37 research outputs found

    The Effect of Arduino-Based E-STEM Education on Students' Entrepreneurial Skills and STEM Attitudes

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    The research aims to determine the effect of Arduino-based E-STEM education on entrepreneurship skills and STEM attitudes of 4th-grade students within the scope of science and social studies education. This research was designed within the framework of the nested pattern of the mixed research method. "Single group pre-test-post-test experimental design" was used in the quantitative phase of the research. The sample consists of 20 fourth-grade students. "Science-Based Entrepreneurship Scale", "STEM Attitude Scale," and "Semi-Structured Interview Form" were used as data collection tools. The qualitative data obtained were analyzed with content analysis, and the quantitative data were analyzed with the SPSS 26.00 package program. When quantitative data were analyzed, It was determined that Arduino-based E-STEM education increased students' entrepreneurial skills (Z=-2.507, p: .012) and had a positive effect on their attitudes towards STEM (Z=-3.060, p: .001). When qualitative data were analyzed, the students reported growing interest in engineering and technology-related careers. They described how engineers use engineering design processes in the project preparation process, collaborate and support one another, take on responsibilities for the team, and feel a sense of accomplishment when the team succeeds

    The Effect of STEM-Based Robotic Applications on the Creativity And Attitude of Students

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    In the present study, the effects of STEM based robotics applications on students' creativity and scientific attitudes in the Electricity Unit of 7th grade have been investigated by using the nested pattern of the mixed method. Sixty students, 30 of whom are the experimental group and the other 30 constitute the control group, attending a post-school course in Istanbul  in the academic year of 2018-2019, participated 2 weeks of pre-applications and 4 weeks of applications. TOSRA,to measure attitude towards science, and “Torrance Creative Thinking Test”,to measure creativity, were applied as pre and posttest. The data gained from the tests were analyzed with SPSS 21. Semi-structured interviews' data were analyzed by using content analysis. As a result, it was observed that STEM based robotics applications significantly increased students' creativity and attitudes towards science. Interview findings show that students enjoy using STEM applications that contain applications instead of theoretical knowledge. Using robotic and complex software materials to solve daily life problems, they felt like scientists during the practices and the applications affected their future career choices.Keywords STEM; creativity; robotic application; attitude; TOSR

    Lyapunov-type inequality for a class of Dirichlet quasilinear systems involving the (p1,p2,…,pn)-Laplacian

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    AbstractWe state and prove a generalized Lyapunov-type inequality for one-dimensional Dirichlet quasilinear systems involving the (p1,p2,…,pn)-Laplacian. Our result generalize the Lyapunov-type inequality given in Napoli and Pinasco (2006) [12]

    Oscillation criteria for a certain second-order nonlinear differential equations with deviating arguments

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    In this paper, by using the generalized Riccati technique and the integral averaging technique, some new oscillation criteria for certain second order retarded differential equation of the form \begin{equation*} \left( r\left( t\right) \left\vert u^{\prime }\left( t\right) \right\vert ^{\alpha -1}u^{\prime }\left( t\right) \right) ^{\prime }+p\left( t\right) f\left( u\left( \tau \left( t\right) \right) \right) =0 \end{equation*} are established. The results obtained essentially improve known results in the literature and can be applied to the well known half-linear and Emden-Fowler type equations

    Utjecaj ocjene rada na motivaciju i produktivnost zaposlenika u turskoj industriji proizvoda na bazi šuma: analiza strukturnih jednadžbi modela

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    The present study investigates the influence of performance appraisal on employee motivation and productivity in Turkish forest products industry using a structural equation model. The questionnaires prepared for this purpose were applied to 432 people that work in 14 forest products industry businesses operating throughout Turkey. A total of nine hypotheses were established to determine the relationship between performance appraisal and employee motivation and productivity. The results indicated that five hypotheses were accepted, while four of them were rejected. In the light of the findings of this study, it may be generally said that the effect of performance appraisal on employee motivation and productivity was high. In other words, performance appraisal was found to be a major factor on employee motivation and productivity. The present study is expected to help managers and decision makers in selecting suitable motivating factors in order to retain and satisfy their employees. Consequently, this study will fill an important gap in the area of performance appraisal in the forest products industry by structural equation modeling and presents the opportunity for further studies.Studija je prikaz istraživanja utjecaja ocjene rada na motivaciju i produktivnost zaposlenika u turskoj industriji proizvoda na bazi šuma primjenom modela strukturnih jednadžbi. Na upitnike pripremljene za tu namjenu odgovarale su 432 osobe zaposlene u 14 tvrtki u sektoru industrije na bazi šuma diljem Turske. Pritom je postavljeno devet hipoteza za utvrđivanje odnosa ocjene rada i motiviranosti i produktivnosti zaposlenika. Rezultati su pokazali da je pet hipoteza prihvatljivo, a četiri su odbijene. U svjetlu nalaza ove studije može se reći da je učinak ocjenjivanja na motiviranost zaposlenika i produktivnost vrlo visok. Drugim riječima, ocjena rada najviše utječe na motiviranost zaposlenika i na njihovu produktivnost. Očekuje se da će rezultati studije pomoći menadžerima i donositeljima odluka u odabiru odgovarajućih motivacijskih čimbenika kako bi zadržali i zadovoljili svoje zaposlenike. Stoga će ova studija ispuniti jaz koji postoji u području ocjenjivanja rada u drvnoj industriji modeliranjem strukturnih jednadžbi te će otvoriti mogućnosti daljnjeg istraživanja

    Análisis comparativo del impacto, de la segregación de los datos por género, en los protocolos de investigación de fisiología reproductiva y cardio-respiratoria

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    Es un hecho conocido que el dimorfismo sexual se presenta en la mayoría de las especies animales. Las diferencias que esto conlleva, tienen una base genética que sustenta características físicas propias de machos o hembras. Conocido esto, es evidente la necesidad de determinar la incidencia genérica en el funcionamiento de cualquier organismo. Sin embargo, el presente análisis, ha permitido comprobar que, la inclusión en la segregación de los resultados por género en estudios de Bio-Medicina (clínicos y pre-clínicos) aún no es algo generalizado. Para ello, se han revisado y combinado los resultados de un conjunto de estudios (fechados entre 2011 y 2017) escogiéndose dos áreas (en cuyas fisio-patologías se acepte diferente grado de impacto del género): aparato reproductivo y el sistema cardio-respiratorio. Los resultados obtenidos confirman la necesidad de concienciar a la comunidad científica de la importancia de la inclusión de la variable “género” en este tipo de estudios.It is a known fact that sexual dimorphism occurs in most animal species. The differences that this entails have a genetic basis that supports physical characteristics of males or females. Once this is known, the need to determine the generic incidence in the functioning of any organism is evident. However, the present analysis has shown that inclusion in the segregation of results by gender in Bio-Medicine studies (clinical and pre-clinical) is not yet widespread. For that, the results of a series of studies (dated between 2011 and 2017) have been reviewed and combined, choosing two areas (in whose physio-pathologies a different degree of gender impact is accepted): reproductive system and the cardio-respiratory system. The results obtained confirm the need to make the scientific community aware of the importance of including the gender variable in this type of studies

    On the qualitative behaviors of solutions of third-order nonlinear functional differential equations

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    AbstractThe third-order nonlinear functional differential equations of the form (r2(t)(r1(t)y′)′)′+p(t)y′+q(t)f(y(g(t)))=0 are considered. We present some new oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of this equation by modifying a method given for second-order differential equations. Our results are applicable to nonlinear functional differential equations of the above form. Several examples are also given to illustrate the importance of our results

    An LED-Based Structured Illumination Microscope Using A Digital Micromirror Device And GPU Accelerated Image Reconstruction

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    When combined with computational approaches, fluorescence imaging becomes one of the most powerful tools in biomedical research. It is possible to achieve resolution figures beyond the diffraction limit, and improve the performance and flexibility of high-resolution imaging systems with techniques such as structured illumination microscopy (SIM) reconstruction. In this study, the hardware and software implementation of an LED-based superresolution imaging system using SIM employing GPU accelerated parallel image reconstruction is presented. The sample is illuminated with two-dimensional sinusoidal patterns with various orientations and lateral phase shifts generated using a digital micromirror device (DMD). SIM reconstruction is carried out in frequency space using parallel CUDA kernel functions. Furthermore, a general purpose toolbox for the parallel image reconstruction algorithm and an infrastructure that allows all users to perform parallel operations on images without developing any CUDA kernel code is presented. The developed image reconstruction algorithm was run separately on a CPU and a GPU. Two different SIM reconstruction algorithms have been developed for the CPU as mono-thread CPU algorithm and multi-thread OpenMP CPU algorithm. SIM reconstruction of 1024 × 1024 px images was achieved in 1.49 s using GPU computation, indicating an enhancement by *28 and *20 in computation time when compared with mono-thread CPU computation and multi-thread OpenMP CPU computation, respectively