7 research outputs found

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    Executive decree authority in parliamentary systems: case study Italy

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    This thesis analyzes use of extraordinary legislative instruments with a special focus on executive decrees. Executive decrees are analyzed in terms of their theoretical definition and their practical use in connection with other executive and legislative powers. The main part of the study is dedicated to the case study which analyzes the frequent use of executive decrees in Italy. The aim of the thesis is to determine causes of this phenomenon, examine how the use of executive decrees affects the democratic functioning of parliamentary democracy, and to find general tendencies of use of executive decree power across different political systems. The study therefore contains also a comparative analysis of the Italian case with other chosen countries - Argentina, Brazil and Spain, whose constitutions also allow executive power to promulgate decrees

    Clientelism and its determinants - case study of Italy

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    Cílem bakalářské práce je popsat dopady klientelismu v politice, konkrétně pak odpovědět na otázku, do jaké míry klientelismus italskou politiku ovlivňuje. Nejprve je v práci zakotven pojem klientelismus a popsán vznik tří nejznámějších italských mafiánských organizací - Mafie (Cosa Nostry), 'Ndranghety a Camorry. V poslední části práce je kladen důraz na propojení činnosti těchto zločineckých organizací a politiky, a popis proměny strategií, které organizace využívaly od konce druhé světové války do zhroucení stranického systému, tzv. První republiky roku 1993, a poté v období tzv. Druhé republiky.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe the impacts of clientelism on politics and particularly to answer a question how much clientelism influences Italian politics. First chapter is focused on a theoretical definition of clientelism and it is followed by description of origins of the three most famous Italian criminal organisations - Mafia (Cosa Nostra), 'Ndrangheta and Camorra. Main point of the third chapter is to show the connection between these criminal organizations and politics. It also includes characterisation of transformation and strategies, which the organizations were following in the period from the end of WWII to the collapse of political party system in 1993 (period of the First Republic) and strategies from the time of the Second Republic

    An innovative project for the development of franchising system

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    This diploma thesis presents theoretical knowledge of entrepreneurship and innovation in services, including the theoretical basis of implementation of franchising. The studied subject of the thesis is the franchising system EXPRESKA which focuses on fitness services for women and selling of franchising licence. The thesis examines the external environment of the studied system using the STEP analysis and the analysis of competition in the industry. Rentability of the system is then validated through financial analysis. For the purpose of examination of the internal environment in the primary inquiry, the author of the thesis uses questionnaire and the method of mystery shopping. Based on the evaluation of the primary inquiry and the analysis of the external and the internal environments of the examined system, the author elaborated a proposal to differentiate the product for the system, namely a product innovation of functional training

    Executive decree authority in parliamentary systems: case study Italy

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    Práce se zabývá problematikou užívání mimořádných legislativních nástrojů se zvláštním zaměřením na exekutivní dekrety. Exekutivní dekrety jsou v práci analyzovány z hlediska obecně teoretického vymezeni a jejich použití v praxi v propojení i s dalšími pravomocemi vlády a parlamentu. Součástí práce je případová studie analyzující časté využívání exekutivních dekretů v Itálii. Cílem práce je zjistit příčiny častého výskytu toho jevu, hodnotit zda nedochází k omezování demokratického fungování této parlamentní demokracie a nalézt obecné tendence chování exekutivy oplývající touto pravomocí napříč různými politickými systémy. Součástí studie je proto i komparace italského případu s dalšími zeměmi - Argentinou, Brazílií a Španělskem - jejichž ústavy pravomoc vyhlašovat exekutivní dekrety také vymezují.This thesis analyzes use of extraordinary legislative instruments with a special focus on executive decrees. Executive decrees are analyzed in terms of their theoretical definition and their practical use in connection with other executive and legislative powers. The main part of the study is dedicated to the case study which analyzes the frequent use of executive decrees in Italy. The aim of the thesis is to determine causes of this phenomenon, examine how the use of executive decrees affects the democratic functioning of parliamentary democracy, and to find general tendencies of use of executive decree power across different political systems. The study therefore contains also a comparative analysis of the Italian case with other chosen countries - Argentina, Brazil and Spain, whose constitutions also allow executive power to promulgate decrees