82 research outputs found

    Ballet Master Activity of Jiří Kylián: From the Ballet Stage to Cinema Dance

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    The purpose of the article is to highlight the stages of Ji Kyli n s ballet master activity and its influence on the development of choreographic art of the postmodern era Research methodology Analysis synthesis generalization systematization which were used to determine the state of the problem identification of biographical information characteristics of the choreographer s activity of Ji Kyli n biographical method which contributed to the study of creative activity of the choreographer historical-genetic analysis and the method of periodization which allowed to consider the problem of research in the time continuum and to distinguish four stages of choreographer-philosopher s ballet master activity and find out the features of style choreographic language at each stage Scientific novelt


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    The article examined the process of development and effectiveness of financial potential management of enterprises in modern market conditions, and it is established that the financial potential is the fundamental element, achievement and maintenance at high level of which leads to ensure high productivity, profitability and profit maximization. It is proved that the increase in financial potential and providing absolute stability in market leads to competitiveness, investment attractiveness, strengthening of stakeholders’ interests and further international markets entering. It is revealed that the overwhelming majority of interpretations of the definition of the concept of financial potential of the enterprise are ambiguous and imperfect; therefore, it was necessary to supplement the concept of financial potential of the enterprise with such constituent elements like: strategic financial capabilities of the enterprise and financial capital, which are estimated by the existing state and process of using financial resources; the stakeholders` participation, innovative orientation and clustering aimed at ensuring an effective positive direction and development of the company and the country in general. This gave an opportunity to propose an enlarged interpretation to the concept of financial potential of the enterprise — as a complementary combination of financial resources, financial capabilities and financial capital, which, under the influence of synergetic actions and at maximum interconnection with stakeholders will allow the company to achieve, maintain, and multiply its competitive positions in the market, as well as always be in a quick reaction to the dynamic process of a conjuncture and economic situation in the country in general. It is proved that in the process of development and volume increase, and as a result, effective management of the financial potential of the enterprise must adhere to the following actions: search for internal financial unused (potential) possibilities and reserves, as well as directions of their use; the use of leading international experience of leading specialists, enterprises and cluster associations, which will provide accelerated efficient development of the financial potential of the enterprise and will become a source of future financial reserves on enterprise. Opportunities for development and growth of financial potential have a close relationship with the use of innovative approaches, latest equipment and efficient managerial staff of the enterprise. It is established that the concept of financial potential, financial capital, financial resources and financial capabilities of enterprises is interdependent and mutually reinforcing each other concepts, and only in the presence of factors and conditions that will help to increase their volumes, their constant accumulation and efficient use, these key elements in a common system will give maximum results. It will also improve the development and management of financial potential for the future, to optimize it, prevent possible undesirable risks and always be competitive on a changing field of market environment.Исследованы процесс развития и эффективность управления финансовым потенциалом предприятий в современных рыночных условиях, а именно установлено, что финансовый потенциал является основополагающим элементом, достижение и удержание на высоком уровне которого приводит к обеспечению высокой производительности, рентабельной деятельности и максимизации прибыли. Доказано, что увеличение финансового потенциала и обеспечения абсолютной устойчивости на рынке приводит к конкурентоспособности, инвестиционной привлекательности, усилению интересов стейкхолдеров и дальнейшему выходу на международные рынки. Выяснено, что подавляющее большинство трактовок понятия «финансовый потенциал предприятия» является неоднозначным и несовершенным, поэтому возникла необходимость дополнения понятия финансового потенциала предприятия такими составляющими элементами, как стратегические финансовые возможности предприятия и финансовый капитал; участие стейкхолдеров; инновационные направления и кластеризация, направленные на обеспечение эффективного положительного направления и развития предприятия. Это дало возможность предложить собственное дополненное трактование понятия «финансовый потенциал предприятия» как взаимодополняющее сочетание финансовых ресурсов, финансовых возможностей и финансового капитала, которые под воздействием синергетического действия и при максимальной взаимосвязи со стейкхолдерами позволят предприятию достичь, удержать и приумножить свои конкурентные позиции на рынке, а также всегда находиться в состоянии быстрого реагирования на динамический процесс конъюнктуры и экономической ситуации в стране. Доказано, что в процессе развития и увеличения объемов и как результат — эффективного управления финансовым потенциалом предприятия необходимо соблюдать следующие действия: поиск внутренних финансовых неиспользованных (потенциальных) возможностей и резервов, а также направлений их использования; использование лидирующего международного опыта ведущих специалистов, предприятий и кластерных объединений. Установлено, что понятия «финансовый потенциал», «финансовый капитал», «финансовые ресурсы» и «финансовые возможности предприятий» являются взаимосвязанными и взаимодополняющими и только при наличии факторов и условий, которые будут способствовать увеличению их объемов, постоянном их аккумулированию и эффективному использованию эти ключевые элементы единой системы дадут максимальный результат. Также это позволит улучшить состояние развития и управления финансовым потенциалом на будущее, провести его оптимизацию, предотвратить возможные нежелательные риски и всегда быть конкурентоспособным на меняющемся поле рыночной среды.Досліджено процес розвитку та ефективність управління фінансовим потенціалом підприємств у сучасних ринкових умовах, а саме встановлено, що фінансовий потенціал є основоположним елементом, досягнення і утримання на високому рівні якого призводить до забезпечення високої продуктивності, рентабельної діяльності та максимізації прибутку. Доведено, що збільшення фінансового потенціалу та забезпечення абсолютної стійкості на ринку призводить до конкурентоздатності, інвестиційної привабливості, посилення інтересів стейкхолдерів та подальшому виходу на міжнародні ринки. З’ясовано, що переважна більшість трактувань поняття «фінансовий потенціал підприємства» є неоднозначним і недосконалим, тому постала необхідність доповнення поняття фінансового потенціалу підприємства такими складовими елементами, як стратегічні фінансові можливості підприємства і фінансовий капітал, які оцінюються наявним станом і процесом використання фінансових ресурсів; участю стейкхолдерів, інноваційною спрямованістю та кластеризацією, які спрямовані на забезпечення ефективного позитивного направлення і розвитку підприємства й країни в цілому. Це дало можливість запропонувати власне доповнене трактування поняття «фінансовий потенціал підприємства» як взаємодоповнюване поєднання фінансових ресурсів, фінансових можливостей і фінансового капіталу, які під впливом синергетичної дії та за максимального взаємозв’язку із стейкхолдерами дозволять підприємству досягти, утримати і примножити свої конкурентні позиції на ринку, а також завжди перебувати у стані швидкого реагування на динамічний процес кон’юнктури та економічної ситуації в країні в цілому. Доведено, що у процесі розвитку та збільшення обсягів і як результат — ефективного управління фінансовим потенціалом підприємства необхідно дотримуватись таких дії: пошук внутрішніх фінансових невикористаних (потенційних) можливостей і резервів, а також напрямів їх використання; використання лідируючого міжнародного досвіду провідних спеціалістів, підприємств і кластерних об’єднань, що забезпечить прискорений ефективний розвиток фінансового потенціалу підприємства та стане джерелом майбутніх фінансових резервів на підприємстві. Можливості розвитку та нарощування обсягів фінансового потенціалу мають тісній взаємозв’язок із використанням інноваційних підходів, новітнього обладнання та ефективного управлінського апарату підприємства. Установлено, що поняття «фінансовий потенціал», «фінансовий капітал», «фінансові ресурси» і «фінансові можливості підприємств» — поняття взаємозалежні і взаємодоповнювані і тільки за наявності факторів та умов, що будуть сприяти збільшенню їхніх обсягів, постійному їхньому акумулюванню та ефективному використанню ці ключові елементи єдиної системи дадуть максимальний результат. Також це дозволить поліпшити стан розвитку та управління фінансовим потенціалом на майбутнє, провести його оптимізацію, запобігти можливим небажаним ризикам і завжди бути конкурентоздатним на мінливому полі ринкового середовища


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    The innovative progress in improving the professional training of future artists is based on increased attention to the competence-based approach to professional training. When planning the educational path of future choreographers, it is essential to consider the role and specifics of their practical training. An effective practice occupies a prominent place in this process. It would take into account the development trends of the general social and artistic spheres. Such practices should cultivate skills that meet the demands and requirements of the contemporary world. The creation of qualitative conditions for the creative self-realization of a future choreography teacher allows both to consolidate knowledge and skills and to form a model of effective future professional activity. This article aims to identify the key trends in the development of higher art education. The paper outlines the prerequisites and peculiarities of trend formation while considering the features of the modern artistic environment. The study also aims to highlight the most promising change directions in higher art education, assessing the most significant factors contributing to their emergence and development. During the research, analytical methods were employed to process information regarding applying new working methods in higher art education. Additionally, the authors used the methods such as induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis of information, system-structural and comparative approaches, abstraction, and idealization for studying and processing data. The research has identified the leading, most important trends in higher art education, as well as the scientists' viewpoints on the key promising areas of development of higher education institutions in the field of art.O progresso inovador na melhoria da formação profissional dos futuros artistas baseia-se numa maior atenção à abordagem da formação profissional baseada nas competências. No planeamento do percurso educativo dos futuros coreógrafos é fundamental considerar o papel e as especificidades da sua formação prática. Uma prática eficaz ocupa lugar de destaque nesse processo. Levaria em conta as tendências de desenvolvimento das esferas sociais e artísticas em geral. Tais práticas devem cultivar competências que atendam às demandas e exigências do mundo contemporâneo. A criação de condições qualitativas para a autorrealização criativa de um futuro professor de coreografia permite tanto consolidar conhecimentos e competências como formar um modelo de futura atividade profissional eficaz. Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar as principais tendências no desenvolvimento do ensino superior artístico. O artigo descreve os pré-requisitos e peculiaridades da formação de tendências ao mesmo tempo em que considera as características do ambiente artístico moderno. O estudo pretende também destacar as direções de mudança mais promissoras no ensino superior artístico, avaliando os fatores mais significativos que contribuem para o seu surgimento e desenvolvimento. Durante a pesquisa, métodos analíticos foram empregados para processar informações sobre a aplicação de novos métodos de trabalho no ensino superior de arte. Além disso, os autores utilizaram métodos como indução, dedução, análise, síntese de informações, abordagens comparativas e estruturais de sistemas, abstração e idealização para estudo e processamento de dados. A investigação identificou as principais e mais importantes tendências no ensino superior artístico, bem como os pontos de vista dos cientistas sobre as principais áreas promissoras de desenvolvimento das instituições de ensino superior no campo da arte


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    In this article the motion control system of autonomous mobile robot is described. Four motion modes: motion mode “to the target”, motion mode “obstacles avoidance”, motion mode “along the right wall” and motion mode “along the left wall” are implemented. A method for determining the effective rotation angle of mobile robot which is a linear combination of rotation angles which are obtained in different motion modes and activation coefficients is proposed. Fuzzy-oriented method with high accuracy and performance is used for motion modes implementation and for finding values of activation coefficients.W artykule opisano system sterowania ruchem autonomicznego robota mobilnego. Zaimplementowano cztery tryby ruchu: „do celu”, „unikanie przeszkód”, „wzdłuż prawej ściany” oraz „wzdłuż lewej ściany”. Zaproponowano metodę do określania efektywnego kąta obrotu robota, która jest liniową kombinacją kąta obrotu, który jest otrzymywany dla różnych trybów ruchu oraz współczynników aktywacji. Do implementacji trybów pracy oraz znalezienia wartości współczynników aktywacji użyto metodę rozmytą o dużej dokładności i wydajności

    Principles of the Road Beautification Elements Placing

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    The work is dedicated to improving the principles of roads’ beautification elements placing. Is improved the classification of roads’ beautification elements. Are detected the factors that affect the visual perception of road environment by driver and passengers. Are improved the principles of roads’ beautification elements placing by developing new - the principle of simulation the spatial corridor. Are structured roads’ beautification elements according to hierarchical levels. Is constructed the structural model of the spatial corridor of highway and street with distribution in sub corridors to deploy beautification elements. The spatial corridor and subcorridors are characterized by width, height and length and are proposed the formulas for their determination. For automation the determination of parameters the first time is developed a computer program ROAD BEAUTIFICATION. Is improved the methodology of designing comprehensive roads beautification according to the proposed principle

    Features of Identification Elements Deployed along Highways: Example of Ukraine and India

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    As a result of literature analysis the authors identified the main directions of the road improvement problem study and determined that further research needs the identification elements, which can improve the visual and functional nature of the road. Among the elements of road improvement is distinguished a separate broad group - identification elements, which includes natural objects, historical and cultural monuments and recreational areas. Are revealed the factors influence on the road environment visual perception and the main properties of the road space perception. The authors’ studies made it possible to formulate the main requirements for the road space and to propose the principles of calculating the distances between the points of stop along the highways

    Features of Streets and Urban Roads Greening in Ukraine and other Countries of the World

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    The work is devoted to placement of streets and urban roads greening elements. The statistics of the road traffic fatalities rate as a result of ride on obstruction, in particular a tree in Ukraine, Poland, the USA, Denmark, have been analyzed. An unsatisfactory situation in Ukraine was confirmed, where the accident rate on roads with a fatal outcome is almost 10 times higher than in the safest countries of the world. The main functions of the streets and urban roads greening elements are generalized. There are: environmental protection (noise absorption, air purification from exhaust gases and pollination); decorating (creation of space for satisfaction of esthetic requirements of a person); accentuating; barrier etc. The greening elements of Ukraine streets and urban roads are classified and compared with the classifications of Queensland (Australia) and Poland. Current placement of greening elements in Poltava (Ukraine) streets was analyzed and the main disadvantages of placing greening elements were revealed. The normative requirements for the street and urban road greening elements placement in Ukraine, Queensland (Australia), Poland, Sweden, Denmark have been analyzed. Existing placement of the street and urban road greening elements in countries with high level of traffic safety were researched and the ways of improvement of existing street greening in Ukraine was found

    Cybercrime: History of formation, current state and ways of counteraction

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    The article examines the history of the emergence and development of cybercrime, the specifics of the current situation in society, which contributes to an increase in the number of cybercrimes and ways of countering cybercrime. It has been established that cybercrime first appeared in the middle of the last century. This was due to the emergence and subsequent intensive growth in the number of computers, and then smartphones. However, cybercrime that exists today is significantly different from what it was in its early days. Today, the number of devices and services provided via the Internet is growing, the number of users is growing, and, accordingly, the number of cybercrimes and the level of their organization is growing. In the course of the study, the differences between the concepts of "cybercrime" and "computer crimes" were identified, as well as the main features of cybercrimes. The problems that law enforcement agencies face in the investigation and fight against cybercrimes were revealed. The factors contributing to the growth of cybercrime were also analyzed. Based on the analysis, the main directions of combating cybercrime and preventing the growth of the number of cybercrimes in society were developed

    Inflation Targeting As a Tool for Maintaining Price Stability of The National Bank of Ukraine

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    Introduction. Inflation targeting is a tool for ensuring price stability in the economy and therefore requires harmonious coordination and communication among government institutions. At the same time, the central bank must adhere to a certain policy instrument, the established legal rules, which are fixed in its mandate, or act at its discretion. Nowadays, the most common rule of monetary policy is inflation targeting. Aim and tasks. The purpose of the article is to explain the expediency of using the inflation targeting regime to keep inflation at a certain target level, which is determined by the central bank taking into account the current state of the economy. Results. The theoretical model of Taylor is considered, which is based on inflation assessment in the form of a simple interest rate rule based on monetary policy instruments that ensure convergence of the inflation forecast to the target value in the medium term. The obtained results reflect the volatility of the indicators of the objective function in the data range of 2015 Q3–2021 Q2 and confirm the weight of the gap of variable values that are estimated to be insignificant (95%). Using the GMM method, the relationship between the indicators of the objective function and their impact on the inflation rate through the use of the inflation targeting regime was verified. In particular, the volatility of variables such as the inflation gap, short-term interest rate, output gap, and exchange rate gap and their impact on the target inflation rate was revealed on the time horizon of monetary policy. Smoothing out gaps in variables is one of the goals of the central bank's reaction function under the inflation targeting regime. The use of the GMM method confirms the validity of the application of Taylor's rule regarding the feasibility of choosing an objective function with predetermined variable parameters at different sampling intervals. Conclusions. The increase in the volatility of variable parameters in the objective function of central banks under the inflation targeting regime is explained by global crises and the sensitivity of macroeconomic indicators to fluctuations in the economic situation. This is the main reason why central banks strictly follow the rules of monetary policy, which allow the timely smoothing of exogenous shocks in the economy

    Public official as a victim of criminal assault: comparative approach

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    This research paper aims to analyze criminal liability for assaulting law enforcement agents in different jurisdictions. A comparative approach is used to examine relevant criminal law provisions of several countries, including the United States, England, Germany, Canada, and Ukraine. The methodology combines statistical methods and comparative research to provide a detailed and comprehensive analysis. The most important findings indicate that some countries protect both public officials and law enforcement agents from illegal attacks, while others have a special liability regime for assaulting or threatening police officers only. In particular, it is argued that the Ukrainian approach is more balanced compared to other jurisdictions. Overall, the document provides a complete and detailed insight into criminal liability for assaulting law enforcement agents in various parts of the world