131 research outputs found

    'Warning! Graphic content ahead': advocating for graphic video in the teaching of animal law

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    The educational benefits associated with the use of video in learning environments are well-known. For an animal law educator wanting to leverage these educational benefits, the use of video presents a dilemma. Much of the video relevant to animal law is confronting, distressing or difficult to watch, which may cause some students to experience a negative affective state. It is also largely unknown whether the educational benefits associated with non-graphic video continue to apply when the content is graphic in nature. This article aims to address this gap. It argues that student engagement, comprehension and knowledge acquisition, critical thinking skills, information retention and recall, and student interest can be improved with the use of graphic video. It also argues that educators have a role in shaping students’ values and opinions, and graphic video can help in this regard. To reduce the likelihood of students experiencing a negative affective state, five principles are presented which educators may employ when using graphic video. These five principles are then applied to a YouTube video depicting the surgical castration and tail docking of a piglet. By employing these principles, the risks associated with graphic video can be effectively managed while leveraging the educational benefits of video

    Submission to NSW Government on Greyhound Racing Act 2017 Statutory Review

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    Important regulatory measures have been introduced in the Greyhound Racing Act 2017 (‘the Act’) to better regulate greyhound racing in New South Wales (‘NSW’). However, further improvements are required to ensure that the regulation of greyhound racing in NSW remains responsive and permeable to the public’s attitudes and expectations regarding the activities of Greyhound Racing New South Wales (‘GRNSW’). The following submission outlines a series of recommendations which will help ensure that the activities of GRNSW align with the NSW public’s attitudes and expectations of how greyhound racing is conducted in the State. As such, this submission employs a meta-regulatory approach to outcome-orientated measures

    Scaling up Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Programs: National and State Interventions in Australia

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    Australia has one of the world's largest systematic, government-funded diabetes prevention programs. This chapter describes a federally-funded national program, a state-funded program in Victoria and an implementation trial in New South Wales. A coincidence of events, influential individuals and policy directions has led to these initiatives

    Life! in Australia : translating prevention research into a large scale intervention

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    The increasing prevalence of type 2 diabetes is of great public health concern. In the state of Victoria, Australia, a group-based lifestyle intervention programme, Life! &ndash; Taking Action on Diabetes, was developed for people over the age of 50 years who are at high risk of diabetes. It aims to reduce the risk of diabetes by providing practical skills, including goal setting and problem solving, to encourage participants to adopt a healthy diet and active lifestyle. The programme is delivered by specially trained facilitators who have undergone an accredited three-stage training programme. A quality assurance process is also in place to ensure that it is delivered to a consistently high standard. The Life! programis a direct progression from the Finnish randomised controlled trial and the Greater Green Triangle Diabetes Prevention Project implementation trial. This paper describes how a diabetes prevention programme was implemented at a state-wide level and the training of facilitators to conduct the group sessions. Future studies are needed to examine the cost effectiveness and development of specific programmes for diverse population groups.<br /

    Conditional Ablation of Macrophages Halts Progression of Crescentic Glomerulonephritis

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    The presence of macrophages in inflamed glomeruli of rat kidney correlates with proliferation and apoptosis of resident glomerular mesangial cells. We assessed the contribution of inflammatory macrophages to progressive renal injury in murine crescentic glomerulonephritis (GN). Using a novel transgenic mouse (CD11b-DTR) in which tissue macrophages can be specifically and selectively ablated by minute injections of diphtheria toxin, we depleted renal inflammatory macrophages through days 15 and 20 of progressive crescentic GN. Macrophage depletion reduced the number of glomerular crescents, improved renal function, and reduced proteinuria. Morphometric analysis of renal tubules and interstitium revealed a marked attenuation of tubular injury that was associated with reduced proliferation and apoptosis of tubular cells. The population of interstitial myofibroblasts decreased after macrophage depletion and interstitial fibrosis also decreased. In the presence of macrophages, interstitial myofibroblasts exhibited increased levels of both proliferation and apoptosis, suggesting that macrophages act to support a population of renal myofibroblasts in a high turnover state and in matrix deposition. Finally, deletion of macrophages reduced CD4 T cells in the diseased kidney. This study demonstrates that macrophages are key effectors of disease progression in crescentic GN, acting to regulate parenchymal cell populations by modulating both cell proliferation and apoptosis

    Therapeutic effect of all-trans-retinoic acid (at-RA) on an autoimmune nephritis experimental model: role of the VLA-4 integrin

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    BACKGROUND: Mercuric chloride (HgCl(2)) induces an autoimmune nephritis in the Brown Norway (BN) rats characterized by anti-glomerular basement membrane antibodies (anti-GBM Ab) deposition, proteinuria and a severe interstitial nephritis, all evident at day 13 of the disease. We assessed the effects of all-trans retinoic acid (at-RA) in this experimental model. At-RA is a vitamin A metabolite which has shown beneficial effects on several nephropathies, even though no clear targets for at-RA were provided. METHODS: We separated animals in four different experimental groups (HgCl(2), HgCl(2)+at-RA, at-RA and vehicle). From each animal we collected, at days 0 and 13, numerous biological samples: urine, to measure proteinuria by colorimetry; blood to determine VLA-4 expression by flow citometry; renal tissue to study the expression of VCAM-1 by Western blot, the presence of cellular infiltrates by immunohistochemistry, the IgG deposition by immunofluorescence, and the cytokines expression by RT-PCR. Additionally, adhesion assays to VCAM-1 were performed using K562 α4 transfectant cells. ANOVA tests were used for statistical significance estimation. RESULTS: We found that at-RA significantly decreased the serum levels of anti-GBM and consequently its deposition along the glomerular membrane. At-RA markedly reduced proteinuria as well as the number of cellular infiltrates in the renal interstitium, the levels of TNF-α and IL-1β cytokines and VCAM-1 expression in renal tissue. Moreover, we reported here for the first time in an in vivo model that at-RA reduced, to basal levels, the expression of VLA-4 (α4β1) integrin induced by mercury on peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs). In addition, using K562 α4 stable transfectant cells, we found that at-RA inhibited VLA-4 dependent cell adhesion to VCAM-1. CONCLUSION: Here we demonstrate a therapeutic effect of at-RA on an autoimmune experimental nephritis model in rats. We report a significant reduction of the VLA-4 integrin expression on PBLs as well as the inhibition of the VLA4/VCAM1-dependent leukocyte adhesion by at-RA treatment. Thereby we point out the VLA-4 integrin as a target for at-RA in vivo

    Local IL-17 Production Exerts a Protective Role in Murine Experimental Glomerulonephritis

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    IL-17 is a pro-inflammatory cytokine implicated in the pathogenesis of glomerulonephritis and IL-17 deficient mice are protected from nephrotoxic nephritis. However, a regulatory role for IL-17 has recently emerged. We describe a novel protective function for IL-17 in the kidney. Bone marrow chimeras were created using wild-type and IL-17 deficient mice and nephrotoxic nephritis was induced. IL-17 deficient hosts transplanted with wild-type bone marrow had worse disease by all indices compared to wild-type to wild-type bone marrow transplants (serum urea p<0.05; glomerular thrombosis p<0.05; tubular damage p<0.01), suggesting that in wild-type mice, IL-17 production by renal cells resistant to radiation is protective. IL-17 deficient mice transplanted with wild-type bone marrow also had a comparatively altered renal phenotype, with significant differences in renal cytokines (IL-10 p<0.01; IL-1β p<0.001; IL-23 p<0.01), and macrophage phenotype (expression of mannose receptor p<0.05; inducible nitric oxide synthase p<0.001). Finally we show that renal mast cells are resistant to radiation and produce IL-17, suggesting they are potential local mediators of disease protection. This is a novel role for intrinsic cells in the kidney that are radio-resistant and produce IL-17 to mediate protection in nephrotoxic nephritis. This has clinical significance as IL-17 blockade is being trialled as a therapeutic strategy in some autoimmune diseases

    Suramin Alleviates Glomerular Injury and Inflammation in the Remnant Kidney

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    Background: Recently, we demonstrated that suramin, a compound that inhibits the interaction of multiple cytokines/ growth factors with their receptors, inhibits activation and proliferation of renal interstitial fibroblasts, and attenuates the development of renal interstitial fibrosis in the murine model of unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO). However, it remains unclear whether suramin can alleviate glomerular and vascular lesions, which are not typical pathological changes in the UUO model. So we tested the efficacy of suramin in the remnant kidney after 5/6 nephrectomy, a model characterized by the slow development of glomerulosclerosis, vascular sclerosis, tubulointerstitial fibrosis and renal inflammation, mimicking human disease. Methods/Findings: 5/6 of normal renal mass was surgically ablated in male rats. On the second week after surgery, rats were randomly divided into suramin treatment and non-treatment groups. Suramin was given at 10 mg/kg once per week for two weeks. In the remnant kidney of mice receiving suramin, glomerulosclerosis and vascular sclerosis as well as inflammation were ameliorated. Suramin also attenuated tubular expression of two chemokines, monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and regulated upon expression normal T cell expressed and secreted (RANTES). After renal mass ablation, several intracellular molecules associated with renal fibrosis, including NF-kappaB p65, Smad-3, signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 and extracellular regulated kinase 1/2, are phosphorylated; suramin treatment inhibited thei

    Implementation salvage experiences from the Melbourne diabetes prevention study

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    Background Many public health interventions based on apparently sound evidence from randomised controlled trials encounter difficulties when being scaled up within health systems. Even under the best of circumstances, implementation is exceedingly difficult. In this paper we will describe the implementation salvage experiences from the Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study, which is a randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness nested in the state-wide Life! Taking Action on Diabetes program in Victoria, Australia.Discussion The Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study sits within an evolving larger scale implementation project, the Life! program. Changes that occurred during the roll-out of that program had a direct impact on the process of conducting this trial. The issues and methods of recovery the study team encountered were conceptualised using an implementation salvage strategies framework. The specific issues the study team came across included continuity of the state funding for Life! program and structural changes to the Life! program which consisted of adjustments to eligibility criteria, referral processes, structure and content, as well as alternative program delivery for different population groups. Staff turnover, recruitment problems, setting and venue concerns, availability of potential participants and participant characteristics were also identified as evaluation roadblocks. Each issue and corresponding salvage strategy is presented.Summary The experiences of conducting such a novel trial as the preliminary Melbourne Diabetes Prevention Study have been invaluable. The lessons learnt and knowledge gained will inform the future execution of this trial in the coming years. We anticipate that these results will also be beneficial to other researchers conducting similar trials in the public health field. We recommend that researchers openly share their experiences, barriers and challenges when conducting randomised controlled trials and implementation research. We encourage them to describe the factors that may have inhibited or enhanced the desired outcomes so that the academic community can learn and expand the research foundation of implementation salvage.<br /
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