212 research outputs found

    Transmit array as a viable 3D printing option for backhaul applications at V-band

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    Two designs of high gain dielectric lens for a Vband backhaul antenna, compatible with 3D printing, are compared. The available printing materials still have significant losses, which limit the performance of traditional focusing dielectric lenses, as the dome elliptical lens. Herein, we show that an all-dielectric transmit array can present several mechanical and electrical advantages, especially when high gains are required. We demonstrate that even with a compact transmit array (f/d = 067 it is still possible to comply with the usual bandwidth (57-66 GHz) and gain (>30 dBi) requirements for backhaul applications.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Targeting the central pocket of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa lectin LecA

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic ESKAPE pathogen that produces two lectins, LecA and LecB, as part of its large arsenal of virulence factors. Both carbohydrate-binding proteins are central to the initial and later persistent infection processes, i. e. bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. The biofilm matrix is a major resistance determinant and protects the bacteria against external threats such as the host immune system or antibiotic treatment. Therefore, the development of drugs against the P. aeruginosa biofilm is of particular interest to restore efficacy of antimicrobials. Carbohydrate-based inhibitors for LecA and LecB were previously shown to efficiently reduce biofilm formations. Here, we report a new approach for inhibiting LecA with synthetic molecules bridging the established carbohydrate-binding site and a central cavity located between two LecA protomers of the lectin tetramer. Inspired by in silico design, we synthesized various galactosidic LecA inhibitors with aromatic moieties targeting this central pocket. These compounds reached low micromolar affinities, validated in different biophysical assays. Finally, X-ray diffraction analysis revealed the interactions of this compound class with LecA. This new mode of action paves the way to a novel route towards inhibition of P. aeruginosa biofilms

    THz packaging solution for low cost si-based 40 Gb/s wireless link system

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    This paper presents an innovative low-cost transmitter solution aimed at improving telecommunication networks capacities in order to support the massive data traffic growth. Sub-THz frequencies > 200 GHz are considered to target at least 40 Gb/s. The proposed transmitter consists of a Silicon Photonic integrated sub-THz source and an industrial antenna integrated in HDI organic packaging substrate. As these components were experimentally evaluated, a real-time error free wireless data transmission of 10 Gb/s was successfully achieved and an antenna gain of 5.5 dBi was measured in the broadside direction from 220 GHz to 240 GHz (8.7% relative bandwidth). With the addition of a low-cost dielectric lens, a gain of 17 dBi was reached.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Ground-based photometry of space-based transit detections: Photometric follow-up of the CoRoT mission

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    The motivation, techniques and performance of the ground-based photometric follow-up of transit detections by the CoRoT space mission are presented. Its principal raison d'\^{e}tre arises from the much higher spatial resolution of common ground-based telescopes in comparison to CoRoT's cameras. This allows the identification of many transit candidates as arising from eclipsing binaries that are contaminating CoRoT's lightcurves, even in low-amplitude transit events that cannot be detected with ground-based obervations. For the ground observations, 'on'-'off' photometry is now largely employed, in which only a short timeseries during a transit and a section outside a transit is observed and compared photometrically. CoRoT planet candidates' transits are being observed by a dedicated team with access to telescopes with sizes ranging from 0.2 to 2 m. As an example, the process that led to the rejection of contaminating eclipsing binaries near the host star of the Super-Earth planet CoRoT-7b is shown. Experiences and techniques from this work may also be useful for other transit-detection experiments, when the discovery instrument obtains data with a relatively low angular resolution.Comment: Accepted for the A&A special issue on CoRo

    3D-Printed transmit-array antenna for broadband backhaul 5G links at V band

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    The low cost and compactness of transmit-array antennas (TAs) make them attractive for 5G backhaul links. However, the TA advantage is less obvious when considering the broadband operation requirement. Two main factors influence the bandwidth performance, namely: 1) the bandwidth of the unit cells, and 2) the number of 360° phase wrapping zones in the aperture, which are designed for a specific frequency. Herein, we overcome these limitations by using all-dielectric unit cells (inherently broadband) and by developing a general method to quantify and manage the intricate relation between antenna gain, bandwidth, and antenna height. Based on this framework we optimize, as an example, a TA design (focal distance, F=63 mm and aperture diameter D=80 mm ) to comply with typical gain specification for 5G backhaul links (>30 dBi) in the WiGiG band (from 57 to 66 GHz). The feed is a dedicated compact horn (8 ×5×22 mm3) that provides a proper illumination of the aperture. Additive manufacturing is used to simplify the manufacturing process of the antenna. A very good agreement between simulations and experimental results is obtained, achieving good aperture efficiency for this type of antenna (42%), which rivals with existing solutions based on more expensive manufacturing techniques.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Scientific Opinion on additional scientific data related to the safety of preparations of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum officinale Baill. and their hybrids, Rhamnus purshiana DC., Rhamnus frangula L. and Cassia senna L., submitted pursuant to Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006

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    The Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safety of plant preparations from the root or rhizome of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum officinale Baill. and their hybrids, from the bark of Rhamnus frangula L. and Rhamnus purshiana DC. and from the leaf or fruit of Cassia senna L., which have been placed under Union scrutiny in Part C of Annex III in accordance with Article 8(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1925/2006. The NDA Panel reviewed the additional scientific data submitted during the period of scrutiny and the public consultation by interested parties. The pertinent scientific data were in vitro and in vivo genotoxicity studies on the plant preparations under consideration. All the results of the genotoxicity studies on plant preparations were negative. However, the plant preparations that were tested in the submitted studies were not sufficiently characterised with respect to the content of total and individual hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs) and components other than HADs. The studies confirmed the presence of ■■■■■, known to be genotoxic in vivo, and ■■■■■, shown to be genotoxic in vitro. In line with the EFSA Scientific Committee statement on genotoxicity assessment of chemical mixtures, considering the presence of an in vivo genotoxic compound, the plant preparations used in these studies have to be considered of concern for genotoxicity. Thus, the safety of preparations containing HADs from the root or rhizome of Rheum palmatum L., Rheum officinale Baill. and their hybrids, from the leaf or fruit of Cassia senna L. and from the bark of Rhamnus frangula L. and Rhamnus purshiana DC. cannot be established based on the submitted studies

    A remote secondary binding pocket promotes heteromultivalent targeting of DC-SIGN

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    Dendritic cells (DC) are antigen-presenting cells coordinating the interplay of the innate and the adaptive immune response. The endocytic C-type lectin receptors DC-SIGN and Langerin display expression profiles restricted to distinct DC subtypes and have emerged as prime targets for next-generation immunotherapies and anti-infectives. Using heteromultivalent liposomes copresenting mannosides bearing aromatic aglycones with natural glycan ligands, we serendipitously discovered striking cooperativity effects for DC-SIGN+ but not for Langerin+ cell lines. Mechanistic investigations combining NMR spectroscopy with molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations led to the identification of a secondary binding pocket for the glycomimetics. This pocket, located remotely of DC-SIGN’s carbohydrate bindings site, can be leveraged by heteromultivalent avidity enhancement. We further present preliminary evidence that the aglycone allosterically activates glycan recognition and thereby contributes to DC-SIGN-specific cell targeting. Our findings have important implications for both translational and basic glycoscience, showcasing heteromultivalent targeting of DCs to improve specificity and supporting potential allosteric regulation of DC-SIGN and CLRs in general

    Scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level for vitamin B6

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the EFSA Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the tolerable upper intake level (UL) for vitamin B6. Systematic reviews of the literature were conducted by a contractor. The relationship between excess vitamin B6 intakes and the development of peripheral neuropathy is well established and is the critical effect on which the UL is based. A lowest-observed-effect-level (LOAEL) could not be established based on human data. A reference point (RP) of 50 mg/day is identified by the Panel from a case–control study, supported by data from case reports and vigilance data. An uncertainty factor (UF) of 4 is applied to the RP to account for the inverse relationship between dose and time to onset of symptoms and the limited data available. The latter covers uncertainties as to the level of intake that would represent a LOAEL. This leads to a UL of 12.5 mg/day. From a subchronic study in Beagle dogs, a LOAEL of 50 mg/kg body weight (bw) per day can be identified. Using an UF of 300, and a default bw of 70 kg, a UL of 11.7 mg/day can be calculated. From the midpoint of the range of these two ULs and rounding down, a UL of 12 mg/day is established by the Panel for vitamin B6 for adults (including pregnant and lactating women). ULs for infants and children are derived from the UL for adults using allometric scaling: 2.2–2.5 mg/day (4–11 months), 3.2–4.5 mg/day (1–6 years), 6.1–10.7 mg/day (7–17 years). Based on available intake data, EU populations are unlikely to exceed ULs, except for regular users of food supplements containing high doses of vitamin B6

    Appropriate age range for introduction of complementary feeding into an infant's diet

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    Following a request from the European Commission, the Panel on Nutrition, Novel Foods and Food Allergens (NDA) revised its 2009 Opinion on the appropriate age for introduction of complementary feeding of infants. This age has been evaluated considering the effects on health outcomes, nutritional aspects and infant development, and depends on the individual’s characteristics and development. As long as foods have an age-appropriate texture, are nutritionally appropriate and prepared following good hygiene practices, there is no convincing evidence that at any age investigated in the included studies (< 1 to < 6 months), the introduction of complementary foods (CFs) is associated with adverse health effects or benefits (except for infants at risk of iron depletion). For nutritional reasons, the majority of infants need CFs from around 6 months of age. Infants at risk of iron depletion (exclusively breastfed infants born to mothers with low iron status, or with early umbilical cord clamping (< 1 min after birth), or born preterm, or born small-for-gestational age or with high growth velocity) may benefit from earlier introduction of CFs that are a source of iron. The earliest developmental skills relevant for consuming pureed CFs can be observed between 3 and 4 months of age. Skills for consuming finger foods can be observed in some infants at 4 months, but more commonly at 5–7 months. The fact that an infant may be ready from a neurodevelopmental perspective to progress to a more diversified diet before 6 months of age does not imply that there is a need to introduce CFs. There is no reason to postpone the introduction of potentially allergenic foods (egg, cereals, fish and peanut) to a later age than that of other CFs as far as the risk of developing atopic diseases is concerned. Regarding the risk of coeliac disease, gluten can be introduced with other CFs

    Nutritional safety and suitability of a specific protein hydrolysate derived from a whey protein concentrate and used in an infant formula and follow-on formula manufactured from hydrolysed protein by FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V

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    The European Commission asked EFSA to deliver an opinion on the nutritional safety and suitability of a specific protein hydrolysate. It is derived from a whey protein concentrate and used in an infant and follow-on formula manufactured by FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V., which submitted a dossier to the European Commission to request an amendment of Regulation (EU) 2016/127 with respect to the protein sources that may be used in the manufacture of infant and/or follow-on formula. The protein hydrolysate under evaluation is sufficiently characterised with respect to the fraction of the hydrolysed protein. In the pertinent intervention study provided, an infant formula manufactured from the protein hydrolysate with a protein content of 2.4 g/100 kcal and consumed as the sole source of nutrition by infants for 3 months led to a growth equivalent to a formula manufactured from intact cow's milk protein with a protein content of 2.1 g/100 kcal. Data on gastrointestinal tolerance of the formula did not raise any concerns. No experimental data have been provided on the nutritional safety and suitability of this protein source in follow-on formula. Given that it is consumed with complementary foods and the protein source is nutritionally safe and suitable in an infant formula that is the sole source of nutrition of infants, the Panel considers that the protein hydrolysate is also a nutritionally safe and suitable protein source for use in follow-on formula. The Panel concludes that the protein hydrolysate under evaluation is a nutritionally safe and suitable protein source for use in infant and follow-on formula, as long as the formula in which it is used contains a minimum of 2.4 g/100 kcal protein and complies with the compositional criteria of Regulation (EU) 2016/127 and the amino acid pattern in its Annex IIIA