3,794 research outputs found

    Factors Affecting the Growth of Food and Beverage Manufacturers in New York State

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    Community/Rural/Urban Development, Marketing,

    An Assessment of the Impact of Fuel Jettisoning Events Using Simulation and Impact Models

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    Work has been accomplished to determine the impact of jettisoned fuel when it reaches the surface. While previous work indicates that jettisoning JP-4 jet fuel results in a negligible ground fall impact, the impact of jettisoning lower volatile JP-8 jet fuel has not been thoroughly characterized. Several efforts have been made to mathematically model the evaporation, advection, and dispersion of the plume of fuel as it travels to the surface. The AFIT Fuel Jettisoning Model, the Fuel Jettisoning Simulation Model, and Fuel-Dumping Impact Assessment Model were evaluated and compared to assess the impact of jettisoned JP-8 jet fuel. Additionally, the AFIT Model has been modified to include surface evaporation to evaluate the time required to evaporate JP-8 jet fuel after it reaches the surface. While JP-8 jet fuel does impact the surface more than JP-4 jet fuel, the mass of JP-8 jet fuel remaining from releases at altitudes greater than 6000 meters and at surface temperatures greater than 0°C can evaporate within hours. We conclude that the recommended jettison release altitude for large body aircraft of 6000 meters is adequate

    On the Ballot for Nov. 2, 2021: the Constitutional Amendment on Redistricting

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    On November 2, 2021, New York State voters will be asked to approve a constitutional amendment revising the redistricting process to be based on the 2020 census. If the constitutional amendment is approved, the changes will take effect on January 1, 2022. This amendment is necessary to address delays in the census created by the pandemic and to accommodate New York State’s change from a September primary to an earlier June primary for both federal and state elections. These changes compressed the time needed to complete the redistricting. Without these changes, it is possible that the new districts will not be ready in time for the political process to function

    Efficiency of Viable Groundwater Management Policies

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    We investigate the relative performance of simple groundwater policies in a spatially detailed aquifer and reveal the distribution of net benefits from those policies. Groundwater policy is plagued with a high level of complexity in achieving the first best outcome, which may be costly and politically infeasible to adopt. We parameterize a 8,457-cell spatially detailed model of the northwest Kansas section of the Ogallala Aquifer and find that simple pricing, quantity, and water market policies perform poorly but can be improved upon by localized policies that are more efficient and garner more popular support

    Effects of Fish Restoration Practices on Amphibians in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

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    Throughout the Western United States, fisheries managers are attempting to restore native cutthroat trout (Onchorynchus clarkii) populations by removing nonnative fish species. A new formulation of the EPA approved piscicide rotenone (CFT Legumine) is increasingly being used as a method to accomplish this removal. Because fish restoration projects bring about an abrupt change to aquatic environments, it is important to consider their immediate and long-term effects on non-target species, such as amphibians. We assessed the effects of fish removal on amphibians in Yellowstone National Park (YNP) by investigating the toxicity of rotenone to and the long-term impacts of removing fish on local amphibian populations. CFT Legumine (5% rotenone) was applied to High Lake in YNP (2006) to remove stocked Yellowstone cutthroat trout (O. c. bouvieri). To determine toxicity, amphibian surveys were conducted immediately prior to the treatment to obtain pre-treatment tadpole population estimates. Post-treatment surveys were conducted both immediately, for assessing treatment-related mortality (during and after application), and 1, 2, and 3 years following to obtain tadpole abundance estimates in the years after application and to address the long-term effects of fish removal and reintroduction. The results of the toxicity trials revealed that in the 24 hrs following application, rotenone was lethal to gill-breathing amphibian tadpoles and nonlethal to non-gill breathing metamorphs, juveniles, and adults. In the years following, tadpole repopulation occurred at levels above the pre-treatment abundance estimate, though both tadpole abundance and distribution appeared correlated with fish presence

    Carbon Stable Isotope Analysis of Bison Dentition

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    Understanding how bison behaved in the past can provide key insights for today\u27s managers, ecologists, and anthropologists. However, the direct application of both historic documentation and modern field observations may not provide the necessary insights for understanding bison behaviors in archeological and paleontological contexts. In order to develop a better understanding of possible behavior within these contexts, we have developed individual foraging histories for 22 Bison bison from the Glenrock Buffalo Jump assemblage of the Plains Late Prehistoric period in Wyoming and four Pleistocene B. priscus from the Ukraine. Incremental stable carbon isotopic values of dental enamel were used to determine foraging histories. The progressive development of enamel allows for samples to be selected that represent distinct periods of an individual\u27s life. Comparison of these dietary patterns among members of a herd can demonstrate foraging behaviors of cohorts and, in turn, the entire assemblage. Application of this high resolution paleodietary technique provides new information on bison behaviors in a paleontological and archaeological context
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