36 research outputs found

    Rattan Species at Three Mounts in Gunung Halimun National Park, West Java

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    Management of forest is believed that many basic knowledges about the nature of the forest is needed. One of them is to develop the forest as a resource of cane industry in a sustainable way. For this purpose, the composition, distribution and density of rattan species in Gunung Halimun National Park (INGH) were studied as a model. Data were collected from December 1994 until May 1995. For species composition on rattan in TNGH, three areas were observed namely in Mt. Kancana, Mt. Pameungpeuk and Mt. Pangkulahan using a continues belt transect method, from the elevation of 800-1,400 m above sea level. It was found that there were 13 species of rattans in the region. In terms of species richness and densities, Mt. Pameungpeuk comes first, followed by Mt. Pangku1ahan and Mt. Kancana. Calamus beteroides, C.javensis, Daemonorops melanocbaetes, and Plectocomia elongata are dominant both in seedling and nature forms. The nature rattans are relatively abundant in areas less than 1,000 meter above sea level and decrease in number of species as well as the minimal population in the higher altitude. Calamus ornatus grows well at 800-1,400 m asl, while Daemonorops ruber at 800-1,500 m asl, D.oblonga at 800-1,400 m asl


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    Gaharu tanduk (Gonystylus macrophyllus (Miq.) Airy Shaw) merupakan salah satu spesies pohon bernilai komersial yang keberadaannya semakin langka. Spesies ini telah masuk dalam International of Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Red List Data dengan kategori rawan (Vulnerable = VU). Eksplorasi untuk memperoleh data dan informasi ilmiah tentang keberadaan pohon gaharu tanduk telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2009 di hutan adat Cilemoh, Jasinga, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data melalui pembuatan plot pengamatan berupa lingkaran dengan radius 7,32 m. Titik tengah lingkaran tersebut adalah pangkal batang pohon cuplikan. Di dalam plot pohon cuplikan dibuat pula 1 subplot lingkaran dengan titik tengahnya pada azimut 90° berjarak 3,66 m dari titik pusat plot dengan radius 2,07 m untuk tingkat pancang dan untuk pengamatan tingkat semai dibuat 3 subplot bujur sangkar 1m x 1m berjarak 4,57 m masing-masing azimut 30°, 150° dan 270° dari titik pusat plot. Hasil eksplorasi menunjukkan bahwa hanya diperoleh satu pohon berdiameter batang 85 cm, dengan tinggi total 31 m, tanpa permudaan alam. Oleh karena itu sebelum terjadi kepunahan, pohon gaharu tanduk perlu mendapat prioritas untuk dilindungi. Perlindungan yang dilakukan dapat berbentuk konservasi in-situ yaitu upaya melestarikan jenis di habitatnya atau konservasi ex-situ dengan melestarikan di luar habitatnya Kata kunci : gaharu tanduk, komersial, langka, konservas

    Keragaman Jenis Tumbuhan Di Cagar Alam Gunung Celering

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    Plant Diversity in the Mount Celering Nature Reserve. Titi Kalima and Nur M. Heriyanto. Study of the plant species diversity in the Nature Reserve of Mount Celering (CAGC) Jepara, Central Java, was carried out from April to May 2008, with aimed to get information about plant diversity after natural disasters and encroachment. The method used was the checkered path with length of 500 m and width of 20 m, made of three lines cut slopes. The research was found 32 species, 29 genera, and 21 families. Tree level was dominated by Hibiscus macrophyllus Roxb. (IVI = 26.75%), Artocarpus elasticus Blume (IVI = 26.53%), and Alseodaphne umbelliflora Blume. (IVI = 22.75%). Saplings by Syzygium acuminatissimum (Blume) A.DC. (IVI = 23.86%), Dipterocarpus hasseltii Blume (IVI = 18.71%), and Artocarpus elasticus Blume (IVI = 18.52%). Six species of endangered trees were Alstonia scholaris (L.) R.Br., Alstonia angustifolia Wall, D. hasseltii Blume, Parkia javanica (Lamk.) Merr., Stelechocarpus burahol Hk.f.et Th., Sterculia cordata Blume

    Potensi Jenis Dipterocarpus Retusus Blume Di Kawasan Hutan Situ Gunung Sukabumi

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    Potential of Dipterocarpus retusus Blume Species in Situ Gunung Forest, Sukabumi. Titi Kalima and Marfu'ah Wardani. Analysis of the potential of Dipterocarpus retusus Blume species in Situ Gunung forest, Sukabumi, West Java, carried out in 2010 in a village location Kadudampit, Kadudampit districts, with the goal of uncovering potential and habitat conditions D. retusus in Situ Gunung forest. Data collection using the Systematic Sampling Strip with units such examples observation of 50 m x 20 m. The results showed that D. retusus recorded five induvidu stems of tree, the saplings (four individu) and seedlings (11 individu) at an altitude of 864-865 m above sea level, slope of 45%, and the soil pH from 6.0 to 6.9. The potential of D. retusus diameter rods >10 cm are 50 stems per ha with 35,061 volume m3/ha. The level distribution D. retusus low, grow clustered and sparse. Abundance values for trees 2.50 stems/ha, 2.00 stems/ha for sapling and 2.20 seedling/ha

    An Overview on the Conservation Status of Mersawa (Anisoptera Costata Korth.) in Java

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    Anisoptera costata Korth., which has a commercial name of mersawa grows and proliferates naturally, often gregarious, in semi-evergreen dipterocarp forest and evergreen forest in areas with seasonal climate and rare but widespread in lowland everwet forest from sea level up to 700 m in continental S.E. Asia, Malay Peninsula, Borneo, Sumatra, and Java (Ashton, 1982). In Java, it has been recorded to occur only in Banten (Backer & Bakhuizen van den Brink,1963) and in Leuweung Sancang Nature Reserve (LSNR) (Kalima, 2006


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    ABSTRAK Gaharu tanduk (Gonystylus macrophyllus (Miq.) Airy Shaw) merupakan salah satu spesies pohon bernilai komersial yang keberadaannya semakin langka. Spesies ini telah masuk dalam International of Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List Red List Data dengan kategori rawan (Vulnerable = VU). Eksplorasi untuk memperoleh data dan informasi ilmiah tentang keberadaan pohon gaharu tanduk telah dilakukan pada bulan Juli 2009 di hutan adat Cilemoh, Jasinga, Bogor, Jawa Barat. Pengumpulan data melalui pembuatan plot pengamatan berupa lingkaran dengan radius 7,32 m. Titik tengah lingkaran tersebut adalah pangkal batang pohon cuplikan. Di dalam plot pohon cuplikan dibuat pula 1 subplot lingkaran dengan titik tengahnya pada azimut 90° berjarak 3,66 m dari titik pusat plot dengan radius 2,07 m untuk tingkat pancang dan untuk pengamatan tingkat semai dibuat 3 subplot bujur sangkar 1m x 1m berjarak 4,57 m masing-masing azimut 30°, 150° dan 270° dari titik pusat plot. Hasil eksplorasi menunjukkan bahwa hanya diperoleh satu pohon berdiameter batang 85 cm, dengan tinggi total 31 m, tanpa permudaan alam. Oleh karena itu sebelum terjadi kepunahan, pohon gaharu tanduk perlu mendapat prioritas untuk dilindungi. Perlindungan yang dilakukan dapat berbentuk konservasi in-situ yaitu upaya melestarikan jenis di habitatnya atau konservasi ex-situ dengan melestarikan di luar habitatnya. Kata kunci : gaharu tanduk, komersial, langka, konservas

    Komposisi Kimia Dan Ketahanan 12 Jenis Rotan Dari Papua Terhadap Bubuk Kayu Kering Dan Rayap Tanah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi kimia dan ketahanan 12 jenis rotan terhadap kumbang bubuk rotan kering (Dinoderus minutus Fabr) dan rayap tanah (Coptotermes curvignathus Holmgren). Kandungan selulosa dianalisa berdasarkan metode Norman & Jenkins, lignin berdasarkan SNI 14-0492-1989 dan SII-70-1979. Ketahanan bubuk kayu kering dengan menggunakan contoh uji berukuran panjang 2,5 cm dan diameter diatas 12 mm. Ketahanan terhadap rayap tanah dengan menggunakan contoh uji berukuran panjang 2,5 cm dan diameter diatas 12 mm. Untuk pengujian rayap tanah mengacu pada SNI 01-7207-2006. Parameter yang diamati untuk komposisi kimia adalah selulosa, lignin dan pati. Sedangkan untuk ketahanan terhadap kumbang bubuk dan rayap tanah adalah persentase penurunan berat rotan dan persentase jumlah kumbang bubuk dan rayap yang hidup. Disamping itu dilakukan pula pengamatan secara subyektif terhadap derajat serangan kumbang bubuk dan rayap tanah terhadap rotan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar selulosa tertinggi pada jenis rotan somi 1 (Calamus pachypus WJ Bake al.) 52,82% dan terendah rotan longipina (Calamus longipina Becc) 42,29%. Lignin tertinggi pada rotan endow (Calamus zebrianus Becc) 33,37% dan terendah rotan itiko (Calamus vitiensis Warburg) 21,00%. Untuk ketahan terhadap kumbang bubuk termasuk kelas I ( 2 jenis), kelas II (3 jenis), kelas III ( 4 jenis), kelas IV ( 1 jenis) dan kelas V ( 2 jenis). Untuk ketahanan terhadap rayap tanah kelas I (3 jenis), kelas II ( 5 jenis), kelas III ( 2 jenis), kelas IV (1 jenis) dan kelas V (1 jenis). Dalam penggunaan rotan kelas ketahanan III, IV dan V diperlukan proses pengawetan untuk memperpanjang umur pakai

    Rotan Potensial dari Hutan Bukit Lubuk Pekak, Merangin, Jambi

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    Rattan is a potential non-timber forest product. It grows in almost all parts of Indonesia, and has been widely used and traded. Indonesia as the largest rattan producer in the world supplies about 85% of world rattan needs. Bukit Lubuk Pekak Forest is part of the Production Forest Management Unit (KPHP) area, Merangin District, Jambi Province. The threat form rattan exploitation is increasing, especially in the Bukit Lubuk Pekak. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct study on the potency of rattan in that area for future conservation efforts. This study aimed to investigate rattan species in Bukit Lubuk Pekak forest, Merangin District, Jambi Province. Information of the potency of rattan is essential to support rattan industries. To complete data of rattan potency from Sumatra, an exploration in this area was carried out in July 2016 in Bukit Lubuk Pekak Forest. The study was conducted by purpossive sampling. Identification on morphological characteristics of rattan were performed on all  parts of plants including fruits and seeds (if available). The results showed that there were four rattan genus in Bukit Lubuk Pekak Forest: Calamus, Daemonorops, Korthalsia, and Plectocomiopsis. They consisted of nine species, namely Calamus caesius, C. exillis, C. insignis var. longispinosus, C. laevigatus, C. tumidus, Daemonorops micracantha, D. didymophylla, Korthalsia flagellaris, and Plectocomiopsis geminiflora. Among the nine species, two species that is Calamus caesius and Daemonorops didymophylla have been cultivated for industry raw materials and drug, respectively


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    South-Central Timor District with the area of ​​3,955.36 km2 holds a lot of diversity of non-timber forest products, including rattan plants. Rattan is widely spread in forest area which is its natural habitat. The increasing of both legal and illegal forest exploitation and land conversion resulted in the habitat damage. Some communities around the forest have used rattan as raw material for plaits, ropes and household needs, while the rattan has not been inventoried and cultivated properly. The purpose of this study is to determine the diversity of rattan species and utilization by the people in the District of South-Central Timor, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Field research activities were carried out using the exploration method in the Kualeui forest area, namely the villages of Oelalali, Sub-District of Kualin and Lolli Village, Sub-District of Pollen. Rattan data collection was recorded in passport data followed by data documentation. Exploration results show that the forests of South-Central Timor Regency found three species of rattan consisting of two genera, namely Calamus and Daemonorops. In this district, rattan grows at the altitude of 100-1500 above sea level. The most commonly used rattan species by communities around the forest are Calamus timorensis Beccari and C. toli-toliensis Beccari ex Heyne, while Daemonorops melanochaetes Blume is not utilized. Therefore there is a need for further development of the utilised rattan.   Keywords: Exploration, Rattan, South-Central Timor District, Utilization