33 research outputs found

    Fatal drug poisonings in a Swedish general population

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Pharmaceutical drug poisonings have previously been reported using single sources of information, either hospital data or forensic data, which might not reveal the true incidence. We therefore aimed to estimate the incidence of suspected fatal drug poisonings, defined as poisonings by pharmaceutical agents, by using all relevant case records from various sources in a Swedish population. METHODS: Every seventh randomly selected deceased in three counties in southeastern Sweden during a one-year period was identified in the Cause of Death Register. Relevant case records (death certificates, files from hospitals and/or primary care centres and medico-legal files) were reviewed for all study subjects. RESULTS: Of 1574 deceased study subjects, 12 cases were classified as pharmaceutical drug poisonings according to the death certificates and 10 according to the medico-legal files. When reviewing all available data sources, 9 subjects (0.57%; 95% confidence interval: 0.20-0.94%) were classified as drug poisonings, corresponding to an incidence of 6.5 (95% confidence interval: 2.3-10.7) per 100 000 person-years in the general population. The drug groups most often implicated were benzodiazepines (33%), antihistamines (33%) and analgesics (22%). CONCLUSIONS: Fatal drug poisonings is a relatively common cause of death in Sweden. By using multiple sources of information when investigating the proportion of fatal poisonings in a population, more accurate estimates may be obtained.Original Publication:Anna Jonsson, Olav Spigset, Micaela Tjäderborn, Henrik Druid and Staffan Hägg, Fatal drug poisonings in a Swedish general population., 2009, BMC clinical pharmacology, (9), 7, 1-5.http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1472-6904-9-7Licensee: BioMed Centralhttp://www.biomedcentral.com

    Psychoactive prescription drug use disorders, misuse and abuse : Pharmacoepidemiological aspects

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    Background: There is a widespread and increasing use of psychoactive prescription drugs, such as opioid analgesics, anxiolytics, hypnotics and anti-epileptics, but their use is associated with a risk of drug use disorder, misuse and abuse. Today, these are globally recognized and emerging public health concerns. Aim: The aim of this thesis is to estimate the prevalence of psychoactive prescription drug (PPD) use disorders, misuse and abuse, and to investigate the association with some potential risk factors. Methods: A study using register data from forensic cause of death investigations investigated and described cases of fatal unintentional intoxication with tramadol (Study I). Based on register data on spontaneously reported adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported cases of tramadol dependence were investigated and summarised (Study II). In a study in suspected drug-impaired drivers with a toxicology analysis confirming the intake of one out of five pre-specified PPDs, the prevalence of non-prescribed use was assessed and associated factors were investigated (Study III). From a cohort of patients initiating prescribed treatment with pregabalin, using data on prescription fills, a study investigated longitudinal utilisation patterns during five years with regards to use of the drug above the maximum approved daily dose (MAD), and factors associated with the utilisation patterns (Study IV). Results: In the first study, 17 cases of unintentional intoxications were identified, of which more concerned men, the median age was 44 years and the majority used multiple psychoactive substances (alcohol, illicit drugs and prescription drugs). The second study identified 104 spontaneously reported cases of tramadol dependence, in which more concerned women, the median age was 45 years, and a third reported a history of substance abuse and 40% of past psychoactive medication use. In the third study, more than half of the individuals suspected of drug-impaired driving used the drug without a recent prescription. Non prescribed use was most frequent in users of benzodiazepines and tramadol, and was more likely in younger individuals and in multiple-substance users. In the last paper five longitudinal utilisation patterns were found in pregabalin users, with two patterns associated with a particularly high risk of doses above the maximum approved dosing recommendation. This pattern of use was associated with male sex, younger age, non-urban residency and a recent prescribed treatment with an antiepileptic or opioid analgesic drug. Conclusions: This thesis shows that psychoactive prescription drug use disorders, misuse and abuse occur and may have serious and even fatal consequences. The prevalence varies between different drugs and populations. Abuse and misuse seem to be more common in young people. Fatal intoxications and misuse of prescribed drugs may be more common in men, while drug use disorders following prescribed treatment may be more common in women and non-prescribed use equally distributed between women and men. Individuals with a history of mental illness, substance use disorder or abuse, or of past use of psychoactive medications are likely important risk groups. In summary, the findings suggest a potential for improvements in the utilisation of psychoactive prescription drugs. The results may be useful in the planning of clinical and regulatory preventive interventions to promote the rational, individualised and safe use of such drugs

    Development of wheel holder for bike carrier

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    This report is a bachelor thesis work within the field of Product Development and is also an assignment for Thule Sweden. The work has been performed by Niclas Tjäderborn and Christian Holm, students at the Mechanical Engineering Program with major in Product Development and Industrial Design at Jönköping School of Engineering during spring the semester of 2009. The thesis work concerned the development of a new wheel holder for bike carrier for Thule Sweden. The background to the project was that the initiator wanted a more user friendly wheel holder with better design than those available on the market. The wheel holder is able to be implemented on one or several of Thule’s current wheel holders. The report continues the entire process from pre-study to the finished prototype. One of the challenges concerning the project was that the wheel holder should be able to attach bicycle wheels that have large variations in dimensions; due to this a specific investigation concerning dimensions was performed. A patent investigation was also made in order to find out what patents that currently exist. Seven different concepts with several versions have been developed during the project work, all of them created in CAD, specifically using Solidworks. After a four phase’s evaluation, one of these concepts was chosen. This final concept was further developed and a prototype was made in 3D-printer.     The authors of this thesis would like to thank everyone that has been a great help during the thesis work. A special thanks goes to Joakim Andersson and Anders Lundgren at Thule Sweden

    Att leva med epilepsi som barn och ungdom : Hur påverkar det vardagen?

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    Epilepsi är en sjukdom som drabbar hjärnan och är den mest vanligt förekommande neurologiska sjukdomen. Den debuterar oftast tidigt i livet, runt barn- och ungdomsåren. Vid epilepsi är hjärnans nervceller överaktiva vilket kan ge olika typer av anfall. Att drabbas av epilepsi under utvecklingen kan komma att påverka synen på sin egen kropp och därmed livsvärlden. Då tidigare forskning fokuserat på föräldrarnas perspektiv är det av nytta att nu belysa barnens uppfattning. Syftet är därför att belysa hur barn och ungdomar med epilepsi upplever sin vardag, detta för att kunna skapa en ökad förståelse för barnen. Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie enligt Axelsson (2012) som inkluderar sju kvalitativa artiklar. Från det analytiska arbetet kom författarna fram till fyra teman med respektive subteman. De fynd som kom fram var att barnen bär på en stor oro förknippad med deras anfall och som genomsyrar hela deras vardag. Vidare framkom det att barnen känner sig begränsade av sina föräldrar men även av andra vuxna såsom lärare vilket leder till att de känner sig annorlunda och inte kan göra samma saker som andra barn i deras omgivning. Dock är föräldrarna en viktig källa av trygghet och en person som ger stöd. I resultatet framgår det även att barnen önskar mer information om sin sjukdom av vårdpersonalen, att de behöver kämpa extra mycket i skolan och att de får stå ut med mycket biverkningar på grund av medicinering. En diskussion förs sedan kring de centrala resultaten och ställs mot studier där föräldrarnas perspektiv studerats.Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildnin

    Från moralpanik till rumsrent : en kvalitativ analys av medias rapportering runt ämnet dungeons and dragons på 1980-talet och 2010-talet

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    Antal ord i uppsatsen12 398Problemformulering och syfteI den här studien är syftet att se hur rapporteringen av Dungeons & Dragons har förändratssom populärkultur i media. Genom att se hur det såg ut på 1980-talet och hur det såg ut under2010-talet.Metod och materialMetoden gick ut på att jämföra artiklar från 1980-talet med artiklar från 2010-talet med hjälp av enanalysmodell med fem olika teman och kvalitativ textanalys.HuvudresultatDet finns många likheter mellan gestaltningen av spelet och spelarna. Den stora förändringen ligger ihur attityden runt spelet ser ut. 1980-talets moralpanik är över, spelarna blir inte längre anklagade föratt vara satanister eller psykiskt sjuka. Istället är det större fokus på de pedagogiska fördelarna med spelet

    Att leva med epilepsi som barn och ungdom : Hur påverkar det vardagen?

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    Epilepsi är en sjukdom som drabbar hjärnan och är den mest vanligt förekommande neurologiska sjukdomen. Den debuterar oftast tidigt i livet, runt barn- och ungdomsåren. Vid epilepsi är hjärnans nervceller överaktiva vilket kan ge olika typer av anfall. Att drabbas av epilepsi under utvecklingen kan komma att påverka synen på sin egen kropp och därmed livsvärlden. Då tidigare forskning fokuserat på föräldrarnas perspektiv är det av nytta att nu belysa barnens uppfattning. Syftet är därför att belysa hur barn och ungdomar med epilepsi upplever sin vardag, detta för att kunna skapa en ökad förståelse för barnen. Uppsatsen är en litteraturstudie enligt Axelsson (2012) som inkluderar sju kvalitativa artiklar. Från det analytiska arbetet kom författarna fram till fyra teman med respektive subteman. De fynd som kom fram var att barnen bär på en stor oro förknippad med deras anfall och som genomsyrar hela deras vardag. Vidare framkom det att barnen känner sig begränsade av sina föräldrar men även av andra vuxna såsom lärare vilket leder till att de känner sig annorlunda och inte kan göra samma saker som andra barn i deras omgivning. Dock är föräldrarna en viktig källa av trygghet och en person som ger stöd. I resultatet framgår det även att barnen önskar mer information om sin sjukdom av vårdpersonalen, att de behöver kämpa extra mycket i skolan och att de får stå ut med mycket biverkningar på grund av medicinering. En diskussion förs sedan kring de centrala resultaten och ställs mot studier där föräldrarnas perspektiv studerats.Program: Sjuksköterskeutbildnin

    Non-prescribed use of psychoactive prescription drugs among drug-impaired drivers in Sweden

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    Aims: To determine the prevalence of non-prescribed drug use among subjects suspected of drug impaired driving with a psychoactive prescription drug, and to identify associated factors. Methods: Subjects investigated for drug-impaired driving in Sweden during 2006-2009 with a confirmed intake of diazepam, flunitrazepam, tramadol, zolpidem or zopiclone were identified using the Swedish Forensic Toxicology Database. Information on dispensed prescription drugs was retrieved from the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register. Non-prescribed use was our outcome, defined as a psychoactive prescription drug intake confirmed by toxicological analysis in a subject by whom it was not dispensed in the 12 months preceding the sampling. Prevalence proportions were calculated for each drug and logistic regression was used to identify associated factors. Results: In total, 2225 subjects were included. The median age (range) was 34 (15-80) years and 1864 (83.8%) subjects were male. Non-prescribed use was found in 1513 subjects (58.7%); for flunitrazepam 103 (76.3%), diazepam 1098 (74.1%), tramadol 192 (40.3%), zopiclone 60 (29.7%), and zolpidem 60 (21.2%) subjects, respectively. Younger age and multiple-substance use were associated with non-prescribed use, whereas ongoing treatment with other psychoactive drugs was negatively associated with non prescribed use. Conclusions: Non-prescribed use of psychoactive prescription drugs was common in subjects suspected of drug-impaired driving and was more frequent for benzodiazepines and tramadol compared to zolpidem and zopiclone. The young and multi-substance users were more likely, whereas subjects with ongoing prescribed treatment with other psychoactive drugs were less likely, to use non-prescribed drugs.Funding Agencies|County Council of Ostergotland, Sweden [LIO-131751]; Forensic Science Centre, Sweden [CFV 121218]; Linkoping University, Sweden [LIU 2009-01356]</p