71 research outputs found

    Bland-White-Garland syndrome and atrial septal defect—: Rare Association and diagnostic challenge

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    Summary: We report on a 40-year-old woman referred for evaluation of a cardiac murmur and dyspnea on exertion. The electrocardiogram (ECG) showed incomplete right bundle branch block, and echocardiography revealed a large atrial septal defect (ASD, ostium secundum type) with dilated right-sided heart chambers. At cardiac catheterization, a large left-to-right shunt (78% of the pulmonary blood flow) was found, and surprisingly, the additional diagnosis of anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) was established. After ASD closure and left coronary artery ligation with implantation of a vein graft to the left anterior descending artery, she had an uneventful 18-years follow-up. We discuss the interaction of the two associated conditions, and based on the herein reported unusual combination, we highlight typical features of non-invasive examinations including auscultation, ECG, and echocardiography in adult patients with ALCAP

    Modeling urban tree growth as a part of the green infrastructure to estimate ecosystem services in urban planning

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    Motivation: Planting urban trees is important for urban development. Foliage reflects, scatters, and absorbs incoming shortwave solar radiation, thus reducing the energy flow to the underlying surface, including streets, houses, and humans. Shaded areas, with primarily anthropogenic substrates, are not as heated as nonshaded areas. Subsequently, temperature, radiation and its influence on morbidity of fauna and flora are comparatively lower in these areas.Materials and Methods: Statistical methods were applied to assess the allometric functions of urban trees. The analyzed data were obtained from the tree cadaster of Magdeburg City, Germany, which contains information from 1936 to 2021. As of June 2022, the tree cadaster contained 89,766 trees. The tree species Acer campestre, Acer platanoides, Malus spp., and Quercus robur were subjected to investigation. Nine temperature optimum (TO)/precipitation optimum (PO) scenarios were considered, and their effects on the allometric relationships on the tree species were determined, respectively: 1. TO 17–19°C/PO 450–550 mm, 2. TO 19–21°C/PO 450–550 mm, 3. TO 21–23°C/PO 450–550 mm., 4. TO 17–19°C/PO 550–650 mm, 5. TO 19–21°C/PO 550–650 mm, 6. TO 21–23°C/PO 550–650 mm, 7. TO 17–19°C/PO 650–750 mm, 8. TO 19–21°C/PO 650–750 mm, 9. TO 21–23°C/PO 650–750 mm.Results and Discussion: In six of nine scenarios, a significant correlation was evident for temperature. Water uptake was found to be significant in scenario 6. No significant correlation for competition and breast head diameter growth could be determined in any scenario. Five of the nine scenarios were significantly comparable. While competition was evident as conditionally non-significant (p-value = 0.069 & 0.058), for the elevation forecast in scenarios 3 & 6 only, dependence was evident in all other scenarios. Regarding the crown diameter, temperature was significant in 3 of 9 scenarios. No significant relationship was found for water uptake and competition.Conclusions: No clear abiotic optimum could be identified. Thus, a continuous adjustment of the parameters is necessary to refine the growth functions. Moreover, the growth function adaptation according to the different age phases of trees might be considered on the long term

    Individualised PPI prescription in patients on combination antiplatelet therapy and upper gastrointestinal events after percutaneous coronary intervention: a cohort study

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    Zusammenfassung: GRUNDLAGEN: In einer Patientenkohorte, welche nach perkutaner koronarer Intervention (PCI) kombinierte Thrombozytenaggregationshemmung (Aspirin und Clopidogrel) erhielt, wurde die Wirksamkeit einer individualisierten PPI-Gabe zur Reduktion unerwĂŒnschter gastrointestinaler Ereignisse untersucht. METHODIK: Das gastrointestinale Risikofaktorprofil und andere Parameter wurden aus einer speziell angelegten elektronischen Datenbank extrahiert. Die Patienten wurden via standardisierten Fragebogen kontaktiert und bei Patienten mit unerwĂŒnschten gastrointestinalen Ereignissen wurde zusĂ€tzlich ein strukturiertes Telefoninterview durchgefĂŒhrt. ERGEBNISSE: In einer Kohorte von 718 Patienten erhielten 87 (12,1 %) eine prophylaktische PPI-Therapie. Bei insgesamt 12 % wurden unerwĂŒnschte gastrointestinale Ereignisse gefunden, wobei 18,4 % eine PPI-Prophylaxe und 11,1 % kein PPI hatten (OR 1,80, P = 0,054). Eine Komedikation mit Steroiden war der hauptsĂ€chliche Risikofaktor fĂŒr unerwĂŒnschte gastrointestinale Ereignissen (adjusted OR 5,45, P = 0,014). SCHLUSSFOLGERUNGEN: Die individualisierte PPI-Therapie basierend auf einer RisikoabschĂ€tzung fĂŒr gastrointestinale Blutungsereignisse scheint ein effizientes Instrument zu sein, um gastrointestinale Ereignisse nach PCI zu minimiere

    Quantum degeneracy and interaction effects in spin-polarized Fermi-Bose mixtures

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    Various features of spin-polarized Fermi gases confined in harmonic traps are discussed, taking into account possible perspectives of experimental measurements. The mechanism of the expansion of the gas is explicitly investigated and compared with the one of an interacting Bose gas. The role of interactions on the equilibrium and non equilibrium behaviour of the fermionic component in Fermi-Bose mixtures is discussed. Special emphasis is given to the case of potassium isotopes mixtures.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revtex, to be published in J. Phys.

    Classifying Cognitive Profiles Using Machine Learning with Privileged Information in Mild Cognitive Impairment

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    Early diagnosis of dementia is critical for assessing disease progression and potential treatment. State-or-the-art machine learning techniques have been increasingly employed to take on this diagnostic task. In this study, we employed Generalised Matrix Learning Vector Quantization (GMLVQ) classifiers to discriminate patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) from healthy controls based on their cognitive skills. Further, we adopted a ``Learning with privileged information'' approach to combine cognitive and fMRI data for the classification task. The resulting classifier operates solely on the cognitive data while it incorporates the fMRI data as privileged information (PI) during training. This novel classifier is of practical use as the collection of brain imaging data is not always possible with patients and older participants.MCI patients and healthy age-matched controls were trained to extract structure from temporal sequences. We ask whether machine learning classifiers can be used to discriminate patients from controls based on the learning performance and whether differences between these groups relate to individual cognitive profiles. To this end, we tested participants in four cognitive tasks: working memory, cognitive inhibition, divided attention, and selective attention. We also collected fMRI data before and after training on the learning task and extracted fMRI responses and connectivity as features for machine learning classifiers. Our results show that the PI guided GMLVQ classifiers outperform the baseline classifier that only used the cognitive data. In addition, we found that for the baseline classifier, divided attention is the only relevant cognitive feature. When PI was incorporated, divided attention remained the most relevant feature while cognitive inhibition became also relevant for the task. Interestingly, this analysis for the fMRI GMLVQ classifier suggests that (1) when overall fMRI signal for structured stimuli is used as inputs to the classifier, the post-training session is most relevant; and (2) when the graph feature reflecting underlying spatiotemporal fMRI pattern is used, the pre-training session is most relevant. Taken together these results suggest that brain connectivity before training and overall fMRI signal after training are both diagnostic of cognitive skills in MCI

    Der "Welsche Gast" des Thomasin von Zerklaere

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    In 1215/1216, Thomasin von Zerklaere composed his Welscher Gast (“The Italian Guest”), the earliest comprehensive book of court etiquette written in German. Up until the Early Modern Age, the work was frequently copied and widely disseminated. Its uniqueness lies not least in the fact that it was, from early on, transmitted together with an extensive cycle of images. This volume brings together studies from Art History, Literary Studies and Musicology into the sources, the didactic concept, the transmission of images, and the reception of Thomasin’s poem as well as into how it might be employed in present-day German language and literature classes. It proposes to replace the author-centered approach to the Welscher Gast with an approach that consistently focuses on the history of its transmission.In den Jahren 1215/1216 verfasste Thomasin von Zerklaere mit dem Welschen Gast die erste umfassende Verhaltenslehre in deutscher Sprache. Bis in die FrĂŒhe Neuzeit hinein wurde das Werk vielfach abgeschrieben und weiterverbreitet. Eine Besonderheit stellt es auch deshalb dar, weil es schon frĂŒh in der Überlieferung mit einem umfangreichen Bilderzyklus versehen wurde. Der vorliegende Band versammelt Studien aus Kunst-, Literatur- und Musikwissenschaft zu den Quellen, der didaktischen Konzeption, der BildĂŒberlieferung und der Rezeption von Thomasins Werk sowie zu den Möglichkeiten seines Einsatzes im Deutschunterricht der Gegenwart. Er schlĂ€gt vor, an die Stelle eines autorfixierten Blicks auf den Text-Bild-Verbund des Welschen Gastes einen konsequent ĂŒberlieferungsgeschichtlichen treten zu lassen

    Quantum Physics Exploring Gravity in the Outer Solar System: The Sagas Project

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    We summarise the scientific and technological aspects of the SAGAS (Search for Anomalous Gravitation using Atomic Sensors) project, submitted to ESA in June 2007 in response to the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 call for proposals. The proposed mission aims at flying highly sensitive atomic sensors (optical clock, cold atom accelerometer, optical link) on a Solar System escape trajectory in the 2020 to 2030 time-frame. SAGAS has numerous science objectives in fundamental physics and Solar System science, for example numerous tests of general relativity and the exploration of the Kuiper belt. The combination of highly sensitive atomic sensors and of the laser link well adapted for large distances will allow measurements with unprecedented accuracy and on scales never reached before. We present the proposed mission in some detail, with particular emphasis on the science goals and associated measurements.Comment: 39 pages. Submitted in abridged version to Experimental Astronom

    SecurePLUGandWORK – Abschlussbericht

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    Industrie 4.0 umfasst unter anderem intelligente Anlagenkomponenten, Maschinen und Anlagen sowie IT-Systeme, die miteinander vernetzt und ĂŒber die relevanten ‚Partner\u27 mit ihren FĂ€higkeiten informiert sind. Bei einem Neuaufbau oder Umbau von Anlagen, Maschinen und Komponenten können alle Partner auf die VerĂ€nderung entsprechend reagieren. Änderungen sind beispielsweise in der eingebetteten Software der FeldgerĂ€te, im Programmcode der Steuerungen, aber auch in ĂŒberlagerten IT-Systemen wie bspw. MES nötig
