78 research outputs found

    Obstacle crossing during locomotion: Visual exproprioceptive information is used in an online mode to update foot placement before the obstacle but not swing trajectory over it

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    YesAlthough gaze during adaptive gait involving obstacle crossing is typically directed two or more steps ahead, visual information of the swinging lower-limb and its relative position in the environment (termed visual exproprioception) is available in the lower visual field (lvf). This study determined exactly when lvf exproprioceptive information is utilised to control/update lead-limb swing trajectory during obstacle negotiation. 12 young participants negotiated an obstacle wearing smart-glass goggles which unpredictably occluded the lvf for certain periods during obstacle approach and crossing. Trials were also completed with lvf occluded for the entirety of the trial. When lvf was occluded throughout, footplacement distance and toe-clearance became significantly increased; which is consistent with previous work that likewise used continuous lvf occlusion. Both variables were similarly affected by lvf occlusion from instant of penultimate-step contact, but both were unaffected when lvf was occluded from instant of final-step contact. These findings suggest that lvf (exproprioceptive) input is typically used in an online manner to control/update final foot-placement, and that without such control, uncertainty regarding foot placement causes toe-clearance to be increased. Also that lvf input is not normally exploited in an online manner to update toe-clearance during crossing: which is contrary to what previous research has suggested

    Effects of saddle angle on heavy intensity time trial cycling: Implications of the UCI rule 1.3.014

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    The UCI dictates that during sanctioned events, the saddle of the bicycle may be at angle of no more than 3° of forward rotation, so as to prevent performance advantages (Rule 1.3.014). This research investigates the effect on performance when rotating the saddle beyond the mandated angle during a laboratory 4km time trial (TT). Eleven competitive male cyclists (age 26±6 (mean±SD) yrs, height 179.2±6.7 cm, body mass 72.5±6.7 kg; V̇O2max 70.9±8.6 ml∙kg-1∙min-1) completed laboratory 4km TTs using saddle angles of 0°, 3° and 6°. Completion time and mean power were recorded, in addition to lower appendage kinematics, crank torque kinetics and cardiorespiratory responses. There were no significant changes in TT time, power output, cardiorespiratory variables or crank torque kinetics as a function of saddle angle (P>0.05). There were significant effects on minimum and maximum hip angle and the horizontal displacement of the greater trochanter (P<0.05). At 6° the maximum hip angle and forward displacement of the greater trochanter was greater compared to 0° and 3°. Minimum hip angle was greater at 6° than 3° (P<0.05). In conclusion, contravening UCI rule 1.3.014 by using a saddle angle beyond 3° does not result in performance advantages during a laboratory 4 km. However, tilting the saddle does appear to cause a forward displacement of the pelvis leading to an opening of the hip angle at the top and bottom of the pedal stroke

    The effects of forward rotation of posture on heavy intensity cycling: Implications of UCI rule 1.3.013

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    UCI rule 1.3.013 limits the forward displacement of the nose of the saddle to 5cm rearward of the centre of the bottom-bracket. This study tests the effects of contravening this rule on 4km laboratory time trials and highlights biomechanical and physiological responses that could be of interest to coaches and bike fitters. Ten competitive male cyclists age 26±2 (mean±SD) yrs, height 180±5 cm, body mass 71±6 kg; V̇ O2max 70.9±8.6 ml·kg-1·min-1) completed 4km time trials and heavy intensity bouts. Riding posture was rotated forward where the nose of the saddle was 0, 2, 4, and 6cm to the rear of the bottom bracket (P0, P2, P4 and P6). End time, power, cardiorespiratory responses, lower appendage kinematics and crank torque kinetics were measured. There was no significant effect of position on 4 km time trials completion time or power. During 4 km time trials and heavy intensity bouts, gas exchange variables and lower limb range of motion were unchanged (P>0.05). Trunk lean angle, cardiac output and stroke volume were greater at P6 than other positions (P0.05). Results indicate, contravening rule 1.3.013 does not bring about improvements to 4km laboratory TTs. The rearward shift in peak crank torque most likely occurs as a function of altered muscle activation. Haemodynamic variations are possibly related to changes in peripheral resistance at the most forward position. Further work is necessary to allude to probable improvements in aerodynamics

    Difficulties With Goals of the Dutch ICF Activity Inventory: Perceptions of Those With Retinitis Pigmentosa and of Those Who Support Them

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    PURPOSE: To provide a comprehensive overview of the perceived difficulties with visual activities and participation by those with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), and as perceived by those who support people with RP. Further, to examine the performance of the Dutch ICF Activity Inventory (D-AI) using Rasch analysis. METHODS: Three hundred fifty people with RP and 75 supporters of people with RP provided demographic information and completed the D-AI at goal level (47 goals). RESULTS: Following removal of four goals, the D-AI behaved well in Rasch analysis, but with limitations to its unidimensionality. The most difficult goals for people with RP related to mobility and to work-related activities. Greater difficulty was associated with higher visual impairment registration status, use of mobility aids, and longer duration of visual impairment. For those with less severe visual loss, goals relating to communicating with people were relatively more difficult. In more severe loss, goals involving good central vision (e.g., dealing with correspondence) were relatively more difficult. The perceptions of supporters matched those of the people with RP relatively well, but with a tendency for supporters to overestimate the difficulty of goals, which related to administration and domestic chores, and to underestimate difficulty with goals relating to communication with people. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate important areas of rehabilitation to address in addition to orientation and mobility in those with RP, including work-related activities and goals involving good central vision. Both people with RP and those supporting them could benefit from help addressing difficulties with communication

    A Comparison of Reach-to-Grasp and Transport-to-Place Performance in Participants With Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma

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    PURPOSE: To compare visually guided manual prehension in participants with primarily central field loss (CFL) due to age-related macular degeneration and peripheral visual field loss (PFL) due to glaucoma. This study extends current literature by comparing directly "reach-to-grasp" performance, and presents a new task of "transport-to-place" the object accurately to a new location. Data were compared to age-matched controls. METHODS: Three-dimensional motion data were collected from 17 glaucoma participants with PFL, 17 participants with age-related macular degeneration CFL and 10 age-matched control participants. Participants reached toward and grasped a cylindrical object (reach-to-grasp), and then transported and placed (transport-to-place) it at a different (predefined) peripheral location. Various kinematic indices were measured. Correlation analyses explored relationships between visual function and kinematic data. RESULTS: In the reach-to-grasp phase, CFL patients exhibited significantly longer movement and reaction times when compared to PFL participants and controls. Central field loss participants also took longer to complete the movement and made more online movements in the latter part of the reach. During the transport-to-place phase, CFL participants showed increased deceleration times, longer movement trajectory, and increased vertical wrist displacement. Central field loss also showed higher errors in placing the object at a predefined location. A number of kinematic indices correlated significantly to central visual function indices (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Significant differences in performance exist between CFL and PFL participants. Various indices correlated significantly with loss in acuity and contrast sensitivity (CS), suggesting that performance is more dependent on central visual function irrespective of underlying pathology

    The impact of mobile phone use on where we look and how we walk when negotiating floor based obstacles

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    Pedestrians regularly engage with their mobile phone whilst walking. The current study investigated how mobile phone use affects where people look (visual search behaviour) and how they negotiate a floor based hazard placed along the walking path. Whilst wearing a mobile eye tracker and motion analysis sensors, participants walked up to and negotiated a surface height change whilst writing a text, reading a text, talking on the phone, or without a phone. Differences in gait and visual search behaviour were found when using a mobile phone compared to when not using a phone. Using a phone resulted in looking less frequently and for less time at the surface height change, which led to adaptations in gait by negotiating it in a manner consistent with adopting an increasingly cautious stepping strategy. When using a mobile phone, writing a text whilst walking resulted in the greatest adaptions in gait and visual search behaviour compared to reading a text and talking on a mobile phone. Findings indicate that mobile phone users were able to adapt their visual search behaviour and gait to incorporate mobile phone use in a safe manner when negotiating floor based obstacles

    Editorial: New lines of inquiry for investigating visual search behavior in human movement

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    The goal of this Research Topic was to examine the emerging approaches to understanding the role of visual search in human movement. The varying aspects covered in this Research Topic highlights the continued growing interest in understanding visual search behavior in human movement and the articles within the topic provide insightful ideas for continuing to develop future research

    Relative Difficulties of Daily Living Tasks with Retinitis Pigmentosa

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    Purpose: To determine the relative difficulty of activity of daily living tasks for people with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Methods: Participants with RP (n = 166) rated the difficulty of tasks (n = 43) underpinning the Dutch Activity Inventory goals of mobility indoors and outdoors, shopping, and using public transport. Demographic characteristics were also determined. Responses were Rasch analyzed to determine properties of the scale, derive unidimensional subscales, and consider differential item functioning (DIF). Results: After removal of one ill-fitting item, the remaining 42 tasks formed a scale with reasonable Rasch parameters but poor unidimensionality. The most difficult tasks were orienting in poor and bright light both indoors and outdoors, and avoiding peripheral obstacles outdoors. Eight subscales were derived with unidimensional properties, each of which could be considered as requiring similar skills. DIF identified that tasks from the “poor light and obstacles” subscale were more difficult for those younger than the median age, nonusers of mobility aids, and those not registered or registered sight impaired. Tasks from the “finding products” and “public transport” subscales were more difficult for those older than the median age, with longer duration of visual loss, users of mobility aids, and those registered severely sight impaired. Conclusions: The most difficult tasks for people with RP of orienting in poor light and avoiding peripheral obstacles are relatively more difficult for those not registered as “severely sight impaired,” but are less difficult for those who use mobility aids. Mobility aids (guide dog or cane), therefore, do benefit users in their perceived ability in these particular tasks. The derived unidimensional subscales reorganize the tasks from those grouped together by goal (researcher driven) to those perceived as requiring similar skills by people with RP (patient driven) and can be used as an evidence base for orientation and mobility training protocols

    Student transition into higher education: Time for a rethink within the subject of sport and exercise science?

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    The first year of higher education (HE) marks one of the most significant transitions in a student’s life. Within the U.K., the subject area of Sport and Exercise Science (SES) has a problem with effectively supporting and retaining students as they transition into HE. If students’ capabilities to successfully transition are to be fully understood and resourced, it is necessary for research to foreground students’ lived realities. Utilising letter to self-methodology, 58 s- and third-year undergraduate SES students wrote to their younger self, providing guidance on how to successfully transition into HE. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Six themes and four sub-themes were identified. Following the development of a single composite version of an “Older, wiser self letter” to represent the identified themes, this resource was integrated into the institution’s pastoral care resources and sessions where personal tutors connected with their tutees. Student member reflections were completed to gather feedback regarding the resource’s effectiveness. The composite letter provides an authentic account of how to face obstacles encountered as students transition into HE. Students’ member reflections highlighted that the letter was a valuable resource as a prompt for discussion regarding their experiences of transitioning into HE. When in the student journey the letter was read was particularly important. The value of this composite letter lies in the implementation of tutor-tutee and student peer-peer conversations at key “moments” throughout their journey in HE, helping students understand the challenges and opportunities for success during transition
