16 research outputs found

    Lack of relationship between masticatory performance and nutritional status in adults with natural dentition

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    Objective: This study assessed the relation among several aspects of the masticatory function and the nutritional status in adults with natural dentition. Design: One hundred adults with natural dentition participated in this cross-sectional study. They performed one free-style masticatory test consisting of five trials of 20 silicon-chewing cycles. The preferred chewing side was determined by calculating the asymmetry index. Masticatory performance was determined by sieving the silicon particles, and the cycle duration was also recorded. Weight, body water percentage, body fat mass, muscle mass and osseous mass were measured using a portable digital weighing machine. Body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio, skinfold thickness and the upper-arm composition were determined. The relation between masticatory function and a nutritional variable were tested using Pearson or Spearman rank correlation coefficients or using analysis of variance or the Kruskal-Wallis H-test and the Mann-Whitney Utest, as appropriate. Results: Whereas body fat percentages for women were significantly higher than for men, the body mass index was higher in men than in women. Participants who were underweight chewed more asymmetrically and more slowly than normal weight or obese participants. A negative correlation was observed between body fat percentage and masticatory laterality. No relation between masticatory performance and any nutritional status indicator was detected. Conclusion: Being underweight and having a low body fat percentage seem to be related to a masticatory lateral asymmetry and to a large cycle duration in young adults with natural dentition. Masticatory performance does not seem to be related to nutritional status

    Cambios en la calidad de turiones de espárrago verde irradiados con UV-C

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    El espárrago es una hortaliza importante por su valor comercial. Es un producto altamente perecedero, debido a que en el ápice presenta una actividad metabólica alta. Para extender su vida postcosecha, existen tecnologías como la refrigeración y atmósferas controladas y modificadas con resultados inconsistentes. Por otro lado, la radiación UV-C se ha empleado en papa, rábano y zanahoria para disminuir la brotación y mantener su calidad postcosecha. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de la radiación UV-C sobre la calidad postcosecha en turiones de espárrago cv. Brock. Se irradiaron turiones con UV-C sobre el meristemo apical durante 5 y 10 min y se incluyó un testigo. Posteriormente, los espárragos se almacenaron a 2 y 5°C a 90% HR por 20 días. Se evaluó cada 4 días la curvatura del turión (°), crecimiento (mm), apariencia (brotación de yemas), color (L*, °Hue y croma), acidez titulable (AT, % de ácido cítrico), pH, y contenido de sólidos solubles totales (SST). El color, AT, pH y SST se determinaron en las zonas basal y apical. La radiación UVC no tuvo un efecto significativo en el curveado, crecimiento, ángulo Hue°, AT y pH de los turiones después de 20 días de almacenamiento. Por otro lado, los tratamientos con UV-C (5 y 10 min) mostraron valores de L* (brillo) y croma más bajos con respecto al control en ambas zonas. Los SST fueron mayores en la parte apical que en la basal y disminuyeron con el tiempo, sin efecto significativo. Hubo mayor brotación de las yemas laterales en el testigo que en los tratados. Se concluyó que la radiación UV-C aplicada al meristemo apical del turión no presentó efectos importantes en todas las variables a excepción de L* del espárrago en ambas zonas, además de disminuir la brotación de yemas laterales

    Structural and Chemical SEM Study of Carious Human Tooth

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    Índice Colectivo de Fluorosis dental en una escuela secundaria del municipio de Tepic, Nayarit

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    Determine the index group of dental Fluorosis in a secondary school in Tepic. Material and methods: The universe of study was made for the realization of this research it was 794 students 12-15 years of age, belonging to the Technical Secondary School No. 1 Jesus Romero Flores, the morning shift, the municipality of Tepic Nayarit. Inclusion criteria were: students from 12 to 15 years old with fully erupting permanent teeth submit a letter of informed parental or guardian, who were born and reside in Tepic Nayarit consent. Exclusion criteria were: students with orthodontic treatment or rehabilitation of the buccal surfaces of the teeth. Results: Found 142 students without fluorosis, contentious in 144 students, very light at 123 students, light 34 students, moderate fluorosis in 8 students and only 1 student dental was intense. The collective index of dental fluorosis was 0.8.Determinar el índice Colectivo de Fluorosis dental en una escuela secundaria de Tepic. Material y métodos: El universo de estudio que se tomó para la realización de esta investigación fue de 794 estudiantes de 12 a 15 años de edad, pertenecientes a la Escuela Secundaria Técnica número 1, Jesús Romero Flores, del turno matutino, del municipio de Tepic Nayarit, del ciclo escolar 2012 – 2013. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: estudiantes de 12 a 15 años edad con dentición permanente totalmente erupcionado, que presenten carta de consentimiento informado de los padres o tutor, que hayan nacido y radiquen en Tepic Nayarit. Los criterios de exclusión fueron: estudiantes con tratamiento de ortodoncia o rehabilitaciones de las caras vestibulares de los dientes. Resultados: Se encontraron 142 estudiantes sin fluorosis, discutible en 144 estudiantes, muy ligera en 123 estudiantes, ligera en 34 estudiantes, moderada en 8 estudiantes y tan sólo en 1 estudiante la fluorosis dental fue intensa. El Índice colectivo de fluorosis dental fue de 0.8

    Prevalencia de Fluorosis dental en una escuela secundaria del municipio de Tepic, Nayarit

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    In Mexico the dental fluorosis has been reported mainly in the States of the north and center of the country, There are few reports of the prevalence of fluorosis in the State of Nayarit. Material and methods: The universe of study taken to carry out this research was 794 students from 12 to 15 years of age, belonging to the Escuela Secundaria Técnica número 1, Jesús Romero Flores, of the morning shift, the municipality of Tepic Nayarit, in the 2012-2013 school year. The inclusion criteria were: students from 12 to 15 years old with permanent dentition, presenting letter of consent from parents or guardians, who were born and are in Tepic Nayarit. Exclusion criteria were: students with braces or the expensive teeth vestibular rehabilitation. Results: the 68.8% study population with dental fluorosis. The female population presented the 71.98% fluorosis and the men of the 65.59%.En México la fluorosis dental ha sido reportada principalmente en los estados del norte y centro del país, existen pocos reportes de la prevalencia de fluorosis en el estado de Nayarit. Material y métodos: El universo de estudio que se tomó para la realización de esta investigación fue de 794 estudiantes de 12 a 15 años de edad, pertenecientes a la Escuela Secundaria Técnica número 1, Jesús Romero Flores, del turno matutino, del municipio de Tepic Nayarit, del ciclo escolar 2012 – 2013. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: estudiantes de 12 a 15 años edad con dentición permanente totalmente erupcionada, que presenten carta de consentimiento informado de los padres o tutor, que hayan nacido y radiquen en Tepic Nayarit. Los criterios de exclusión fueron: estudiantes con tratamiento de ortodoncia o rehabilitaciones de las caras vestibulares de los dientes. Resultados: Se encontró un 68.8% de la población de estudio con fluorosis dental. La población del sexo femenino presento el 71.98% de fluorosis y los hombres el 65.59%

    Lack of relationship between masticatory performance and nutritional status in adults with natural dentition

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    Objective: This study assessed the relation among several aspects of the masticatory function and the nutritional status in adults with natural dentition. Design: One hundred adults with natural dentition participated in this cross-sectional study. They performed one free-style masticatory test consisting of five trials of 20 silicon-chewing cycles. The preferred chewing side was determined by calculating the asymmetry index. Masticatory performance was determined by sieving the silicon particles, and the cycle duration was also recorded. Weight, body water percentage, body fat mass, muscle mass and osseous mass were measured using a portable digital weighing machine. Body mass index (BMI), waist-hip ratio, skinfold thickness and the upper-arm composition were determined. The relation between masticatory function and a nutritional variable were tested using Pearson or Spearman rank correlation coefficients or using analysis of variance or the Kruskal-Wallis H-test and the Mann-Whitney Utest, as appropriate. Results: Whereas body fat percentages for women were significantly higher than for men, the body mass index was higher in men than in women. Participants who were underweight chewed more asymmetrically and more slowly than normal weight or obese participants. A negative correlation was observed between body fat percentage and masticatory laterality. No relation between masticatory performance and any nutritional status indicator was detected. Conclusion: Being underweight and having a low body fat percentage seem to be related to a masticatory lateral asymmetry and to a large cycle duration in young adults with natural dentition. Masticatory performance does not seem to be related to nutritional status

    Planar Tetracoordinate Carbons in Allene-Type Structures

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    The exhaustive exploration of the potential energy surfaces of CE2M2 (E = Si-Pb, M = Li, and Na) revealed seven global minima containing a planar tetracoordinate carbon (ptC). The design was based on a π-localization strategy, resulting in a ptC embedded in a linear or a bent allene-type E=C=E motif. The magnetic response showed a σ-aromaticity in the bent E=C=E fragments. The bonding analysis indicated that the ptCs form C-E covalent bonds and C-M electrostatic interactions.</p