585 research outputs found

    Apports de la segmentation de la population des dirigeants au processus de gestion des ressources humaines : Le cas de l’administration algérienne

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    A partir des résultats d’une enquête effectuée en 2005 sur un échantillon de 203 dirigeants publics, une typologie floue de trois profils a été dégagée en vue de concevoir un système d’affectation des dirigeants en fonction de leur style du leadership, sens du travail, et leurs préoccupations de gestion des ressources humaines. En se basant sur cette typologie floue, des techniques empruntées à l’intelligence artificielle ont été appliquées pour apprendre des règles de classification. Ces techniques sont au nombre de quatre : le réseau neuronal (Neural Network), l’algorithme génétique (Genetic Algorithm), l’arbre de décision (Decision Tree) et la théorie des ensembles approximatifs (Rough Sets). Les résultats de l’étude ainsi que ses perspectives seront présentées et discutés tout au long de cette communication

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    Effects of the A2AR C-terminus on receptor stability

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    G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are seven-transmembrane domain membrane proteins which are targets for nearly half of all pharmaceuticals on the market. The adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) is a class A GPCR that is often a drug target due to its involvement in neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and heart disease. At present, the only crystal structures of A2AR are of a truncated variant of the receptor (A2AΔ316R). However, the full length C-terminus has been shown to be critical in downstream signaling. Here, we use ligand binding to investigate the effects of the C-terminus on A2AR stability by comparing full-length A2AR, A2AΔ316R, and Rag23, a thermostable A2AΔ316R variant with 5 point mutations favoring agonist binding (Magnani, Shibata, Serrano-Vega, & Tate, 2008). Receptors were overexpressed using a multicopy vector, pITy, purified in detergent micelles, and incubated with fluorescent agonist FITC-APEC. Fluorescence anisotropy was used to determine FITC-APEC binding after receptors were exposed to various conditions (Swonger & Robinson, 2017). We quantified equilibrium binding, temperature stability, kinetic rates, and competition with agonists and antagonists and find that beyond downstream signaling, the C-terminus contributes strongly to A2AR stability in micelles. Magnani, F., Shibata, Y., Serrano-Vega, M. J., & Tate, C. G. (2008). Co-evolving stability and conformational homogeneity of the human adenosine A2a receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105(31), 10744–10749. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0804396105 Swonger, K. N., & Robinson, A. S. (2017). Using fluorescence anisotropy for ligand binding kinetics of membrane proteins. Current Protocols. Submitte

    Consideration the Effects of Water Sector Investment In Economic Development in Iran

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    Energy is one of the most important influential factors on economic growth. Water is one of the main inputs for many other sectors. In this study, in order to see the effects of water sector investment from production function, we use economic time series database of national accounts in central bank, vice-presidency for strategic planning and supervision, and Iran water resources management co., which were gathered during 1980-2010. As economic growth and different sectors value added (agriculture, industry and mine, services, and petroleum sectors) variables used in empirical analysis was integrated of order one, employed Granger causality test. Results show for different sectors (agriculture, industry and mine, services, and petroleum sectors) in Iranian economy implies that the elasticity of water investment in agricultural sector is significant, and positive, and for the rest of the other sectors is non-significant. Also results show that in the short-run and long run, the Granger causality runs from economic growth to water resource investment and vice versa in Iran. Key words: water investment, economic development, cointegration

    VI. seminar za doktorande u Šopronu, Mađarska

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    U radu je opisan VI. seminar za doktorande, koji je održan 24. listopada 2011. godine u Šopronu u Mađarskoj

    Učinci tjelesne aktivnosti na kroničnu subkliničku sustavnu upalu

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    Chronic subclinical systemic inflammation (CSSI) is a pathogenic event and a common risk factor for many noncommunicable diseases like atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obstructive lung disease. On the other hand, regular physical activity has been found to reduce this risk. Many studies of different design were conducted to assess the association between inflammatory mediators as markers of CSSI and regular physical activity. The aim of this review was to present the current level of evidence and understanding of potential mechanisms by which physical activity reduces inflammatory mediators involved in CSSI and the types of physical activity required for the expected effect. We have found that observational studies consistently report a positive association between regular physical activity and lower CSSI, but the design of these studies does not allow to infer a causal relationship. Interventional studies, in contrast, were not consistent about the causal relationship between regular physical activity and lower CSSI. The problem in interpreting these results lies in significant differences between these interventional studies in their design, sample size, study population, and intervention itself (intensity and extent, follow up, weight loss). We can conclude that the scientific community has to invest a significant effort into high-quality interventional trials focused on finding the type, intensity, and extent of physical activity that would produce the most favourable effect on CSSI.Kronične nezarazne bolesti najznačajniji su javnozdravstveni problem. Kronična subklinička upala kao osnovni patološki supstrat zajednički je rizični čimbenik za većinu tih bolesti i stanja, kao što su arterioskleroza, metabolički sindrom, kardiovaskularne bolesti, rezistencija na inzulin i šećerna bolest tipa 2, novotvorine, opstruktivne plućne bolesti i mnoge druge. Nasuprot tomu, utvrđeno je da je redovita tjelesna aktivnost protektivni čimbenik u spomenutim bolestima. Provedene su mnoge studije različitoga dizajna s ciljem razotkrivanja povezanosti između kronične subkliničke upale i upalnih medijatora i redovite tjelesne aktivnosti. Cilj je ovog pregleda bio predočiti trenutačnu razinu dokaza te poimanja potencijalnih mehanizama u podlozi smanjenja kronične subkliničke upale kao posljedice redovite tjelesne aktivnosti, uključenih medijatora upale te oblika tjelesne aktivnosti potrebnih kako bi se postigao očekivani učinak. Utvrdili smo da su studije povezanosti predočile konzistentne dokaze u korist pozitivne povezanosti između redovite tjelesne aktivnosti i smanjenja kronične subkliničke upale. Dizajn tih studija ne dopušta zaključke o uzročno-posljedičnoj povezanosti ispitivanih fenomena. S druge strane, rezultati intervencijskih studija nisu konzistentni. Problem pri interpretaciji tih rezultata prouzročen je značajnom heterogenošću u dizajnu provedenih intervencijskih studija vezano uz veličinu uzorka, tip ispitanika te uz oblik intervencije (intenzitet i ekstenzitet tjelesne aktivnosti, trajanje intervencije, udruženost s gubitkom tjelesne mase). Na temelju trenutačne razine dokaza možemo zaključiti da je potrebno provesti više kvalitetnih intervencijskih studija radi definiranja tipa, intenziteta i ekstenziteta tjelesne aktivnosti koja će imati najznačajniji utjecaj na smanjenje kronične subkliničke upale

    Economic Growth : Can we rely on trust?

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    Résumé  Le texte présenté ici se propose de discuter cette articulation distincte entre la notion de confiance issue de coordinations d’acteurs et les performances économiques. Dernièrement, la confiance apparaît dans différentes représentations théoriques comme ce, qui facilite le fonctionnement des sociétés et des économies en accroissant le degré de confiance entre leurs membres ; une variable qui incite les acteurs économiques à participer plus aux échanges économiques. Pour examiner cette corrélation positive, on s’appuiera sur des configurations théoriques et empiriques : Eloi Laurent (2009, 2012), Alain Peyrefitte (1998), OCDE (2001), Bourdieu (1980, 1986), Putnam (1993, 2000) et Kennetth Arrow (1974)


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    The foodborne infections have a significant impact on public health. Salmonella is the first bacterial cause, especially because of its general availability in the intestinal tract of poultry, pigs and cattle. This bacteria and essential oil are the subject of study of Laurel essential oil effect of this magic plant Salmonella in vitro and in vivo. In vitro evaluation of the antibacterial activity shows a sensitivity of Salmonella spp. with a Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of 2.5 mg.ml-1. In vivo, Wistar rats were infected with Salmonella spp and then treated with the essential oil of Laurel .The microbiological analyese fecal matter from these rats showed that the essential oil of Laurel has a remarkable result on this bacterium pathogen

    Ethnobotanical and Phytochemical Study of the Medicinal Plant Atriplex Halimus and Its Importance in the Traditional Algerian Pharmacopoeia

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    Atriplex halimus, is a medicinal plant widely used in Algerian phytotherapy. This study included an ethnobotanical and phytochemical survey on aqueous extracts (phytochemical screening, HPLC analysis, phenolic content and antioxidant activity). The ethnobotanical study on A. halimus showed that aqueous extracts are the most used therapeutic means. The phytochemical study has determined that the phenolic content varies significantly from one extract to another depending on the extraction method. In addition, HPLC analysis has revealed various bioactive compounds that mainly belong to the flavonoid category.  A. halimus is a valuable source of nutraceutic for various diseases