654 research outputs found

    Present-day stress orientations and tectonic provinces of the NW Borneo collisional margin

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    Extent: 15p.Borehole failure observed on image and dipmeter logs from 55 petroleum wells across the NW Borneo collisional margin were used to determine maximum horizontal stress (σH) orientations; combined with seismic and outcrop data, they define seven tectonic provinces. The Baram Delta–Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt exhibits three tectonic provinces: its inner shelf inverted province (σH is NW-SE, margin-normal), its outer shelf extension province (σH is NE-SW, margin-parallel), and its slope to basin floor compression province (σH is NW-SE, margin-normal). In the inverted province, σH reflects inversion of deltaic normal faults. The σH orientations in the extension and compression provinces reflect deltaic gravitational tectonics. The shale and minibasin provinces have been recognized in offshore Sabah. In the shale province, σH is N010°E, which aligns around the boundary of a massif of mobile shale. Currently, no data are available to determine σH in the minibasin province. In the Balingian province, σH is ESE-WNW, reflecting ESE absolute Sunda plate motions due to the absence of a thick detachment seen elsewhere in NW Borneo. The Central Luconia province demonstrates poorly constrained and variable σH orientations. These seven provinces result from the heterogeneous structural and stratigraphic development of the NW Borneo margin and formed due to complex collisional tectonics and the varied distribution and thicknesses of stratigraphic packages.Rosalind C. King, Mark R. P. Tingay, Richard R. Hillis, Christopher K. Morley, and James Clar

    On the Origin of Radio Emission in the X-ray States of XTE J1650-500 during the 2001-2002 Outburst

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    We report on simultaneous radio and X-ray observations of the black hole candidate XTE J1650-500 during the course of its 2001-2002 outburst. The scheduling of the observations allowed us to sample the properties of XTE J1650-50 in different X-ray spectral states, namely the hard state, the steep power-law state and the thermal dominant state, according to the recent spectral classification of McClintock & Remillard. The hard state is consistent with a compact jet dominating the spectral energy distribution at radio frequencies; however, the current data suggest that its contribution as direct synchrotron emission at higher energies may not be significant. In that case, XTE J1650-50 may be dominated by Compton processes (either inverse Comptonization of thermal disk photons and/or SSC from the base of the compact jet) in the X-ray regime. We, surprisingly, detect a faint level of radio emission in the thermal dominant state that may be consistent with the emission of previously ejected material interacting with the interstellar medium, similar (but on a smaller angular scale) to what was observed in XTE J1550-564 by Corbel and co-workers. Based on the properties of radio emission in the steep power-law state of XTE J1650-50, and taking into account the behavior of other black hole candidates (namely GX 339-4, XTE J1550-564, and XTE J1859+226) while in the intermediate and steep power-law states, we are able to present a general pattern of behavior for the origin of radio emission in these two states that could be important for understanding the accretion-ejection coupling very close to the black hole event horizon.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. 33 pages, 10 figure

    The first resolved imaging of milliarcsecond-scale jets in Circinus X-1

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    We present the first resolved imaging of the milliarcsecond-scale jets in the neutron star X-ray binary Circinus X-1, made using the Australian Long Baseline Array. The angular extent of the resolved jets is ~20 milliarcseconds, corresponding to a physical scale of ~150 au at the assumed distance of 7.8 kpc. The jet position angle is relatively consistent with previous arcsecond-scale imaging with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. The radio emission is symmetric about the peak, and is unresolved along the minor axis, constraining the opening angle to be less than 20 degrees. We observe evidence for outward motion of the components between the two halves of the observation. Constraints on the proper motion of the radio-emitting components suggest that they are only mildly relativistic, although we cannot definitively rule out the presence of the unseen, ultra-relativistic (Lorentz factor >15) flow previously inferred to exist in this system.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Chandra Discovery of a 100 kpc X-ray Jet in PKS 0637--752

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    The quasar PKS 0637-753, the first celestial X-ray target of the Chandra X-ray Observatory, has revealed asymmetric X-ray structure extending from 3 to 12 arcsec west of the quasar, coincident with the inner portion of the jet previously detected in a 4.8 GHz radio image (Tingay et al. 1998). At a redshift of z=0.651, the jet is the largest (~100 kpc) and most luminous (~10^{44.6} ergs/s) of the few so far detected in X-rays. This letter presents a high resolution X-ray image of the jet, from 42 ks of data when PKS 0637-753 was on-axis and ACIS-S was near the optimum focus. For the inner portion of the radio jet, the X-ray morphology closely matches that of new ATCA radio images at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz. Observations of the parsec scale core using the VSOP space VLBI mission show structure aligned with the X-ray jet, placing important constraints on the X-ray source models. HST images show that there are three small knots coincident with the peak radio and X-ray emission. Two of these are resolved, which we use to estimate the sizes of the X-ray and radio knots. The outer portion of the radio jet, and a radio component to the east, show no X-ray emission to a limit of about 100 times lower flux. The X-ray emission is difficult to explain with models that successfully account for extra-nuclear X-ray/radio structures in other active galaxies. We think the most plausible is a synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model, but this would imply extreme departures from the conventional minimum-energy and/or homogeneity assumptions. We also rule out synchrotron or thermal bremsstrahlung models for the jet X-rays, unless multicomponent or ad hoc geometries are invoked.Comment: 5 Pages, 2 Figures. Submitted to Ap. J. Letter

    Scientific basis for safely shutting in the Macondo Well after the April 20, 2010 Deepwater Horizon blowout

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    As part of the government response to the Deepwater Horizon blowout, a Well Integrity Team evaluated the geologic hazards of shutting in the Macondo Well at the seafloor and determined the conditions under which it could safely be undertaken. Of particular concern was the possibility that, under the anticipated high shut-in pressures, oil could leak out of the well casing below the seafloor. Such a leak could lead to new geologic pathways for hydrocarbon release to the Gulf of Mexico. Evaluating this hazard required analyses of 2D and 3D seismic surveys, seafloor bathymetry, sediment properties, geophysical well logs, and drilling data to assess the geological, hydrological, and geomechanical conditions around the Macondo Well. After the well was successfully capped and shut in on July 15, 2010, a variety of monitoring activities were used to assess subsurface well integrity. These activities included acquisition of wellhead pressure data, marine multichannel seismic pro- files, seafloor and water-column sonar surveys, and wellhead visual/acoustic monitoring. These data showed that the Macondo Well was not leaking after shut in, and therefore, it could remain safely shut until reservoir pressures were suppressed (killed) with heavy drilling mud and the well was sealed with cement

    Disentangling the circumnuclear environs of Centaurus A: II. On the nature of the broad absorption line

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    We report on atomic gas (HI) and molecular gas (as traced by CO(2-1)) redshifted absorption features toward the nuclear regions of the closest powerful radio galaxy, Centaurus A (NGC 5128). Our HI observations using the Very Long Baseline Array allow us to discern with unprecedented sub-parsec resolution HI absorption profiles toward different positions along the 21 cm continuum jet emission in the inner 0."3 (or 5.4 pc). In addition, our CO(2-1) data obtained with the Submillimeter Array probe the bulk of the absorbing molecular gas with little contamination by emission, not possible with previous CO single-dish observations. We shed light with these data on the physical properties of the gas in the line of sight, emphasizing the still open debate about the nature of the gas that produces the broad absorption line (~55 km/s). First, the broad H I line is more prominent toward the central and brightest 21 cm continuum component than toward a region along the jet at a distance ~ 20 mas (or 0.4 pc) further from it. This suggests that the broad absorption line arises from gas located close to the nucleus, rather than from diffuse and more distant gas. Second, the different velocity components detected in the CO(2-1) absorption spectrum match well other molecular lines, such as those of HCO+(1-0), except the broad absorption line that is detected in HCO+(1-0) (and most likely related to that of the H I). Dissociation of molecular hydrogen due to the AGN seems to be efficient at distances <= 10 pc, which might contribute to the depth of the broad H I and molecular lines.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Internal gamma gamma-opacity in Active Galactic Nuclei and the consequences for the TeV observations of M87 and Cen A

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    Low Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (LLAGNs) possess the characteristic features of more luminous Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) but exhibit a much lower nuclear Halpha luminosity than their more luminous counterparts. M87 (NGC 4486) and Centaurus A (NGC 5128, CenA) are well-studied nearby LLAGNs. As an additional feature they show gamma-radiation up to TeV (10^{12}eV) energies, but the origin of this radiation is not resolved. The coincident observation of a radio and TeV flare in M87 suggests that the TeV radiation is produced within around 50-100 gravitational radii of the central supermassive black hole, depending on the assumed value of the mass of the black hole. Strong radiation fields can be produced in the central region of an (LL)AGN, e.g., by the accretion flow around the black hole, the jet plasma, or stars closely orbiting the black hole. These radiation fields can lead to the absorption of emitted TeV photons, and in fact high optical depths of such fields can make TeV detection from inner regions impossible. In this paper we consider the accretion flow around the black hole as the most prominent source for such a radiation field and we accordingly calculate the probability for absorption of TeV photons produced near the black holes in M87 and CenA assuming a low luminosity Shakura-Sunyaev Disk (SSD). We find that the results are very different for between the two LLAGNs. While the inner region of M87 is transparent for TeV radiation up to 15TeV, the optical depth in CenA is >> 1, leading to an absorption of TeV photons that might be produced near the central black hole. These results imply either that the TeV gamma production sites and processes are different for both sources, or that LLAGN black holes do not accrete (at least only) in form of a low luminosity SSD.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    Bright Giant Pulses from the Crab Nebula Pulsar: Statistical Properties, Pulse Broadening and Scattering due to the Nebula

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    We report observations of Crab giant pulses made with the Australia Telescope Compact Array and a baseband recorder system, made simultaneously at two frequencies, 1300 and 1470 MHz. These observations were sensitive to pulses with amplitudes \ga 3 kJy and widths \ga 0.5 ÎŒ\mus. Our analysis led to the detection of more than 700 such bright giant pulses over 3 hours, and using this large sample we investigate their amplitude, width, arrival time and energy distributions. The brightest pulse detected in our data has a peak amplitude of ∌\sim 45 kJy and a width of ∌\sim 0.5 ÎŒ\mus, and therefore an inferred brightness temperature of ∌1035\sim 10^{35} K. The duration of giant-pulse emission is typically ∌\sim1 ÎŒ\mus, however it can also be as long as 10 ÎŒ\mus. The pulse shape at a high time resolution (128 ns) shows rich diversity and complexity in structure and is marked by an unusually low degree of scattering. We discuss possible implications for scattering due to the nebula, and for underlying structures and electron densities.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
