29 research outputs found


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    The results determine the effectiveness PCR for detection M. bovis dissociative variants quickly growing strain.Material for research were dissociative variants M. bovis quickly growing strain and museum strains mycobacterium (Vallee,  BCG «Шахтар»,«Курка»).  Morphology and tinctirial properties mycobacterium studied after making smears from colonies and staining them by y Ziehl–Neelsen method. Used to perform PCR thermocyclers iCycler iQ5 and reagents for PCR amplification DNA (M. tuberculosis–M. bovis complex) with detection in real time.As a result of microscopic studies found that dissociative variants mycobacterium are polymorphic acid–nonproof   coccus and sticks bacteria.The results amplification DNA of M. bovis strain Vallee,  BCG «Шахтар» DNA was detected target causative agent tuberculosis. DNA dissociative variants, unlike the original culture of M. bovis quickly growing strain could not be detected.Found genetic changes in the DNA target dissociative variants M. bovis quickly growing strain, indicating a mutation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the dissociation.В статье приведены результаты определения эффективности полимеразной цепной реакции при детекции диссоциативних вариантов М. bovis быстрорастущего штамма.Материалом для исследований были диссоциативные варианты М. bovis быстрорастущего штамма и музейные штаммы микобактерий (Vallee, BCG «Шахтар», «Курка»). Морфологию и тинкториальные свойства микобактерий изучали после приготовления мазков из колоний и окраской их по методу Циля–Нильсена. Для проведения ПЦР использовали Амплификатор iCycler iQ5 и комплект реагентов для ПЦР–амплификации ДНК (M. tuberculosis–M. bovis complex) с детекцией в режиме реального времени.В результате микроскопических исследований установлено, что диссоциативные варианты микобактерий представлены некислотоустойчивыми полиморфными коккоподобными и палочковидными микроорганизмами.По результатам амплификации ДНК М. bovis штаммов Vallee, «Шахтер» и BCG было обнаружено ДНК–мишени возбудителя. ДНК диссоциативных вариантов, в отличие от исходной культуры, М. bovis быстрорастущего штамма не удалось детектировать.Генно–молекулярными исследованиями установлены генетические изменения ДНК–мишени диссоциативных вариантов М. bovis быстрорастущего штамма, что указывает на мутацию возбудителя туберкулеза при диссоциации.У статті наведено результати визначення ефективності полімеразної ланцюгової реакції за детекції дисоціативних варіантів  М. bovis швидкорослого штаму.Матеріалом для досліджень були дисоціативні варіанти  М. bovis швидкорослого штаму  та музейні штами мікобактерій (Vallee,  BCG «Шахтар»,«Курка»). Морфологію та тинкторіальні властивості мікобактерій вивчали після виготовлення мазків із колоній і фарбуванням їх за методом Ціля–Нільсена. Для проведення ПЛР використовували ампліфікатор iCycler iQ5 та комплект реагентів для ПЛР–ампліфікації ДНК (M. tuberculosis–M. bovis complex) з детекцією в режимі реального часу.У результаті мікроскопічних досліджень встановлено, що дисоціативні варіанти мікобактерій представлені некислотостійкими поліморфними кокоподібними та паличкоподібними мікроорганізмами.За результатами ампліфікації ДНК М. bovis штамів Vallee,  «Шахтар» та BCG було виявлено ДНК–мішені збудника. ДНК дисоціативних варіантів, на відміну від вихідної культури, М. bovis швидкорослого штаму не вдалося детектувати.Генно–молекулярними дослідженнями встановлено генетичні зміни ДНК–мішені дисоціативних варіантів М. bovis швидкорослого штаму, що вказує на мутацію збудника туберкульозу за дисоціації

    Development of engineering method for calculation of ejected and recirculated air flow rates during reload of bulk materials

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    Reload of bulk materials in various industries and agriculture are accompanied by significant dust emissions. The flow of bulk materials in its fall carries air (air ejection). The study of the flow of ejected air is a complex multidisciplinary task. The maintenance costs of local exhaust ventilation systems are directly proportional to the flow rate of the ejected air. Consumption of the ejected air can be reduced by: reducing the speed of the falling bulk material flow; increase of aerodynamic drag when ejected air moves; organization of air circulation-recirculation. The aim of the article is to develop engineering methods of calculation of aspiration systems and shelters on the basis of previously obtained results of theoretical and experimental studies of the laws of ejected and recirculated air flow. The results and conclusions are as follows. The technique of engineering calculation of volumes of the aspirated air during reload of dry not heated materials with natural circulation, carried out by means of the combined use of the cylindrical bypass chamber and the perforated trough is developed. Experimental and numerical studies have shown that the proposed method has sufficient accuracy. Recommendations for the design of the developed aspiration shelter for more efficient operation with lower operating costs are proposed. The economic effect is to reduce energy intensity and the cost of cleaning dust emissions. The values are proposed for the recirculation coefficients for the calculation of the aspiration system using the bypass chamber and the combined use of the bypass chamber and the perforated trough. The method of calculation of the ejected air flow rate in telescopic loaders is developed. The high energy intensity of telescopic aspiration-technological units (ATU) of reloading stations is caused by the ejection ability of gravity flows of bulk material, pumping a large amount of air into the aspiration shelters, which significantly increases the required performance of aspiration systems. Power of ATU can be significantly reduced by the use of coaxial telescopic loading troughs and corrugated impervious wall surrounding the trough and sealing the top and bottom of the cover, adjacent to the troughs. The analytical flow rates estimation of air, moving inside the cavity of the "trough- bypass chamber", can be carried out by linearization of the dynamics and inter-component interaction equations with the subsequent solution of transcendent equations in the Maple universal mathematical environment. Numerical studies have shown that the main parameter for reducing the transit flow of ejected air and increasing the volume of recirculated air is the degree of sealing of the upper cover. For example, if the total area of the shelter leaks is reduced from 0.14 m2 to 0.02 m2, the flow of transit air will be reduced three times, and the recirculated air will be increased by 2.5 times. The total productivity of the local suction from the lower shelter in this case has decreased by 1.68 times

    Geometric control of universal hydrodynamic flow in a two-dimensional electron fluid

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    Fluid dynamics is one of the cornerstones of modern physics and has recently found applications in the transport of electrons in solids. In most solids, electron transport is dominated by extrinsic factors, such as sample geometry and scattering from impurities. However, in the hydrodynamic regime, Coulomb interactions transform the electron motion from independent particles to the collective motion of a viscous "electron fluid."The fluid viscosity is an intrinsic property of the electron system, determined solely by the electron-electron interactions. Resolving the universal intrinsic viscosity is challenging, as it affects the resistance only through interactions with the sample boundaries, whose roughness not only is unknown but also varies from device to device. Here, we eliminate all unknown parameters by fabricating samples with smooth sidewalls to achieve the perfect slip boundary condition, which has been elusive in both molecular fluids and electronic systems. We engineer the device geometry to create viscous dissipation and reveal the true intrinsic hydrodynamic properties of a 2D system. We observe a clear transition from ballistic to hydrodynamic electron motion, driven by both temperature and magnetic field. We directly measure the viscosity and electron-electron scattering lifetime (the Fermi quasiparticle lifetime) over a wide temperature range without fitting parameters and show they have a strong dependence on electron density that cannot be explained by conventional theories based on the random phase approximation

    Study of BaTiO₃ ceramics doped with Mn and Ce or Nb and Sr

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    ESR study of BaTiO₃ ferroelectrics doped with cerium or with niobium and strontium, both types of samples being doped with manganese, was performed at room temperature. In the samples of the first type the most intensive line with g-factor 1.9612 was shown to originate from paramagnetic center Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. The small intensity line was related to Fe³⁺–Vo center, which can be unavoidable impurity in BaTiO₃. In the samples doped with strontium, the six lines intensive spectrum, which corresponds to hyperfine structure of Mn²⁺, was observed. The intensity of the spectrum was shown to decrease with strontium concentration increase. This effect was supposed to be related to the decrease of the grain sizes that results in migration of manganese and, possibly, niobium ions. The influence of these impurities, of their charge states and positions in crystalline lattice of BaTiO₃ on the PTCR effect is discussed.Представлено результати ЕПР досліджень сегнетоелектричної кераміки BaTiO₃ двох серій: легованої церієм та марганцем або ніобієм, стронцієм та марганцем, при кімнатній температурі. Показано, що у зразках першої серії найбільш інтенсивна лінія з g-фактором 1.9612 належить до парамагнітного центру Ti³⁺–Ce³⁺. Лінії малої інтенсивності належать до центру Fe³⁺–Vo (пов’язаного з неконтрольованою домішкою заліза у зразках) та до іону Mn²⁺. В другій серії зразків спостерігався спектр, який відповідає надтонкій структурі іону Mn²⁺. Інтенсивність цього спектру зменшувалась із збільшенням концентрації стронцію. Можливо цей ефект пов’язаний із зменшенням розмірів зерен та міграцією марганцю та, можливо ніобію, у міжзерновий простір. Обговорюється вплив домішок, їх зарядового стану та позиції у кристалічній ґратці на ефект позитивного температурного коефіцієнту опору

    Possibilities of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of pigmented villonodular synovitis. Clinical case

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    Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a rare proliferative disease of the synovial membrane, which most often affects the knee joints. Being a benign disease, at the same time, this pathology is often aggressive, and in some cases spreads to the soft tissues outside the joint. There are two forms of monoarticular damage: localized and diffuse. The diffuse form gives frequent relapses. To date, there are no standards for the management of this disease, just as there are no early markers for the detection of pigmented villonodular synovitis. This joint lesion has a long asymptomatic course, or it has symptoms of non-specific recurrent arthritis, so the patients can later be referred for magnetic resonance imaging, which is the only non-invasive method of diagnosing this pathology. At the same time, in modern conditions, most patients with recurrent synovitis will undergo an ultrasound examination of the joint according to the diagnostic standards. Ultrasonography made for abovementioned synovitis is insufficiently described in the medical literature. The aim of our study was to highlight the current data on the diagnosis and management of patients with pigmented villonodular synovitis and to describe our own clinical case. A feature of our clinical case was the detection of characteristic symptoms using ultrasonography. Irregular thickening of the synovial membrane with nodular forma­tions and villous growths, with the length of villi up to 7 mm near the patella with single loci of blood flow, was revealed by ultrasound examination and power Doppler mapping. Shear wave elastometry of the synovial membrane was performed. It demonstrated a significant increase in the stiffness of the synovial membrane, which can be a patho­gnomonic symptom of this pathology. The diagnosis of villonodular synovitis was confirmed histologically after surgical treatment. Subsequently, the patient had a recurrence of the pigmented villonodular synovitis, which was also detected by ultrasound diagnostics. Thus, pigmented villonodular synovitis of the knee joint is a rather rare pathology that requires differential diagnosis with inflammatory joint diseases. The final diagnosis is based on histological exa­mination. MRI and ultrasound diagnostics are non-invasive methods that can detect this pathology with high accuracy. The advantage of ultrasonography is its availability and non-invasiveness. The increase in stiffness of the synovial membrane along with its proliferation, which we found, can serve as an additional criterion of villonodular synovitis, and, according to the data available to us, has not been described in the literature so far


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    The article deals with the results of determination of melatonin and interleukin-12 blood serum levels in patients with chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis. The development of the disease is accompanied by a decrease in the level of the pineal gland hormone and an increase in the content of interleukin-12. Melatonin deficiency in patients with chronic polypoid rhinosinusitis partially blocks the development of the Th1 immune response by providing an inhibitory effect on the synthesis of IL-12 by antigen-presenting cells, preventing its hyperactivation and thereby maintaining a balance between the cell-mediated Th1 pathway and the humoral Th2 type of immune response.В статье представлены результаты определения содержания мелатонина и интерлейкина-12 у больных хроническим полипозным риносинуитом. Развитие заболевания сопровождается снижением уровня гормона эпифиза и повышением содержания интерлейкина-12. Дефицит мелатонина у больных хроническим полипозным риносинуитом частично тормозит развитие иммунного ответа Тh1 – типа, оказывая ингибирующее действие на синтез интерлейкина-12 антиген-презентирующими клетками, препятствуя гиперактивации последнего и поддерживая тем самым баланс между клеточно-опосредованным Тh1 путем и гуморальным Тh2-типом иммунного ответа.У статті представлені результати визначення вмісту мелатоніну та інтерлейкіну-12 у хворих на хронічний поліпозний риносинуїт. Розвиток захворювання супроводжується зниженням рівня гормону епіфіза і підвищенням вмісту інтерлейкіну-12. Дефіцит мелатоніну у хворих на хронічний поліпозний риносинуїт частково гальмує розвиток імунної відповіді Тh1 - типу, завдяки інгібуючому ефекту на синтез ІЛ-12 антиген-презентуючими клітинами та перешкоджанню гіперактиваціі останнього і підтриманню тим самим балансу між клітинноопосередкованим Тh1 шляхом і гуморальним Тh2 - типом імунної відповіді


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    <p>Although, nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy is very common, affecting approximately 80% of pregnancies, hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is a severe form that complicates up to 2.2% of pregnancies. HG is one of the most common indications for hospitalization during pregnancy. In addition to the insufficient nutrition both for the mother and fetus, the severity of HG symptoms causes a serious psychosocial stress, which leads to depression, anxiety and even the development of perinatal pathology. The aim of this meta-analysis was to study available randomized controlled trials about therapeutic strategies by HG, their evaluation based on both subjective and objective measures of efficacy, maternal and fetal/neonatal safety, and economic costs.<br>A systematic data search was conducted using the databases MEDLINE, ISI Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews and publications in professional editions of Ukraine for 2013–2023. The search was conducted using the following keywords: pregnancy, nausea and vomiting of pregnant women, excessive vomiting of pregnancy, hyperemesis, antiemetic therapy during pregnancy, infusion therapy and the safety profile of medications prescribed during pregnancy in various combinations.<br>The main outcome was: the effectiveness of therapeutic strategies (reduction or stopping nausea/vomiting); detailing by safety profile of antiemetic drugs; optimization of infusion therapy; additional clinical strategies that help to improve the quality of care for pregnant women; adverse effects and side effects of drugs for HG for the mother/fetus/newborn.<br>The results presented in this meta-analysis can be used in the creation of a national clinical guideline, protocol, consensus or clinical recommendations regarding the clinical management of hyperemesis gravidarum.</p><p><a href="https://repro-health.com.ua/article/view/286769">https://repro-health.com.ua/article/view/286769</a></p&gt

    Investigation of damaged layer formed at mechanical treatment of sapphire using three-crystal X-ray diffraction method

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    The methods of three-crystal X-ray diffractometry were used for investigating structure perfection in surface-adjacent damaged layer (DL) formed in the process of mechanical and chemical-mechanical treatment of sapphire crystals with the surface orientation {0001} {11-20}. Analysis of the diffraction reflection curves made it possible to establish the structure and character of distortions in the DL. There was established the mean-square disorientation between the fragments, which allowed to characterize the defects structure of the surface-adjacent DL