5 research outputs found

    Variance ratio and components estimated for random effects from anogenital distance models of juvenile marmots.

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    <p>The random effects were additive genetic (AG), maternal genetic (MG), maternal environmental (ME), litter (L) and year (Y) effects. N indicates that an effect was not fitted in the model and a 0 indicates that the effect was fitted but estimated as zero. * indicates significant effects.</p

    Estimates (with standard error) of the fixed effects on anogenital distance of juvenile yellow-bellied marmots studied at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory.

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    <p>Estimates significantly different from zero are in bold.</p><p>*: Females taken as reference</p>†<p>: N males: N total</p><p>DF: numerator, denominator degrees of freedom</p><p>F-cond: conditional Wald F-test</p