73 research outputs found

    Kariotipe Rana chalconota Kompleks yang Terdapat di Sumatera Barat Karyotype of Rana chalconota Complex in West Sumatera

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    ABSTRACT. Study  of  thekaryotypeRanachalconotacomplexin WestSumatrahas  been  carried  out from  April to August  2010. Samples  were  collected  from  HPPBandthen  analyzed at  the Laboratory  of Geneticsand Cytology Biology  Department  of  FMIPA Andalas  University Padang. The  purpose  of  this study is determine thekaryotypeof the frog speciespreviously classified asR.chalconotathen described asRana  rufipes  and Ranaparvaccolain WestSumatra.  The  object  was  prepared by  using airdrying method.  The data  was  analyzed  bythe  statistical  test Mann-Whitney  Utest andWilcoxonU-Statistics. The results showed that the Ranarufipes has 13pairsof the chromosomesconsistingofonepair of the submetacentricchromosomesand12pairs of the metacentricchromosomes. Ranaparvaccolaalsohas 13pairsof  chromosomesconsistingofthree pairs  of  the submetacentricchromosomesand10pairs  of the metacentric chromosomes. The secondtype has 6pairs oflarge classesand7pairs ofsmallgroups. Keywords: Rana chalconotacomplex, Ranarufipes, Ranaparvaccola, karyotype ABSTRAK. Penelitian mengenai  KariotipeRana chalconotakompleks  yang terdapat  di  Sumatera Barat telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April–Agustus 2010. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di Hutan Pendidikan dan  Penelitian  Biologi  kemudian  dilanjutkan  dengan  pembuatan  preparat  di  Laboratorium  Genetika  dan Sitologi Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNAND Padang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kariotipe dari dua jenis baru katak yang semula dikelompokkan R. chalconotatetapi, sekarang dideskripsikan sebagai R.  parvaccola  dan R.  rufipes  yang  terdapat  di  Sumatera  Barat. Pembuatan  preparat  dilakukan  dengan metode kering udara dan analisis data dilakukan dengan uji statistik Mann-Whitney U Test  dan Wilcoxon U  Statistik.  Hasil  penelitian  memperlihatkan  bahwaRana  rufipes  memiliki  13  pasang  kromosom  yang terdiri  dari  satu  pasang  kromosom  submetasentrik  dan  12  pasang  kromosom  metasentrik. Rana parvaccola  juga  memiliki  13  pasang  kromosom  yang  terdiri  dari  tiga  pasang  kromosom  submetasentrik dan 10 pasang kromosom metasentrik. Kedua jenis ini memiliki 6 pasang golongan besar dan 7 pasang golongan kecil. Kata Kunci:Rana chalconotakompleks, Ranarufipes, Ranaparvaccola, kariotip

    Antimicrobial Activity of Skin Secretion of Rana hosii Frog (Anura: Ranidae) against several pathogenic microbes

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    The research on antimicrobial activity of skin secretion derived from Rana hosii (Anura: Ranidae) against several pathogenic microbes had been conducted at Microbiology Laboratory and at Genetics and Biomolecular Laboratory, both in the Biology Department, Universitas Andalas. The research used to survey and experimental methods. The study aimed to determine the effectivity of Rana hosii skin secretion to inhibit microbial activity, hence it tested onto some pathogenic microbes such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans. The results showed that the biggest inhibition zone formed against E. coli was 10.96 + 0.63 mm, on S. aureus was 11.74 + 1.00 mm, while on C. albicans was 7.42 + 0.80 mm. The results indicated that the skin secretions from Rana hosii frog could be a potential broad-spectrum antibacterial, and antifungal activity against C. albicans

    The Effect of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton Jelly on Alzheimer’s Rat with Y-Maze Test Method

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    Objective: This study aims to examine the y-maze test in alzheimer's rat after giving mesenchymal stem cell wharton jelly. Methods: This study used the y-maze test method to test the cognitive test of rat with the Y arm model. The treatment group consisted of a control, AlCl3, MSC-WJ and a combination of AlCl3 and MSC-WJ. The results obtained were analyzed in the form of a percentage. Results: The results of this study showed that the y-maze test showed that MSC-WJ had a significant effect compared to the AlCl3 control group in the alzheimer’s rat, namely 51.33% and 12.31%. Conclusion: In this study it was concluded that that MSC-WJ has a significant effect on alzheimer’s rat with y maze test.Keywords: AlCl3; Alzheimer’s; Mesenchymal Stem Cell Wharton Jell

    Ameliorative Effect of Enhydra fluctuans on Liver Damage in Diabetic Rats

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    Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance cause harm to the liver. In this study, ameliorative effect of Enhydra fluctuans on liver damage in alloxan-induced diabetic rats were examined. Thirty acclimatized male albino rats divided into six groups (n = 5). Normal rats were fed a standard diet (Group 1); diabetic rats were provided standard feed (Group 2); diabetic rats were fed standard feed and glibenclamide (Group 3); and diabetic rats were fed standard food and fractions of n-hexane E. fluctuans 57.03, 114.06, and 171.09 mg/kg, respectively (Group 4, 5 and 6). For 21 days, rats were fed the n-hexane fraction orally. On day 1 and day 21 of treatments, blood sugar levels were measured. The histophatology of the liver, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and serum glutamic pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) level were estimated. At a dosage of 57.03 mg/kg was substantially (p < 0.05) beneficial in decreasing blood sugar and SGOT. The n-hexane fraction of E. fluctuans ameliorated liver damage in diabetic rats and avoided diabetes complications, according to our findings. As a result, E. fluctuans has a considerable amount of potential as a novel diabetic therapy.   Keywords: Diabetes, Enhydra fluctuans, Insulin resistance, Liver cells regeneration

    Regeneration of Cattleya Amazing Thailand in ½ MS Medium with The Addition of Several Concentration of PGR and Coconut Water

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    One of the Cattleya species with aesthetic and commercial value is Cattleya Amazing Thailand. An efficient protocol with a high rate of plantlet regeneration is through in vitro culture. Plantlet regeneration is affected by the addition of a Plant Growth Regulator (PGR). Auxin and cytokinin (2,4-D and BAP) combined with PGR from organic material such as coconut water can increase the growth of leave and roots in plantlet regeneration. The research aims to determine the best PGRs combination in regenerating the  Cattleya Amazing Thailand orchid in vitro. The research used the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) experimental method for five treatments. The parameter are survival rate, number of leave, and number of roots. Survival rate was analyzed descriptively and both of number of leave and roots were analyzed statistically. All treatments can form 100% plantlets on survival rate parameter. The treatment of 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP gave significantly different results in the number of leaf (9.0) and was not significantly different in the number of root. 0.1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP is the best combination for in vitro regeneration of the Cattleya Amazing Thailand orchid.

    New Record Species of Puntius (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from West Sumatra based on Cytochrome Oxidase1Gene Dewi Imelda Roesma#, Djong Hon Tjong#, Warnety Munir#, Dyta Rabbani Aidil#

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    New Record Species of Puntius (Pisces: Cyprinidae) from West Sumatra based on Cytochrome Oxidase1Gene Dewi Imelda Roesma#, Djong Hon Tjong#, Warnety Munir#, Dyta Rabbani Aidil

    Variasi Kefalometri pada Beberapa Suku di Sumatera Barat

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    A study about cephalometry variations of three ethnic groups living in West Sumatra was conducted from May until August 2012. This study used survey method and purposive sampling technique. The measurements of cephalometry were taken from total of 150 individu samples with frontal photos from head-face. The result showed significant variations on head length, head width, upper facial height, bizygomatic breadth, eyes width, distance of endocathion, nose length, nose width, chin height, minimum frontal height and distance of stomion to menton. Based on statistic analysis, Nias, Minang and Mentawai ethnics showed different cephalic, facial, frontoparietal and nasalis type. Phenogram by UPGMA of three ethnic groups showed close relationship between Nias and Mentawai.Keywords : variation, cephalometry, ethnics, West Sumatra

    Change of Morphological Characters of an Introduced Population of Bilih Fish (Mystacoleucus padangensis Bleeker, Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Toba Lake

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    Population of Bilih Fish (Mystacoleucus padangensis) in Singkarak Lake has decreased as the effect of intensive exploitation and changes in water use function. Many appropriate works have been conducted for the fish conservation. One of them is introducing Bilih fish population to a new habitat,  Toba Lake. After nine years of releasing the fish, there was a hypothesis that these fish had undergone some changes on their morphology compared to their original population in Singkarak Lake. The changes could occure in some morphological characters and also the increase or decrease of their growth. This study was aimed at comparing morphology characters between Bilih fish introduced to Toba Lake with the original population in Singkarak Lake. Survey method was used and 400 samples of fish were taken from each Singkarak and Toba Lakes.  Parameters measured were 29 morphological characters. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney U Test with SPSS 22. The results showed that 27 morphological characters of introduced fish had changed. Characters that had not changed were dorsal fin (anterior end)-anal fin distance (DFAF) and preanal distance (PD). Population of Bilih fish in Toba Lake might keep changing in the process of morphological character differentiation as long as environment factors still support the life of Bilih fish.

    Komunitas Anura (Amphibia) pada Tiga Tipe Habitat Perairan di Kawasan Hutan Harapan Jambi

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    A study on Anuran’s community (Amphibia) living in three types of wetland habitats ( i.e: rivers, lakes, and swamp forest) at Harapan Rainforest Jambi was conducted from October 2011 to January 2012 by using Encounter Visual Survey along six belt transects. This study found 115 individuals of Anura’s, which belong to 14 species, eight genera, and three families. Density of each species was different between the three wetland habitats. The highest density in the rivers was Limnonectes paramacrodon (6.66 ind/ha), in the lakes was Occydozyga sumatrana (16.87 ind/ha), and in the swamp forest was Limnonectes paramacrodon (5 ind/ha). Diversity index of Shannon Wiener indicated that species diversity was different between lakes, rivers, and swamp forest (rivers: 1.227, lakes: 1.594, and swamp forest: 1.154). The highest similarity index was found between rivers and lakes (42.86%), and the lowest between swamp forest and lakes (16.67%). Distribution patterns of most Anuran’s species based on Quadrat Variance Analysis were clumped.Keywords: anura, community structure, distribution pattern, wetland habita

    Karakterisasi Bakteri Amilo-Termofilik Obligat dari Sumber Air Panas Semurup, Sungai Penuh

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    The study about “characterization of amilo-thermophilic obligat bacteria from Semurup Hot Spring” has been conducted from November 2013 to March 2014 in Laboratory of Microbiology, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Andalas University, Padang. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze isolate amilo-thermophilic obligat bacteria. The result of this study showed that isolate SII-7 from Semurup Hot Spring survived at 70 ºC, that produced amylase with unique macroscopic characters: random, cream and smooth surface. The isolate SII-7 was bacille, Gram positive, has endospore as a product, motility and catalase positive.Keyword: Characterization, thermophilic obligat, bacteria, amylase