29 research outputs found

    Competitive Branding Policies for Medium Mountain Tourism Destinations: a Case Study from the Val Di Sole (Trento)

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    The aim of this essay is to address the issue of medium mountain destination branding from a multidisciplinary perspective, focusing on the Italian tourism area of the Val di Sole as a case study.After having summarized the main potentialities and constraints in medium mountain tourism management, the research applies the many-sided concept of in-between place to the destination branding aspects. Finally, the analysis of destination branding policies carried out in the Val di Sole, a medium mountain Alpine area in the Italian Provincia Autonoma of Trento, offers an overview of the basic success factors in medium mountain destinations enhancement.Nel presente contributo intendiamo affrontare il tema del destination branding applicato alle aree turistiche di mezza montagna, adottando una prospettiva multidisciplinare.Per meglio definire gli aspetti operativo gestionali delle branding policies, si è scelto di concentrare l'attenzione su un case study individuato nell'area della Val di Sole, collocata nel settore nord-occidentale della provincia di Trento, dove negli ultimi anni sono state implementate politiche di marchio turistico specificatamente orientate a potenziare un'offerta alternativa rispetto a quella basata sulle stazioni sciistiche in quota.Dopo aver ricapitolato le principali potenzialità e criticità nella valorizzazione turistica delle aree di mezza montagna, riferendosi sia al contesto italiano che a quello europeo, si propone l'utilizzo della categoria di in-between place, adottata diffusamente nell'ambito delle scienze sociali e territoriali secondo diverse declinazioni e da noi applicata al processo di destination branding nelle aree di mezza montagna

    The Touristification of War Landscapes in the Province of Trento

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    The paper aims to investigate the impact of the so-called touristification of the war landscapes in the Province of Trento (Italy), focusing on the role played by local communities.Due to the increasing interest by tourists in visiting former battlefields and places that display cultural heritage referring to conflicts and wars, contemporary social sciences consider war tourism as a complex blend between social memory and tourism exploitation of territorial resources.After a brief summary on the academic debate about the link between Great War heritage and tourism, the essay assesses the main features of war landscapes in Trentino (Italy) and provides some suggestions for further research

    The Breakthrough of Tourism in a Rurbanised Area: Territorial Changes and Conflicts in the Val di Magra (1945–1975)

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    This article aims to contribute to filling a research gap in current environ- mental history, since the effects of the spread of mass tourism on urban-rural relations in Mediterranean floodplains throughout the trente glorieuses of mass consumption (1945–1975) have hitherto attracted little scholarly attention. The study therefore focuses on the environmental conflicts engendered by the attempts to increase mass tourism through construction of a bridge and zoning of the promontory of Montemarcello at the mouth of the River Magra, a coastal area in north-west Italy. A twofold perspective is applied to analyse both the tangible transformations of the riverine landscape and the intangible values of the river’s natural heritage according to the advocates of traditional landscapes and the supporters of modernisation. By tracing the key environmental impacts of tourism while reconstructing the nar- ratives of place according to different stakeholders, the article’s goal is to bridge the gap between the “cultural” and the “material” approach in the environmental history of urban-rural relations.This article aims to contribute to filling a research gap in current environ- mental history, since the effects of the spread of mass tourism on urban-rural relations in Mediterranean floodplains throughout the trente glorieuses of mass consumption (1945–1975) have hitherto attracted little scholarly attention. The study therefore focuses on the environmental conflicts engendered by the attempts to increase mass tourism through construction of a bridge and zoning of the promontory of Montemarcello at the mouth of the River Magra, a coastal area in north-west Italy. A twofold perspective is applied to analyse both the tangible transformations of the riverine landscape and the intangible values of the river’s natural heritage according to the advocates of traditional landscapes and the supporters of modernisation. By tracing the key environmental impacts of tourism while reconstructing the nar- ratives of place according to different stakeholders, the article’s goal is to bridge the gap between the “cultural” and the “material” approach in the environmental history of urban-rural relations

    Media coverage of large countries at the 2015 Milan EXPO

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    An inertial bias or status quo bias in media industries, as in other markets, means the perpetuation of a certain behaviour or attitude. If mass media frequently address certain issues, an inertial bias means that such issues will be treated again independently of their absolute or relative newsworthiness. This paper studies the inertial media bias in relation to the Milan Expo 2015, an event where, in theory, all participant countries ought to have been considered equal. The empirical analysis considers the articles and reports on the Expo of the two most important online Italian newspapers, Repubblica and Corriere della Sera between May and October 2015. The estimates show that the newspapers devoted more articles and words to the largest countries, while the slant towards the richest countries was less evident. In addition, the tone of the media reports regarding large and rich countries was more positive

    Les politiques touristiques du fascisme et les relations internationales de l’Italie, entre diplomatie publique et création d’une marque de destination-Italie

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    L’article analyse le rôle des politiques touristiques fascistes en relation avec les activités de diplomatie publique et de création d’une marque de destination « Italie ». Ce secteur est particulièrement important pour consolider une image positive ou négative d’un pays dans l’opinion publique internationale. Après avoir présenté une synthèse des principaux éléments du système institutionnel touristique fasciste, la recherche se concentre sur le lien entre les relations internationales et le développement du tourisme, en soulignant les différences et similitudes entre les politiques touristiques menées dans les années vingt et dans les années trente. À cette époque, l’Italie est développée comme une image de marque, une opération de construction de la représentation de la nouvelle Italie fasciste mise en place au travers de la stratégie de communication publique du régime.This essay analyzes the place of tourism within the Italian fascist regime’s public diplomacy and national branding. The sector was especially important for consolidating a positive (or negative) image of the country on the international stage. After summarizing the main elements of the international system of fascist tourism, the paper addresses the link between international relations and the development of tourism, comparing the 1920s and the 1930s. The construction of a national brand during these years marked the representation of a new fascist Italy defined by the regime’s communication strategy

    Healthy and environment-friendly: the rise of sustainable food consumption through the pages of «La Cucina Italiana» (1952-2017)

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    L'articolo indaga la comparsa di pratiche sostenibili nei consumi domestici, allo scopo di analizzare quando e con quali modalitĂ  La Cucina Italiana, la piĂą conosciuta rivista di cucina italiana, ha promosso o, al contrario, ostacolato la diffusione di abitudini alimentari sostenibili e, piĂą in generale, l'affermazione di modelli di consumo consapevole nell'Italia del dopoguerra (1952-2017).Da un punto di vista metodologico, la ricerca si colloca al crocevia tra storia ambientale e storia dei consumi; inoltre, l'articolo fa riferimento ai gender studies per quanto concerne la condizione femminile nell'Italia del dopoguerra. The article investigates the emergence of sustainable practices in household consumption, with a view to analyzing when and how La Cucina Italiana, the best known Italian cooking magazine, promoted either challenged the spread of sustainable eating habits and, broadly speaking, the rise of conscious consumption patterns in post-war Italy (1952-2017). From a methodological point of view, the research lies at the crossroad between environmental history and consumption history; besides, the article owes to the so-called gender studies as refers to female condition in post-war Italy

    Il 1911 in Maremma

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    Prendendo spunto dalle recenti acquisizioni della nuova storiografia del Risorgimento, questo contributo esamina i contenuti e le modalità di svolgimento delle celebrazioni del cinquantesimo anniversario dell’Unificazione italiana nella Maremma grossetana. Le peculiari condizioni politiche e socio-economiche di quest’area offrono l’occasione per sviluppare una riflessione sulla pluralità di significati associati alla ricorrenza e sul carattere contraddittorio delle manifestazioni giubilari, che esaltarono l’Italia giolittiana e nello stesso tempo evidenziarono la “mancata unificazione” delle aree periferiche meno sviluppate.According to recent trends in the historiography of the Risorgimento, this contribution examines contents and features of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Italy’s Unification in the Tuscan area known as Maremma grossetana. The peculiar socio-economical features of this area offer an insight into the multifaceted meanings of the 50th anniversary celebration and the contradictions of the jubilee, which exalted Giolitti’s Italy while highlighting the “failed unification” of peripheral, less developed territories

    Educatrici, patriote, italiane nell'Italia liberale fra spazi pubblici e privati

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    La Tesi offre una riflessione su alcuni aspetti chiave della storia delle donne nell'Italia liberale concentrandosi sull'opera di Gemma Giovannini Magonio (Firenze, 1851 – ivi, 1909). Si analizzano, in particolare, i principali aspetti della condizione delle donne e dell'evoluzione dei ruoli attribuiti ad esse in ambito pubblico e privato, con riferimento al processo di consolidamento dello stato e nazionalizzazione delle masse verificatosi nei primi decenni postunitari. Vengono ricostruiti i modelli predominanti nel campo dell'istruzione femminile e della formazione delle maestre; le caratteristiche dell'attività storiografica femminile, specialmente in relazione al genere dei cosiddetti Plutarchi; i contenuti e le modalità di svolgimento dell'attività giornalistica da parte delle donne. La trattazione, partendo da una ricostruzione del quadro generale a livello italiano e, in parte, europeo, si concentra sull'opera di Gemma Giovannini, analizzando la sua produzione narrativa, giornalistica, storiografica e ricostruendo le sue vicende personali e le linee guida della sua attività intellettuale e del suo impegno culturale

    Gruppi Triangolari e Tassellazioni

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    In questa tesi ci occupiamo dei gruppi triangolari. Questi sono definiti come gruppi generati dalle riflessioni rispetto ai lati di un triangolo (detto triangolo base) realizzabile nel piano euclideo, iperbolico o sulla sfera. A partire da tale definizione descriviamo una presentazione per il gruppo e dimostriamo che esso coincide con il gruppo di simmetrie di una tassellazione di cui il triangolo base è un dominio fondamentale