8 research outputs found


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    This research aimed to find a way to trigger the achievement motivation of middle-level managers as intrapreneurs. It was quantitative research with data collected from 41 store managers in a national bicycle retail chain in Indonesia through 32-Likert scale questions. Path analysis measures the effect of three independent variables and one intervening variable on a dependent variable. The findings indicated that the achievement motivation of a middle-level manager was directly affected by the reward system and job satisfaction. However, they need management support to become intrapreneurs in the retail business. Management support had a significant direct effect on job satisfaction and a significant indirect and direct effect on achievement motivation. The work environment, reward system, and management support simultaneously directly affected achievement motivation. In short, these findings encourage companies to focus on management support to trigger the achievement motivation of middle-level managers. Job satisfaction, reward system, and work environment also contribute to reaching this objective consecutively

    Store Layout and Purchase Intention: Unraveling a Complex Nexus on Indonesian Minimarket

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    Objectives: The store layout in a minimarket is a strategy to encourage repeat purchases from customers. This study attempts to assess the layout design of the minimarket in Indonesia and comprehend its contribution to purchase intention.Methodology: This research observed two well-known minimarkets in Indonesia, namely Alfamart and Indomaret. A literature review associated with field findings was conducted to find their relationship to consumer purchase intention.Finding: Consumers' shopping behavior in minimarket retail stores in Indonesia does not show much difference from the behavior of consumers in other countries. Consumers will not linger in a store that is generally not too large. They come to minimarket retail stores not for "window shopping" but have planned beforehand on the products that they will buy.Conclusion: A grid design in the minimarket is effective to shape consumer behavior by directing their movement, shopping effectiveness, and control. However, it needs a product display management that arouses interest in buying that invokes the feeling of completion and diversity, but also does not look too full and messy

    Identification of HRM Improvement Strategy Using Artificial Intelligence in Modern Economic Development

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    Purpose: This literature review study aims to identify HRM improvement strategies using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Theoretical framework: The study will review existing literature and synthesize the findings to identify best practices and key strategies for implementing AI in HRM. The study will focus on the role of AI in HRM improvement and explore how AI can be used to enhance recruitment, training, performance management, and employee engagement.   Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, the search approach will include keywords and Boolean operators to guarantee that relevant research is located. The study questions and goals will define the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study will also look at the hurdles of implementing AI in HRM and recommend overcoming them.   Findings: The findings of this study will be helpful for organizations seeking to improve their HRM practices using AI and for researchers interested in the intersection of AI and HRM in modern economic development.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results of the study are useful for policymakers in identifying strategies to improve human resource management using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Originality/value: The research value of this text is its suggestions for conducting more research on how AI affects HRM processes and employee engagement, for creating clear rules and standards for the ethical use of AI in HRM, for teaching HR professionals how to use AI-powered HRM tools and strategies effectively, for fostering collaboration between academic researchers, business leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders, and for overseeing the effects of AI

    THE The Future of Entrepreneurship in Indonesia: Fostering The Millennials' Entrepreneurial Intention

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    Employment opportunities are unbalanced due to the addition of workers each year. Without proper management, this condition may increase unemployment, burdening the country's economy. Therefore, the entrepreneurial intention needs to be fostered for millennials to overcome the intense competition in the labor market. This quantitative study aims to identify the factors that influence the millennial's entrepreneurial intention in Indonesia in order to foster them appropriately. The survey was conducted in May-June 2021, involving 100 randomly selected respondents aged between 25 and 40 in Indonesia. A questionnaire with twenty-six questions was used to identify the right strategy for fostering entrepreneurial intention among millennials. Entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial efficacy were the three independent variables in this study. They were mediated by the entrepreneurial mindset on entrepreneurial intention as the dependent variable in path analysis, with family support as the moderating variable. Moreover, fifteen hypotheses were tested and accepted by statistical analysis using SmartPLS. The results showed that entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial efficacy affected the formation of the entrepreneurial mindset, influencing the growth of entrepreneurial intention. Furthermore, family support strengthened the effect of each relationship between these variables. However, family support could be limited by the millennials' unique characteristics and psychological development. Keywords: entrepreneurial knowledge, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial efficacy, entrepreneurial mindset, millennial's entrepreneurshi

    Industrial Waste Treatment Management: A Review

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    Industrial development is hand-to-hand with economic growth. It has a positive impact on many economic sectors and human living, but also produces hazardous waste which giving a negative impact on the environment and human health. Industrial wastes have a high contribution to climate changes, many human diseases, a mutation on animals and plants. Recently, there are many methods to overcome industrial waste include physical, chemical, and biological treatment. Moreover, waste management also is developed to optimize the treatment using 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) and WTE (Waste to Energy). Therefore, this paper tried to discuss many technologies for industrial waste treatment and management includes recent research, benefit, and drawback

    The implications of digital transformation on developing human resources in business practice in Indonesian: analysis of the publication

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    This exploration's center target is to comprehend the ramifications of specialized data to improve HR for organizations in Indonesia. Thus, we gathered information from challenged distributions from 2010 to 2021. After the information was gathered, we investigated it with a phenomenological approach so that responses to the examination were gotten with legitimate and reliable standards. Before we can get to the discoveries of the current information, we should comprehend the inquiries; in the information examination measure, we included coding, top to bottom assessment, and summing up the information discoveries. We focus on optional information with a subjective enlightening methodology with as much direction as information from Google students, ERIC distributions, Google Docs, and different sources. Specialists join our investigation manage to check on innovation studies and applications in maternity care social examinations. In light of the information and discoveries, we presume that the associations we contemplated decided to apply and change innovation in birthing assistants to improve HR's dependence on the standards of utility, accommodation, proficiency, and profitability of the actual innovation

    The Implications of Digital Transformation on Developing Human Resources in Business Practice in Indonesian: Analysis of the Publication

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    This exploration's center target is to comprehend the ramifications of specialized data to improve HR for organizations in Indonesia. Thus, we gathered information from challenged distributions from 2010 to 2021. After the information was gathered, we investigated it with a phenomenological approach so that responses to the examination were gotten with legitimate and reliable standards. Before we can get to the discoveries of the current information, we should comprehend the inquiries; in the information examination measure, we included coding, top to bottom assessment, and summing up the information discoveries. We focus on optional information with a subjective enlightening methodology with as much direction as information from Google students, ERIC distributions, Google Docs, and different sources. Specialists join our investigation manage to check on innovation studies and applications in maternity care social examinations. In light of the information and discoveries, we presume that the associations we contemplated decided to apply and change innovation in birthing assistants to improve HR's dependence on the standards of utility, accommodation, proficiency, and profitability of the actual innovation


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    Sebuah buku yang berjudul Pengabdian kepada masyarakat atau biasa disingkat dengan PKM bisa dikatakan sebagai suatu kegiatan yang bertujuan untuk membantu masyarakat dalam beberapa aktivitas tanpa mengharapkan imbalan dalam bentuk apa pun. Program ini dirancang oleh berbagai universitas maupun institut yang ada di Indonesia agar dapat memberikan kontribusi nyata untuk masyarakat Indonesia, terkhusus untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemajuan masyarakat Indonesia. Kegiatan PKM (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) itu sendiri merupakan bagian dari Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi yaitu : Pendidikan, Penelitian, Pengabdian Masyarakat. Bentuk dari Pengabdian Masyarakat bisa berupa bakti sosial, mengajar, mengadakan penyuluhan atau pun seminar. Buku ini memberikan gambaran untuk para pembaca maupun khalayak yang ikut andil dalam bidang pengabdian masyarakat, tak kalah penting buku ini akan membuat para pelaku pengabdi masyarakat menjadi sukses karena dalam buku ini memberikan hal-hal yang dibutuhkan juga sekaligus memberikan gambaran yang memudahkannya dalam melaksanakan pengabdiannya. Maka, buku ini menyajikan segala komponen yang dibutuhkan oleh para pengelola data dalam menjalankan pengelolaannya untuk menciptakan kualitas, yang dapat menjadikan pengolahan data secara efektif. Oleh sebab itu buku ini hadir kehadapan sidang pembaca sebagai bagian dari upaya diskusi sekaligus dalam rangka melengkapi khazanah keilmuan dibidang Character Building, sehingga buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan bahan acuan bagi kalangan intelektual dilingkungan perguruan tinggi ataupun praktisi yang berkecimpung langsung dibidang Character Building