищі. Особлива увага звертається на перехід від монологу в корпоративних комунікаціях традиційного формату – до діалогу в інновацій-них цифрових PR-інструментах. Інноваційний PR-інструментарій значно розширює спектр можливостей для презентації компанією своєї системи цінностей. На задній план відходить власник медіа, котрий визначає, який контент надавати ці-льовій аудиторії. Збільшується спектр можливостей і впливовості соціальних комунікацій. Розширюється палітра форм вираження. Інноваційні PR-інструменти зміцнюють лояльність існуючих працівників, клієнтів і партнерів. Незважаючи на популярність соціальних мереж, традиційні PR-інструменти, такі як друковані корпоративні видання – журнали та газети, продовжують своє існування. Це пов'язано зі специфікою цільової аудиторії, яка не має доступу до цифрових засобів кому-нікації. Проте майбутнє соціальних комунікацій бізнесу в найближче десятиліття значною мірою буде зміщене в бік цифро-вих комунікацій. Це підтверджує і той факт, що ряд компаній переводять свої  иру сном ь орпоративні журнали в елект-ронний формат. Тому інноваційний PR-інструментарій вимагає подальшого переосмислення та формалізації кращого до-свіду, вивчення та наукового аналізу.Автор виділив і визначив відмінні характеристики інноваційного PR-інструментарію, провів аналіз тематичних векторів у публікаціях корпоративних журналів і постів в соціальній мережі Facebook, розглянув найбільш характерні приклади інтеграції онлайн та офлайн комунікацій в діяльності транснаціональних компаній

    Study of the advantages and risks of electronic retail trade in medicines

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    One of the most important issues of interest to scientists and practitioners of pharmacy is medicines quality assurance at all stages of their life cycle. From 2021 in Ukraine, the retail trade of medicines via the Internet was allowed. The system of electronic (distance) retail trade (ERT) has its obvious advantages for consumers of pharmaceutical services, but also its potential risks for the medicines quality being sold. The aim of the study is analysis of legislative innovations on ERT in medicines, determination of advantages and possible problems of ERT in medicines, identification of potential risks to the medicines quality during ERT and determination of organizational and practical measures to prevent and minimize them. The research materials were scientific publications, legislative and regulatory acts of Ukraine and the EU, public information of public authorities and pharmaceutical enterprises, data from own observations. The following methods were used in the work: system and content analysis, generalization, systematization, structural-logical, visual-graphic. The analysis of sources of scientific and professional literature showed that domestic and foreign scientists have studied the legal, socio-economic and marketing aspects of ERT in medicines. We studied this issue from the standpoint of quality assurance and risk management for the medicines quality. The paper provides a system and content analysis of legislative innovations on ERT in medicines, summarizes and systematizes the general and special requirements for the procedure for ERT in medicines, identifies the advantages and possible problems of ERT in medicines. The structural and logical scheme of the ERT in medicines process is developed. It is proposed to use this scheme as a basis for the regulation and documentation of the ERT in medicines process by developing appropriate regulatory and instructional documents (regulations or techniques for performing the process, standard operating procedures, work instructions, etc.). According to the research results, the potential risks for the medicines quality in the conditions of ERT are identified and the complex of organizational and practical measures for their prevention and minimization is determined. It is proposed to implement this complex in the overall risk management process for the medicines quality and pharmaceutical services, which should be an integral part of the quality management system of the pharmaceutical enterprise that performs ERT in medicines. These measures should be taken into account when developing standard operating procedures for different stages of ERT in medicines and documentation on risk management for the medicines quality (passports of risk profiles, risk register, risk management plan, etc.)

    Economic and financial model to the mass‐rearing of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur) (Heteroptera: Miridae), a biological control agent against the tomato moth Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) in protected culture

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND - Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) is a major pest of tomato produced in glasshouses and open field, causing severe damages to crops, reducing the quality of tomato fruits. The current maintenance of the pest populations below the economic threshold is not achieved by natural and classical control, thus requiring the continuous application of biological control agents (BCAs), under an augmentative or inoculative approach. The present study aims to develop an economic and financial model to evaluate the commercial viability of a continuous mass production of Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur), a BCA commonly used against the tomato moth, Tuta absoluta, in protected culture. The estimations for our model were based on two approaches: the farm-level impact analysis and the benefit–cost analysis. RESULTS - The results of the farm-level analysis show that the adoption of a more sustainable biological control approach is profitable for farmers and the benefit–cost analysis provides evidence that the investment on a new factory dedicated to the mass rearing of M. pygmaeus to control tomato moth populations generates a positive net present value (NPV) of 7.2 million euros, corresponding to an internal rate of return (IRR) of 28.4% per year. CONCLUSION - Our results are in line with (i) the more recent European Commission proposals for a new Regulation on sustainable use of plant protection products, which includes the reduction of 50% the use and risk of chemical pesticides by 2030 and (ii) most of the existing literature which conclude that new projects on BCA production are worth investments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    PreImplantation factor (PIF) protects cultured embryos against oxidative stress: relevance for recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) therapy

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    Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL) affects 2-3% of couples. Despite a detailed work-up, the etiology is frequently undefined, leading to non-targeted therapy. Viable embryos and placentae express PreImplantation Factor (PIF). Maternal circulating PIF regulates systemic immunity and reduces circulating natural killer cells cytotoxicity in RPL patients. PIF promotes singly cultured embryos' development while anti-PIF antibody abrogates it. RPL serum induced embryo toxicity is negated by PIF. We report that PIF rescues delayed embryo development caused by 2 fold the number of embryos reaching the blastocyst stage. Mechanistically, PDI-inhibitor preferentially binds covalently to oxidized PDI over its reduced form where PIF avidly binds. PIF by targeting PDI/TRX at a distinct site limits the inhibitor's pro-oxidative effects. The >3kDa RPL serum increased embryo demise by three-fold, an effect negated by PIF. However, embryo toxicity was not associated with the presence of putative anti-PIF antibodies. Collectively, PIF protects cultured embryos both against ROS, and higher molecular weight toxins. Using PIF for optimizing in vitro fertilization embryos development and reducing RPL is warranted

    Controlled Doping of Electrocatalysts through Engineering Impurities

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    Fuel cells recombine water from H-2 and O-2 thereby can power, for example, cars or houses with no direct carbon emission. In anion-exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs), to reach high power densities, operating at high pH is an alternative to using large volumes of noble metals catalysts at the cathode, where the oxygen-reduction reaction occurs. However, the sluggish kinetics of the hydrogen-oxidation reaction (HOR) hinders upscaling despite promising catalysts. Here, the authors observe an unexpected ingress of B into Pd nanocatalysts synthesized by wet-chemistry, gaining control over this B-doping, and report on its influence on the HOR activity in alkaline conditions. They rationalize their findings using ab initio calculations of both H- and OH-adsorption on B-doped Pd. Using this "impurity engineering" approach, they thus design Pt-free catalysts as required in electrochemical energy conversion devices, for example, next generations of AEMFCs, that satisfy the economic and environmental constraints, that is, reasonable operating costs and long-term stability, to enable the "hydrogen economy.


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    Purpose: to analyze the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis in Ukraine and in particular in the Black Sea region (Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions) from 2006 to 2018 using the following indicators: the incidence of tuberculosis (new and previously treated cases), pulmonary tuberculosis with bacteria excretion, multidrug resistant tuberculosis, tuberculosis + HIV co-infection; prevalence of tuberculosis and tuberculosis + HIV co-infection; tuberculosis and tuberculosis + HIV co-infection mortality.  Materials and Methods. The analytical-statistical materials regarding tuberculosis infection published on the Centre of Public Health of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine official website were used for the current research. Results. Since 2012 the incidence of tuberculosis in Ukraine has been decreasing at an annual average rate of 4.2 %. However, in Odesa region the incidence of tuberculosis has increased by 30.3 % from 2011 to 2018. From 2011 to 2017 the intensive indicator of the incidence of tuberculosis + HIV co-infection in Ukraine had increased by 21 %. The decrease in tuberculosis prevalence and mortality from tuberculosis in Ukraine had been observed from 2006 to 2017 and from 2012 to 2017 respectively. Conclusions. From 2011 to 2017 such epidemiological indicators as the incidence of tuberculosis (new and previously treated cases), pulmonary tuberculosis with bacteria excretion, multidrug resistant tuberculosis, tuberculosis + HIV co-infection in Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson regions were significantly higher than the average values in Ukraine. From 2012 to 2017 tuberculosis mortality rate in Ukraine and specifically in Mykolaiv and Kherson regions had been falling down. In Odesa and Mykolaiv regions the tuberculosis + HIV co-infection mortality rate each year was 2.6 and 3.2 times respectively higher than the average value in Ukraine.Мета: проаналізувати епідемічну ситуацію з туберкульозу в Україні та, зокрема, в Причорноморському регіоні (Одеська, Миколаївська та Херсонська області) в період з 2006 до 2018 р. за показниками захворюваності на нові випадки та рецидиви туберкульозу, туберкульоз легень з бактеріовиділенням, мультирезистентний туберкульоз та ко-інфекцію туберкульоз+ВІЛ, а також поширеності та летальності від туберкульозу та ко-інфекції туберкульоз+ВІЛ. Матеріали і методи. Для проведення цього дослідження використано аналітично-статистичні матеріали щодо туберкульозу, оприлюднені на офіційному сайті Центру громадського здоров’я МОЗ України. Результати. З 2012 р. показник захворюваності на туберкульоз в Україні щороку знижувався в середньому на 4,2 %. Проте в Одеській області в період з 2011 до 2018 р. захворюваність на туберкульоз зросла на 30,3 %. Інтенсивний показник захворюваності на ко-інфекцію ТБ+ВІЛ в Україні збільшився на 21 % в період з 2011 до 2017 р. Зниження поширеності та летальності від туберкульозу в Україні спостерігають з 2006 до 2017 р. та з 2012 до 2017 р. відповідно. Висновки. З 2011 до 2017 р. захворюваність на туберкульоз (нові випадки та рецидиви), туберкульоз легень з бактеріовиділенням, вперше діагностований туберкульоз, мультирезистентний туберкульоз та ко-інфекція туберкульоз+ВІЛ в Одеській, Миколаївській та Херсонській областях щороку перевищували відповідні середні показники по Україні. У Причорноморському регіоні, за винятком Одеської області, та в Україні в цілому з 2012 до 2017 р. простежується тенденція до зниження летальності від туберкульозу. Летальність від ко-інфекції туберкульоз+ВІЛ в Одеській та Миколаївській областях щороку перевищувала показник по України у середньому в 2,6 та 3,2 раза відповідно

    Адміністративна відповідальність за забруднення морського середовища: проблемні аспекти

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    Логінов О. В. Адміністративна відповідальність за забруднення морського середовища: проблемні аспекти / О. В. Логінов, О. В. Тодорова // Lex Portus : юрид. наук. журн. / редкол. : С. В. Ківалов (голов. ред. ради), Б. А. Кормич (голов. ред.), І. В. Сафін (заст. голов. ред.), Т. В. Аверочкіна (наук. ред., відп. секр.) [та ін.] ; НУ "ОЮА", ГО "МА Святий Миколай". - Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2018. - № 3. – C. 208-218.Стаття присвячується проблемам адміністративної відповідальності за забруднення морського середовища та забезпечення екологічної безпеки. Метою дослідження є комплексний аналіз сутності та форм правового забезпечення захисту довкілля та природних ресурсів. Встановлено що в Кодексі України про адміністративні правопорушення законодавчо закріплено поняття “адміністративної відповідальності”, а у Водному кодексі України, Законі України “Про охорону навколишнього природного середовища” та Законі України “Про морські порти України” закріплено поняття “відповідальності” в цілому за забруднення морського середовища. В міжнародному морському праві поняття “відповідальності” досить широко розкриває Конвенція Організації Об’єднаних Націй з морського права 1982 р.The article is devoted to problems of administrative responsibility for pollution of the marine environment and ensuring environmental safety. The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the nature and forms of legal protection of the environment and natural resources. It is established that in the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses the concept of “administrative liability” is legally established, and in the Water Code of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine “On Environmental Protection” and the Law of Ukraine “On Sea Ports of Ukraine” the concept of “liability” as a whole for pollution of the sea the environment. In International Maritime Law, the notion of “responsibility” is widely disclosed by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982.Статья посвящается проблемам административной ответственности за загрязнение морской среды и обеспечения экологической безопасности. Целью исследования является комплексный анализ сущности и форм правового обеспечения защиты окружающей среды и природных ресурсов. Установлено, что в Кодексе Украины об административных правонарушениях законодательно закреплено понятие “административной ответственности”, а в Водном кодексе Украины, Законе Украины “Об охране окружающей природной среды” и Законе Украины “О морских портах Украины” закреплено понятие “ответственности” в целом за загрязнение морской среды. В международном морском праве понятие “ответственности” достаточно широко раскрывает Конвенция Организации Объединенных Наций по морскому праву 1982 г

    Retrospective analysis and current state of the improving qualification of pharmacists on quality questions of medicines in Shupyk NMAPE

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    To date, one of the advanced educational and research centers of Kiev and Ukraine, which is the improving qualification of pharmacists on quality questions of medicines, is the Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines of Shupyk National Medical Academy of Post-Graduate Education (NMAPE). The aim of the work is to analyze the historical stages of formation and development of the Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines of Shupyk NMAPE. The materials of the research are: archival and current documentation of the department, scientific publications, encyclopedic reference materials. Studies were conducted using methods: content analysis, historical documentary, generalization and systematization of historical data. In this work a retrospective analysis was performed and current state of activity of the Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines of Shupyk NMAPE was considered. The basic stages of formation and historical development of the department during 1938 to 2018 are determined. The contribution to the development of pharmaceutical education and science of professors (prof. Ya.A. Fialkov, N.P. Maksyutina, O.M Gritsenko, N.O. Vetiutneva, etc.) was noted. The educational cycles, taught at the department, are shown, namely: specialization cycles, internships, pre-certification training in the specialties «Analytical Control Pharmacy», «General Pharmacy»; thematic improvement cycles on topical issues of pharmacy, quality assurance and prevention of falsification of medicines, functioning of quality systems of pharmacies (for pharmacists); cycles of improvement of assistant pharmacists; thematic improvement cycles on the scientific basis of phytotherapy and the use of modern medicines based on active ingredients of natural origin (for physicians). The basis of educational-methodical and scientific production of the department is described. The main areas of the scientific activity of the department are described, covering the following areas: development of methods for the investigation of complex synthetic compounds, methods for express analysis of extemporal multicomponent medicines, methods for quality control the of phytotherapeutic and homeopathic medicines; study of the composition and intermolecular interaction of biologically active compounds in plants and phytopreparations; synthesis and creation of new medicines and dietary supplements; study of the properties of crown compounds; study of the interaction of auxiliary substances with active ingredients; research on increasing the solubility of difficult soluble substances; substantiation of methodological and organizational-methodical principles of quality assurance of medicines at stages of wholesale, retail sale and medical use, etc. Analysis of the activities of the Department of Quality Control and Standardization of Medicines of Shupyk NMAPE during 1938 to 2018 testifies to its significant contribution and great potential for the development of pharmaceutical science and practice, in particular in the direction of the creation, standardization, assurance and control of quality of medicines and dietary supplements

    King's Parkinson's disease pain scale, the first scale for pain in PD: An international validation

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    Pain is a key unmet need and a major aspect of non‐motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). No specific validated scales exist to identify and grade the various types of pain in PD. We report an international, cross‐sectional, open, multicenter, one‐point‐in‐time evaluation with retest study of the first PD‐specific pain scale, the King's PD Pain Scale. Its seven domains include 14 items, each item scored by severity (0‐3) multiplied by frequency (0‐4), resulting in a subscore of 0 to 12, with a total possible score range from 0 to 168. One hundred seventy‐eight PD patients with otherwise unexplained pain (age [mean ± SD], 64.38 ± 11.38 y [range, 29‐85]; 62.92% male; duration of disease, 5.40 ± 4.93 y) and 83 nonspousal non‐PD controls, matched by age (64.25 ± 11.10 y) and sex (61.45% males) were studied. No missing data were noted, and floor effect was observed in all domains. The difference between mean and median King's PD Pain Scale total score was less than 10% of the maximum observed value. Skewness was marginally high (1.48 for patients). Factor analysis showed four factors in the King's PD Pain Scale, explaining 57% of the variance (Kaiser‐Mayer‐Olkin, 0.73; sphericity test). Cronbach's alpha was 0.78, item‐total correlation mean value 0.40, and item homogeneity 0.22. Correlation coefficients of the King's PD Pain Scale domains and total score with other pain measures were high. Correlation with the Scale for Outcomes in PD‐Motor, Non‐Motor Symptoms Scale total score, and quality of life measures was high. The King's PD Pain Scale seems to be a reliable and valid scale for grade rating of various types of pain in PD. © 2015 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Societ