37 research outputs found

    Ischemia-Modified Albumin: Origins and Clinical Implications

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    Albumin is one of the most abundant proteins in the body of mammals: about 40% of its pool is located in the intravascular space and the remainder is found in the interstitial space. The content of this multifunctional protein in blood is about 60-65% of total plasma proteins. A decrease in its synthesis or changes of functional activity can destabilize oncotic blood pressure, cause a violation of transporting hormones, fatty acids, metals, and drugs. Albumin properties change under ischemic attacks associated with oxidative stress, production of reactive oxygen species, and acidosis. Under these conditions, ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) is generated that has a reduced metal-binding capacity, especially for transition metals, such as copper, nickel, and cobalt. The method of determining the cobalt-binding capability of HSA was initially proposed to evaluate IMA level and then licensed as an ACB test for routine clinical analysis for myocardial ischemia. Subsequent studies have shown the viability of the ACB test in diagnosing other diseases associated with the development of oxidative stress. This review examines recent data on IMA generation mechanisms, describes principles, advantages, and limitations of methods for evaluation of IMA levels, and provides detailed analysis of its use in diagnostic and monitoring therapeutic efficacy in different diseases

    Circulating levels of Bcl-2 and its expression in the nasal mucosa of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis

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    Aim: To evaluate expression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 protein in the nasal tissue and its levels in blood serum of patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with (CRSwNP) and without nasal polyps (CRSsNP). Material and methods: Expression of Bcl-2 in the sinonasal tissue and its levels in blood serum of patients with CRSsNP and CRSwNP were evaluated immunohistochemically and using ELISA, respectively. Results: In patients with CRSsNP, Bcl-2 was overexpressed in nasal epithelial cells mainly in the atrophic regions. However, its upregulation was also observed in regions with epithelial cell proliferation. Immunostaining for Bcl-2 was stronger both in the stroma and epithelial lining compared with control subjects. The level of Bcl-2 in blood serum was elevated in both forms of chronic rhinosinusitis with a more pronounced increase in CRSwNP. Conclusion: CRSsNP and especially CRSwNP are associated with overexpression of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 in nasal epithelial cells and in the lamina propria against the background of elevated circulating concentrations of Bcl-2

    Marketing internet communication tools as the components of the management mechanism of communication environment of the enterprise

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    У статті йдеться про інтернет-комунікації як нове явище сучасного суспільства. Інтернет розглядається як соціальний феномен соціальних комунікацій. Зазначено, що саме електронна комунікація стала невід’ємним елементом активності суб’єктів ринку. Інтернет є найбільш прогресивним засобом комунікації. Останнім часом усе більше уваги приділяється новому бізнес-середовищу для підприємств – кіберпростору Інтернету, яким передбачено активізацію управлінської діяльності, здійснення маркетингових досліджень у цій сфері, реалізацію нових маркетингових програм. При цьому особливу увагу слід приділяти взаємодії маркетингу та Інтернету, її впливу на відносини із покупцем. Тому в статті визначено місце та роль новітніх інструментів в інтернет-маркетингу. Запропоновано комплекс заходів для покращення використання новітніх засобів в інтернет-маркетингу, запропоновано найбільш узагальнену структуру маркетингових інтернет-комунікацій, а також доповнено її такими формами, як комунікаційні інтернет-технології і засоби інтернет-комунікацій, також наведені ґрунтовні визначення та різновиди запропонованих категорій. The article examines Internet communications as a new phenomenon of modern society. The Internet is seen as a social phenomenon of social communications. It is noted that electronic communication has become an integral part of the activity of market participants. The Internet is the most advanced means of communication. The growing popularity of electronic networks has necessitated a revision of the phenomenon of communication in the light of new technical possibilities. Recently, more and more attention is paid to the new business environment for enterprises – the cyberspace of the Internet, which provides for the intensification of management activities, marketing research in this area, the implementation of new marketing programs. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the interaction of marketing and the Internet, its impact on the relationship with the buyer. Therefore, the article identifies the place and role of the latest tools in Internet marketing. A set of measures to improve the use of the latest tools in Internet marketing is proposed, and it is proved that today modern marketing tools of marketing in the activities of enterprises can be divided into two main groups: tools of marketing on the Internet and tools of Internet marketing. Also in the article the theoretical bases of formation of system of marketing communications which give the chance to influence directly competitiveness of the enterprise are considered. The constituent elements of the complex of marketing communications are highlighted and different approaches to the classification of marketing Internet communications are analyzed, their place in the communications system of the enterprise is determined. The need for a thorough study of the phenomenon of Internet marketing communications stems from their involvement in business processes. Internet marketing communication is the newest attribute of interaction in modern society and an important factor in the functioning of all its social systems. The modern world is experiencing a communication revolution, which is based on the spread of Internet communications as those that best meet the requirements of a globalized world. That is why the most generalized structure of marketing Internet communications is proposed, as well as supplemented by such forms as communication Internet technologies and means of Internet communications, as well as thorough definitions and varieties of the proposed categories are given.На сучасному етапі розвитку ринкових відносин жодна компанія не може конкурувати на ринку, не підтримуючи динамічної системи зв'язку. Без урахування маркетингової комунікації, її складності, її ролі та місця організації компанії насправді неможливо перейти на довгострокове партнерство учасників ринку. Однак становлення інформаційного суспільства, нестабільність національної та світової економіки, зростаючий попит і нестача споживачів, зниження купівельної спроможності споживачів за одночасного збільшення їхніх знань, збільшення кількості способів і засобів зв'язку тощо викликають проблеми формування якісної системи комунікацій, що були б найефективнішими за найменших витрат. Водночас багато місцевих компаній реалізують комунікаційну політику на інтуїтивному рівні без необхідних досліджень у внутрішньому та зовнішньому середовищі, без використання існуючих та перспективних методів комунікації для перевірки ефективності та доцільності. Сьогодні одним із сучасних комунікаційних інструментів є Інтернет-маркетинг, який дає змогу компаніям будувати системи комунікації з клієнтами, надавати унікальні послуги, забезпечувати ефективну звітність, отримувати доступ до ранньої маркетингової інформації, яка дає змогу приймати обґрунтовані рішення та створювати ефективні маркетингові кампанії. Нині Інтернет є однією з найважливіших форм спілкування та спілкування людей у бізнесі та в повсякденному житті. Цей напрям досліджень є новим, але швидко зростає, і тому його слід враховувати у розгляді основних аспектів цієї сфери.At the current stage of development of market relations, no company can compete on the market without maintaining a dynamic communication system. Without taking into account marketing communication, its complexity, its role and place of organization of the company, it is actually impossible to move to a long-term partnership of market participants. However, the formation of the information society, the instability of the national and world economy, the growing demand and shortage of consumers, the decrease in the purchasing power of consumers with the simultaneous increase in their knowledge, the increase in the number of methods and means of communication, etc. cause the problems of forming a high-quality communication system that would be the most effective at the lowest costs . At the same time, many local companies implement communication policy at an intuitive level without the necessary research in the internal and external environment, without using existing and promising communication methods to check effectiveness and feasibility. Today, one of the modern communication tools is Internet marketing, which enables companies to build communication systems with customers, provide unique services, provide effective reporting, gain access to early marketing information that enables informed decisions and create effective marketing campaigns. Today, the Internet is one of the most important forms of communication and communication between people in business and in everyday life. This line of research is new, but growing rapidly, and should therefore be taken into account when considering the main aspects of the field

    Study of total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry (Rubus idaeous L.) shoots

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    BACKGROUND: Today, cardiovascular, oncological, and neurodegenerative diseases are the main causes of death in the world, according to official World Health Organization (WHO) statistics. Antioxidants are used to treat and prevent these diseases. In order to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on plant extracts with antioxidant action, it is necessary to determine the total antioxidant capacity of raspberry shoots. OBJECTIVES: The study aimed to determine the total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots, study the content of biologically active substances (BAS), and the antioxidant activity of red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. METHODS: The number of phenolic compounds, catechins, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids was determined by a spectrophotometric analysis method, whereas organic acids were determined by the alkalimetric method in red raspberry shoot extracts; the antioxidant activity of obtained extracts was evaluated by potentiometric method. RESULTS:  The total antioxidant capacity of red raspberry shoots was 164.12 mmol-equiv./m dry weight, the sum of the total content of phenolic compounds was 24.40 mg gallic acid (GA)/mL, catechins – 21.36 mg epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG)/mL, flavonoids – 0.77 mg rutin (R)/mL, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives – 2.56 mg chlorogenic acid (ChA)/mL and organic acids – 1.88 mg citric acid (CA)/mL in red raspberry shoot extracts obtained during subsequent exhaustive extraction. The analysis showed that there is a very high positive correlation between antioxidant activity and total phenolic compounds, catechin, flavonoid, hydroxycinnamic acids derivatives, and organic acids content in red raspberry shoot extracts. CONCLUSIONS: Total red raspberry shoots' antioxidant capacity has been determined. The study results can be used to develop optimal technology for obtaining drugs based on the extract of red raspberry shoots, which has an antioxidant effect

    Contribution to the understanding and modeling of physical processes occurring during hybrid laser welding

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    Ces travaux présentent une recherche sur la physique du soudage hybride. La revue littéraire décrit les principaux processus physiques se produisant au cours de la combinaison Laser-arc, les principales réalisations et les problèmes rencontrés lors de l'analyse de ces processus. Les processus ont été étudiés pendant l'assemblage de matériaux de fortes épaisseurs. Deux configurations ont été utilisées. La première est le soudage d’un acier Superduplex en un seul passage, par Laser et arc distanciés. La seconde configuration est le soudage multipasse de l'acier 18MND5, où le faisceau Laser défocalisé intercepte le plasma d'arc électrique. Avec l'aide de la planification d'expérience, l'imagerie vidéo rapide, l'enregistrement des signaux électriques, la détermination de la température et des distorsions de l’assemblage ont permis d’expliquer le rôle de chaque source thermique et l'influence de leur combinaison sur la création du bain fondu, l'identification du mode de transfert métallique et la répartition de la chaleur dans la plaque soudée. Les relations entre les signaux électriques et la géométrie de l'arc, les dimensions du bain et la distribution de chaleur sont analysées à différentes échelles de temps. L'analyse thermique présentée montre que l'hypothèse de stationnarité, qui est largement utilisé par les simulateurs, est vraie seulement sur une courte période et pour une longueur donnée de soudure. L’analyse macrographique montre, quant à elle, l'effet de la variation des paramètres d'entrée sur la structure et la géométrie de la soudure.An investigation on hybrid welding physics is presented in the current work. A literature review describes main physical processes occurring during Laser-arc combination and shows main achievements and problematics met during process analysis. Physical processes were studied during joining of very thick materials. Two configurations were used. The first configuration is welding of Superduplex steel in one pass by Laser and arc that are far apart. The second configuration is multipass welding of 18MND5 steel, where defocused Laser beam intercepts arc plasma. With a help of experiment’s design, fast video imaging, electric signals recording, determination of temperature and workpiece distortion, were explained the role of each thermal source and influence of their combination on arc behaviour, molten pool creation, metallic drop transfer evaluation and heat distribution into welded plates. The relationships between electric signals and arc geometry, bath dimensions and heat distribution have been analyzed at various time scales. Thermal analysis, presented in this work, shows that hypothesis of stationarity, which is commonly used in numerical modelling, is true only during a short welding period and for a given weld length. Macrographic analysis shows effect of input parameters variation on weld’s structure and geometry

    Génération et analyse des codes graphiques utilisant des motifs texturés pour l'authentification de documents imprimés

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    Due to the development and availability of printing and scanning devices, the number of forged/counterfeited valuable documents and product packages is increasing. Therefore, different security elements (holograms, inks, papers) have been suggested to prevent these illegal actions. In this thesis, we focus on printed security elements that give access to a high security level with an easy implementation and integration. We present how to generate several novel security elements that aim to protect valuable documents and packaging against unauthorized copying process. Moreover, these security elements allow us to store a huge amount of hidden information.The main characteristic of these security elements is their sensitivity to the print-and-scan process. This sensitivity stems from the use of specific textured patterns. These patterns, which are binary images, have a structure that changes during the printing, scanning and copying processes. We define new specific criteria that ensures the chosen textured patterns to have the appropriate property. The amount of additional information encoded in the patterns increases with the number of patterns used.Additionally, we propose a new weighted mean squared error measure to improve the robustness of module detection for any high density barcodes. Thanks to this measure, the recognition rate of modules used in standard high density barcodes after print-and-scan process can be significantly increased. Finally, we experimentally study several effects: the physical print-and-scan process, separation of scanner noise from printer noise and changes of colors after print-and-scan process. We conclude, from these experimental results, that the print-and-scan process cannot be considered as being a Gaussian process. It has been also highlighted that this process is neither white nor ergodic in the wide sense.En raison du développement et de la disponibilité des appareils d'impression et de numérisation, le nombre de documents contrefaits augmente rapidement. En effet, les documents de valeur ainsi que les emballages de produits sont de plus en plus ciblés par des duplications non autorisées. Par conséquent, différents éléments de sécurité (hologrammes, encres, papiers) ont été proposés pour prévenir ces actions illégales. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur les éléments de sécurité imprimés qui offrent un haut niveau de sécurité et qui possèdent une mise en œuvre et une intégration simple. Nous présentons comment générer de nouveaux éléments de sécurité qui visent à protéger les documents de valeur et les emballages contre des processus de duplication non autorisés. Ces éléments nous permettent en outre de stocker une grande quantité d'informations cachées.La caractéristique principale de ces éléments de sécurité est leur sensibilité au processus d'impression et de numérisation. Cette sensibilité est obtenue à l'aide de motifs texturés spécifiques. Ces motifs sont des images binaires qui possèdent une structure sensible aux processus d'impression, de numérisation et de copie. Nous définissons les critères spécifiques qui doivent être respectés lors du choix de ces motifs texturés. La quantité d'information encodée dans l'image augmente avec le nombre de motifs texturés utilisées.En complément, nous proposons dans ce mémoire d'améliorer la robustesse de la détection des modules, pour tous les codes graphiques, par l'utilisation d'une nouvelle mesure d'erreur quadratique moyenne pondérée. L'utilisation de cette nouvelle mesure nous a permis d'augmenter de façon significative le taux de reconnaissance des modules lorsqu'ils sont utilisés dans des codes à barres standard à haute densité. Enfin, nous étudions expérimentalement plusieurs phénomènes : le processus physique d'impression et de numérisation, la séparation du bruit du scanner de celui de l'imprimante et les changements de couleurs après processus d'impression et de numérisation. Nous concluons à partir de cette étude expérimentale, que le processus d'impression et de numérisation ne peut pas être modélisé comme un loi Gaussienne. Nous mettons en avant que ce processus n'est ni blanc ni ergodique au sens large

    Crossing number features: from biometrics to printed character matching

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    in conjunction with ICDAR 2021International audienceNowadays, the security of both digital and hardcopy documents has become a real issue. As a solution, numerous integrity check approaches have been designed. The challenge lies in finding features which are robust to print-and-scan process. In this paper, we propose a new method of printed-and-scanned character matching based on the adaptation of biometrical features. After the binarization and the skeletonization of a character, feature points are extracted by computing crossing numbers. The feature point set can then be smoothed to make it more suitable for template matching. From various experimental results, we have shown that an accuracy of more than 95% is achieved for printand-scan resolutions of 300 dpi and 600 dpi. We have also highlighted the feasibility of the proposed method in case of double print-and-scan operation. The comparison with a state-of-the-art method shows that the generalization of proposed matching method is possible while using different fonts

    Crossing number features: from biometrics to printed character matching

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    in conjunction with ICDAR 2021International audienceNowadays, the security of both digital and hardcopy documents has become a real issue. As a solution, numerous integrity check approaches have been designed. The challenge lies in finding features which are robust to print-and-scan process. In this paper, we propose a new method of printed-and-scanned character matching based on the adaptation of biometrical features. After the binarization and the skeletonization of a character, feature points are extracted by computing crossing numbers. The feature point set can then be smoothed to make it more suitable for template matching. From various experimental results, we have shown that an accuracy of more than 95% is achieved for printand-scan resolutions of 300 dpi and 600 dpi. We have also highlighted the feasibility of the proposed method in case of double print-and-scan operation. The comparison with a state-of-the-art method shows that the generalization of proposed matching method is possible while using different fonts

    Exploitation of redundancy for pattern estimation of copy-sensitive two level QR code

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    International audienceThe falsification of hardcopy documents is a common problem these days. Numerous industrial and scientific solutions have been proposed to prevent these falsifications. In this paper, we want to study the security of the two level QR code which is constructed using specific textured patterns that are sensitive to print-and-scan impact. Such code is a good candidate because it generalizes several concepts from several codes. We take a falsifier point of view that aims to reconstruct the two level QR code and to fool the au-thentication system detector. As the two level QR code contains sets of the same textured patterns, the opponent has access to different printed-and-scanned versions of these textured patterns. These sets of patterns can be used for structure estimation. Several local strategies for pattern estimation are suggest in this paper. The experimental results show that the increasing number of printed-and-scanned patterns cannot improve the estimation results