1,549 research outputs found

    Why is Polygyny More Prevalent in Western Africa?: An African Slave Trade Perspective

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    Polygyny rates are higher in Western Africa than in Eastern Africa. The African slave trades explain this difference. More male slaves were exported in the trans-Atlantic slave trades from Western Africa, while more female slaves were exported in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea slave trades from Eastern Africa. The slave trades led to prolonged periods of abnormal sex ratios, which impacted the rates of polygyny across Africa. In order to assess these claims, we construct a unique ethnicity-level data set linking current rates of polygyny with historical trade flow data from the African slave trades. Our OLS estimates show a positive correlation between the trans-Atlantic slave trades and polygyny. An IV approach shows the relationship is causal and statistically signicant. We also provide cross-country evidence corroborating our findings.slave trades; polygyny; Africa; development

    Electronic Instrumentation

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    Contains reports on one research project.National Institutes of Health (Grant 1 505 FR-07047-03

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPS dan Self Esteem Siswa SD melalui Multimedia dalam Pembelajaran IPS

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan peningkatan hasil belajar IPS dan self esteem siswa yang pembelajarannya menggunakan multimedia dan konvensional. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode kuasi eksperimen dan desain yang digunakankelompok kontrol non ekivalendengan instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa tes hasil belajar IPS dan non-tes (self esteem). Data yang dianalisis adalah data pretes, postes, dan n-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan hasil belajar IPSdan self esteem siswa setelah mendapatkan pembelajaran dengan multimedia lebih baik dibandingkan dengan siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran IPS secara konvensional; Tidak terdapat hubungan yang positif antara hasil belajar IPS siswa dan self esteem siswa dalam pembelajaran yang menggunakan pembelajaran dengan multimedia

    Perilaku Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Dan Pemilihan Penolong Persalinan Di Kabupaten Sukabumi

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    Maternal mortality and infant mortality are important indicators to state the social welfare andpublic health status of country. The both are correlated with health status of pregnant woment, knowledgeof women and family of antenatal care; delivery assistant and accessibility of health facility. The objectiveof this study is to identify the practice of ANC and utilization of delivery assisstant. The study usedqualitative methode with indepth interview and focus group discussion (FGD) to pregnant women,neonatus\u27s mother, key persons, traditional birth attendants (TBA) and midwife villages. The result of thisstudy showed that the community have the ANC awareness but some of them still prefer to ask TBA whendelivery. Factors influence TBA\u27s preference were 1) economics; 2) culture; 3) geography reason; 4)psycology; 5) pragmatis; 6) Service satifaction

    Folklore Town:renovation typology for old urban districts

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    Abstract. “The future of architecture is culture.” — Philip Johnson. With the rise of globalization from the 20th century, the lacking of cultural identity in metropolis throughout the world has become an urgent issue, thus, it’s resulting the loss of tradition and local cultures in the not distant future. Hong Kong, former British colony, is one of the highly globalized metropolis with hundreds of homogeneous skyscraper in order to operate and maintain its status of an international financial center. Traditions, local culture and identity of this place are losing bit to bit, yet this result is turning itself to a “just another” globalized city in the world. Every cities, no mater it is globalized, have their abandoned old urban district with full of local culture and tradition. However, most of them are suffered under disrepair or forgotten. Responding to the uncertain future of tradition and culture of Hong Kong, this thesis takes a theoretical path in creating an alternative typology for renovation of metropolis’ old urban district. The proposal introduces a compromise between the desire for renovation and the maintenance of its own local culture, thus to enhance its cultural identity in the global environment. While Hong Kong is taken as the targeted site. Two major parts are contained in this thesis, which the first part focuses on the research related to the impact of globalization on cultural identities, and the condition of Hong Kong’s old districts. The second part of the thesis proposes an alternative typology of renovating the old districts

    Approximation by finite mixtures of continuous density functions that vanish at infinity

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    Given sufficiently many components, it is often cited that finite mixture models can approximate any other probability density function (pdf) to an arbitrary degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, the nature of this approximation result is often left unclear. We prove that finite mixture models constructed from pdfs in C0\mathcal{C}_{0} can be used to conduct approximation of various classes of approximands in a number of different modes. That is, we prove approximands in C0\mathcal{C}_{0} can be uniformly approximated, approximands in Cb\mathcal{C}_{b} can be uniformly approximated on compact sets, and approximands in Lp\mathcal{L}_{p} can be approximated with respect to the Lp\mathcal{L}_{p}, for p[1,)p\in\left[1,\infty\right). Furthermore, we also prove that measurable functions can be approximated, almost everywhere

    Co-doping red-emitting Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ into yellow-emitting phosphor-packaging for enhancing the optical properties of the 8500 K remote-phosphor packaging wleds

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    In the last decades, WLEDs attract more and more consideration in both academic and industrial purposes because of its advantages such as fast response time, environment friendliness, small size, long lifetime, and high efficiency. In this research, by doping the red-emitting Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ phosphor particles into yellow-emitting YAG:Ce phosphor-packaging, a new recommendation for enhancing the optical properties (color uniformity, color rendering index, and lumen output) of the 8500 K remote-phosphor packaging WLEDs is presented, investigated, and demonstrated. By using Mat Lab and Light Tools software based on Mie Theory, the obtained results show that the optical properties of the 8500 K remote-phosphor packaging WLEDs significantly depended on Sr2Si5N8:Eu2+ concentration. The results have provided a potential practical recommendation for manufacturing remote-phosphor W-LEDs.Web of Science1341034102

    Perception of Neighborhood Around the Real Estate Physical Boundary

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    The presence of real estate in South Tangerang cannot be separated from a surrounding settlement or new settlements that grew later. Regulation and design are more set-in real estate planning so that real estate tends to form an enclave for security and social image. Forming some type of physical boundary with surrounding residential of real estate perceived vary both by residents and outside the real estate. This study aims to map out how the perception of the surrounding community to the physical boundaries of real estate on a cluster pattern made by the developer, with research sites in Bintaro Jaya, South Tangerang. The method used observation and structured interviews with communities. The surrounding community has very positively responded to the presence of real estate, but the relationship with the institution is perceived as not useful because of the boundary design is more detrimental for them. Their participation in the plan has not been well accommodated so that access is closed unilaterally by the developer.The presence of real estate in South Tangerang cannot be separate from a surrounding settlement or new settlements that grew later. Regulation and design are more set-in real estate planning so that real estate tends to form an enclave for security and social image. Forming some physical boundary with surrounding residential of real estate perceived vary both by residents and outside the real estate. This study aims to map out how the perception of the surrounding community to the physical boundaries of real estate on a cluster pattern made by the developer, with research sites in Bintaro Jaya, South Tangerang. The method used observation and structured interviews with communities.The surrounding community has very positively responded to the presence of real estate, but the relationship with the institution is perceived as not useful because the boundary design is more detrimental for them. Their participation in the plan has not been well accommodated so that access is closed unilaterally by the developer