36 research outputs found

    Lähtöainekemiaa atomikerroskasvatusta varten

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    Precursors have a critical role in depositing thin films using chemical vapor phase methods, including atomic layer deposition. In these methods, precursor molecules are transported through the gas phase to the substrate where thin films of solid material are formed as a result of chemical reactions on the surface or in the vicinity of the surface. While a right choice of the precursor or precursor combination is needed to make the film growth possible, the choice will also, together with growth parameters, affect the structure, morphology, purity, electrical, optical, mechanical, and other properties of the forming films. New precursors are needed for new materials and to make better processes for known materials, or to make known materials in a way that fulfills the requirements of a specific application. Essential requirements for ALD precursors are volatility, thermal stability, and sufficient reactivity. Because of the different properties of the elements, finding precursors fulfilling all the requirements is easy for some elements and extremely difficult for some others. The required properties are pursued by molecular design, i.e., by choosing or tailoring the right kind of ligands and compounds. This dissertation is about ALD precursors. The general requirements for ALD precursors, factors affecting those, and ways to pursue them are first assessed. Then the design and development process and the methods typically used for studying the precursors are dealt with. The experimental part of this dissertation is divided into five parts. Each part deals with a selected case of process-driven precursor development. Compounds developed in the work are 1) β-diketonates of alkaline-earth metals, especially magnesium, 2) cyclopentadienyl compounds of alkaline earth metals as precursors for oxide materials, 3) various bismuth compounds as precursors for oxide materials, 4) various silver compounds as precursors for silver thin films, and 5) alkylsilyl compounds of chalcogens and pnictogens as precursors for chalcogenides and pnictides The invented and synthesized precursors have enabled ALD of many materials of technological interest. Among these thin film materials are, e.g. (Sr,Ba)TiO3, Bi4Ti3O12, and Ge2Sb2Te5 that may be used in memory applications, and metallic silver that can be used, e.g. in substrates for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy.Haihtuvilla lähtöaineilla on suuri merkitys kasvatettaessa ohutkalvoja kemiallisin kaasufaasimenetelmin kuten atomikerroskasvatuksella. Näissä menetelmissä lähtöainemolekyylit siirretään kaasufaasin kautta kasvatuspinnalle tai pinnan läheisyyteen, missä ne reagoivat niin, että pinnalle kasvaa kiinteä ohutkalvomateriaali. Lähtöaineen tai lähtöaineiden valinta vaikuttaa oleellisesti siihen kasvaako ohutkalvo ylipäätään ja minkälaiset ominaisuudet ohutkalvolla on. Yhdessä kasvatusparametrien kanssa lähtöaineet vaikuttavat muun muassa kasvavan ohutkalvon rakenteeseen, morfologiaan, puhtauteen ja sähköisiin, optisiin sekä mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Uusia lähtöaineita tarvitaan uusien ohutkalvomateriaalien valmistamiseen ja jo tunnettujen materiaalien tapauksessa aiempaa parempien prosessien kehittämiseen. Uusia lähtöaineita tarvitaan myös siinä tapauksessa, että tarvitaan prosessi, joka täyttää tietyn käyttökohteen vaatimukset. Atomikerroskasvatus on kaasufaasimenetelmä, jossa kalvon ohutkasvu tapahtuu itsesaturoituvien pintareaktioiden kautta. Välttämättömiä vaatimuksia atomikerroskasvatuksessa käytettäville lähtöaineille ovat haihtuvuus, terminen kestävyys ja reaktiivisuus toisen prosessissa käytettävän lähtöaineen kanssa. Johtuen eri alkuaineiden erilaisista ominaisuuksista nämä vaatimukset täyttävien lähtöaineiden löytäminen voi olla helppoa tai vaikeaa. Edellä mainittuja ominaisuuksia tavoitellaan suunnittelemalla lähtöainemolekyylejä tarpeen mukaan. Tämä tarkoittaa oikeanlaista lähtöainemolekyylien ja ligandien valintaa sekä muotoilua. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee ALD-lähtöaineita. Aluksi käydään läpi yleisesti ALD-lähtöaineilta vaadittavia ominaisuuksia, näihin ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja keinoja, joilla vaadittavia ominaisuuksia voidaan tavoitella. Tässä yhteydessä tarkastellaan myös lähtöaineiden suunnittelu- ja kehitysprosessia sekä lähtöaineiden tutkimuksessa käytettäviä menetelmiä. Väitöskirjan kokeellinen osa jakautuu viiteen osaan. Jokaisessa osassa käsitellään prosessilähtöistä lähtöaineiden kehitystä eri materiaaleille. Työssä kehitettyjä ja tutkittuja yhdisteitä ovat: 1) maa-alkalimetallien (erityisesti magnesiumin) β-diketonaatit ja niiden adduktit, 2) maa-alkalimetallien Sr ja Ba syklopentadienyyliyhdisteet oksidimateriaalien lähtöaineiksi, 3) erilaiset vismuttiyhdisteet oksidimateriaalien lähtöaineiksi, 4) erilaiset hopeayhdisteet hopeakalvojen lähtöaineiksi ja 5) kalkogeenien ja pniktogeenien alkyylisilyyliyhdisteet kalkogenidien ja pniktidien lähtöaineiksi. Keksityt ja valmistetut lähtöaineet ovat mahdollistaneet monien tulevaisuudessa mahdollisesti teknologisesti tärkeiden ohutkalvomateriaalien valmistamisen ALD-menetelmällä. Materiaaleja voidaan käyttää mm. tietokonemuisteissa (DRAM, FRAM, PCRAM) tai pintavahvisteista Raman-sirontaa hyödyntävissä spektrometreissä

    Highly Material Selective and Self-Aligned Photo-assisted Atomic Layer Deposition of Copper on Oxide Materials

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    There is a growing need for bottom-up fabrication methods in microelectronic industry as top-down, lithography-based methods face increasing challenges. In Photo-assisted atomic layer deposition (Photo-ALD), photons supply energy to the deposition reactions on the surface. Here, a process and patterning for Photo-ALD of copper is reported, with inherently selective, self-aligned film growth without any photomasking or additive layers. Highly conductive and pure copper films are selectively deposited on tantalum oxide for over hundred nanometers of film thickness, while no copper deposits on silicon or aluminum oxide. On anatase titanium dioxide, copper deposition is crystal-facet selective. Selective deposition of a metal is realized on oxides, which has been especially challenging for ALD. This study indicates that the growth mechanism is closely related to photocatalysis: the photons interact with the material under the growing copper film, enabling the inherent selectivity. The findings provide promising material engineering schemes for microelectronics, photocatalysis, and photovoltaics.Peer reviewe

    A low-temperature thermal ALD process for nickel utilizing dichlorobis(triethylphosphine)nickel(ii) and 1,4-bis(trimethylgermyl)-1,4-dihydropyrazine

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    In this work, we developed a new ALD process for nickel metal from dichlorobis(triethylphosphine)nickel(ii) (NiCl2(PEt3)(2)) and 1,4-bis(trimethylgermyl)-1,4-dihydropyrazine ((Me3Ge)(2)DHP). A series of phosphine adducts of nickel and cobalt halides were synthesized and characterized for their volatility and thermal stability. Also (Me3Ge)(2)DHP is a novel reducing agent in ALD. Smooth nickel films were deposited on different substrate materials at 110 degrees C, which is the lowest deposition temperature for Ni metal found in the literature. The growth rate is 0.2 angstrom per cycle when the film is not continuous and decreases to 0.1 angstrom per cycle after the film becomes pinhole-free. Besides a small amount (7 at%) of carbidic carbon, the films have only small amounts of impurities. Most notably, the chlorine content is below 0.2 at%, indicating efficient reduction. Furthermore, we think that (Me3Ge)(2)DHP can open new avenues for the ALD of other metals at low temperatures.Peer reviewe

    Intralanthanide Separation on Layered Titanium(IV) Organophosphate Materials via a Selective Transmetalation Process

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    The lanthanides (Ln) are an essential part of many advanced technologies. Our societal transformation toward renewable energy drives their ever-growing demand. The similar chemical properties of the Ln pose fundamental difficulties in separating them from each other, yet high purity elements are crucial for specific applications. Here, we propose an intralanthanide separation method utilizing a group of titanium(IV) butyl phosphate coordination polymers as solid-phase extractants. These materials are characterized, and they contain layered structures directed by the hydrophobic interaction of the alkyl chains. The selective Ln uptake results from the transmetalation reaction (framework metal cation exchange), where the titanium(IV) serves as sacrificial coordination centers. The “tetrad effect” is observed from a dilute Ln3+ mixture. However, smaller Ln3+ ions are preferentially extracted in competitive binary separation models between adjacent Ln pairs. The intralanthanide ion-exchange selectivity arises synergistically from the coordination and steric strain preferences, both of which follow the reversed Ln contraction order. A one-step aqueous separation of neodymium (Nd) and dysprosium (Dy) is quantitatively achievable by simply controlling the solution pH in a batch mode, translating into a separation factor of greater than 2000 and 99.1% molar purity of Dy in the solid phase. Coordination polymers provide a versatile platform for further exploring selective Ln separation processes via the transmetalation process.Peer reviewe

    Submicron fibers as a morphological improvement of amorphous zirconium oxide particles and their utilization in antimonate (Sb(v)) removal

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    Mesoporous and large surface area zirconium oxide aggregate granules with good adsorption properties were synthesized using a simple precipitation method. Since utilization of these small and fragile particles is considered rather difficult in larger scale column operation, the product was formed into a fibrous form to improve its usability. The submicron fibers were obtained from an optimized electroblowing synthesis that resulted in elastic and uniform fibers with a tetragonal structure and high length-to-diameter ratio. In antimonate (Sb(v)) adsorption experiments, the higher calcination temperature (350 degrees C) of the fibers did not seem to decrease the Sb(v) adsorption capacity excessively since the high theoretical adsorption capacities were 113 mg g(-1) and 58 mg g(-1) for the aggregate and fibers, respectively. Both materials had fast kinetics, fibers being faster in the beginning of the reaction. Moreover, both materials offered efficient Sb(v) removal in the studied pH range from 1 to 11 by reaching over 99.9% adsorption in the optimal pH range. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) revealed that Sb(v) stays as pentavalent antimony after being adsorbed by these materials and based on the isoelectric point shifts in the zeta potential measurement, adsorption occurs mainly by an inner-sphere complexation reaction. Finally, our study showed that pressure buildup in a flow-through column packed with zirconium oxide fibers was significantly lower than in a column packed with aggregates. Thus, zirconium oxide aggregates can be formed into submicron fibers with enhanced column operation properties without a too large compromise in the adsorption properties.Peer reviewe

    Polyelectrolyte stabilized nanodiamond dispersions

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    Colloidal stability of negatively charged nanodiamonds (ND) has been realized with the help of double hydrophilic block copolymers poly(ethylene oxide)-block-poly(dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate)-dodecyl (PEO-bPDMAEMA-C12). The polymers were synthesized through RAFT polymerization of DMAEMA with a PEO macromonomer carrying trithiocarbonate and dodecyl end-groups. The NDs and the polymers were complexed by mixing them in different ratios. In addition to the amount of polymers, the effect of the detailed structure of the polymer was of interest and thus, also polymers with different lengths of the PEO-block were synthesized, as well as a block copolymer without the dodecyl end-group. The composition of the polymer, as well as the complexation conditions were varied to find the route to stable nanoparticles. The optimized complexation method gave colloidally stable ND particles with positively charged PDMAEMA coronas. The colloids were stable at room temperature and also in saline solutions up to 0.154 M NaCl.Peer reviewe

    Electroblown titanium dioxide and titanium dioxide/silicon dioxide submicron fibers with and without titania nanorod layer for strontium(II) uptake

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    Nuclear power is a clean alternative to fossil fuels. However, the use of nuclear energy generates hazardous fission products of which 90Sr is the second most important. To remove Sr2+ from aqueous solutions, we synthesized submicron TiO2 and TiO2/SiO2 composite fibers with Ti : Si molar ratios of 3 : 1 (3TiO2–1SiO2) and 1 : 1 (1TiO2–1SiO2) utilizing a novel electroblowing technique. After calcination at 500 °C, the TiO2 and 3TiO2–1SiO2 fibers had a predominantly anatase TiO2 structure with portions of rutile and brookite but the crystallites in the 3TiO2–1SiO2 fibers were smaller due to the SiO2 component. The 1TiO2–1SiO2 fibers were quasi-amorphous. Rutile TiO2 nanorods were grown on the fibers by a hydrothermal method. The rods seemed to grow only on the TiO2 domains of the fiber surface, which affected their size and morphology. In batch adsorption experiments all the fibers had excellent Sr2+ uptake with the hydrothermally modified TiO2 fibers having the highest distribution coefficient (Kd) of 3,490,000 mL g−1. The results show that both anatase and rutile TiO2 can efficiently adsorb Sr2+ from an aqueous environment. Hardly any damage was observed in the nanorods on the TiO2 fibers in a column operation test with flow rates up to 74 mL h−1 which is promising for the use of the fibers in industrial column mode wastewater treatment.Peer reviewe

    Gut microbiota can utilize prebiotic birch glucuronoxylan in production of short-chain fatty acids in rats

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    Correction: Volume13, Issue 8 Page: 4770-4770 DOI: 10.1039/d2fo90028a Published: APR 20 2022Birch-derived glucuronoxylan (GX)-rich hemicellulose extract is an abundantly available by-product of the forest industry. It has multifunctional food stabilizing properties, and is rich in fiber and polyphenols. Here, we studied its effects on colonic metabolism and gut microbiota in healthy rats. Male and female Wistar rats (n = 42) were fed AIN-93G-based diets with 10% (w/w) of either cellulose (control), a polyphenol and GX-rich extract (GXpoly), or a highly purified GX-rich extract (pureGX) for four weeks. Both the GXpoly and pureGX diets resulted in changes on the gut microbiota, especially in a higher abundance of Bifidobacteriaceae than the cellulose containing diet (p < 0.001). This coincided with higher concentrations of microbial metabolites in the luminal contents of the GX-fed than control rats, such as total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) (p < 0.001), acetate (p < 0.001), and N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) (p = 0.001). The difference in the concentration of NOCs was not seen when adjusted with fecal weight. GX supplementation supported the normal growth of the rats. Our results indicate that GXpoly and pureGX can favorably affect colonic metabolism and the gut microbiota. They have high potential to be used as prebiotic stabilizers to support more ecologically sustainable food production.Peer reviewe

    Novel electroblowing synthesis of tin dioxide and composite tin dioxide/silicon dioxide submicron fibers for cobalt(II) uptake

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    Nanoscale SnO2 has many important properties ranging from sorption of metal ions to gas sensing. Using a novel electroblowing method followed by calcination, we synthesized SnO2 and composite SnO2/SiO2 submicron fibers with a Sn : Si molar ratio of 3 : 1. Different calcination temperatures and heating rates produced fibers with varying structures and morphologies. In all the fibers SnO2 was detected by XRD indicating the SnO2/SiO2 fibers to be composite instead of complete mixtures. We studied the Co2+ separation ability of the fibers, since Co-60 is a problematic contaminant in nuclear power plant wastewaters. Both SnO2 and SnO2/SiO2 fibers had an excellent Co2+ uptake with their highest uptake/K-d values being 99.82%/281 000 mL g(-1) and 99.79%/234 000 mL g(-1), respectively. Compared to the bare SnO2 fibers, the SiO2 component improved the elasticity and mechanical strength of the composite fibers which is advantageous in dynamic column operation.Peer reviewe

    Crystalline tungsten sulfide thin films by atomic layer deposition and mild annealing

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    Tungsten disulfide (WS2) is a semiconducting 2D material, which is gaining increasing attention in the wake of graphene and MoS2 owing to its exciting properties and promising performance in a multitude of applications. Herein, the authors deposited WSx thin films by atomic layer deposition using W-2(NMe2)(6) and H2S as precursors. The films deposited at 150 degrees C were amorphous and sulfur deficient. The amorphous films crystallized as WS2 by mild postdeposition annealing in H2S/N-2 atmosphere at 400 degrees C. Detailed structural characterization using Raman spectroscopy, x-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy revealed that the annealed films consisted of small (Peer reviewe