4,402 research outputs found

    Tight Upper Bounds for Streett and Parity Complementation

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    Complementation of finite automata on infinite words is not only a fundamental problem in automata theory, but also serves as a cornerstone for solving numerous decision problems in mathematical logic, model-checking, program analysis and verification. For Streett complementation, a significant gap exists between the current lower bound 2Ω(nlgnk)2^{\Omega(n\lg nk)} and upper bound 2O(nklgnk)2^{O(nk\lg nk)}, where nn is the state size, kk is the number of Streett pairs, and kk can be as large as 2n2^{n}. Determining the complexity of Streett complementation has been an open question since the late '80s. In this paper show a complementation construction with upper bound 2O(nlgn+nklgk)2^{O(n \lg n+nk \lg k)} for k=O(n)k = O(n) and 2O(n2lgn)2^{O(n^{2} \lg n)} for k=ω(n)k = \omega(n), which matches well the lower bound obtained in \cite{CZ11a}. We also obtain a tight upper bound 2O(nlgn)2^{O(n \lg n)} for parity complementation.Comment: Corrected typos. 23 pages, 3 figures. To appear in the 20th Conference on Computer Science Logic (CSL 2011

    Syntax and semantics of preceding objects in Chinese resultative constructions

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    PDF/A形式により利用可能アクセス:WWWによる東京外国語大学大学院総合国際学研究科博士 (学術) 論文 (2017年9月)博甲第233号その他のタイトルは英文要旨による参考文献: p166-175東京外国語大学 (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)博士 (学術

    Active Cost-aware Labeling of Streaming Data

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    We study actively labeling streaming data, where an active learner is faced with a stream of data points and must carefully choose which of these points to label via an expensive experiment. Such problems frequently arise in applications such as healthcare and astronomy. We first study a setting when the data's inputs belong to one of KK discrete distributions and formalize this problem via a loss that captures the labeling cost and the prediction error. When the labeling cost is BB, our algorithm, which chooses to label a point if the uncertainty is larger than a time and cost dependent threshold, achieves a worst-case upper bound of O(B13K13T23)O(B^{\frac{1}{3}} K^{\frac{1}{3}} T^{\frac{2}{3}}) on the loss after TT rounds. We also provide a more nuanced upper bound which demonstrates that the algorithm can adapt to the arrival pattern, and achieves better performance when the arrival pattern is more favorable. We complement both upper bounds with matching lower bounds. We next study this problem when the inputs belong to a continuous domain and the output of the experiment is a smooth function with bounded RKHS norm. After TT rounds in dd dimensions, we show that the loss is bounded by O(B1d+3Td+2d+3)O(B^{\frac{1}{d+3}} T^{\frac{d+2}{d+3}}) in an RKHS with a squared exponential kernel and by O(B12d+3T2d+22d+3)O(B^{\frac{1}{2d+3}} T^{\frac{2d+2}{2d+3}}) in an RKHS with a Mat\'ern kernel. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that our method outperforms other baselines in several synthetic experiments and two real experiments in medicine and astronomy

    A Tight Lower Bound for Streett Complementation

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    Finite automata on infinite words (ω\omega-automata) proved to be a powerful weapon for modeling and reasoning infinite behaviors of reactive systems. Complementation of ω\omega-automata is crucial in many of these applications. But the problem is non-trivial; even after extensive study during the past four decades, we still have an important type of ω\omega-automata, namely Streett automata, for which the gap between the current best lower bound 2Ω(nlgnk)2^{\Omega(n \lg nk)} and upper bound 2Ω(nklgnk)2^{\Omega(nk \lg nk)} is substantial, for the Streett index size kk can be exponential in the number of states nn. In arXiv:1102.2960 we showed a construction for complementing Streett automata with the upper bound 2O(nlgn+nklgk)2^{O(n \lg n+nk \lg k)} for k=O(n)k = O(n) and 2O(n2lgn)2^{O(n^{2} \lg n)} for k=ω(n)k=\omega(n). In this paper we establish a matching lower bound 2Ω(nlgn+nklgk)2^{\Omega(n \lg n+nk \lg k)} for k=O(n)k = O(n) and 2Ω(n2lgn)2^{\Omega(n^{2} \lg n)} for k=ω(n)k = \omega(n), and therefore showing that the construction is asymptotically optimal with respect to the 2Θ()2^{\Theta(\cdot)} notation.Comment: Typo correction and section reorganization. To appear in the proceeding of the 31st Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science conference (FSTTCS 2011

    Quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with four states

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    An protocol of quantum secret sharing between multiparty and multiparty with four states is presented. We show that this protocol can make the Trojan horse attack with a multi-photon signal, the fake-signal attack with EPR pairs, the attack with single photons, and the attack with invisible photons to be nullification. In addition, we also give the upper bounds of the average success probabilities for dishonest agent eavesdropping encryption using the fake-signal attack with any two-particle entangled states.Comment: 7 page

    Exploring Object Relation in Mean Teacher for Cross-Domain Detection

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    Rendering synthetic data (e.g., 3D CAD-rendered images) to generate annotations for learning deep models in vision tasks has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, simply applying the models learnt on synthetic images may lead to high generalization error on real images due to domain shift. To address this issue, recent progress in cross-domain recognition has featured the Mean Teacher, which directly simulates unsupervised domain adaptation as semi-supervised learning. The domain gap is thus naturally bridged with consistency regularization in a teacher-student scheme. In this work, we advance this Mean Teacher paradigm to be applicable for cross-domain detection. Specifically, we present Mean Teacher with Object Relations (MTOR) that novelly remolds Mean Teacher under the backbone of Faster R-CNN by integrating the object relations into the measure of consistency cost between teacher and student modules. Technically, MTOR firstly learns relational graphs that capture similarities between pairs of regions for teacher and student respectively. The whole architecture is then optimized with three consistency regularizations: 1) region-level consistency to align the region-level predictions between teacher and student, 2) inter-graph consistency for matching the graph structures between teacher and student, and 3) intra-graph consistency to enhance the similarity between regions of same class within the graph of student. Extensive experiments are conducted on the transfers across Cityscapes, Foggy Cityscapes, and SIM10k, and superior results are reported when comparing to state-of-the-art approaches. More remarkably, we obtain a new record of single model: 22.8% of mAP on Syn2Real detection dataset.Comment: CVPR 2019; The codes and model of our MTOR are publicly available at: https://github.com/caiqi/mean-teacher-cross-domain-detectio

    Can Nondeterminism Help Complementation?

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    Complementation and determinization are two fundamental notions in automata theory. The close relationship between the two has been well observed in the literature. In the case of nondeterministic finite automata on finite words (NFA), complementation and determinization have the same state complexity, namely Theta(2^n) where n is the state size. The same similarity between determinization and complementation was found for Buchi automata, where both operations were shown to have 2^\Theta(n lg n) state complexity. An intriguing question is whether there exists a type of omega-automata whose determinization is considerably harder than its complementation. In this paper, we show that for all common types of omega-automata, the determinization problem has the same state complexity as the corresponding complementation problem at the granularity of 2^\Theta(.).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2012, arXiv:1210.202

    An IT Professional Talents Training Model in Colleges Based on Animal Cell Structure

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    Under the current period background of big data and cloud computing, there is a huge demand for professionals in related fields such as information technology (IT). To solve this problem, this paper puts forward an IT professional talents training model based on animal cell structure by comparing the structures of animal cells and its efficient operation principle with IT professional training model system. According to the efficient-working principle of ‘Nucleus-Cytoplasm- Environment’, this model is built as a ‘Class (The Core)-College (Internal Environment)-Enterprise (External Environment)’ training model for IT-majored students. The motivation is to cultivate students’ abilities in these four aspects: structure, application, analysis and innovation, namely, regarding theory teaching as the core, college practice training as the pulling force and enterprise project resources as the pushing force. The reliability and validation of this model have been demonstrated by simulation results in Wuhan University of Science and Technology